HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-07, Page 6aid Tribute to bntr►'but►on to Education YF1 r. 'e 11 MA • The northern district of 'liegion One, of .the 'Federated Women - 'Teachersy ,pssocation of Ontario e14 their annual rail comer • ence . in the •auditorium. of the Chesley' Public School on, Sat- urday, October: 27th, Some one imndred and twenty-five teach- ers from Wiar •ton on the ' north _ .to,:Seaf+orth on 'the south and,;, as far west. as Lake, Huron assem- bled to, 'hear reports - and discus- srions• on • topics' vital to' the im- p ovement of education in our .Province. To eve leadership in these discussions,. directors. and 'provincial. congeners were pres- ent from 'oronto; London;• Owen • Sound Dresden •and ',St. Marys. s and promotion of .sPeical 'educa- tion sellv'ces. AS a result of the work of this committee "The Stothers Excep, •tional : Child Foundation"' ' ane into being in July 1954, It has 'been organized to help. teachers and parents of academically, emotionally, culturaly, mentally, physically and socially excep- •tionah_lhxldren. , In cases where itis necessary consultation with these experts is free. This foun- dation should be of: much inter- est locally since Dr. Slathers ' is a native of Ashfield and a grad- uate of : Lucknow Continuation School:.. • Mrs„ M. -Kendall. of •Chesley I'utahc Miss li,oberta ' Edinonstone . of, ' ' School Board was, • . a• and brief= Owen Sound presided. guest at, dinner spoke. The hostess unit served coffee and -doughnuts before the morn- ing,session. 'Tis session was op - tested with :a most impressive. de- °Motional period +conducted by Bliss Helen Babbington of ' Mea 'ford The . Chesley school puP lis . ofgrades '5 and 6 sang under the direction of Miss, E. Buck- ley. Mise. Mary. Graham: of Dres- den,, ,.Edueattonah'inance •'con. metier, presented her :report,- ex- plaining fully hour the category systemfor salaries works. She ztressed that ,under this ` system, qualifications,„ 'experience : and • a cespoesilbility' are the criteria lased in determining the salaries to be paid. 4 ; ' 54 { • i Wit: I, d, The . assembly was then. div- laded , into two ' disioussionn:` groups Vic► ptudy the booklet "You", hitch_ vas: ecent1y „prePared by the F W.T.A.O. , and sent to each elementary woman teacher in the 'prpvince,: • It is.'' intended , to aid each . teacher in her personal public relations.: The object; .of the p. ersonal ,public- relations .ef- forts of -forts of; each member of Feder- ation is improved understand- erg and' inclreased ' appreciation of thy ; selivices rendered by" the. ' ?women-:: teachers of ` Ontario's el- ementary schools. At. the dinner served • in the United- • Church. school room. . 0flss Eva Walker, past : president Ate . F:W.T.AO: wasthe speaker. Her theme was "Growing Pro zonally". She `spoke at some • length h , . n the great contribution Dr:_ Carmzan`•Stothers 'has' made. to :-education;. and • is', continuing: to make even though retired. In April 1955, Dr, Stothers receiv- • ed' the . V. K: Greer Memorial Alward. of $500. He immediately. began to. think how the could put this : to use to. help, children. He gave the proceeds to a ' commit- tee appointed by -tire -Special= Ed= ucation Section of ' the O.E.A., with, ,he suggestion. that .a fund be started for the. improvement ly. She stated that ' the 'Board were working on a plan of cuM- ulatirve sick leave. The staff, had note 'requested that they do . so but the Board, felt this was one way they, could show` apprecia- tion for the:, years of :faithful service given by the staff. She urged ; teachers to make known to the public .what' Federation has done and is doingto pro- mote -and -advance the cause_ _o1 education saying . that too often, to the public, ', Federation and salary increases are synonymous. Returning to sihool ' the con. ference continued its session. An inivdtation to hold• the next Fall 'conference in Goderich was gratefully received. Following the closing of the conference the hostess . unit served tea and'cook- ies. ook ies.. , -Mrs .Roy MacKenzie, Mrs. J W' smamNzu mom" 9NTABQ MARK .WEDDING ANNIVERSARY (KINLOUGH NEWS) Mrs, Wcrn: Percy, Miss. Winnie Percy,' Mrs. 'Joint Barr and Don- ald, Mrs.. Jack Barr, Mrs, Perry Hovis and Sharon,, David, Joan and • Brian. Pericy, Mrs. Morley Bushell. and ;children went to the MaoKays . at Glamis on Satin+- day afternoon, it being the 'tor rasion of Mr, and Mrs. Neil Mac - Kay's 59th _ wedding anniivers►ary. Mrs. MacKay,, the former Min- nie MacDonald, i9__ 81 --and; Mr•: -Maclay is; 89. ' A program was enjoyed and Mr. MacKay lav oredwith a Gaelic song. • • - , The W.W.I,:, met at the 'home of Mrs. Frank.. Maulden. Corr reesondenee was' heard' and done.,` tions were made to . the Children ;Aid •Society at Walkerton, Mrs. Howard. Harris and Mrs., Mor- gan Johnston' were appointed to purchase a loud speaker for the Holyrood . Hall. A variety .cone cert,. 'rummage and baking sale was planned for November 9th, each.member enilber to brims one num- ber for the program '. and. Con. 12 and .14 to !bring .cake and Con. 10 and,.. 