HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-07, Page 2�.*��+,�O�R ONTARIO „ .
Zia Wcistivow SENTuM., iIV4/Wgli, �
Oliver -hat es. Warren y
the new .secretary.
Mr,; and Mrs; 'Harold Critten-
don and children of Clinton call-
ed on Mr: and Mrs. John Mc;.
Charles on, Sunday.
Mr, and :Mrs; Norval Stewart
They were and Ron spent Saturday in Lon
thepiano by their sister, don visiting Mrs. Stewart's, sig-
led. on
Norma. Mrs. Jessie Ailin, Russel, tens.. spend -
were second with a 1VIrs. Rod • Campbell is
and' Mary, Mr; & Mrs. '
spend -
piano trio, D. ,A.. 1V1;�acLennan, �i . a few, days with y
a third with a bag- Harvey Brooks and, 'tfamil .
Lochalsh, was.
'Ilhis class drew' Mrs. Daisy MctiCharles is visit--
pupe n entries.
er.ing • her niece, .Mr -s. John Mac -
three entries. •
Prises were.awarded by Mrs.. Donald.
Anna-Johm n, President of the The November W.M.S. meet -
group; ' d byoche uxil -ing-is to be held. at Mrs,.Herrnann--'-----
up; assisted Anger's on Thursday,. November
iary "�riemn�bers. � :
. ,. Masquerade Follows • 8th.
A masquerade: `dance to' music • . . .
of -Slim Boucher and his Golden. SIX LUCKNQW CLUB
Prairie Cowboys, Wingham, fol
Donald B. Bluef Ripley!. Will
,min be itbe, :kabetral standard
lamer in the riding of Il.r.uce
atR the 'next Dominion el on,
forecast by some political obser-
vers as likely to be. next June.
Mar. .Blue. • defeated Chester.
Merriam of Tara at a largely
attended. nominating 'Convention
held at Soutl aill:Oon. last Wed-
rie'sdaY• ,The onlyother. nominee
' be proposed was Jamee Pow -
• rs, . of, Chepstow who -withdrew
this.` name to make it a straight
two-man battle between, Blue
and. Merriam: The count was, not
officially disclosed but a • daily
paper report. hinted ' that Mr.
Slue had about a 2 to 1, margin.
The seat '.is• presently: held by
!t!, M.. .(Andy) Robinson, Pxo-
-Conservati;.ve of: Kincax-
+il+iine, and . has changed' hands
•v, •
.. • met at .the home of Mr. and Mrs..
TI : - U L• laid tang, Bar 1VG44" 1 W ids
TALENT p��� •.... � Andrew A� � '�' , is
The Pick the Stars' of Tomor-
row contest, sponsored by the
Ladies Auxiliary to the Caned-
ie i Legion in the Town Hall
last Wednesday drew entries
tfroxn twenty contestants in three
classes, The hall was not packed
for the . performance, Although
the fine talents' shown by the
contestants . warranted the .• sup-
port of the entire community.
Bob Second of CKN -TV,, was:
master of ceremonies for the ev-
ening.. Hee praised the Auxiliary
highly for .their efforts • in put-
ting on such an' amateur night,
He said that it is a source of
entertainment for the, commun-
ity, but.more important ' it is an.
to t,ants i_n. this class were Louise
, .
bara Finlayson, 1,ocha ,
dancing; Mary Fisher and waren
Groskorth, Whitechurch, song
and dance. ,
Irma And :J ? Forster with a
vocal duet won the 20 years' and
ass. accompan-
1945 Mr, Robinson :defeated Carl.
Whteher' of • W unto n, but in 1949
Mr. Blue edged Robinson : by
some 800 votes to .return the seat
to. the Liberal fold, In 1953. the
swing was back to .Mr,'
son 'who had ,roughly a 300*vote
majority over Blue., •
lie ahtef speaker at Wednes-
da's.convenction ' was• James R.
