HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-14, Page 3'as en' to • he :ar 'as. • ►ec. ac: leaf, fee for T,• re - Less the line of; +or ich., ' :free He' . wart he. 'ap- for and. his • R, 11. Lurrh ` • -the look path= )ecial ether, . :the' lySt...: Lurch, pres- )!wing .esby- An- eroc- urch •over tith. s'burg. house - ling.. a ! 'be ;,if it. ah has r.' The paper 3 spir.- Cloth, anoves tin, pal- -in- salt.---- th wilt ut • will I. fuir•-"for are too arler, k is on apple instead - grated Iled On I.. water w .. y,. The. , 'that `it With a . polish n juice bstitute, kly' oil• nd. hey ne. YVEDNtSDAY, . NOV.. 14th, , 56; Lucknow ' 1 Presbyterian Church Rev, Wallace McClean, Minister SUNDAY, ..NOVEMBER 18th 10.00, a.m.., Sunday School: Dungannon, 11.00 a 3.00 ,xn • Dun iun P; g Worship, . , n, 700 p.m.:. Evening Service. All Atter a d nce Sunday. • "Each One. Bring One".° i . Monday; • 7.15—C.G.I T_ LUCKNOW UNITED 'CHURCH 'Minister: • Rev.• I:. A. Meiklejohn, . B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER .18th 10.00 a.m.: Church. School.: 11.00 a.m. "Show us the Father". "Each One Bring: One"' 8.00 pin.:Young People's Service, Mr. Duncan Camp- bell, guest speaker. • ST. ° PETER'S 1ANGLICAN CHURCH Minister:. • Rev. H. L. Jennings, . B.A.,. L.Th. • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18th .! •Trinity 24 11 a.m.: ` Morning Prayer and Church •'School.. 4.. •Mrs. Herb F.,nsign :yisited re= cently with ,her sister, 1\Irs. 'Frank Fellows. at Sarnia. • HURON JUDGJNG . TEAM 9th Illi 18 ,:TEAMS AT BOYAL.: • TUE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Local & GeneralAG AIN REMEMBER VAR SACRIFICES I Tr. and Mrs. Elmci Pritchard were in .attendance at the Royal The sacrifice's !paid in two Winter, Fair. Beverly MacKenzie' and Bev- erley. Ashton are ipragtiee teach- ing this week in Brantford and Dale Haldenby is' in Galt. world wars were ' again solemn- ly remembered on Sunday as this Icounmunity observed Re- membrance Day. ' A large parade 'of members of Mr. and Mrs. Colin ilV acr• e- the Legion, Laclies. Auxiliary •gor ofKinta%i are visiting .this 'and Boy Scouts, headed by the: week • in. Toronto with Mr. and Lu�oknow District high School Mrs. George Leadbetter. • • Band, marched to the Presby Mrs R. T '1 terian Church for the official ob g as, whowas. ! hospitalized at Wiivgham for a wr• vance :�olf the anniversary. E month,• --with a: -heai:t._.onditio-n, returned home •the first of •the week. Mr. .and Mrs. Bob Webster of Streetsville and 'Mrs. Don Me Leod and Danny of Coo, kesville are visiting' •this 'week. with Misses Ada and Hazel Webster Mr. d Mr . an s. Melvin Stewart, Dawn and Judy, . Mr, and Mrs.' Wilfred Drennan and a cousin,. Mrs. Sadie Kerr of(,River,, visited with Mrs. Jam Dren- nan of Goderich recently ir The Lucknow Women's Insti- tute meeting will be held in the Recreational Centre on Friday, N'oveir ber. 16th at 2.30 Roll call to be answered by naming• a veg- etable beginning with the first • • letter. of yur n:ame; M.—Greer,-vias-in-L- ondon- -ional sacrifice, -':which Rev: -`-Mc= last week receive nug;further treat- Clean said was surely a pattern of • that greater sacrifice on Cal- vary for, our : spiritual and etern- al salvation. last 'W' ek's treatment was done Mr McClean !portrayed what with . 'a• . view to improving , the would have been the conseiluen- vision '-of the eye, ces of a' Lost cause By their vvic.- tories, today we havea land of free men' and women, where rel., igious and human freedom' is our heritage at a great price„ !Bud -Orr sounded- •the lst Post- and Reveille; preceding the ob- servanoe of two minutes' sil- ence. The color party of the var- i•aus groups included Howard Cowan, Kelso McNay, Mrs. Phil- ip MacMillan, Mrs.. Wm. • Mac- Donald, Thom Collyer and Bill Re'v. Wallace McClean warn- ed against' the danger of this memorial service becoming a rit- ual. For some there are sad xnernories while life lasts, but there are those growing up Who ask the reason of this memorial service and ' our' answer should awaken great responses in' the hearts of. these young people: We bow in homage and revel-- ewe everenlce to those young