HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-07, Page 5mi• wripp
• .0Wqi -
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* L1)66
11011# winditiiv **Otto•
CULIktiS§ CtoittiERS
With Butter
n • • '
Ice cream and crunchy almonds top .•
thesegay-ehristinasLight•Ups, liut-the• -
real flavour is baked right in. It's •
• butteir..-4,resh.CieamerYbutter-Tlending
. its matchless flavor -enriching with its
• natural goodness. Remember; for all
your festive baking and right through the,
year,. "It's Always Better with nutter". ; " •
' FREE !.Marie Fraser's "Merry Christmasu •
• , recipes for cookiesand candy. Also
her new'iliitter Frooklet, ' •• • ••
-•,` Rix 2v2 rblIerl oats,
1%; c.' , sifted all-purpos0
•'Hour," % c.. brown • sugar',
•tsp, soda and ¼ tsp:
• salt. Cut in .3/4 c. butter with
• pastry blender or kniyes,.•
till Mixture is crumbly:
2. Press half this 'mixture
' in the bottom of.a well but-.
• teredSisq,caketiropread
• with 2 c. whole cranberry
• sauce and sprinkle with I
tsp. grated Qrange'rind and
1/2 c. shredded coconut.
• 3, Top with remaining oat-
meal mixture. Bake 350°F.
for 4045 min. Cut into
•, squares, serve warm' or gold,.
Makecandles" 1?y topping
With ice cream rolls. use
almonds for 'Tarries":
. • '
409 Huron Street:Toronto' • • .
You 'are invited to the Mem-
orial Service at the Cenotaph at
the . Community Hall .on Re-
membrance Day, Sunday next,
at 2.30. Rev. B. F. Green will
be- in.eharge of the service which
• is being arranged by the St..Hel-
• efts Women's Institute. •
• •
Plan to attend the annual
We are the :only Manufac-
of high' class monuments.
Who import granite from the'
Old pountrylii the rough 14
the carload find .process from
the rough to the finished
Moiminent. . No'
When choosing a monument,
come and See:, one • of the
• largest selections in. Ontario..
• 'Established over sixtyyears.
Write or phone .Walkerian 11• *
. and reverse charges.
bazaar by the Women's Associa-
tion of the 'United Churchin
the Auxiliary Rooms. ; Lucknow
on &Midday ,at 2.30.
;The meeting of St. Helens Wo-
men's Institute Washeld on No:. a
vember 1st in' St. Helens .Comr;1
munity -Hall. There were twelve H
rheinbers and two vrisitors and
We are ,glad to report that
Bonnie Thompson is home from
Wingham. Hospital.
Our teacher, Miss king, held
a very enjoyable • Hallowe'en
Party for ,her pupils on 'Wed-
nesday afternoon.
Well, Halowe'en has come and
gone with not a. single complaint
of, ivandalism being reported
that night in the community.
There were a number of spooks
land ,gOblins out calling at homes
along the concession. They were
.all well behaved with good man-
• Mr. ..The Gant and Miss Mary
Gant .of Bervie visited with Mr.
and h.s. James Wraith, Thurs-•
gay. • '
Those 'attending. the horse
show at Walkerton Chriatmas,
'Fair • on •Thursday night 'report
a good, well planned show,
•• The third meeting of 'the Westi
ford Willing Workersmet at
home of EM Wall on pot-
• obep. 3Oth vrth. 11 girls. Present.
.At this. Meeting ive cut out our.
pyjamas. The next ,meeting is to
.be -held at the hom44 our lead-
er, Mrs. Perry. Hodgins, oh. No-
• vember 8th. At this. meeting we
extiect to have aS.our guest, Miss
BuIlock.•A dainty lunch.' 'was
serVied. Mr. fp.r0 y ce Hedley
thanked the hostess.
•:'.affr, .George Bannerman; whp,
has Spent .the .past 'months. With.
Mr. and Mrs, ,Alex, Whytock, has
gone to the home of 'Mr...8i Mrs.
Win. Campbell, Kinloss. ,
EVeryone zs enjOinethe cOn-
tinuance.of the fine weather. At
BroWn's .they are -haVing letfuee,
Corn. and, peas from the garden:
The annual sweet peas; corn
flowers, larkscqr. and mums are
a Mass of bloom as is One:loVely•
-large-carlet-dahlia-with blooms
over six .inches in dianieter.
Sunday 'visitors with. Mr. and'
•Mig. Tom ,Stewa,rt were, Mr. and
Mrs. 'Gerald Stewart and Mr. &
Mrs. James Hyde and children
of Kincardine 'an.c1,1Mr.and. Mrs.
iRonald Stanley and children of
,Mr: Nelson OVEngietiart
• spending some time ,at the
• Mr.' 'and Mrs. Alex Whytock
and Harold visited Sunday with
Mr. 'and 11VIrs.. Everett .Whytock,
and .• family. • On• .
