HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-07, Page 7WDNES AY, . NOV, 7th,: 191566 Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM First. Show at 7,15 -yom- -2. --Pr.virs: mow Rf' Thurs., Frig 'Sat, • Nov, 8.9-10 • EVE ARDEN in . • "OUR MISS BROOKS" Zoe the TV program the story, centres 'around the. Thigh --school • ____teacher's_ adtventwes, romantic and otherwise, •and is chiefly . made up of ` cemedy situations. Mon., Tues., Wed. Nov. 12-13-14 Robert Taylor • Dana Winter in "D*DAY, TirIE .SIXTH OF JUNE"' (Adult Entertainment). A touching war -time love tri-' angle set in England in the hectic: dais .prior to D -Day. CN.R. BARGAIN, FARES The C.M.R.' .is currently adver- tising ho r tate fares eaeh Sat- .----Toronto-.---Departure at- :TToronto: Departure time : from Ltxeknow depot is ` 6:15 a:m. arriving in ,Toronto at 11.10. :Returning the train .leaves Tor - mitts at 5.25 p.m. ` and .:is 'due, at the local, station at 1.0.45. Kenneth J. MacKenzie, •Optometrist '_-LISTOWEL, ONT. at .the former., Wrona'Jewelery • store..Rip1ey,',10 ain;.'4 9, WEbNESDAY, ;OCT`. 24th ' and every Second Wednesday. .Eyes examined . Glasses fitted For - appointment 'phone • Roy'' ,MacKenzie, 96-r-2.4, 'Ripley. McLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE • Services conducted ..accord ting ,to' your wishes at -your • Home,, your • Church,. or . at our Memorial'. 'Chapel at' no .. additional. charge •AMBULA-NCE . SERVICE` 18 ° Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night s. J. her • Club t at.,• Billy h a the • nem- . cash g iri Cees- with sent - Ong other' Cups ne7tr- .. tend- lker- i re-' Wm, Mrs. on at has gharf. three, e break .of a* TED '.CC' LLYER. ,Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTOR • Specializing in Electrical 'Wiring and Repairs AGENT FOR SPARTON TV and All Electrical Appliances Phone 46-r-25, Lucknow Gr.. ALAN. WILLIAMS- Optometrist Office on Patrick -St ;lust oft. the Main St. in WINGHAIVY . Professional Eye Examination •Optical• Services Phone 770, Wingham • • • HETHERINGTON; . o.0• BarriSter, Etc. Wingham and LucknOW IN ,LUCKNOW Each Monday . and' Wednesday, :Located in the Municipal 'Office 'Phone Wingba n • Office 48 :', Residence 97 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LVCKNOW,. ONTARIO pley Juniors age Rat The Ripley Junior Farmers have Organized, a Wage -War -on - Rats campaign; whi'ah, will be ef- ffective ' in this area for the months. of Novembear and De- cember. Theof the•m ca- paign is to. erad nate . rats said -mice-from x -11 -farms -in this area and to..awaken the farm po tion • as well es others to the costly . destruction caused • by these animals. Hugh Mason of 'Huron Town- ship, ,general, chairman of the :campaign, says rata . are far more •common than most Of us like to believe, In '.a recent' test at the ,O AJC: it was fownd that ' .rats were' on every one, of 57 farms 'visited in the area. • It was es- timated that each . of these farms lost ' as much as $1000, a year to *the pests. Rats don't restrict their. activity . to farms : alone, are. ''extremely .4,xarumon around stores, food processing plants :and many town 'homes. Hugh explained that his club's. program is part of a ,proiv+ince wide campaign iby Junior Farm ers.-- .Other-: committee membersfrom 'i : e. 11. ply are •Tom. Farrell, Dougald Campbell, Bob Osborne, Jim Needham, Gordon . Patterson and Duncan Campbell whois president of'. the '(group. •• It is estimated. that every 'fat 'R. W..`ANDREW. Barrister and S• olicitor ; L-ISTOWEL, . ONTARIO- IN' LUCKNOW. :Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon... ' Office, in the Joynt Block .. Telephone: Office. 135• Residence 31-J A. M. HARPER Chartered .Accountaint ' West Street • GODERICH, ONTARIO ° Telephones 343J 343W INSURANCE. - 0o -Operative Life Instiranlce • Co -Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & . Farm ' Fire Insurance . Economical and Reliable. See T. ACAMERON LUCKNOW ,'Phone. 