Scott, .p English at
professor of.
Western. 'University, He was in-
troducedbyBoss Whicher, MLA.
for. Bruce, Mr. Scott' substituted
for ' Fisheries 'Minister James
Sinclair Who was unable to be
present, -
.lVl aures. Downs of Wiarton
was named: president . of - the
Brice Riding': ' Liberal ' Associa-
tion. The ` convention attendance
exceeded expectations as it. was.
feared .the fine weather might
keep . 'the rural representation
down. From the south ..end ; of
the riding there was a full . turn-
out "of voting delegates from
'frequently `
• in recent elections.: In Lu�cknow, Kinloss and .Huron,.
Card Customersr���mas .
1 will not .be ;caking • a house-to-house canvass of
• with' -Christmas. Cards due to,
-:the -Village � this 'year__ _
•:lack.iot 'trine: However, .I do: have .a selection ;of cards
and Would. ` be. pleased to have you 'drop in to see,
them ;at The Sentinel Office, or 'if ' requested, I will
tarinlg; them to your home.'
Special Personal :Imp rint Card8
Two, Selections'
25 for $2.00; .and '25 for. $1.50
1 also .have :a complete range; of Everyday Cards Jin -boxes
of Sympathy, Get -Well, Birthday, Baby and Mixed Cards.
on ;Thompsc
'Phone 33 or. 35, Lucknow
excellent chance for individuals lowed the amateur show..
to display. and develop thane to Costume prizes 'awarded were;
mtg.Each winner. ` was pied original. couple, Mr;. and Mrs.
Eby an electric.aupp+lause meter. 'Finlay. fancy couple, Mr.
Tom Wasney singing "Bless"
This House" won. the 12 years
sand.:under class. He' was . accom.-,
ponied by Mrs. ,Irwin Carruthers
on the piano. Linda 'Button with
a,recitation on. her. dog ,"Chip.
per", was second, :and . Eleanor
Reed, 'Dungannon; ' with a . violin •
number, Sharon ' Anii. Grubb, OLIVE r
Bluevale with Scotch dancing Mr. Oliver Barkwell `•and Mr.
and Dianne Ritchie', of Ashfieldd
and. Mrs. 1 arold•Roas,, Wingham;
comic couple; John Thomson and
Bob Gilchrist;' comic lady, Russ
Button; comic gent, Lloyd Hall;
fancy gent, Mrs, Gordon Bailey;
fancy lady, Phyllis Moore_
with . _a !voocal... solo all tied ' for
third. Other contestants in this.
class which drew eleven entries
were; ',Georgina Keiffer, . Wing -
ham, dancing; Karen . ' Wasney,
.dancing; . Betty ., Eamnerton, Lur-
gan, piano;.. Jane Finlayson,
Lochalsh; • Booted; : dancing; Fin-
lay •MacLennan, Lochalsh, Scotch.
• dancing; Mary Alun, tap dime:-
are=Ann Crawford with a vocal
solo,' "Blue Moon", • on the 13
to 19years class.. °She ,was ac-
corcnpanied' on the piano by
Norma • Murray. Mary All-mn and
Evan Agnew doing a dance num-1 Ibeguri and the ' Lochalsh' •grout).
ber were second and: ,Karen'
Harvey Brooks spent a few ays
m Detroit -with Mrs. 'Harry Whit~
ney.' ,
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver McGhan,.
les ' and Mr ; and. "Mrs. • George
McGillivray have returned ' from
a motor trip which'; ;took, them
through. the Eastern; States and
as far as 'Cape Cod, Mass.'
A nunihet from . this, common-
ity: attended .the Sectional meet-
ing •at Pine 'River United church;
.Mr. Howard Henry returned
home=from St..Joseph'&_HoSpital
on Monday:.
