HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-07, Page 1'
0.50 A.Arear. In Advante,41.00 EXtra 'To U.S.A.
. •
botit Ten Men
'The LucknOW Sawmill 'will re-'
open this anelith:-The neW,Pro-
iprietor is IVIr. Wm.." Stevenson of .BAPTIZED
srussels, Wbo told -.The Sentinesl
on pue9lay night that he hope '11A.BIES SERVICE- SUNDAY
to have the mill ready for oper
ation about the Middle of this
• month. . •
•The operation ot..the mill will
require about teelnen, who we
understand ,can be obtained
• locally, Mr. Stevenson•will con-
tinue to reside in Brussels vvher
1, •
he .has operated a sawmill since
1947, and which he will continue
to iterate. .
Whether . the Lucknow mfll
will operate the year around will
. be determined by the Wfolume of
tiinkier, that can be cibtained. Mr.
Stevenson requires hard maple,
but will ibui all kinds of thnber
if ,.h'e obtainO, a sufficient pro-
• portion of maple._
'Work has been ,underway at
the niill. yardto get ready' to
,operafe. Repairs are being made
to the building itself and new
anachinery is heing installed.
The new proprietor purchased
the mill frOm Arnold Gloor of
Mitchell, who -formerly operat-
ed it and, sold it to W. C. Att-
rid10 Ooderich. When the
business Werif into receivership
inthe-sprint -ofc1955, the prop-
erty reverted to -Mr. •Gloor, vvho
• at one time lintended to re -open
it himself, but changed his mind.
The mill hasn't„:".turned a wheel"
for close, to two years and it's
good ''news to this community to
t it's bout to to operate
, • •
The .cOnamunity is shocked and
saddened to learn of the death'
of Mrs. Rusaell J. Johnstone (the
former Mae Caird) which occur-
red .early•Wednesday•morning in
St Catharines hospital. -
Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone had
gone to St • Catharines . three
weeks 'ago for a week -end visit
with their son 'Donald. Mrs,
JolinstOne took ill with a heart
condition while •''there and re-
mained, and Russ 'returned home.
A 'week .later she was admit-,
ted'to the hospital and Mr. John-
stone returned to the .citY where
he had_rentaineciA._ On Tuesday
night word' was ' reedited that
her condition was grave, but her
death a few hour later came as
a great shock to her family here.
C. WaShington of the
AShfield Circuit charge conduct-
ed impressive baptismal services
at Blake and Zion :United
Churches on Sunday. •
There were six children bap-
tized at Blakes and. net in years
can members .of the congrega-
tion .recall so many children
having been. baptized , at • •one
time.. They Were: Start Blake
Alton, son of gr. and Mrs. Blake
Alton; Robert Gordon Wilkins,.
son of Mr. and Mrs. •Herb. Wilk-
ins; Darlene Marie Ritchie, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Ritchie, Sarnia; Marion Elizabeth
Anne Johnstone, daughter of .Mr.
and Mrs Gordon - Johnstone;
William Gordon Alton, .son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alton; June
Elizabeth Alton, daughter of Mr.
and Mr* Arnold' Alton.
• The Zionbaptismal t were:
•Wilham Ernest Wilkins, Son of
Mr. and Mrs. •Charlea W. Wilk-
ins and Melvin. Harvey Ritchie,
Ison of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W,
Ritchie: ' '
• .
•'r h e Luck/lair • Agricultural
Society will pay 75 -percent of
the, prize money lawarded at the ,
,1956 •,Thk 4,decision was
reaChed at a :Meeting at the dir-
ectors on Monday. evening„ with
President Wm. Machityre ,pre-
siding , •,' •
• There was no alternative arid
the Board went the limit in pay-
ing three-quarters. of the prize
money, Which, ,at that, will de/
pletethe treasury and the re,
servelund to a negligible figure.
-It is ironical that good. weath-
er was responsible for a sharp
degrease in receipts: The Luck,
now Fair fell orr.one of the few
g6.0d -harvest /days of an eXcep-
tiorially Wet fall, and attendance,
• at the fair was less than halfof.