70-r-10 Dungannon JOHNSTONE'S :FUNERAL HOME, . 'Phont76 Day or, Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No, Extra Cost Moderate Prices' ' 'Establlished.18944 STATE, FARM MUTUAL • . AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before investing 4;REUBEN • WILSON R.R. 3, Goderich Phone 80.r1,8 Dungannon • AiA ..i.44.144.4644 «wS.y�wsx'..FY3.n5;CW"tw`, . and poultry • diseases, destroy Property and cause barn fires at times. The chemical, warfarin, is. ideally -suited- -as a •rat- poison for this type of campaign. It can, be easily and safely ,used,' and it.; is . extremelyeffective against rats and mice. When .warfarin .is eaten, in very small quantities, for four or five days, it.• gradu- ally causes the. (blood to thin out: and -leak from the blood +vessels into the • . body cavities. The rat or • mouse simply bleeds to death internally. This slow, painless •action is .the reason for. war- l 'far.in's. ;success as: a rat . killer.. Rats' and mice eat it without knowing, and will keep coming. back for . znpre until: they die'. Warfarin is. one of , the . safest otf poisons. The bait' mixtures that rats like' are usually 'not •attractive to pets, livestock • and ,poultry'- For . warfarin to hurt animals-or-humans,.ons; -they would :have . to•toonsu.me it ~continuously aver ' a period of days All pre- cautions are printed on the -label of each package. Get (behind the Ripley 'Junior Farmers .. in' ';their . fine effort to promote.' .ibetter agriculture in your area. • costs the farmer at least $20 pets year, • Tn addition tothe vast amount, in the barn of food they eat • they also spread livestock, PRESENTED LIFE MEMBERSH I P' The November meeting of 'the Blake's a W.M.S was , at the home of Mrs. Zinn on Thursday,. No- vember 1st ;with twenty ladies present Mrs. L. • lVlenary and -Mrs Zinn--were---in--charge;-The meeting •opened with a hymn followed • by .the ' Thanksgiving prayer in : unison: Scripture read- ings were read. by Mrs:- Benger and Mrs. iG. Saunders. •The . first two questions in the"Missionary Monthly were explained by Mrs: Zinn and the next two: by •Mrs. C: Cooke and the last' ones ,by: Mrs:. J.Arnold.. A reading was. given by Mrs. G. Twaznley. There .was' a . free-will :offering for the year. The annual meeting 'is to be in the - hall on December • 6th. at : 2,00 : p.m. with' Mrs. G. Saun ders ' in' charge • of the meeting and Mrs. C.. Cooke. and Mrs. J.. Irwin as .hostesses: • PAGE SEVEII K THEATRE � First Showing 7:30 Second Showing 9.30 NOW :...:"The Rawhide Years"—in technycolor with Tony Curtis and • Coleen Miller • • ' MON,, TUES. & WED;, "TH E LAST TIME I SAW PARIS' r Technicolo All the excitement of ._VE--DaY_ in_. Paris,... plus, the. :dramatic. romance of a. man who falls in love,with �twt pretty sisters- a --picture' you'll remember!" - - _ Elizabeth Taylor, Donna Reed, Van Johnson; Walter Pidgeon THURS., FRL;' & SAT. Ray Danton, Leigh: Snowden and Onslow Stevens Present a swift -moving adventure story packed with tense situations and rugged two-fisted action!'' ' "OUTSIDE THE. LAW" . Coming.: Frank Sinatra. in' "The Tender Tr ap'.: in:'scope . `•and color. Adult Entertainment.. The Society then presented As matron ' of honor, Mrs.,` Geo. Tozer, sister .of the ,groom, wore a ballerina length gown:of apricot •• iridescent taffeta, and. -carried a cascade of bronze' apd yellow;: ••porth ors. • Allen 'McDonald, London, w best man and:- ushers were Gear' Tozer and Dr. ,Ch�arles� Lockwood both of London, Mrs. Herb Curran, who ' has been secretary -treasurer for a number of • years with a Life Membership. Mrs, Curran thank- ed the ladies for the lovely .cer- tificate vv'hich she appreciates very much: The bazaarwas +di e scuss. d and' ,arrangements