' Farm"Forum Forum . meetings )ave
Six calves ' ."m the Lucknow •
4-H Calf Club' `1ere in competi-
tion and sold at the Walkerton
Christmas Fair last week. Own-
ers of the, calves were Leroy
and Garry 'Rintoul, Jim Lyons, .:
Mary . Alton, Terry Wilson ' and.
Ken Alton,
Four of the six calves made
the, first' prize group, and the
Rintoul boyscalves were con .
tenders for the Hereford cham-
pionship, and. in fact brought : a.
better price on the auction block
than dad the champions. Essex
Packers paid - 2,53/ac for Leroy';
850 -pound 'steer, and Canada
Packers paid 25c for :: Garry's. •
steer which weighed 860 lbs.
The.. Rintoul • calves and Jim
Lyons' ,calci placed third in the
group of • three competition in ,
which there' were 26 entries.
There were • two other out-
standing' calves
ut-standixng"calves in the, .4-H Chia
this year, •those of Barry' Mc-
Both Boys have .them ;entered at
t`he`;Royal. .
Have you renewed your.Sentinel?
Swanson and Judy Lund of 'Each
Winghaan-with a -song and -dance
• :.number were third. Other con=.
c Solo' Margarine •
lib:p kgs.,2.9c
Betty Crocker Cake Mixes 7
20 oz. pkgs. 3 fox $1.00.
Clark's Beans ;with Pork
20 oz.: tins 2 for 35c'
Quaker Instant Oats
44 oz. pkg. -- .36c
Libby's choice Sliced i
Kleenexx Tissues, 'regi ar \p s 2 for
'Red '8c -White Jelly
Po rdeis ' •4 for.
Puritan. Meat Balls, 15 oz. t
gc off Breeze with. Cannon ea Towel, gt
Johnson's Baby Powder, small 39c, large : 65e,
Phillips Milk' of Magnesia, large' • 55e
, Bayer's Aspb'ln, 100's 79c33c
Gold. Medal Currants, 15 oz pkg.
---tee Rises- Flour; 5-113.
Easifirst. Shortening,' lb. > 27c
R & W Vanilla Extract, 8 oz.' btl • ... 17c
Supreme � Pumpkin. Pie Spice, tin.19e
Save -All Wax Paper, 100 ft. roll. 29C
10c off Jell-O -Instant •'puddings '' 3 for 27e
Stuart House Foil Wrap, 25 ft. roll 31c
• Bake ' Rite Baking- Cupa, 100's, med. 17c
Magic. Baking Powder, 16 .oz. 'tin 37e
Libby's Mincemeat, 25 ' oz. tin 43c
Ogilvie Fruit Cake Mix, 28 oz..pkg.. 65e
ple, 20 oz 31c E. D. Smiths Cherry .Pie Filer, 20 oz tin 33c
• $1.13.
10c ' off Blue . Surf, gt::.pkg. , ,.... 69c Granulated . Sugar, 5 lb. bag : 42e
5c off • Lux• Toilet Soap, reg. bars r.:, 4 for 29c Enriched Quick Cream - of. Wheat, 28 oz., 31c
Pepsodent Dental Dream, gt. fib. 10e..
off 2189c Nabisco Shredded Wheat, 12 oz, ...: 2 pkgs. 35c
35e. Kleenex,, white pkg. ,pink, aeon, .37e
.. � yellow,
31c , PULLAN DOLLS --$3.99 with . $5.00 order
CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS -390 with $5 order
5. -piece place setting $1.99 with $5.00 order,
33c Red & White` Blend Coffee, lb
29e .Aunt Mary's Blend Coffee, lb. '
3`lc • Early Riser Blend Coffee, ib.
7$c Sil'ver Cake Decorations, tube
Good Luck Margarine; lb. pkg.. •
Beehive Corn Syrup, 2 lb. tin •
Birds' Eye bench Fries, 12 oz. pkg.,.... 2 for
Birds; Eye Green PeaS, 12
Birds Eye Cod Fillets, lb.
