HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-14, Page 1t
400 A Year In Advance ---$1,00 Extra
Thrown Crash, From'Car
Escape Serio
A. young Holyrood couple, Mr,
and :Mrs'. Harold. Elliott and their:
three;- small !children, escaped
serious injuries in • a head-on-
• motor crash on. Saturday night.
The parents were at first fear-
ed ,to be badly hurt, but Harold
• was able to return home on
7.ltiesday and ;Mrs, Elliott. will be
discharged from . the hospital
later inthe week, it is expect-
Driver of the other ear was
Wesley Smith, son of Oliver`
Smithof the 6th. of Huron. He
• suffered a fractured nose. Both
car were demolished in • the
crash that occurred - on- the 15th
Sideroad 'south of . Ripley. .
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott had been
in• Lucknow that- evening; and
had gone ,to' Ashfield to visit 'at
the home of her parents, . iVir.
and .Mrs. Frank Hamilton; Mrs.
Elliott is; the former Violet Ham-
ilton; They were ee cute to their
home on :Con. ` •8, west of Holy -
rood , When- - the. !crash • . occurred.
Whit y; weather conditions --the
lira of the seesorl---+were said to
: be a • factor ir. ‘the occident. ,
UneOniekals A hd .Bleeding
.Elliott, their 4 -months-,
old baby 'and 2 -year-old . Murray
were thrown from' the car • to
the ,pavegnent: • Mrs. Elliott was
• rendered unconscious and bleed -
or :.nng_pre ely from ,gashes to ter
forehead and' .the.back of her
ld bead; which later required four-
•teen stitches.. ' Mr. 'Elliott's. first
on • fear'•was that his wife was dead.
She did not.' regain consciousness,
until the next day.
Trhe, tvvo !children who. were
third' rti •&it, inliacui'ously escaped
• injury, as did - 4 -year-old , Linda
•whe, rwas asleep in the backseat.
Harold suffered • a cut and
bruised face and bruised chest,
but no ;bones were -broken; He
passed out also, •'but regained
consciousness:. after 'admission to
the hospital. •
. avir. Smith, who suffered. a bad=
ly lacerated finger, 'as well as
the (broken; nose, : was also dis-
Chiarged !from the hospital on
Tuesday. •
Mrs. "Richard' Gardner of Dun,
•gannon accompanied her. sister,,
Mrs, Joe Cobbe upon.. the • latter's
return to her home at Assiniboia;
,, • Sask., where Mrs. Gardner . plans
to spend the winter.
s Injuries
Mr. James,
Webster of. Amber.:
ley is a p: tient in' Wingham.
General Hos ital.
The Luckn W Village. Council
sat till 'Midnight on Monday 'and
reversed 'proceedings by, dealing
with •the payment .of accounts
and other routine business as
the midnight hour . approached.
The Board, ,opened asp. a Court • of
Revision, and • spent some ' 21
hours in •hearing appeals, chiefly
in•connection' with the appeal on
the factory assessment.
Fire Chief George Whitby in-
terviewed , Council.. in connection
with the newly established Bruce
County Mutual Aid Fire Protec-
tion Association. Council. ap-
,proved. the $10.00•. fee, and aubh-
prized Chief Whitby , to attend
(the. weekly instruction "courses to
be ,given,:at Walkerton from Jan-
uary ,to June, by; an official if
the 'Fire, ' Marshall's office:: MVMr:
Whitby's mileage will .. be 'paid.
The course Will' .qualify himto
instruct ' the local brigade; in
'modern fire fighting • methods.
A request' from E.:, Irwin for
a refund of•, the fine and costs,
and time lost inconnection with
-the.--charge--laid nderHthe=-dog,
'by-law was
declined. • Coun
JoYntrefrained from !voting ex-
that • they knew •• his
views of the by-law. •
''A claientered by Mrs: Gai
field, Ma Donald for .$2,000 in
connection with an eye injury
resulting'. frcmi' :a -fal'1an the
•street, • was referred to the In-
'•surance• Company •carrying the
•vilIage's:;''public...liability ins•ur-
ate; ,
Monday, •September 26th was
set as ' the date 'of .the Village
nomination, with deputy return-
ing officers. named; in event' of
an election as • follows: •Fred
Jackson,, .Richard ',.Webster • and
Les Purves.
'Councillor Alex MacLeod was
narned • as acting reeve in' the ;
;absence of Mr. Hamilton ; who
left Wednesday, on a deer hunt=,
ing trip. ..
A tax refund` 'was .granted
Chris Shelton' 'due to: an .error
in assessment dating back to
Windrow• breakage at the
idle Lucknow furniture fac-•
tory amounts to . $30 or. $40
a year, according to Mr.