The; Lucknow iBranch of the
Canadian, Legion has plans com-
pleted for the sale of poppies,
and the Remembrance ,Day ser-
vice on Sunday, , • .
On Friday nightthere will be
a PoPPY sale blitz of the Village
between 7.00 and 8.00. o'clock.'
'When the door be rings be pre.
pared to buy a poppy, by which
you rwill' be contribnting, to the
Legion's welfare work.
The revenue derived from.
NIPPY sales is used entirely for
welfare' Work among veteran's,
and their families regardless of
•Whether or not they. are Legion
members. -
Beside,s • assistance to the
needy, veterans in hospitals and
'men in the services are ternem-
bered at Christmas time. Give
generously when you buy, a
poppy and wear it' inremem-
brance' of those who paid the
supreme •.sacrifice two World
•' Service On Sunday
• Meini3ers of the Lmicm, 'the
Aukiliary and the Boy Scouts
will parade to the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday morning .for
the ceremonial observance • of
Remembrance Day.
The parade will , form .a't the
Recreational- Centre, and will be
at the Church a few minutes
ahead.- of . the regular . hour of
servace, so that -.the • Last POS,t
may be sounded and the two -
minute silence observed on the
hour. 7"'•'••
• The • placing ,of wreaths at
the Cenotaph Will take place fol-
lowing the church service. •
WM. Irvin of •Con. 9, Ashfield,
has his left hand M a cast a3
a result of a mishap two Weelis
ago. Mr. Irvin was plowing close hear London, Ed has, a sister in
th' the fance at the time, and had England •arid a Sister in Gies -
[glanced back to see if everything gow•
Was O.K.: • .
Donald B Blue, Ripley baker ertnan • shows hun re6eiming.
and auctioneer, was 'named Lib- beaming" _congratulatiOns-from -
,eral 'Candidatefor the Federal an an 'octOgenarial 'PartY „stalwart,
riding' of Bruce at the nerninat- Ed.„ Thoin. Looking': on with
ing convention in Southampton equal pleasure, is W. A. Port -
last WednesclaYafternoon. eous, 'who was one Of/Lueknow,'s
Donald was the Village the oficial delegates at the nomin-
next day and •The Sentinel cant- ation' —Sentinel Photo • •
Aboard a Super Constellation . Adam MacDonald, 74-year-eld.
4 -engine ',71CA__a1rcraft,E_4r, ,Ripley-residenti-is tospitalized-W--
Biker. 'made a. trans-Atlantic .London with a crushed heel ,and
.flight to London the firstof the Severe .shaking up, is. theresult
week. • •...' of a • fall On Tuesday afternoon
• The Mein purpose of. Ed's trip. of last Week. .
was • tovisit with, his ailing and • The Mishap occurred at the
aged, mother, Mrs. E. Baker. He home of Doug Henry on he 15th..1
hasn't seen his . mother - since - Sideroad, while • the house was I
.coming to Canada .fortY-sevenbeing sided. •
years„ago.,gd cane out as a.lad, Mr. MacDonald, ' Mr. Henry
and was ratSed by .Mr. arid MrS. and Walter Dexter were Putting
Gee* 'McVicar. of the Dundalk
district He was employed in the
creamery and produce business
at Dundalk before coming to
Lucknow several years age, to
take over .a feed and produce
store. Later he disposed of the
business and established • the
Baker Private Hospital, in what
was at one tinie the Moorehouse
Mitchell residence.
liesides his mother., who lives
the 'preceding year. By the samHe was scheduled to .fly from
e • The front wheel struck a stone 'London' to Montreal on Monday
token, .the 'efvening performance which twirled the wheel from
was poorly attended, and little his grip With the spinner strik-
more than paid expenses. •
The directors at 1VIonday's
meeting could recall only one
other occasion that prize money
had not been paid in full.
