HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-07, Page 4ah • "AGE, ,FOUR ". .. . , .. , . . . , • • a . • .." • , . — , • a uicsNoW SEKINPI Tril=trOW C;tiii ARM: a A • 1 APPLES FOR SALE -,Spies, Ta - I inan Sweets, Baldwins and other The annual meeting • of thevariaties, variaties, Wallace Miller, phone...zarmers, ,c070t, scales• 1 . . pariy will be held in the John- ' 42-1. *km RENT ---apartment end- store -stone ROCkrasi • aanelincw; • terk spaee• in the . Henderson . Block.; TburS.day, Novembex „..22nd. at Apply 'to Mrs. Well Henderson. '2.,00'P•ni7 • . „ . , .. ,-, . • . FOR 1942Dodge Coacb; NOTICE 1947- Cliev. sedan, both winter- voivaship if gmilLios,s . . . incl. N'. W. Whterstem' ' Notice is hereby even- that a. - FOR RENT ---"apartment-aboye Court a ,Revision on; the • 1956 Lucknow.u1 Apply to Asseismelit-13011 will be held at • * , Wm. 'Bolt, Lucknow. . ' the TOvionship Hall,. Holyroed on WANTE1:" turnip I:411W. Ap- 2.00 . m ' All parties having btisi '' • • - -,!..-. • , Monday, November 19th, 195 ,Pt , BAEAAR AND TEA .137wiyin,t0 GS:AtiGunartdern7e.rp4, Lou:1106;sr.4:_oirt un'eessms1.3Wolivihsthaecico.sai.'rdIngCo'iyii:rt, govern wW114A itcatriliurPht.ma, s trbate4ar and. tea . . . ill pungarmon. • . . • • . j. It LA, Clerk. ' ' 'SatuthreciaLeY giNtiQnv Rooms, slittueakilt 231;4 . . / FOR SA7LE—hard Maple .waart, , Sanitary Sewage DispOsal HOIneniade baking, aprons, noV-1 • : $61/0 :delivered. Phane. 152-J, septic taiiits, ,cess -pools, - eel, elties, 'mid a Papcel post.. pale. LucknoK.V.• - ' ' • pumped and Cleaned with sani- Salad late s'i'ved' . . . i$frovvis. cog SA7.,..E.— -.Fess .4 ...wo4rrYk: iunlad.arearnnteodecl.. ui,wPnrenktet.I.,6,14Ailsl RUMMAGE SALE & coNprivr stove arid a 'white enamel CO* . Holyrood Women's Institute •,• stove. Apply to Mrs. 0,1enn. Ir- -Blake,' ',4t:lt. 2, 13russels, Paime are sponsoring a ,l-tdmeinade bisk. ing and rusninage sale, 'aloe a 'variety concert in Holyrood Hail o.A . -Friday" *.eniu-g, --Novertiber 9th • at - 8,30 pan. Admission adults 356., -school'. age children f • cattle, ,.pho,ne: the ' NOTICE 11'.COMING EYENT$1 . . ST, ANDREW'S 11.ALL • The .Kairshea 'Instittite's Tina St, Andrew's Ball will be held in the Carnegie Hall, Luck - slow, on, Friday, November 23rd, Carruthere orchestra, Wats,,h- for further details ex..week. • BAZAAR, AND BAKE SALE The St. Helen's ,W,A. a the United Chureh annual bazaar, balse sale and afternoon tea will be held -Saturday, November 10 at. 2,30 in the Ladies' Auxiliary - Rooins, Lucknow. • °"",- 'MEN'S CRIBBAGE 'There will be a \men's crib- bage party , in the Legion "Hall! next 1VIonday, November .,12th at I, 8.15, Everyone . welcome. ' ftVin, Lucknw• ' 42-r-6 Brussels.. • _ WANTED—quantity a sod land -1.126TIFICIAL_INSEMINATION ,. . suitable for grouring Max;aAnd. ' For artificial inserninatim. in erson Flax Products Limited, formation or service from all , Lucknow. , breeds o . Waterloo sociption or Kinca and 9.30 a available cost. . • • 15 • c • • Cattle Breeding As -I, ' • at: Clinton HU 244411 . MEMORIAL SERVICE rdine 460 between 7.30 A. memorial service will be m. We have all breeds held at the Cenotaph at the St — top ,,quality , at low Kelens Community Hall on Sun-, day afternoon, 'November llth at. EA'L 2.30. Rev. B. F. Green -will be ESTATE listings ,on farms, • WIAN'PED--15./7cedar posts, eight. . feet long,. 6 -inch top. DaN.re And- erson, R. 3, Ltickriow, p!ibne 68- r-23 Durtgannon. , • • •• SEED WAN'TED-highest prices Paid for: •cloVer and' . grass •seed. " Harvey. '111.agedorn, *hone, 71-24, . • • • • • , • • • ; • .1„' • • ,•• t• • ArTims :FOR 'SALE. from a , 'sprayed • • orchard. Spy, Moan-. • tosh and other varieties. Evan •-• eith, phone .Lucknow 209-r-13. poiR SALE OR RENT-41oUSe 29 -acre property north of Cfrat station. Apply to„ Afro., Herb Mil- ler,* R. 5, Lucknow' . SHEEP •FOR SALE *.