HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-07, Page 8ora
- •
At 1
• r . •
THE wcx„Now stnuarat Lucimow., oNTATuo
Lucia:low. Branch of the Canadian Legion, "No. 309
Friday, NOv. .911*
for Lady's or Gent's Made -to -measure suit and
• • • • eight other Valuable prizes.
Tieliets from, all Mentbers or at the Dance Friday -
Mrs. Jon Bobb, Mrs; Ileward
• , McGuire and Mrs.' GeorgeHal-
delft visited . Thursday • after=
noon witii_Mr. ancl:Mrss_Joe Wall
of Jontknotkr. .•
,Mr Earvey Hodgins , visited
relatives. in London. '
A former kkdoss .ToWnship
'resident iri the person of the late
Samuel Colwell, passed away
last 'Week -following a short :ill-
ness at Kleena meep, 13.c. He
was a brother of the late John
W. • Colwell. ••• • •• -•
Mjss Beverley. Stanley of Tea-
. chers' College,. . London, spent,
• • the. week -end here. . ,
•*• • Mts. Ezra Sitlex and 'Linton of
Salem, yi.sited -Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. -I.:aeonard Stanley
and Carl of Lansing spent the
ireek=end 'With •-Mrs. .HarNiey.
• Hodgins,, Glen and Kenneth and
• with Mr. and Mis. kzra :Stanley
ad • family; • • •
. . The Happy Hour Farm Forum
began Monday evening with the
meeting,being /held m the schooljOharlie Wilkrns
' with Bert Nicholson in charge. Mrs. Milvert. Reid, I'S in
Wing -
Everyone .enjoyed a lively ;Bs- ham Hospital.
cusaion on Farm Marketing 'and Mr and. Mrs.. Bill Dwyer and
hOW it can be improved' for the Da,gmar of Nipigon visited a few
4 farmer's ;benefit. The Meeting. days last week with Mr. & Mrs.
next Monday, evening will be at Gordon Kirkland. .., ' •
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirld-and
Nicholson. The ladies are askedand family (visited with Mr. and
•'to bring sandWie_hes to . each
meeting and each hostess. the
s • dessert. The recreational pe:riOd
The Gophers stored a 3226
triple as they •rolled to a three
point victory over the short-
band'ed lCubs two weeks ago.
Jack Treleaven powered his
Coons to a 3 point win over the
Lions,. The Pole Cats moved
•ahead into .4econd place as they
scored *a- 4 point victory over
the Beavers. The Wolverines
• stayed in first place . as they
rolled to,,a. 3 point win over the
•Tigers. The Squirrels swept °four.
• points . from the Zebras who
have lost, 9 straight games. The
KanIgaroos edged the Chipmunks'.
•for 3 points and moved alone
into third place. • •
High totals Were•ChUck 'Short
745, Chas. Anderson 706, Jack
Treleaven 716, Gladys Hamilton
• 682, Roy. Finlayson, 667; Mable
Westlake 666, Ruth Jardine 661,
Edna Rayner 643, Mae Hunter
637 and Norine Park 636.
WEDNBSDAY, QV,:th19,00
was spent in playing .games.
Mr. and IVIrs, C..harles4Vonnett
are moving thiS week from our
village to •Lucknow 'where • they..
-have purchased the residenceof
•the late ;Richard Baker.
Mrand IVIrs;---: Don -Bushell .and,
Janet; .Mr.•saiicl Mrs. Morley•Bus
hell, Margaret and Marilyn,. vis-
ited in Toronto. on, Sunday..
• Mrs. Ralph Hill is, hostess to
• the W.A. at the church Thurs-
day . afternoon, , iy.Then the (bale
for the.--Moosonee School. will .be'
packed. •
• • •ZION
The christening of 1VIelvin,Har-
vey, son :of -Mr. and -IVITS,:liarvey-
Ritchie • and William Ernest, son
of Mr. and Mrs. •Charlie Wilkins -
was held on SundaY.
