HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-10-31, Page 4Y�( , • WeiCNOW s NEL, .LUcKNORS'.,, ONTARIO + IO FOR LE --=54" steel bed and medium sized oil burner. .Roy Back!. phone '170-w, Lucknow. FOR ALE-=,Tatnlworth boar of serviceable age. Dave Anderson, R. 3, Lucknow. FOR •R1 NT -°apartment and store space in 'the Henderson Block. -Apply. to--.Mrs.-Well---I enderson,- FOR SALE child's therrno- ' ,zephyr overshoes; with fur, size 7. Mrs. Wm. Lougheed; phone 145-M. / FOR RENT --- apartment; above' Lucknow Fruit Markets Apply to. Mrs. Win.' Bolt, Lucknow... • APARTMENTS heated apart- ments available. Apply • G animit, Apartments. FOR SALE -hard maple wood, $6.60 delivered. ,done 152-J, Lucknr, PBS POLO SALE ,_-- •18 chunks. Apply to. Chester Finnigan, Con; 6, Ashfield; phone 78-5 ,Dungan-.. non Wi ►] iD- quantity. of _ sod _ land suitable' for growing flax. •Aid-. exon Flax Products Limited, Lucknow. ///FOR. SALE ' = 2 -year-old ram. Helso MacNay, Phone 68-22 Dun- gannon • FOS - SALE. good steers, 6 . to 9 ` months - old,. , .dry feeders., -J 'de ''Jong; R...6,. Lucknow, ;phone'. • 26-r-11. Ripley. . S]1ED ANTED -highest prices paid for clover and 'grass 'seed: Harvey Hagedorn, phone 71;,-24, F . s RA. - • m'. grass . farm. in Ashfield, a dark red steer aibout 1,000` Lbs. Anyone knowing his whereabRuts please-anotify, Wm.- Johnston, R. • 3, Goderich, ' phone 80-r-13 Dungannon. Reward. 'WOOD FOR SAE -soft maple • body. wet*. Andrew Gaunt; .fit: 1, Luclu2aw; :;phone' 87r.-12 Luck • .now. . FOR SALE--2-year-old Holstein h'eifer,,;freshened one week, hand milked, :with or • without .,calf;' registered Shorthorn bull,/three years old. Duncan Parrish, R.3. Lucknow, phone :.62=8 Dungan non. FOR SALE 1942 Bodge Coach 1947 ;Chev.. Sedan N. W. W?3liSTEIN REAL ESTATE WANTED listings' on farms, homes, • businesses, small hold- • •hogs, properties all descriptions; • • Contact • John • Hall, , plione,i26, Lucknow, Ont.,' agent for W. L. SteeOnson • Real Estate, Mount Forest. FOR --dry hardwood. Law - tepee MacLeod, R. 5, Luck low,, phone 46•-r-22,. • 'CATTLE ASTRAY -a number of cattle strayed to the premises of the un:designed .about August 1'st. Owner may :have same aby proving property and paying ex- penses.. • Raynar..d. Ackert, Lroly- roozl, p3rone 24=30 Bigley. FOR SALE -new'. Gehl hammer mills,; ,$195. Lucknow District Co operathre. . FOR, SALE -grey mare, 7 •years. olds broke to drive single or double. Jack •Mac,Xenzie, phone 65-r-,1 Dungannon. FOR SALE -75 Red Sussex pul- lets, laying. WANTED -sod land for breaking. J. R. Murray and. Son, R. 2, Lucknow, phone 66-r- .2, Lucknovt. W, D si all ,barn, sl ed 0o1= •may house and riding • saddle. Contact. Cameron's • • Billiards, Wingham, Ontario., FOR •SrAI:'i-8 pigs, ten weeks old. Duman Farrish, Lochalsh. FOR "SALE _' quantity of' •' cob corn:: John de Boer, phone Wing- I ham. 402-W-2. • • • • CUSTOM CAR PAINTING. A nicenew paint job is money :well, spent, single • or two tone, hot spray . Method; . also .body and fender woik. • N. W. WINTERSTEIN ' Sanitary Sewage .D\isposal S.esptic tanks, ieess-pools, etc., pumped and' cleaned 'with sani- tary modern equipment. All: workguaranteed. • Write. Louis Blake, am. 2, Brussels, phone '' 4244' . Brussels. CQMI NO EVENTS KINGSBRIDGE FESTIVAL King bridge Fall Festival at the Pati h Hall ,on Friday, Nov- ember .2ntl.. at 8.80 ip m,- sharp. Talented concert. Draw 'for 23 iprizes, ' Turkey sandwiches for lunch. Dancing to Carruther's or- I chestra until 1.00 o'clock. . SHOOT