HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-10-31, Page 211 !I " oiJ .40 t 1.• PAGE Two THE LU NOW -SENTINE4 Eall=91P4. ONT.ffltIO,' • • EONEDAY,, .3)-$4 1950 WEDDING ',BELLS ,,EIENDERSON-4ERRINGTON A. wedding was solemniied -against a bacirgrotind of bronze ;•iuhrysarithemuans,• at the Dungan- -Amon United Church parsonage on Zaturday# when• Anna Jean yibungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington, •of West "Nlawanosh, " was united in mar- • iage to Ivan James Henderson, • youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Henderson; 1..uciplow. Rev. • George • Watt officiated for the double 'ring iceremony. The bride • was dressed in a suit, of charcoal •grey with pink silk tweed, with pink !accessories anda corsage, pink' roses. Vie 'bridesmaid, , 'the, bride, ware ,a suitof beige • skid "turquoise cohama tweed, • ' with 'cinnamon brown accessor- • ..les and a corsage •of bronze • chryanthemums. The ibest man .•was Jack. Barkwell of Toronto. A, reception Was., held at .t.he home of the bride's parents. The bride's, mother received wearing, a dress of. black • 'bengaline with . blush -pink awes:meet and a cor- • sage' of pink chrysanthemums: The bridegroom's mother Wore a • +dress of blue brocaded silk, with • white. accessories •and a corsage -•• of white cln-ysantlielnumfe, Guests thewedding ,carne from Ham - Mon, illoronto, Goderich and toUicknow: Following a 'wedding, • Torotrip,ntlitc'icoup .wi.11 •-ieside• • • " LAY PLAris von srumoit, FARMERS BANQUET' 4,..•••#"1/4..•••. • 4! 1 • q, 4.The Oetober meeting of :the 001weassh Juilior Institute and • Junior Farmers was .held in the • fOrrn of a joint meeting in the Dungannon Parish Hall 'witih giiring" as her subject. Mrs. A. John, Zavit from the Massey- A. J. Simpson. expressed the ap- ''precation .of the W.1Vf.S. for her address.. Miss Sadie Johnson' led in prayer-and-,24*-members-ans= WEEK -END VISITOR 'Lino HERE OVER 50 YEARS AGO • Mr,. and Mrs. D. Frank 4011/1, St0:311 of Oshawa Were week -end guests at the home 'of and Mrs. W., B. Anderson. Mrs. John- ston is ah,•aUht of Mr, Anderson.. She 'was the former Mary Pent- land of Dimgannon. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston visited . at • the • Pentland home an Sunday. Mr!' Johnston is in his ''82nd year, -but would be " taken. 'for a man much younger.,Ile is alert. • and .active -and drives' his .own • car, ryirhieh incidentally is a smart "two4orie job". •Mr. Johnston left Lucluiow 55 the gents' furnishing business in Oshawa for • many years, the 'business having, recently been taken over by their son,, ray; Johnston. • .The Johnston. home in Luck - now was • where Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gardner noi* -liVe, adjacent to the Howey home. Mr. John- ston, Sr. was a foreman in the •Lucknoi; Furniture, .Company. Frank is. a snephetv 6f Mr., Thos. Burns of Luckriow, and the•two. some had a grand time at .the week -end in reminiscing about the "goodjold daYs".• •, • 'hart% Listowel ; secjetary, Bud •' • ,• I LEuidtiberotigh, .:Grand Valley; treasurer, Willard Gardiner Har- •. • Athfield(Preabiteean W M.S. riston; directors, Don. Southceott • •• Exeter; David Dills, • Acton and • • • r-, WEEKLIES .1/00; 'ANNUAL MEETING The 'Western Counties Weekly Newspaper Association, marking its •50th anniversary, held the annual meeting'. at the Stratford Country Club Saul -day. The group was guests of the • Stratford Beacon. Herald for a reception preceding the buffet • style dinner. • • • • iGeOrge Ellis of Gocarieh, pres-, ident of the groip, addressed the meeting.. Other speakers in- •cluded Tom Patterson, founder oif 'the Shakespearian Festival; Mayor W. P. Gregory of Strat- ford;(CheriDin an es gm ,. presi- -dent and etli,Wr of the Stratfor Beacon -Herald and Bob Chittiok sales manager of the Midland Free Press who spoke to the' group on ""Selling and planning local newspaper adVertisingr. The meeting was adjourned following the election of officers • because of the death of the pres- ident's :another Which "occurred while Mr. Ellis was at the meet-. inff; • The new executive is: pres- ident, Tony Mendell, .Streets- viile; vice president, Geo. Tat - •The (4fcteher meeting • °V the Bill Temolin Fergus: •W.M.S. was held at the home of , ' - ,•.