HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-14, Page 2tv
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The Huron • Countyjudging
team which wok. the Ontario
Veterinary Association Trophy
Sor the .'highest ' team score • •in
judging beefcattle at • the Royal
Winter Fair consisted of (left to
right) : ,Bert:. 'Peppe•r, R.R.'3, Sea -
forth, ° David Kirkland, Lucknow The above photo, was taken.. at
and far right) Murray ' Gaunt, the OAC where.the' boys were
( ants
Lucknow.' With them is Arthur brushing' up on the fine points
S. Bolton,' assistant agricultural l of judging swine carcasses. Judg
representative for the ;County ing 'competitions were in beef,
who entered the. team in the
. : dairy, swine and Sheep classes..
connpetition and -coached them.
annual appeal the
. s Aid Society of t e Co.
ce is .currently' underway,.
the endorsation . of the
• '
P, Cecile, M iister, of
Welfare.: The local ' Or-
ector Donald W. Cameron of
___ WWo1ke tion.
in 'cuunectoi with the appeal
President J'::. J. Bead*"
er, has'.
issued :the following' .,letter•:
Children's .Ai& . Societies be -
Helve that their ' # uuily protection
work is. -the most important ser-
vice, in the field,' : -The church
rhes the. '.edness' . of the
bond .that . exists bettiveen:.par-
ents . and 'children, ' and children
and parefts.. ' A happy, : secure
borne is everyeli11 s heritage
and such a home.: is composed
of individuals •ea h. ' ' with . their
warn personalities and prr:ncles.
A. broken hotline invites emotion-
al disturbances and . often delin-
quency a= .disease of an extreme -
3y complex nature for which
thereis'no simple cure
(Photo :courtesy of P14. Dept., O.AC.).
many hours . are.. spent t '
by +workers in the field attempt-
ing tc learn the :basic ;causes for
these' emotion•al..and social.:..dis-
tu.rbances. Some of these ,prob-
lems are solved ind a relatively
simple' ...manner - once , the facts
are, recognized : and a • helping
hand •offered; others involve long
periods, of. time and adjustment.
Asan incentive to the people
of -the county, • a small monthly:
grantis allotted by the govern-
ment for . our. family ; protection
work, which .of . necessity must
be augmented., ''Through your
remunerative efforts this service
will reach all who seek. it. We,
may wvell - :become . 'somewhat
"welfa"re' weary. ", but to the 'men
and women _ Vito •:love their .com-
munity, their people, ..and their
God, it is .a:sinall price indeed
.for ie n_ tter cit_
iZeni "of tomorrow...
Our annual. appeal is in .being
now, and we :would ask .. your
support, large or small. Receipts
will be forwarded to each donor.;
May we: express our ; appreciation
in advance with a -grateful
"Thank You". .
Ten Years Ago
.$100. in 'Gash and $700 in stamps
was the loot . when the safe was
Smashed . and rifled *at the ;Pot.
Office. Tools from the C,N.R. sec-
tion 'housewere used for the job.
That . same night Jack MacMil-
fan's car was stolen from in front
of his farm on , the 'Boundary and
was abandoned in. Wingham.
.1/1r. and . Mrs, John Jamieson
celebrated their -golden; wedding
anniversary. in Ash -
John: Cowan, Sr., died
field in' his 92nd year.,
Twenty Years Ago.
John Miller was elected. Coun-
ty Master.' of West Bruce and his
brother, • Thomas Miller, was mas-
ter of North Huron the same
Ye- .
If we haven't Yearned" . some-
thing this . summer of how peo-
,ple -live in the other- half 'of the
world, it isn't because we have-
n't had opportunity. For three
months we had.a . Doctor of
Science . and, ' his•' wife living iri
our ,;bed -sitting: room,: while they
built themselves .a house, around
the •corner. He had just return-
ed from six' rnoriths' in South
America, , and entertained us , a
good many evenings. with slides
on his projector, •pictures he had
taken while down there. They
were so 'much ;more in eres in
to :us all,. because ; a 'friend had
taken them, than the best . films.
we might. ' get from the-`. Film
Board would .b e, or that we
would see on TV or ata movie.
Now, '. we have ; With us in the
Yellow 'Cottage` across the: street,
Elmer ' West, 36, .'of Ashfield,
died of a fractured::skull which
he suffered in a 14 -foot fall at
the International .Nickel Com-
pany plant at Port Colborne ..
Jeanette Moore ' . of B' ' Itora
16 -year-old granddaughter : ;of
Mrs. Jane H edley of .Luc'know,
died from a baffling blood dis-
Forty Years' Ago
Wm „ Andrew, •17.year=old .son
of Mr. and Mrs. - Isaac Andrew,.
died from _ peritonitis.