nen who paid thatgreat physical and riat- ment on his left eye. Mel Under - wept an •'operation in the spring for , removal :of a 'cataract;. and. Sunday, visitors with Mr: and Mia. San Durnin` were•, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Durn:in and girls, Carol and Susan of Niles- -toren, -Miss '.Patsy Georgena Lintz and r daughter Carol , and Mr. • Irvin Allen .of. Oxford, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs.' George H. Lintz ;and. soon Tom . . - itattO, . he • questioned, by unh'olyy and .ungodly, living?, Let :us not turn • our backs on the .church: and the ,Christian was' w.as' his my of :'Pontiac, Michigan. appeal in conclusion. . Recent visitor i I{i 1 • A. men's quartette of Jack e .-_ s n__ , n oss Twp. P:gllolck; Bill Fisher.,. Innes Niac - with ,Mrs. Margaret MacPherson swoon and Phil ' Stewart``ren= were: - av-and-Mr--s-Gordon Firth- Sw en Philip dered., .a number, with Norman who :;were' .married near .Eden- Taylor' at the organ: .burgh on September. 24th. They At the Cenotaph'!following the arrived' in Canada .early in.Oct- The Huron County Royal...Win- service, Rev. G. A: Meiklejohn ter` Fair -livestock judging team Ontario, •and have • been visiting in Prayer .before.. the • plac- id .prior to' leaving': for Wes-offeredf the • following id Bert Pepper of Seaforth, Mur -g wreaths: tern Canada this Thursday 'where ray Gaunt of 'West : Wawanosh; Legion,. by Harold: Ritchie; Aux Mr.. Firth is .!pastor of'the Pres- diary: by_ Mrs. ,Clair Johnston-' p]aceDavid.Kirkland. of Ashfield, byterian' Church at Biggar, Sask' >- pl,aced . ninth out • 'of ` eighteen and Mrs. Province , of Ontario 'by Mrs. •Jes� County. teams'' competing' at the Mr, nd rs. Albert Levitt of sic Allen Business Men's Assad-. Ro 1: in Toronto on Thursday a on ,y` omen y'a u Y, Strathroy were Sunday visitors tib K C. 111E ur, d'ie; W 's •N•ove nbeit • 8th.: The Huron team with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. • Cook:: Insti.tu fe Iby. Mrs.. !Charles Cook; . ' . was the' winner of the Ontario Her son,' Wm.' Jewitt; 'who grew goy; .Scouts by Fraser. Ashton. Veterinary ' Association trophy, to young 'manhood in. Lucknow, for the .highest team score ; in : is a member of :the armed forces; the ' judging , of beef cattle, this and for the past two ' months has .:' been in. China. He expects t^o be trophy ,will. remain the : Ca. •. • agricultural 'Office: for the nexi 'in the Far East for about a'year. • year and each of the boys re- His, elder ••brother, Charles Jew - •O a ,miniature: -trophy. Bert itt, • lost ' h.is life at H K` Pepper, - ,by being virtue of the highest contestant in .'the . corn petition in .beef .cattle judging won one of the ::Royal. Winter. Fair .:gold 'medals . which are awarded to the high contestants in the beef, dairy!arid swine .fudging. The team had a total • •• score 'of 848 points out of aposs • ible• 900 in the beef cattle judging ::and Bert Pepper's score was 287 points out ,of aa ',possible 300.. Contestants in this competition were required fo judge and give reasons on. 10 classes of livestock consisting of 3. classes dairy cat- tle; three classes of !beefcattle,. three • lolassea of swine and one FORMER LUCKNOWITE BACK FROM:OVERSEAS TRIP • • . Mr .and Mrs. : Jack Barbour re ong ong. turned recently 'from a • three - months' trip to'.the British Isles. in World_ War -IZ, �` U•ponarriving in Toronto, Mrs. Barbourlearned of the death. of .her brother-in-law, at Moosej•aw, and continued to the West.: • Mr.'Barbour remained here for a !brief , ivisit with his sister, Mrs: (IRev.) .W. J. Watt; Whitechurch.. Their father, the ate .-Archibald 'Barbour, ';vas' section foreman •at Lucknow • for many ' years. • Jack' called at TheSentinel Office on Friday, and wishes' to be remem- bered. emem-beted: to old friends here. • ,Mr. and Mrs. Barbour made the trip overseas and returzi.•on the Empress cd Britain. 