8 .:to bring sandwiches. Mrs Ed, Thompson gave the mot- to, U your face wants to senile, let it; if • it.doesn't; . make it.' .The roll call, was Something 'to. do for --a. `sick -friend. _ Mrs._ ..Frank.: Maulden ' gave a reading and Mrs,' Wm,_.Eadie , conducted. , a health' clan est. ' Edna Boyle fav- ored' with a piano solo and all. joined . ` in cyominunity. ,singing. Mrs. hack Hewiitt gave ''the, res- olutions' •and ...detlt :with the topic, • home :nursing and'. also gave a splendid demonstration on making a. hospital . ` bed ,and gave Many :helpful ideas for, car- ing' for the sick in the • home. Following : the closing remarks, refreshments were served. . Mr. and Mrs. • Bert. 'Nicholson and Lois Anne ` spentWednesday. iii Toronto' rwhere they'visited with: Mr. and Mrs.. Gerald Fla - , a Haldenbynd Mr.:'and :-Mrs. Wilbert, . Iberty' filar. and Mrs. jack Carrick,, &'. children of Goderich • called : on Mrs. J, W.. Colwell on Sunday. 'Mrs. .Win. Bushell of. LucknoW. and • Mrs.. Don 1VLcOosh of Purple Grove ,and Mrs. J: W. Colwell visited .,'with. Mr. and Mrs. John 1Vloore ; on Thursday.. Congratulations' to' Alex. Hew- itt and fieorge Bushell on being successful- in the public speak- orae!: contest at Holyrood Word was received during ' the week of the, death of ` the 'late Samuel• Colwell. Mrs. Clarence .0 &son . of Ber vie & her. parents, 1VIr. and Mrs; Wesley Thordeson • of Kincardine Were recent visitors with Mr.. J. R. Lane . and. Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Maulden •and Kith: ?'' --' , The Anrgliiean' ° Evening .'Guild will . have their annual . social. evleningand bazaar on Thursday, MacTavish,.. Mrs N. J:: MacKen- zie andMiss Helen .Thompson attended from' this district. HALDENBY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE. Armature and .Field: Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc, Repairs to Fractional and integral Horsepower, Motors,' Also Electric Fans,Vacuums, Clippers, Drills, Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC' . Kinlough Phone 'Ripley 111 -r. -Z9 s"` e 701111410°.#T,'' NOV's 7010,54 LOW FARES EVERY'SATURDAY (T0: -AND INCL. DEC. 15) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only EXCURSION : 4.70 Sia Allenford Hanover $4.30 Palmerston $3 ?5 ; 40 Brussels. 4.30 $ 'Harriston. Southampton 5.90 dhesley. 4.75 , Ii gersoll: . 3.70 Sarnia - ' 6.55 . Clanton 4.75 , ,5.85 Stratford 3.45 P4.75 I?dirudax�dine Elora Kjtch.'ener 2.45 Strathroy 5.20 Fergus 2.45 t3s i5, 1 3:$0. ' Walkerton 4.60 Georgetown 1.20 ..Miitchell 4.00 ' Watford' 5.75 Goderich, 5.05 Paisley . , 5.20 liVingham 41:5 Guelph 1.90 Gweir Sound 4.75 Wyoming.. ' 6:20', Brampton . .85 IHE0$ MA 'i0N ',MOM AGENTS ressare. : 11111111 for DEEP and SHALLOW WEL :. WATER SYSTEMS Oil . Burners urnaces • rt GUI$qr& TPhoine- 61 -*-i3 -Dungannon - R -3, , Lucknow, Ont. • Agnews' INSURANCE Agency Member of Ontario Insurance, Agents Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over Thirty Years Ago Telehones: : HOWARD AGNEW Business 39 Residence 138 Noveber , 15th at 8.30 p.m'. Everyone cordially. invited. :Rev' Andrew .Lane and' Ron- nie f Brussels: visited with the Lane . families here. " •: Mr, and Mrs. Arde11 Mason • LOOK-MYE CAN BUY A CANADA SAVINGS BOND FOR JUST52.54 00 N...Ar'MY BAN B of M DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%, •- $2.50 FOR A $50.00 BOND, $5.00 FOR A $tOO.00 BOND, ETC.-iaALANCE' IN EAS) INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR. ...BUY YOUR BONDS, TODAY'S for cash orby instalments at your iie18hboarhood Oil M bragh ettist a4 t4e S'ami WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN. EVERY WALK Of LIFE' SINCE 1817 ii ANIC, OF . MO TREAL Lucknovv Branch: MILTON RAYNER, Manager :visited with her mother, : Mrs. J. W. Colwell on Friday. 'Mrs:' Glen Car<iiLpbell. of : Am- iberley ' .visited' Friday • with : her sister, Mrs. Bert. Nicholson.. Bill Percy Had Best -Calf. iRiversdale-Kinlosb Calf ' Club attended achievement night • at: Kincardine High School.,: Billy • Percy: was . ,presented .. with • a_. curry icomrb and brush for the: best : calf in the club. Eich Mem- ber received a cheque, also cash aeciarding to their standing in ,club work and prizes at Tees- water ' Fair. . Members with Shorthorn Wives, were 'present- ed with sweaters with the tario Shorthorn •crest and other' breeds gave other prizes. Cups were. presented to high---inerrr- :begs of different clubs. ;$1 .Reeve Harold Percy is 'attend- ing Cou.nty`Council . at Walker- ton. this alker-ton'this week. ' • Mr, .Hugh•Beaking visited re-- cently with Mr.:. and :Mrs. Wm. Haldenby. Congratulations to Mr.. & 1VIrs. Norman. Fry (nee 1+ lorence " ` :derby) on the !birth Of a son at Clinton Hospital. aVLrs'. .James Hodge, who has` - been a patient in Wingharrl. r oispttal for the pdst three , weeks, returne,d hone ort 'Sat" ttAay .:JUSTI850 at- .1 ..c .•„T.v i r„3a, • How do they, manage to make shoe strings that .never break unless you are in a:heck °heck 'sof a hurry? ,