-e- Leiceiter '•, 'ram, :3 years old; 4 one -year-old ewes, 6 other ewes: Ken Pater- son, R 3, Wirirohalm WANTED homes„ .1) the speaker. Everyone is invited. ulinesses, , oinall bold- SH Cilt-PART • cings„ properties all deser pti ons S.S. No. 7 , Ki n1 oss is , sponsor - Contact John Hall, Phone 26, • ing a Shoot Party' in Holyrood Lucknow, Ont., agent for W. L. Hall on Friday, November .16th- StevenOon. Reek Estate, Mount at 8.00 p.m. Lunch served. Every- -Forest. • one welcorne. LADY FORESTERS NOTICE • The regular meeting of, 'Court. BePaY Lady. Foresters . be held. on MondaY, Noitember 12th at 820 p.m. Roll call answered by 44A Pair of Salt and. Pepper Shakers": Please bring article �f sewirtg for bazaar ' CUS'I'OM CAR PAINTING A. nice new. 'paint job is money well spent, single or'- two. tone, AUCTION SALE Of livestock,. andhuplements at the farm of John A. 1VIcKee, Lot 18, Con. 9, Kincardine TwP., on Thursday, November 15th at one o'Clock. See bills.. Terms cash. Emile 'MacLennan; Auc. • • womissrolivo NOV, 7tht 101 C6 -0P FEED •11-17.. . • , C ill :"T•a•,.;••.amtV".• r A, Noven*r Co op Beef and Dairy •32% antj 24% Conce—ifrittesirde bothfir7 and Beef and Beef Concotitrite''4vitti 'StilbeitrOL LEAVE:YOUR. ORDER TODAY . IIC now District Coo '• 'PHONE 71,LUCKNOW • - CARD OF1.14ANKS-7-' tillat'll-have-Teat4"d'uP at my a - lice Kintail ;on the 30th day • Mrs.. A. R.''` Finlayson wishes df OCtober, 1954;-' the list of all to sincerely thank her neighbors persons. entitled. tii; Vote in the 'torall their kindnesses and all said •Municipiality at (Municipal those who sent her cards and Elections and that „such list re - remembered her in. other ways Mainethere for .inspection.. , • And I hereby, call upon all • ylitir,a; to take immediate •pro - feedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to • law, the 14 day for_ appeal be- ing the 13th day of November, OLD HORSES WANTED . while in Wingliam Hospital. 014 horses wanted at 31/2e• per lb.; dead cattle at'value. If dead; phone at once t� Gilbert Bros: Mink Ranch, phone collect God- erich 1483J4 'or- .1483J1. • ' . AUCTION SALE FINANCING A CAR? Clearing auction sale Before you buy ask about ••our arty and household effec of prop. ts of the ald will LOW Cost Financing Service with -Estate of' Flora MacDpn • complete liiitirance Coverage.' J. .be . held . at her late re, 1 sid.ence, ow, 'On IA, corn - Ms cash. .1/4 acre in good A. 1VIcDonagh, Insurance Agent, Havelock Street, Liickn phone Dungamion. 61-5, • Thursday, N'overrtber *8 mewing at 1.00 p.M.Ter SALE CHRISTIAN , lot and 9-roorn house conststirg'," of BOOK SHOP STOCK P.rc"PerW Having rented my office, have repair offered subject to Christian hooka, ed bid. See bills. J. L. alpipotrities,e d books, .7books. of. Praise, Hyrtuiaries, Bible lan; J. R. Henderson, •E Well Henderson, Auc. hot spray method; also body and Concordences,_Bible Dictionar7, i• fender work ies, ete., to my home across from l'ONY . CONSIGNMENT ,,. N. W. WINTERSTE1IN CNR station.. We have many at McLelland Sale Barn lovely Grace' Livingston, Anne,at 1.00 o'cleck, Saturd Daddy 'Long Legs and other ember 1.0tIL. Good. plac books for young folk. These are or tell your pony. Boys all..going at 'reduced prices and be* sure and get Dad make • lovely Cluistinas gifts. you to 'this sale. Dim Call any time when we shall be able. AuctO.: Clint Zantz pleased to shout them. Paul Martin; Ohio, U.S Special'tlianke -to Dr. M. H. •C -Or-".