Birds Eye Sole Fillets, lb.
,oz: pkg. 2 for 45c
,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:..,. 49c FULL LINE OF .MEATS & FROZEN FOODS
OneBringOne" Is Thema
Of Church—AttendaflCe- Proposal
of church attendance, chiefly .at.
tt�e, evening service, the failure
Doff children in many eases to at-
tend Sunday. School'• and church;
failure to induce church attend •
ance through visitation by and
with the.minister. In this regard
it was.. •fere that laymen might
lend their moral support by ac-
companying those 'Who had long
been absent from . church and
might not find it easy.to cone.
back. The' increased consumption
of ;'alcohol which, percentage -
wise, indicates a tendency. to a
lack of sobriety on the " part .of
church members, was , cited as,
another failure, as well as the
evils of social drinking which
cannot but have a degeneratingjuvenile influence,
"Much good may :come out of
Phis" , : was the way Rev. G A.
Meiklejohn summed; up . a Sun-
day livening • meeting ' 'in. the
United • Church, when members
of the three Protestant congre
gations joined to discuss coin
,mon problems. ,
were a
There bout fifty people
in attendance
and after the
clergyimen bad given some : ex-
''planation and direction as to the
evening's proceedings, the gath-
ering broke up into four . lay
groups for, a half-hour discussion
period, in whichthe ministers
did . not take. part. '
Speaking briefly prior. to this,
- Rev HH1: `Jennings- said it was
a . "venture in, faith". that pro-
vided a great opportunity for c� -
operation in a common .purpose
for good, and is a. challenge to
the lay men : and women.
Rev. Wall,'McClean spoke.
of premious experiences in co
operative effort, :and felt' that to
:som,e: degree , it would overcome
the forces that are drawing
away from The ' religious and
spiritual life .of the ,eotnmunity.
The discussion • subjects . were
, based; on/ the evidence of the
'mite Food Store
successes and of the failuresdf
the ;Christian Churches and ways
and means of co -Operating to ad-
vance the. work of The . Master.
Z1he findings were 'presented
.by the group secretaries, Mrs.
Kenneth Cameron, Miss Ada
° .
Webster, T, ' A. Cameron, n, andL.
C. ,Thompson and were recorded
and summarized by Rev. 111, L.
Jennings.. •
Some of. the suiocesses of the
churchwere- -briefly--cited--•as--th •'
inuinerous co-operative effort of Consider .Joint Evening ' Service
worship and service, the support There was not much more of a
of• t'he- work -.'.sof -the--church=-at_ ; .ice natti e_;arrsing f "nom the
home and aboard, . the support of meeting, but it was propose'
many wwortfhy charities for which ' even�
that co-operative Sunday
this 'community has a favorable ing meetings might be the . ans-
record, the happiness and con wer to encouraging attendance,
geniality of the community,' and and this proposal will be pre-
the spontaneous response o in- sented to the respective chur I
dividuals to 'help others in times :boards for consideration.
of sorrow or trouble;. was suggested that, if adopted,
The evidences of the. failure :this. plan Could ,become` opera'
"Each One Bring One"
The: groups' gall supported in
principal such ideas as zoning
of the community for Christian
lay Work, such as (visitation.; •pro-
motion of group' Bible. study or
some forint of prayer circle; the
promotion , of. regular church. at-
tendance, and carrying 'out, of .
the slogan "Each One Bring,
One". Suggestions advanced a-
long this line were an "Every-
one -At -Church Sunday and a co-
operative Sunday evening', meet-
Congregations ations. To Hear Plans•
It was stressed .that everyone
present should. "talk up" Sunday.
ev ning's meeting, and the mneet-
in went on record , that the
respective, clergymen, should each
tell his congregation about what.,
had been, done and what. . was
under: consideration.,
of the ohitrch,;wlhioh ,basically is tive in January for tic winter
the individual, were a fall off months least..
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