• Monday ' evening • ;Bethany
Farm Forum met at the home
of Mr.. and Mrs. Alex Why-toe
with. 13 present. The topic 'Milk
•tor Schools" was discusstd.
Euchre was played. The' host-
• ess served lunch. The next Meet-
ing will be at the, home ofr.
nd, Mrs., Duncap Thompson:
. ,
ave you reneWed.your Sentinel?
.. •
one child present. The roll call •
was answered by;,Orie step I can
make towards world , peace. It
was decided to have a Memorial
service at St. Heelns on Novein-
ber llth :at 2.30., p.m. with Rev.
•Green in charge. The 'ladies: of
the Institute are to Meet in front
of CKNX 'on.Novez.nber 22nd at
1.30 to , have a visit to the Stud-
ios, and also., to go through the
high • school. • There will be an
"At Home" on the 30th' of No-
vember.. Those on the. program
'committee are Mrs. E. W. Rice,
‚Miss W, D, Rutherford, . Mrs.
Fred McQuillin and Mrs. Frank
McQuillin. • The ones • on ' the
Junch •committee. are Mrs. E.
Mrs., Wm. Humphrey, Miss W.
D, Rutherford. It was decided to
have. the. meeting at 2.00 o'clock
for the winter months, The lad-
ieg were reininded of the- Insti-
tute Rally on Novernber 19th. at
,Cranibrook, Juanita was •sung.
pic "The Future is Now." 'by
Mrs. ,. Fred McQuillin had the
to !
Padre Young of the OAC;Mrs
••strumental, Miss W. D. Rutherd
Wrru Rutherford • played an
lord had the Current eventg thtj-
sPolte'on 'the Middle East. Mrs.
Harve3 Webb read two poems,'
In Flanders Fields(' . and "In-
dian Summer". Mrs. Andrew
Gaunt gave the report' of the
Area Convention in London. ,The
meeting closed with the Queen
' ' . •
• ,
"Well, actually, I'm not really pointing at- anything,
I'm Merely here to point out the value of having
• a well-known trust company to administer your
estate. You see, your estate is far too important to
put away in the background."
He has a point, you know. If you were to take.
advantage of the co-bperation and experience
—of—The Sterling Trusts -Corporation Now; it
very well save a lot.of inconvenience and
.• • .• .
trouble later. Write today for our free booklet,
• Blueprint For. Your Family." It covers, many
of the aspects of estate administration.
C 0 R
, .
372 Bay $tv Toronto
A T 0 N
. • •.• • . BRANCH OFFICE
1-3 Dunlop. St., Bartle
Mr.and .111/fri. • Elwood GrOs-
korth, Karen and Paul. spent the
•week -end_ at* Parry•iSound with
Mr.. Groskorth:'S brother. •
• Mrs. Clarence ' Adams return-
ed toher horned. last :week from
Victoria Hospital, London. '
• The Institute 'are catering to
the East WaWanosh Federation
of Agrieulture banquet in the
aVIemorial Hall • this Thursday
•night. •• • • •
•BORN—ta Mr...ancl Mrs. Peter
de 'Boer of R. 5; *Lucknow, in
Wingham Hospital on .Thursday„.
November lst, a daughter. -•
• Miss Marjory Coultes. of
Guelph 'General Hospital spent
the week-endwith, 'her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes.
• ,
'Mi.,• Mac MacGregor and' Miss
Ruth pringham of Thinning vis- •
ited On Saturday with. Ross :and
Mr. and Small..
Several ladies of the United •
Church here attended the Blue-
vale': Vnited 'C'hurch bazaar last
Thursda3i:-•• •
Mrs. Nelgon Smith Of 'Atmore
arid IVIr. and Mrs.:Ross Smith
of Toronto Visited Witli Mr: and
Mrs. Chapman over the week-.
end, •
Mrs. 4.1rna Campbell, Jean k
Barbara of 'London •visited Sun,
day with Mr. and Mrs.'. Robert '
A. wedding ring may not be as
tight as a tourniquet, but it "
stops the cirtulation:
on Debentures
and Guaranteed
rust Certificates
and 5 years
/for one and two years
WW1 ERIE • amb,imUst
. . : . District Representatives ..
end a dainty lunch was served Durniti Phillips; ngannon . .
E. 11
tby; the hostegses, Mis:s Annie'
DUI -nit,. and Ms, E. W. Rice, . I, •
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