. .
trig the • hand • • a blow - that
knocked...off , One "knuckle and
broke three bonesin the hand.
He. will have to wearthe cast
'for about Six weeks. .
, ,
Pieti• nsed above are the •first
e• ,
Prize Winners of the !Tick .the
• Stan of Tomorrow" contest
staged in the MoVni ita11 last
• Wednesday night tinder. Slut-
pices o tie Lucknow Branch of
the Ladiei Atutiliary to the -Can-
'fere were more than twenty
conteatants 'in the three classi-'
ficatiOns, and a most interesting
and varied program 'resulted,
Tom Wasney won the 12 and
under elms with his. solo "Bless
• This Rouse". In the second row
„on„„thaett,4,,L1 AtinStastezkate..,,
P.* 4 .
placed first in the under 20 years
class with the solo "Blue Moon".
West Wawanosh. Township sis-
ter* Irma and 40an , Forster,
*ere first . in the over -20 class.
They sang tte duet "Beautiful
Ohio", Irina is in the tentre,
on the, siding,' when, a rung of
a • ladder 'gaveway causing' jhe
scaffoldto tip,. Which •dropped
the three. men about 10. or 12
feet •
Walter and Doug escaped in-
jury, , but , Mr. MacDonalcr was •
not so fortunate. 'He was first
taken to Kincardine hospital and
.later moved to London after•the
severity) of the injury ,was 'de-
• The Legion's ' 'annual kovem-:
morning, u t flights were iber dance and prize draw will•
be held on Friday everting of •
this week in the Recreation Halt
Music will .be by Carruthers' or-
chestra. '
where he was scheduled to de- Tliere will be a prize draw at
part at 3.00 o'cloek Monday af, midnight' for nine valuable
ternoon, •with • arrival . time at "
London, England, airport slated
for '8.20 Tuesday morning. Ed
was uncertain bov,r long he
would remain in' England, but
planned on only a brief visit. He
will fly home:•
grounded in Ontarie due to fog,
and Ed' left by train from Lon-
don on 5und.ay. evening for an
overnight trip to Montreal, from
prizes. First prize is a mart's or , •
lady's suit Other prizes inelude
an electric frying pan, lady's' be'
.gent's Shoes, '.22 rifle, 100.1be of
sugar, .two gallons of Prestone,
turkey, hamper' of 'groceries and.
10 gallons .of. ,gas.
hen. •Father-Attacked:By...Bull
There is encouraging improve -
in the condition of Cecil.
Humphreys,•:Huren 'r•Wpfarmer
Who was. Critically injured , on
Tuesday of laStweek, when at -
'tacked by a bull on his farm.
Mr, Humphreys, • siitfered a.
fractured pelvis and internal in-
juries, At the tint of the week
the full extent of his Injuries
had notbeen announced, It is
expected he will he: hospitalized
for a lengthy-periel. ' vere injuries and shock, was
lItunphreys, age
a -•, w" 'rushed to kineancline Hospital
and later- was taker f to "London ,
for treatment, ,
Mr Rtimphreys lives. en the
:Seeond Concession of Huron
Townshiii,:‘ west of the Blue -
water and IS' a neighbor a Bob
Courtney who rerently lost part
of his •foot in a. threshing acci-
time at a, church Meeting. The
Jittle girl trotted off to the,
neighboring farm home. of Don
Courtney, and while unable to .
tell them what had, happened;
her presence indicated something
was wrong •and Mr, Courtney
took the child home (when ho
discOvered Mr; Humphreys' pre-
diearnent and rescued the'.near-
ly eihausied man.
Mr.,ittiraphreyscrering-- se- •-
bout to clean out' the animal's
en, but tfailed to get the halter
n the animal When it attacked
He hung onto the ring in
life and death struggle until
elp arrived.•
It was his littlethreci-year-Old
aughter Marsha, who svg4i re,
ponsible for bring'ing help. Mrs.
—Sentinel Photo 'Hurhreys was absent at fhe