PARTY The Altar Society of St. Mary's Church will hold a shoot party at the Recreation. Centre, Luck-, I. now, on Monday, November 5th at 8.30 sharp. Lunch served. Exeryones welcome.. • • • R;ECE.PTION In Dungannon ' Agricultural Hall, Friday, November 2nd 'for Mr. arid Mrs.. Iy ai ;Henderson (nee • Jean Erington). Hank Norris . Ranch Boys of Hensel(: Everyone welcome. L,DII:S, COMMENCEMENT ' Lucknoiv District Nigh School! Commencement *will be ;held, on'. Friday, November ' 16th, .featur- ing featuring' "The Harboraires" f'• male chorus .of Goderich. Rev. George Watt, of Dungannon will be guest;'. speaker 'Admission 50c. OLD HORSES WANTED- Old horses wanted at Mc per lb_; ' dead cattle at value. If dead,. phone at once to Gilbert .Bros: Mink i k - Ranch, :phone collect - God-- erich 1483J4 or. 1483J1,' TURKEYS' FOR SALE Fresh .'.oven-ready turkeys for all ocassions, banquets • a special- ty.. Compare' quality' and prices and . order the • best from Twain - ley .•Ttirkey wainley,Turkey. Falun, • Con. 9; Ash field phone Dungannon 77-r-8. •• AUCTION SALE. At McLelland Sale Barn, Ber- vie,. on ' Friday: afternoon, Nov- ember 2 at 2 o'clock: .25 spring- ,ang and fresh Holstein cows, and heifers; 15•., real good dark red Durham cows, `due from'Novem- :ber pori . (au one moan's herd), 15: bred, and,, open -Holstein- -heifer-s Really a good' lit; of cows.• Lunch counter. ARTIFICIAL;' INSEMINATION For -artificial -insemination in- formation or service from all breeds. of cattle, phone . the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation' at: Clinton HU 2.-3441. 'or Kincardine 460 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.ml We have all breeds available- top ,quality at low cost. . NEED . MORE MONEY? Become our representative in: Allenford,Barrow Bay,, South- ampton, .•Ripley, Wiaton,, Walk- erton, Hepworth, Greenock,,For- mosa, Elmwood, Dobbinton. High- est commission paid. Free cala Bogue. ' aiid • details o_ ii request.'. FA a o , Dept. S, Station C, Montreal. ' • a WEDNESDAY, OCT? 314? 1955 DAIRY OR BEEF 'Effective .far November only; : A Special ` • DISCOUNT .OF $5.00 PER TON for beef of dairy -concentrate -With mgr -' ^ithout •s't lbester sl u nowDistrict 'PHONE• 71,. L•UCKNOW' / IN MEMORIAM BUSH LL -in memory' of a dear, lusband, William N: Bushell,_ who passed away. two years ago, November 6th, :1954. There are ' stars that go. • out in the darkness, • Butwhose silvery. light shineth on There are roses whose perfume still ,lingers When. the blossoms are : faded and gone; • • . There are lives full. of ,light and sweetness,.• When no longer. their life cur- rent flows:. Havelock: Street, Lucknow; on 'Still that sweetness lives on: • • AUCTION SAji.E Clearing auction sale of prop- erty and'household effects of the Estate of 'Flora MacDonald .will Abe , held at her late residence, Thursday, November 8th,. Com- with the living, • mencing at 1.00 .,p.m. Terms cash. Like ., the :'soul of the star and Property consisting of ' V4 acre .the rose. lot and 9 -room house in. good I keep in memory a love.' of the' repair offered subject to reserv- past: • ed. bid. See !bills. J- L. M•acMil- To me it's as.bright as of •old. lan,: J. R. I%ndersbn, Executors;. For •deep in my 'heart it :•was . • Well Henderson, • Auc : I . • 'planted to last WINOHAM $EI ORI* ' 1 P ;W e Have Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years, Always: Using THE BEST GRANITES Tong With •:Expert Designing and d Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering•. a