HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-07, Page 917
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'nVuOiixaAY, NOV. 7th, 1956
• 1 LE', ><► IN This . ,AREA
��� � ��� Riviera I'��� APPSHOWS: SMALLEST DECLINE'
Sunday, September 30th 16 feet thick at the base, taper
Tonight • W e concluded a three- to 5 feet thick at the 'dome ,and
clay visit n Rome,
we . . Early terrier- are faced with gilded marble.
row mornrneboard,'-a .train 7,lhe ruins sof the Colliseum
for lice and . the French 'Riviera. where, gladiators fought lions
Rome iis . a city of contrasts, and tigers, and !where Christians
From squalor to glitter; from met their death in pagan times,
ancient° u}ns to modern,
' �build-
can readily Abe pictured by any,
ings, fru" the Biblical basket- one whosaw the film "Quo
carrying: women .and laden don-. Viadils", ° A , visit Ito. the under -
keys to T mod ern motor. coaches; .. ground catacombs. where the
AVM, frugal: soil Worleed by oxen Christians ' worshipped a n d
and +bare-footed 'women to rich where many burial tombs are, to
vineyards, olive a n d citrus be seen, was one . of the climax
groves, ing features .of the tour, which
-There is much to •be .seen in ended with..a • climb toCapital
Rome, ' 'but the general opinion Hill to .view the.. ruins of the
of this.. sight-seeing weary crowd Ronan Forum:,
is that we .are .now ready to . During' our stay in Rome the
move' on. Italian Travel. Bureau tendered
a . luncheon, which was 'a six-;
course ,feast,' featuring rich and
delicious 'Italian foods. ' The gath:
ering Was addressed by the Can-
adian Ain assador to Italy,
Pierre .Dupuy.. That evening the
Ambassador and Madann Dupuy
held a.reception for the press
panty at their 'residence in Rome.
We arrived here. .Thursday
'night on.'a fast train from Milan,
but . apart from, .the.. speedy • was
fax inferior in accomodation and
comfort - to our trans -Canada
trains. '•
• Thursday ' night • and Friday
morning were .spent iri Sight -see-
ight-see., ing tours. Everywhere • .is ' to ,be
seen the, acuiptural handwork 'Of
,Michelangelo; wWho at the age of.
23 became 'renowned by his work
at St.. Peter's Cathedral, .the cell-
' • tre of the Vatican state; definite_
ly. the largest,. and. possibly one of
.the... most glitterfuliy beautiful
cathedrals inthe world..St. Pauls
• Cathedral in London is the sec-
; •ond largest, . •• .
The Trevi Fountain where the
•movie "Three Coins 'In The
Fountain",' was filmed in . part,
iylas a point of special interest;
and many• coins were tossed over
left shoulders,•: while sighrtseers
• stood • with their backs. to the.
fountain and made their' wish.
Rome is a city of. beautifulfaun-
tains, all spurting water from
sculptural figures . that have his-
toric meaning. ,
The., Prantheon built almost
2000 . ,years ' ago, is a work •of
architecturethatwould be dif-
ficult to, duplicate in this • day
of modern construction, methoO s.
Huge ars o%~`"solricT`"grarilfe `are
at the 'entrance and inside one
finds a perfect globular, build
iris- 160 feet 'high and with a 27
Sunday morning at 9;30 our
group: had a private audience
with His .Holiness `Pope Pius XII
at his summer villa • at' Castel.
Gandolfo overlooking• Lake Al-
bano, high on.!a hilltop: some
twenty miles from ' R�orne. The
half hour audience took place
without :fanfare °and was a sol-
emn. and impressive occasion.
Upon • entering ; the'reception
room, the head of /the Vatican.
State,' spoke +briefly '.in English
extending 'his : welconie , and
blessing' upon' the 'gathering and
asking a . blessing on each ,of our
families overseas... The ;stately,
sift -spoken ' gentleman, who. is
81; years , of, gentleman,
moved. quietly
among .. us,__ ..,shaking hands : and.
speaking a -personal word.: of
greeting. Those 'of, the Catholic
faith ;kneeled • .and : kissed the
ring on his hand. A group photo
was • taken with His Holiness;
who presented a religious' Medal-
lion to each . couple. ,
• Sunday afternoon was spent in;
a: side -trip to nearby Tivoli;, ' to.
.view the. .hundreds: of fountains
of water which •bursts out in
foot open dome. Cement• walls scores of 'beautiful "cascades, un -
* der natural, pressure"from the
source on 'Mount: Catillo.. The,
'fountains are channelled: into a.
�copin•ion . reservoir, from which
the water is used for. irrigation
;This' ;'was the. day of "The
Grape Festival"' at Tivoli•and this
mountain -side :village was pack=
ed .with, the greatest throng of'
people we have' ever seen pack -
ed, in .one ; area. Even, the mid-
way at ' Toronto .Eat. on Labor
'lay, couldn't' compete with this
milling throng:
A. few of the party: -made. a
day -long journey to Cassino and
back, to attend. the ' unveiling' of
a memorial. to 5000 Allied troops
w•ho . died there in bitter•, fight-
ing in World War . II. . '•
Rome, among other things, is
a city of traffic and•pedestrian
confusion. But', we didn't • see as.
much. as a . scratched fender in
the three days we. were there,
It's. a 'noisy, horn -blowing, fast-
driving metropolis where quick-
thinking and' ,moving ` seems to
be the secret of survival,' As our
guide put it, "Accidents •seldom
orient, as everyone is doing some-
thing wrong and everyone is•
- r-epared:..-f-or- i
This teeming city, of 2,000,000'
people' has • provided three
unique ' days, which we would
not 'like to have missed. Sunny
Italy lived up to its reputation—
The weather has been delightful l
and ' the experience another di-
versity to remember.;
Wednesday; ••October -rd
Tonight we •areconcluding a