Renaud, who pointed this.
out to Council on Monday
'night at the conclusion .of .a
1ersonal- appearance- in:eon--
nection ' with an assessment
appeal. He asked Council to.
'do.what it.could, to curb-
thi, vandalism..,
• Reeve Hamilton said that
seemed to be a favtrite
•, .,pastime where there were
unoccupied buildings and as-
sured Mr, Renaud that •• he
would : inform Constable Ha-
vens • to do his best . to Ap-
prehend the 'offenders, •
The Reeve added that they
would be very happy 'to have.
Mr:, Renaud use his :good in-
• fluence to have the wheels
''of . industrygoing again, and . .
Mr. Renaud. ' replied that
tlhere.'would•:ibe• none happier
than .he, to 'see it :again op-
The poppy blitz staged : last
Friday evening by : the • Canadian
Legion. was •.generously support,.
ed. The blitz .plus street sales.on
• Saturday - fretted -$128.0.0 -for. the
'Legion's' welfare work, and . the
support of. this cause is grate-
fully acknowledged.
.1VIr. A. E. McKim has announ
ged•_!his intention to retire at tlie
end of, the yearas a Member, of
the.. Lucknow:' District --H•i-g-h.
School Board. His successor will
Abe Gerald Rathwell, who will re-
tire frorn . the Public Schaal 1.
Board •and assume his new .of-
fice. in .*Janivary. '•
Mr. Rathwell is • the• Bruce
County representative on the
local board and his appointnient
Was. nnade; •byCounty .'Council•' at
the November; session last week.
Mr. McKim has given, long .ser-
vice as a trustee, having sexwed
on., the Lucknow Board of Edu
"cation••for•several Years prior to,
the formation.' of p the'. district
.board of ' which he is ,one of
the original ,members..•
Mr.'Rathwell is concluding his
tenth year as a - member of the
Public School: Board.
The S.O.S, .Club which was or-
,ganized by a group of young lad-
ies during World War II, with
'the purpose• of sending over
smokes to the• (boys overseas,,, has
distributed the . balance of , its
-assets—and=clisbandecli he— lub
has not been :active for some
time. • •
Benefitting by the dispersal of
the funds are the Bowling Club,
$10; The Clansmen $25 for the
TV fund.project; and $10 . ear-
marked ..forthe forthcoming
Christmas Seal campaign. ;
'Last:president! of the Club was
K. Macintosh and Gladys Mac-
ac Donald was secretary -treasurer.
Sitting as 'a• Court •of -Revision
on the assessment roll: on..Mion-
day night; Village Council auth-
orized a reduction of $4,000 in
the'. assessment on the idle furn-
iture .factory._: ' ' :
The ' proprietor, Mr. WM. Ren
aud,• was present • at the meeting
with his 'solicitor, Mr:. J. J. Kelly
of Kitchener, who pointed out
that the icubbic foot rate of fit -
tiring had been increased from
12%. . to 14 cents; representing an
increase of 'close to $5,000 for
which he could ,see no , justifica-
County Assessor Everett : Fin-
nigan pointed out. -that the in-
crease ha • en t, s -. • on . t e
new rates in the 1952 manual
.and that an allowance for depre-
ciation and obsolescence had
been. made, The new system, he'
sail, was:: a' better break than
under , the rental' factor,- .:-
• Mr. ,'Kelley,, stressed . that th
manual was net mandatory ' bu
should be used only „as a guid
in such • cases, . and it would b
quite in order to restore the for-
mer rate. •
In the- delilberating Mr. Finni
Flight SergeantEverette C.
Johnston; Supply Technician Su-
pervisor' is at the .Airmen's Sup-
ply Tech School,- RCAF Aylmer; ,;
Ontario.: F.S. Johnston joined the
1 CAF'on August 19th,, 1942, and
served in the supply branch at
13X Depot ;Angus, Ontario.;.
RCAF` Station .Centralia and 1
Technical Training ..Schoel . Ayl-
mer, Ontario... He has been at
Aylmer ==-since Septeni�ber 1954:
Prior. to enlistment "Johnny"
.worked for J. .A. Little,: • Tees.;
water; ' Ontario He' 'received his
schooling.' at' Holyrood, .Ontario.
-He is--:par-titular-ly_ interested -y --m
minor hockey for ':the•'. children.&. •.
His hobbies, includin 1 other- .
g •e _
craft, likes working. on':. a farm.
during week -ends.