Specialty R. A.' SPOTTON •absence it neves:. grows FINANCING A 'CAR? And ; goinld. ' Before you buy ask about our .Lovingly remembered , by his Low Cost Financing Service with • completeInsurance Coverage • J.I • MEAT FOK �SAI.E;. ,. • of An tt Good ' beef for sale by • the quarter. Beef killed 'under lie- ense from • the : Department of Health. Choice Hereford year- lings..Custom butchering a spec- iality. . • Raynard Ackert, ilolyrood Phone ,24-30, , Ripley • z 'C•TION SA of 100 HEAD OF CATTLE COWS,' ,CALVES, STEERS &° HEIFERS W i1.,,BeL.He1d-At The Farm -0 • THOMAS MacDONALD Lot 7,. Con. 6, Huron Township , 2 Miles East of Ripley ,Road Friday, November 9th at 1.30 pm, • 22 COWS & HEIFERS, rebre'd. 22 CALVES 2. SPRINGING COWS 35 GOOD CALVES, about500.ibs '3 HEIFERS in Calf 10 YEARLINGS. 6 Two-year-old STEERS • 1 Two-year-old POLLED HEREFORD. BULL J.IJJ+.MJ.✓ iic months credit on Bankable .1 `point notes bear- . ' ing 6% interest. • A. McDonagh, Insurance Agent, phone: Dungannon '61-5 HAVE VIC TRIED 'EVERY. IMAGINABLE REMEDY to cine F your rheumatism, ,bago,, arthritis, long-lasting colds and poor blood . circulation : and stillno satisfying resutits? Why not try it the "WALLUK-WAY'' Write to P.O. Box 508, Goderich,-Ont. • • CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST. POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1956, Village. Of .. •Lucitliew.•. ._ountty of.;:Bruce:._:: . Notice i,s hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act, 1951, and that I. have, posted up at 'my. of- fice at Lucknow the 22nd day •of October, 1956, the list of 'all j . persons entitled to Vote in the said Municipality at Tittinicipal Elections and' that such list re- mains there' for. inspection. • And 1 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to • have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the last day for appeal be- ing the 5th day • of November 1956.. • Dated this 22rid. 'day sof Oct.. ober, 1956:- • • t. 11. AGNEW, . ;Clerk of .Vill- age of Lucknwr THOS. 1VYcDONALIl, plop. • DONALD B. BLUE, Auc. 'w,�G�SE1Y,1^.A'K • 'Phone 256, Wingham,Ontario IN MEMORIAM MARTIN -,-in loving memory of Mrs. Mary Martin who ' passed away .on' November 2nd, 1950. ' There is a link death cannot sever, Love' and remembrance last for- ever. • .Ever " remembered by . Family and Grandchildren. CLEARING REGISTERED. • SCOTCH SHORTHORN CATTLE .r . . ,At The te Farm, Of M. 'C. T'YNDALL and SON R.R. 5,• GODERICH, ONT, ;• Lot 3,Concession 8, 'Colborne Township, 4 Miles West 'cif Auburn - 4 Miles North of Benniiller- at 1.30 o'clock p.m. Robert : Ambi,...:. Guelph, Auctioneer 40 ,Head. Selling -= 40, Cattle to go to the. highest bidder --No Reserve 1 e. (atilt,• that , alve ibeen used in this herd hA.Ve the 1 blood f some of the top bulls that have been used in Scot- land and Canada sudh as •Collynie Royal Barrage, Burford. Bolide,' .Corrimony colder . Sovereign, _Mill hills _Festival by_ • Ascreavie Democrat.. , • The herd consists of 22 Cows and Heifers, all in calf. • Of these, 16 cows have half at. foot. There are 16 fine calves, sortie of which would make 4-H Club calves; also several that would make good herd sires. Come and. see them, you will like them. The herd is in pasture' condition. • . catalogues will he distributed at time ' of Sale,` ilii...n. , ►a:1►..a. ,..r, , c,.411.o...�i�r►Yw..041.041.111041111n.0/,wN . _:5 'G:.7 )'Ii .v Xw1Y Acvb.:+m s'S6w3w;tx:4r0".aAe.�.:.wsn'na�'ddt�.... �Z,-.. n�xan ^r -ria .-,a',,ry.•.•r; :i.;r. r• :.....�"Zrzr,ror's,