't'hev had a raui.gh return voyage. In Eng:: land they visited 'with •Mrs..B,'ar- s eep. The Huron County ,team was... -entered in like corn- petition and • coached by • A. S: Bolton, assistant •agriculturalre- presentative • and G; W. Mont. goniery, agricultural. representa-, . tive .for Httron County. FORMER ASHFIELDITE' IS 50 YEARS MARRIED • A recent copy of 'The Grimsby Independent carried an • ac punt 'of` the golden wedding •anniver- sary of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Fisher of that. town. Mr Fisher is a son of the late Mr: and ,Mrs., 'Tice Fisher: He was born in Ashfield but Went to .Grimsby at the age of 14 in 1894, He' started in the grocery business' there in' 1903 and later switched to ' the hardware trade, with which he is still associated: Mrs. Fisher was a .•native. o Lindock.. They were. 'married at Grimsby on October 24th, 1906. 'Mr.. Fisher is, a cousin of Wm, Fisher of town and other . Mem- bers Of the . Tate James .;Fisher, family, ressure fur DEEP and 'SHALLOW WELL, WATER SYSTEMS Furnaces Oil Burners Art Gilmore R. 3, LUcknow, Ont. Phone 6i -r-13,' Dungannon • • ur. s • ro , ers ane sisters,; ana with Mrs. Robert .Barbour and her two daughters, The late Bob Barbour . was blinded at Mons in the last •hpurs'. of fighting in! World War I.'. Mrs. Elmer Foran 'of West:Wa- wai osh--attended---the•--f neral la.'t week of a cousin,. Mrs. Andrew L. Lintz • at 1 a'wsen, Mich.. -. Doi„t-Thntnpson - and Bevei4ey • Ashton were .guests • of.: the Tait- chener Record ;on Saturday : at which time the newspaper took a group of correspondents and their friends on a 'tourthrough the paper plant, and afterwards•' were hosts for a banquet. "Corn; plih ientary.itickets were given by „the Record to those who wished fo Ott' r"' osq Kifxohener-Chatham •M +f: `ry. rtirtht • ari'f Ca�"romg,"±,Y'"x«n. • Hoot Mon! It's: The Annual. a . PAGE. THREE in the CARNEGIE HALL, LUCKNOW Under aus • ices of the Kairshea. Women's .Institute r%day,-Novetnber-23 featuring Local Highland Dancers at 10:30 CARRUTHERS ORCHESTRA . Lunch Counter — Delicious Homemade Pies 'Admission 75c OBSERVED 64t4 WEDDING. ANNIVE SARY f..�_... ?.¢:3,. •.. v sr x, ti:{S:;;.".•` w' Y AND .MRS. • On Friday, Mr.- and Mrs: -`Win..• - Mrs°- ixrnphrey- was the.•foraa, J. Humphrey . of ,St. • Helens' ob er Zezia Phillips; daughter of Mr. •served their 64th wedding anni and Mrs' Ezekiel Phillips .Her versary. Mr: Humphrey is 86 and father operated a• blacksmith Mrs. Humphrey is 87. They have shop .at old !Fordyce. ,• both' been lifelong residents of Mr. and . Mrs. Humphrey have' the St, Helens- rcommunity, and one son,, Wm.. ' A, Humphreyof were married at the ;bride's home St, Helens and two daughters. on November .9th; 1892, iby', Rev.' Mrs. George Walker ' (Eva) 'and .. W.:, J. Connor; rector of •Luck- • Miss Lila, `.Humphrey. ,now and 'St° . Helens Anglican Many friends, extend eongrat-: parish. : • • . • • ul'ations and best wishes to this 1.estiinable Couple. WM. J. HU11IIPHREY LOCAL ' CLUB' CALVES .AT ROYAL FAIR THIS WEEK .. • Lois Webster of the Dungan- non 4-H Club and Barry McQuil- lin .and: ,Crawford:MeNeil of the Lucknow Club have their Short•:-, horn calves .at ,the •Royal. Winter Fair this'. 'week in, the Queen's : Guineas --competition. Culling of calves was slated for Wednesday, with judging of the selected groups in the three beef !breeds, to take , place on .Thursday.. Allexhibits will be auctioned, off. on Saturday. FORMER RESIDENT' HAS BEEN BARBERING 50YEARS Bert McCreath of Kincardine iiascompleted 50 years in the. barber 'business and is stillgo- ing strong. He .commenced, tie•; trade as a youth of :1.5. Bertworked in Lucknow. for ' • Tom Watson and later, had. his own shop here for a time. Ke. married •aLucknow 'girl, Miss Armstrong, who was a milliner' , He recalls the days when . hair- cuts •were :15: cents and Shaves7, a dune.. ' r w,.. ..,;��in.'^ -`mss« �. ,. .e..rt,w.,!",t•V'Yuiii"a'1t''ti'Z?��:'3F'�' rrLtLiR%.r. LUCKNOW DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL om n e nc eme nt The High School Auditorium FTdTN�ve,pber 1 at 8:04)` :p: ;•, •-f eat`uring: "THE • IIARBORAIRES" Male Chorus of Goderich • (30 voices) • GUEST .SPEAKER?.—REV, GEOItGEWATT, Dungannoi t .VALEDICTORIAN ---'BEVERLY MacVENZI ; PRESENTATION OF . AWARDS Adiinissio n 50e. - _R wSnnF.ia"ik.5"va. u9"�mwn,l1r1 .ao�hvearC,YwG"iwyaG�m'�'lGkmw..as, �"�1.w.�K�o��`