The ,death occurred of H,
Trevett, .lather of Mrs. George.
Aitchison of Lucknow. He had at'
one time been " associate'd in the '
furniture ' business with:. John
Button and was the inventor of
the game of trevett.
._Lieut Clarence ' Spence was
among a number of young -men
selected by Toronto. university to
go to England as officers in the.
Imperial Army, •
Fifty Years Ago '
The death occurred 'of'. Mrs.
George Baird in her 53rd year
at the home of 'her son, Dr.' Jas, •
Baird of. Hernminglford, Quebec.
She was a sister of P. H: Mac-
Kenzie, MY: ,
.Ontario license fees, and. local`
by-law fees, made a total fee
for hotels of ''$330 and $300 for
aani ,, shop licenses..,,
' Messrs. John Joynt and' A. T.
Davison let the, ` contract for re-
building the burned out business
;block on : the north side , of the
Main : Street to Messrs. Jardine
and Robertson of Amberley.
•Thirty-. Years :-Ago
Singing Jimmy Hunter died in,,
Lucknow in his 85th year. He
came here in ` 1868, .and was a
familiar ` figure with` his- tam o'
chanter and 'his , rich,. ringing.
voice. He owned the first pair .of
real . curling stones : in . Lucknow.
A few hours before his death
he ,sang the : `.`01d Oaken Bucket"
for ' which he was noted far . and
c a .'r a -was. re=Open
ing : the Family. Theatre with the
(building` being remodelled • to
have : the.: screen at: the front.
a young' chap who came ov
from South Africa. "a . couple of
years ago, on a: scholarship from
the University of Capetown' He
liked. Canada so . well that he . de-
cided to stay; bought a home in
Heinz Cooked Spaghetti
•15 oz. tins 2 for. 29c•'
Wisk Liquid .Miracle
for family, wash 16 . oz. tin .45c
Red Seal Fancy Colioe Sa nion
Half Lb. tins 2 foi 73c
R and W Instant Coffee
2 'oz., jar 49c 5: oz. jar $1.29
Bonus offer colorfu1 Christmas Oriianients, six
unbreakable plastic .ornaments, "regular 69c
;value, only 39c with $5.00 order. .'
It's a Pu
18" DOLL- .:
product!, Chri tapas bonus offer,
Beautiful reel; . ' i in a.`ve appare
vinyl plan fi with skin -like texture, variety of
hair colors. Yours for only '$:3.92 with $5 order
From,Wedgewood and C. Ltd.. A 5a -piece place
setting at less than half 'price(Only $1.99 per
set. Set consists of: Cup and Saucer, Fruit Nap -
pie, Eread and Butter plate, Dinner, plate,
Johnson's Hard Gloss Glo Coat, :pint .. ...... 59c
Ballet colored Toilet Tissue 2 'for 25c
Shirriff's Cake'n Icing Pak, choc. or white. 37e
Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, .16 oz. jar :.. 43c
Jell -0 Puddings, 8 varieties pkg. 3 -for 25e
Christies Carleton Crackers, lb. pkg. ....°.. 39c
All Purpose Five Roses: Flour, .5 'lb. bag 41e.
Swift's Prem Luncheon Meat,, 12 ' .oz. tin .:., 41c
Broccoli, 10 oz. pkg. . ... . ... 27c
Corn t. 12 oz pkg. ‘'. K 25c
Smoked. Fillet, lb •45c
Sena* • 14' oz. pkg.' • • 21c
Circus bd. Pure Peanut ;Butter, 4 lb. pail $1.29.
Our. Own Blend Black' Tea, lb. bag 79c
R & W Orange Pekoe Tea 'Bags, pkg. 65 69c
ap eme Pure 'Black Pepper, 4 oz. shaker 29c
Hleenez Tissue, chubby or regular ..,. 2 for 39c.
Gold Medal Paste Wax, lb: tin ' • 39c
R'• & W . controlled ° product! /Aunt Mary's
Fruit Cake, lb. ..: 59e
•aicy MPkin. 28 f
PrN o 37c
Red and White Melly. Powders 3 for '25c
Sunspun'Salad Dressing, 16 oz. jar .,, , , , 39c
O -Cedar Glass Wax, 16 oz, bottle'. • 49c
Crisp,. jtdcy Mac's, fancy, grade,'6 qt. basket 69c
Start the:day right with Florida Grapefruit,
96's z ..>, ... 5 or 29e
At its test, 'Green Pascal Celery,. g. s 2129c
•'PHONE 26
Sixty, Years, Ago
J. M. Cliff, senior member of,
thelocal firm of Cliff and For-
ster, died at Battle Creek, ¥ich.,
where he, had been : ill: for three •
months with stomach trouble. He'
was only 35. .