•Mr.; and Mrs. Jim. Olson of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.Mel-
vin Raynard 'and Mr. and, Mrs.
Harold Ferguson •of G.oderich
visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Nel-
son Raynard on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Irvin visit-
ed Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs.
• ' Standing
,Wolverines 15,, ,Pcile Cats 14,
Kangaroos • 12,' Chipmunks 11,
Tigers 11, Gophers .11, Squirrels
10, Beavers 9, Lions S, Cubs 7,
Coons 7,eibrai- 4. •, • .
The 'big (battle. this -Past• .week
was Thursday, night's clash be-
• tween. the firgt place Welver,
ines JanctiecOnd plate Pole -Cats.
,The, Pole 'Cats; with Hazel Web-
ster's 673, best of .a fine teain'
• effort, moved into 1st place on.
.a 3 point win. Wolverines
and Edna Rayner with:.616 and
653 and'HaP Hall With 63-4 made
every -game close but had to set
a record single of 1163 flat to
get a single pint. The Gophers
inoved into a ,3rd place tie with
the ICangaroos' .as they blanked
the shorthanded Tigers.' It was
team 'effort for doth teams with7
GeOnge Westlake and : Charlie
Peppler scoring. high.
• We're not sure howit hap-.
pened .the• Kangaroos are
still in 3rd Apiece as they got 3 .at the Bruce County Home•for
-unearned. :points-fromthe-.-Lioni, -the-Aged-here-for_*rnany Years,
The highest 'game of the night left on Tuesday of this week for
was a 923 total. !London where he eptered -West-
The Beavers Moved -into a 5thi-minster Hospital. .and' !All re-
place tie with the Chipmunks.' ceive treatment for disabilities
as' they took .3 points from, the
received while Serving in World
Squirrels.. Lloyd.. Ashton with, War L During the years he spent
659 andFern and Len MacDon. in Walkerton, Dr. Evely estab-
ald with '646 and 665 were tops lished' a. wonderful garden of
for the. winners. BilI Button's dahlias •at the Horne, propagat-
634 was .1iigh for .the 'Squirrels; ing' hundreds of different types.
The Coons, after .a poor start of these beautiful flowers,. and
and. coMplete reorganization, are sending to various foreign count.:
starting to:roll. They continued ries for tubers. Each fall, the
diSplay of blooms in his plot was
a gorgeous sight, and the flow-
ers were viewed by scores of
local horticulturalists and flow -
Ict,EIENEX;-Chi44 Or
Regular,. Feature,• SAVE..17e,
Cashmere SUper.: SoftSAVE
pkts. $1.
8c, rolls $1.
t'reshly Ground. BARGATN. Pound
David's Sallied or Pliain. Save tipat 7
to bc. Lb. ...._ C
Canada 1st Grade. "Stock up" feature.
• FRUIT'S AT LOW PRICES Now Available.
•""*. We Sell For Less ., ' Values effective
'Phone 119, Lucknow - November 8,9, 1
...m.......) -:..#...............---..o.
Jack ilrelealven with 618 were
the best of a -firie-team effort.
Mae. Hunter was best for t1et
Chipmunki.„ • ' • •
The ganie, ,between the Zebras
and CUbs was postponed and .as.
yet.we have no report on it. The
standings are therefore incom.-
pike*: . Pole Cats. 17, Wolver-
ines 16, +Kangaroos .15,, Gophers
15, Chipmunks:,12, Beavers 12,
Squirrels 11, Tigers IL -Coons 9,
Lions 9; Cubs 7*, Zebras 4*.
• Dr. C. ,Evely, who resi,ded
briefly; Pats Y ,Brodie; 17
school, -gave -a reading; Cecil
Blake, reeve of Ashfield Town-
ship, gave a short speech;' K. K.
Dawson amused, , the audience
'with magic .tricksand Eleanor
Reed 'played.- violin music accom-
rs. Allan Reci at.