• rin and the hospital. staff We would ,like to thank all `those who sent (fruit,. cards and gifts during our'stay in the hos- pital. Special, thanks to Dr, Cor. in - rand the nurses. •&Lamm* and Larry Hackett. • PROPERTIES FOR SALE 4 -bedroom instil brick home, Ilirnace, garage, with Ws acre of land, barn and henhouse, - =- the, outski#s_. of Jsucknow, Full resery-- price $4200. mama_ 4 -(bedroom solid brick home, xeCutors; with 51/2 acres of land, barn and henhouse, town water, asking price $5000. • -SALE- • On Highway ,86, well establIsh- , Bervie, ed groceries and meat business, ay, Nov.- lo-Vely home, garage, gas pumps, e to buy a real money inaker. and, girls, If you are looking for a goed to bring farm in Huron County, call er avail- JOHN. BOSYEIM p Realtor i, 'Baden; 40 'Wellesley. St, Goderieh .A. Phone 1108 MEAT FOR SALE. Good beef for sale by the quarter. Beef killed under lic- ense from the:Department of Health.. Choice Hereford year- lings. Custom butchering a spec- iality. - • • Raynard Ackert, Holyreod Phone .24-30, Ripley • A . • , 1 • E. 'M. Henderson, Christian HAVE YOU. TRIED EVERYCLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST Book SfhoP IMA:G1NABLE REMEDY • • • ' ' • . POSTING! OF VOTERS'/LIST to cure your rheumatism, lum- bago, arthritis, long-lasting colds and poor blood cireulation and still no satisfying results? 'Why not .-try it the “WALLUX-WAY4 Goderiek Ont 1-00-Har0P-C-A1ri.." cirOm CALVES, STEERS gt HEIFERS Wilt Be 'Held At The Farm Of * . THOMAS NiacDONALP. Lot .7, Con'. 6, Huron 'Township 2 Miles East of 'Ripley Itoad Prevent • • 'CHIMNEY FIRES ' Use , Fire • Chief Chemical chimney cleaners. To elim- inate soot and scale. from your stoveand pipes. The smaller the ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected accordingto law, the last• day for appeal be - the 13th • day. of November, 1956. ' bated' this 30th day of Oct- ober, 1956.. •' J. F. Foran, Clerk et the Town- ship of :West WaWarkr,sli, Dated this 30t11 day of October, Donald Shnpson, Clerlr, of.., the Township of Ashfield. • ^44,44P4P-iPekirorewbooa,..~4~~,, • • ,* • -14.' ENT L EY 'Voters' List, 1956,• Township of West.. Wawanosh, Co. of "(Urdu •' Notice is hereby given'. that 1 have complied with „Section 9 of The 'Vote& List Act,. 1951, and thave_pOsted_up_at-mY-01f. fice, RJR. 2, Auburn, on the 30th. day .of October, 1956, the list of all persons 'entitled tovote in• the said Municipality at 1VIuni- tipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And 1 hereby call upon all 'voters to take immediate pro - 22, Cows:* II,EIFERSr-r-ebrett,_ 22 CALVES • 2 SPRINGING COWS 35 GOO» CALVES, about 500 lbs. 3 HEIFERS in Calf. 10 YEARLING'S 6 Two-year-old STEERS 1 Two-year-old POLLED HEREFORD BULL ITERMS,—Six months'tredit ori Bankable Joint, notes bear- ing 6% interest., S. MeD014A1,1), Prop. .• DONALD LUE, Atte arse? tlie-thOY:e- Stibraricl carbon. For. use in oil, coal and wood fired units: Per sale at:' -Luekno-virilistisrecto-op• Miller's Store, St. Helens • Stem „Kinioss CARD OF. THANKS Arnold Wopds wishes to sin- cerely thank all those, who so kindly remembered him with cards, flowers, 'fruit and Visits while in the hospital,. These thotightful acts were Much ,have complied With Section 9' of '‘.-NoterstAist.‘,Actspv.1951c.,,,and Accountant GODERICH, ONT. Telephone 1011 BOX4I CLERK'S NOTICE OF POSTING , Voters' List, 1956; Township. of County Of Huron. Notice is hereby' given. that 1 •• co -or PROPANE AS and APPLIANCES • for . farm, home and industry • LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE 'INC. Phone , Ltteknow 71 ••.0•I‘teoelf44~0.#.04e4,4sOi4~~. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We • Have Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years, Always Using THE BEST. GRANITES Along With Expert Designhig and •• • Workmanship. Prices -MostReasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty • R. sporroN .IPhone 256, Wingham, Ontario J•V a, .4:1a4a.