rade to have it in the Legion Hall on December lst. After ''a. hymn 'and the 'benedic- tion, Mrs: Zinn and Mrs. L. Men- ary served a': lovely lunch. WEDDING BELLS TWA1VH.EY-ECKSTEIN . • In ' a candlelight ' setting of ;mums and and white gladioli - at the Evangelical'' •'United Bre- thren Church at. Dashwood, • the. Rev. W . F. ' , Krotz officiated . at the -wedding 'of. Marjorie Pearl ii Eckstein,, ' London and William !Allen `Twamley.; The:. bride is the ---daug:Ifief of-1Vk: ;Nand-_1Vrrs. ^Ir'vm INSURANCE' FICRE, WIND, CASUALTY. • AUTOMO$ILN . • . _AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, • Insure With Jack Today. J. A. 1VIcDONAGH R.R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon Insure With The . CULROSS MUTUAL • 'FIRE INSURANCE CO. : for —Reasonable rate . tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. • FARISH MOFFAT Your. Local Agent' R.R. 3, Teeswater ' 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 F. T ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST ..m_.µ.� • GODERICH . . FOR APPOINTMENT ''Phone' 1100 For Appointment or Information See Win. A. Schmid, 'Phon.' i'7-rv'. ;Lucknow K "-i 1 ttAtA' Z=I..°, 'mw."4741:5iro.Tn r wi.'Yw'n"+.AAAA.4.4.04..wJa...wwv +'.uk, Eckstein,.. Dashwood,;,, and, 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles . W. Twamley, London, are parentsof the :groom. Mrs. Kenneth ;.McRae played traditional music. A waltz lengthgown of 'white nylon -lace over satin was •chos- en by the bride. The gown .feat- ured a shirred bodice and .mat- chin.g short sleeved bolero with Peter • Pan' collar. A headdress of white roses and: forget -me,` hots held her ' shoulder length veil Of French ' illusion and she carried a. cascade of • red roses and : white . stephanotis. • ' Receiving 'guests, the ';bride's mmlier wore_a' reopen blue .dress. with .;navy accessories and cor- sage of. 'pink pompoms. ' The groom's mother 'cchosedusty rose lace With navy accessories ; and corsage of light blue pompoms. For . the..wedding tripthe bbride donned a yellow tweed suit with` bronze accessories- and cors'age-lig= bronze -pomporcns. •.' The couple will • live' in London. . Mr. and MTs. ' Sam Sherwood and .Mr. and Mrs: Torn Ander-: son of Luckno.ww. .attended the vv_ edding. The groom is a ne,ph--- _ ew of Mrs: ;Sherwood. REMEM;BRANCE0 DAY SUNDAY, amembralnce .Day ' f a11s on a< • Sunday.' this: year but the . fol- lowing Monday won't, be •declar, ed a statutory 'holiday. ' • The secretary, of • the • State :De,. partment " .stated recently . that federal legislation •calls for Re- membrance Day to be -observed Novenvber.11th. There is no stip-. ulation .drat it can be observed the next day if it falls on a Suri.- day as is • done under the Dom-. inion Day Act.. 1955 Pontiac, fully equipped $1,950 Two 1955 Standard Chev. Sedans; fully equipp• ed $1,895 1954 Chev.. Powerglide Coach, fully equipped $1,495. 1952 Ford Sedan $ 995 1952, Chev.'Deluxe Sedan :, $1,095 1951 Ford Sedan 1950 Plymouth Sedan 0 "For&. each 1949 Ford • Sedan ::.:. 3 $ 595 Two 1948 Pontiac Sedans•. Y• . ;. r 495 ...+.:,.:................ $ , ..$ 795. ... ,... _..... $ 69.5 ..$ 495 . TRUCKS A Number of Stake Trucks in 1947 and 1948 Models. 1951 Mercury 1 -ton Pick -Up $ 495 1951 Chev.'• 2 -ion Stake ................ ... ,,... ,..; ,..;.., $ 750 .1950.1 -ton GMC._P_anei 495 Two 1949 Ford Panels......:.:..:.: . .............. .. $ 325 1949 .1 -ton GMC Panel converted to a bus ..:,. $ 495 .--1949`Cliev;--1A tori. Pick=Up ._ -_� .. ,,....;.�,,..:4-AZ- 1949 •$-- 12-1949 Chev. /-ton Pick -Up ....... ......... ...............4'.,.,..,,.....:$ 395: Brussels Motors IUiiron Cowity's Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash: Trade,' Terms -- Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Seirvice. Dealer • , _ _ Phone .73x, Brussels . taV • • • '9 tato 4. •. ' •