Mrs. Gordon Stobo on .Sundayon t1r winning ways as they
• Church will be at 1..45 for the took • 3 points from theChip-
month. of Novernbe.r., ' . inunks. Don Mason with 661 and
• Firechief. Safety
•1Vlake your home complet,ely safe fxom
chimney fire hazards with 'aFC
Safety Chimney.
Can be histalleci in p -rt of a day in any
season. No muss, no lime, no bricks need-
ed. ray approved by theFire 'Under -
•writers. Stop worrying about that old
chi'mney and install a VIRECHIEF".
Now you canhave lifetime Aluminum
Combinations' 'WindoWs and Doors made
especially so you can, install' them your-
self. ° •
Aluminum DoorS asTlow as- . . . $46.50
It Pays To Insulate
You can save up to 35 percent on your
Fuel Costs by Insulating• .
3" Insulation •Batts • ,
2" Insulation Batts . ••
Granikited Insulation •• •
Zonolite Insulation for those' hard to get,
at places. ••
• There is a tremendous saving by
•*. doing your own insulating.
er lovers. The doctor has taken
his 'extensive collection of, dah-
lia tubers with , him. to London
and his friends here trust that
he Will be able to• carry onl his
fascinating hobby. in 'the Forest
City for some years to: come. -
Walkerton Herald -Times.
• The Dungannon Library Bbard
sponsored theannualconcert-in-
the parish hall, with school pup-
ils, teachers and music supervis-
ors,• and 'other local talent tak-
ing part. ;Rev. George D. Watt,
president df the Library. Board,
was chairman. • About $70 was
taekn in atthe door.
•6Irs. Duncan SimpSon, was
pianist •tfor 0 Canada sung by
• the audience. , The Dungannon
• We will gladly give you a free,estimate
on your requirenients.
Prepare Now For
Make Your Home Comfortable,
No, 1 Clear Cedar. Combination Doors
. Weatherstripping
• Interlocking Thresholds
Caulking Cemen
'Glass -All sizes in stock
• Putty
senior room, sang wo oruses,
with M. • Emerson Rogers,
limit supervisor, at the piano..
A•gypsy operetta was given by,
the junior room, with. Mrs. D.
Durnin' teacher, and was follow-
ed by a tap dance by Donna
Pentland. • •
k"Fall'Fashiori.,s",yas a number
by the Cresve-school,----with-Miis-
Frank Ritchie teacher. TWq num-
bers were given by Cedar Valley.
pupils, Miss--Marianrie-Westy tea
cher; W. Bucldrigliam , gave two
readings; a skit turaS given by
Pt. Albert school, Delmer Maize
teacher; Mrs. Ernmerson Rogers
sang, withMrs, Duncan 'Sirripson
accompanying %at the .plano;
"Halloween Surprise" was -a 2 -
act play by Port Albert school;
Scott Pearson, No. 6 school, gave
a reading, Keith Kerr and ROA-
' • 'PHONE I50,' L1JCOOW •
• Alak toritribnteci duet.,
Ati,fraVZ71"1.Va,;(74,741/Vi0:444i6,11,a44,11AlraWaVra,112401.41Caar4Ii.4.40070,7a4,11412==. ritrillV4MASZ An", '4E15471,2Fa...M.,41110=* Ta.'" ZUJI;1114141231FrAra40tra=r1tRiltartir«...A-.gtem."--1
4.bbrarian, spoke7
outpUt. Modern design IA beautiful
Platinum finish. 53,000 BTU model
slightly higher.
Exclusive! Due-Therns
dial and electric SELF-, •
Lighter lights the fire au.;
tomatically..No matches,
No fuss. No mess.
Eisclusivel Duo-Thenn
Power•Pcir ellower-
Automatically forcei heat -
to every part of flame.
tb living level. Saves up
to 25%. og oil. •
Automatic :thermostat'
-Set and forget. Keeps
the `temperature just as
you like it. • '
Webster and