RS. Johnston has four sisters
anal four brothers. He ',Was mar-
rid in Se tember 1945 to- the
e former Naomi Firth, Reg.N",. 'of t Shelburne, Ontario. They have
e three 'sons, Bobby 8 • Alan 6 and
e " Ste hen 3 ..His
P' parents, -Mx: and •
Mrs.Mark L. Johnston, reside at
• Holyrood.
gain sought to establish if an. of -
!ter ..to• ,purchase the • ;plant . had
been made, in order to tryto
arrive . at a sale = ••It.' was
stated. that no ' offer had. been
Made to .buy; the plant
Councillor Joynt had Mr. nen-
and verify' the fact that he
(Joynt) : .'had had an exclusive
listing on the sale• of the plant,
and had several prospects look it
over. Mr" Joynt•'said one party
was on thewerge of buying when
,money tightened up. "•
Finally. Mr. Finnigan 'suggested
a $3,000 reduction in '. considera-
tion of tle• present' use factor,
rather than' a •Cubic ' foot reduc-
tion:. A "saw -off" was 'finally
agreed Upon at $4,000, which ap-
_ plies on next year's 'taxes. The
reduction . will reduce the` plant
.assessment to $23,550---
On ttihis • year's ' 'tax !rate : the
lower assessanent represents dol-
larwise a 'reduction of a :little
• aver $200.
Mr. !Renaud, who had' operated
the factory: for 31/2 years, said
that' it was unfortunate 'he had
t� close it/due to ill health, and
subsequently. s •old This • Kitchener
plant also. •
payroll ham been
Rememlbrance Day *as. im'
• pressively. observed in. Lucknow.
on Sunday. Pietured here is the .
parade lined up at the Cenotaph:'
followipg a memorial service
held in the Lucknow Presbyter- ' after: placing the first Of six
ian: church, •wreaths that were laid at the
HaroldRitchie,Ritchie . president of monument, .
the Ltaloknow Branch of the Can. .Sentinel Photo
action Legion, is giving the salute
.vet i,,.-•.m_��xr�•+w Tis..erramr.:K•.��.•a«a..�ms r,..vx—•i:«,.u:.•....�.
m •� �.1 .. s.. 'ten, . ""u.;
between $9000 and $9500 month-
ly while in . Lueknow. •
The . assessment ' on' Cameron
Cook's, property •wa's sustained at
$1,425, It was increased slightly
under the new ,manual calling
..fora the ' assessment of closed -in
A,_reduction, of,. $100_was .niade.:
on WritA. ,Schmid'sbusiness. tax
assessment to., the same percen-
taage basis as other retail estab-
lishments. . .
A reduction ' of $200 on the
land ''and $300 on the saw1mi11
was, granted Jack "MaeDonalcd en
an appeal by the assessor.
•Dr. T. B. Cleland was refund-
ed 1955 business tat.' of $19.20
charged to his Village property,
since' moving' outside the Cor
ProvincialOfficer Lou Boyle
gave a thought-stirringaddress •
at. -the: Receational Centre last
Tuesday evening; when he claim-
ed alcohol to be. the cause, of
a ;high ,percentage .of :the fright-
ful •traffic • toll on our. highways:
Mr. ,Boyce, who is stationed at '•
Kincardine, was guest sZ.eaker at '
the annual ladies' .night banquet
oi7" -01 `t Lodge. He was in -
trodiicedto his 'audience of sortie.
two hundred 'ladies and gentle-
men by Mr.. Donald Blue ..af B,LP
ler: Master. ` of ceremonies was
Mr. ,Edgar'` Watson, 'Worshipful
Master of Old ' Light, . who °ex=
pressed thanks to Mr. Boyce.
• The ;toast to the ladieswas
proposed by Mr. W. L. Ma+ciKen-'
zie and was responded to by 'Mrs.
.Donald Blue. Mr. Ted Collyer,
extended thanks . to the Ladies
Auxiliary of the „Canadian Leg-
ion for the very' 'delicious meal
,.,they had' served, • and :Mrs. Clair
.lohnstonf Auxiliary president,
replied •
iJ-owarr ed .at
the .. piano. while the gathering(
assembled. A musical program
'was presented later by. Clarence
Adltim• and his Rythan : Rangers
who -also' Provided, music for 'a
dance whichwasthe concluding
feature of the evening.
1;111 Killed Last Year
Constable Boyce pointed. _ out
that tihere were 1,111 people, kill-
ed in' Ontario 'last year, and he
•predicted 1,200 would_ „i mpet
similar fate ,'this• year on Or, .•
tario's streets- and ,highways. This
would be a., national disaster if
it happened at one time.
In an effort to curb this toll,
Mr, Boyce said, the ,police had
checked three-quarters of a mil-
lion cars since January 1st, `•1056,
He fe•1f '• ''-rto'e "r that apart SmIn
rrn .
,..r Wage IO)
4 1