The death' of Angus Stewart
occurred in 'K inloss where., he
had . settled in 1860. He was.: ap-
o-inted--=lipense_inspector for
South • Bruce riding 'in 1870 .and.`
held the • appointment until his
death at the age . of 69.
Ken Paterson . of : Whitechurch
was in ` town the • : first : of .the.
week, and took time out to look
an' Ontario .city, : and' sent for. his "over the, stone . work of •the'' Cath-
` • • interest, for it '• was `his. father, .
mother. ;His mother is with him olic Church. He had a special ,
now, 'and is a very congeni
spirit. She loves . the .same sort.
of• expeditions as •we ;do, takes
,her basketon. • a hike, and . we
come aback laden with a variety
of loot.- She is much •interested
in . Canadian ; wild' . flowers, . weeds,
trees, . rocks. . h. often -wish I
were more of a botanist, since
'she not Only likes to know What
are the- flowers she finds, but
when • she. finds seed pods, 'she
wants, to know What the flower
is like. She is usually. the first.
to see the red apples , by the:. --
roadside fences, •' or the wild
grapes,, choke cherries and haw- scold' . them... It's :Inv. -fault. ver...
thorn.. • We bring home - all: kinds' got the hiccoughs".
la wild fruit, and from •cottage' From.• .Um:J.otata, hannesb g.
and house drifts • the fragrance Durban etc., come . these house -
of simmering chutney, and; tangy{ hold hints.'
wild jellies: We ' siwap 'recipes, • Improve cabbage by adding.. a
sample each . .other's. jelly, • and 'sprig of mint when cooking.
lean,an, each orgeknitted , �osy cO, be
'� I am, greatly intriguedb her easily dried afterwashi g if
magazines, the ones that come to
. is lint *on a teapot which h
her, from 'Capetown„ Bloemfon- been filled with hot water. The
tern and ,Johannesburg, which' cosykeeps' its shape. Paper
she'.pronounces Johnsburg.• Some Rub mirrors with tissue p
way or other, one doesn''t expect dampened with methylated 'spth''
to' .find ' that • people on another: it, finished .with a soft clo
continent 'eat 'much the ' same (Methylated spirit also removes
same . white spots and rings from pot
food, ds of products as as' we do, or use Vie.. do . ;shed furniture)....
.1 was quite surprised to m • slice f .lenunt-dipped-in--salt
that in . the advertisements :they and rubbed. 'orvver• the teeth will
were advised • to use at least not ,only whiten them, .but ' will
three kinds of toothpaste corn harden the gums as well,
mon to us • here, the, same hand ,Pipe cleaners' are useful.;: for
lotions soften their hands, they curling neckhairs which are toe
arepersuaded to 'buy' the sameshort for the • standard curler.
kind of souP, • sewingmachines, m ' Next time duck or pork
baking powder, perfume, silverYo�umake the applE
polis t ---Children- —` for' the uce•-•-w -o Juice instea'
of ovenware is used for baking rind ;
same Medicine; the same `brand of water, and add: a little gratec
and: the same -brand- of --jsm is--. T emove.L.gtease..__ spilled of
eaten, ,and so On., ,. • • floor 'or table, pourcold water
1 thought you might be inter- 'ori the spot immediately, • Th(
and household hints,but fit, can easily .be taken upo with
° 4
ested in • same of their recipe's Md..' . willharden it s with 4
knife. -.
When 'there is neo ' 'boot . polis;
left' in the house, lerrmdn joie'
makes an excellent substitute
Rub a f
ew drops briskly of
'Will hae oblack leather and: the;
Marna. 1Can ai:�oo said. "Don't. ' a brilliant shine.
• r+%�+".,': t7'M�&i_r:.�.ar.>x=._mr.7.4.:av,. vwa. az.7.xm4<u.w..u•r.r.� % •. rw-.:a^_.».:n..r<� -+rax.:. nvc-enm-•ki_".:.x_ n�a!_,w,w'^A+wC•�'.• 1"�C...s:e:>:. •.•
`rank Paterson, who did' : the
work (back in. 1873.
• The building was originally. •St..
Andrew's • Presbyterian Church,
but. was vacated after the �pres,
ent .church was tbtilt following
the uniting of. the' two '..Presby-
terian congregations,' of :St's An-
drew's and. Knox.
The ,stone church' was later oc-
cupied:, as the Baptist C»arch
and eventually. was taken •ove'r
by those' of the' Catholic faith.
;eFoOd Stoie
i�/r'%/%. /✓%. i�i ^%/sem/^%!✓/+/*/* %//. •//.,-_• • '-///... //
a. joke that would be more typi-.
pally South African than° Can-
adian. `Papa Kangaroo was ., Imo
patient viritih his' young ones, con-
tinually jumping •in and out of
a i� ani
Mania oo pouch, s • but