• Luclmow were DM' ;Thom:won,. Mrs. L. C. Thorripson. and I3ev- erley Ashton. . • imrs..nwirt sandegon. mrs. /LI Attending -the meeting from isIse • was e arge the program, gal)* -the opening prayer.. Mrs. Neil G. MacKenzie readthe scripture and medita- tion: fellowed by a prayer.. Miss Dean IVfacLeod of Lucknow, the gue.st,speaker, chose . "Thanks- Barris Company . as the 'guest speaker., Mr. Zavitz showed in- teresting -films. It was decided to hold the ban- were the roll call with a verse quet on Tuesday? November 20 of thanks. There were five visi- in Dungannon with ,the -Rev.1tors and two children. The com- Glen "Eagle -as the guest speakermittee and • tess, served lunch. • • . • WINS R,UN'NER-431P AWARDS - „Ross Marshall a veteran Hol- stein breeder, • Won • - several awardsas premier breeder 'at tile annual meeting -of Huron County Holstein Breeders held at Blyth. As r•unner-up, Glen -Walden--of----aieknow-won Eaton Company award; ,the. Pur- ity Flour. Mills award, and the Blyttli• Farmers . Co - operative. award. - • • ...t...11.111161.0.1111111W/MIMNIMIM. • - 11 • SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY . • • Gerber's: Strained Foods 5oz.. tins 4 for 35c Stokley's Honey Pod Peas •, 15 oz. '2 tins' 35C • • • Rose Brand Margarine \ Lb7pkgs. -- 2 for.53c Allen's Apple Juice 48 oz. -- 2 'tins 53c • AYInier Fruit Coactail 15. oz. • 2 tins 45c r Wagstaffe's Strawberry Jam, 24 oz. 45c Monarch Tea Bisk large pkg. Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, 10 oz. 3tt 35e • 10e off R "le W 'Orange Pekoe Tea Saga .1:69e Save 6c R & W Pure Peanut !gutter 29c Libby's, fancy, Criished Pineapple, 20 ibl 'iy.".sliawailan-Pineappler-Juice;-48 .--..--31e- 20e couPon with Wisk, 16, oz. with eou rt 29c ,32 oz. with coupon -; 77e ,. Winner of Bed Comforter in Saturday' t Draw,,. MS-. Bud Thompson. ' ,- 29c , Clark'sIrish Stew, 15 oz. , ' 29c Clark's Beans with Pork, 5' oz. . . ... 3 tins 25c Clark's Beans with Pork, 20 oz. 2 tins 39e - Birds Eye Orange Juice, 6 oz. .. 2 tins 3'7c Birds Eye Strawberries, 15 oz. pkg. ... .. 43c Birds Eye Potato Patties, 12 oz. .... 2. pkgs. 39c Bee Hive 'Syrup, 5 lb. pail 71c Brown Be Pas_.t Honey, 16 oz. tube 35c Krun-Chee Peanut Butter, ice .box jar 39c Readyeut Macaroni, 2 lb. cello • 25c Australian Sultana Seedless Raisins, ib. 21c Granulated 'Sugar, 5 lb. bag * 42c R & W Evap. 1VIilk, ' tins 25c Five Roses Flour, 25 lb.. bag . $1.75 R & W Instant Coffee, 5 oz. jar • .$1.39 Milner Golden Peaches, 20 'Oz. tin 25e Aylmer diced Red Beets, 20 oz. 2 tips. 27c Orange Peke° R & W Black Tea, Y2 lb. .... 64c Ogilvie Fruit Cake Mix, 28 oz. pkg. 65c Aylmer Choice Bartlett Pears, 20 oz. 29c Daily Mail Cigarettes, etnof 200 $2.69 All popular brand Ciglarettes, Ctn. of 200, $2.89 WEDGWOOD DINNERWARE 5-plece Place Setting, $1.99 with $5.00 order REsm_rAtcintic.g:Air_RED44. New -crop, seedless Grapefruit, Select golden ripe Bananas Special -Pet ready Spinach, 10 oz bag 2 for 25c Mild, large size -SpAaish Onions ....2 lbs. 19e, Crisp, full flavored Celery, lg stalk 2 f 19 3 for 25i Ib.19� . • . • or c SUNDAY,. NOVEMBER. 4th, r 1956. :.****4-•-•-•94-.-.-.-4,44,..t••44,4t4 • 2. Hours 1.0 p.m..to. 340. •• Emergency ito.6410•006.046166066.01000111144114140.41#0,14,06.4)4ma44Atintenkomoo6n6414m41#14. INFERNAL P_UBLICITY . . • Alcoholic drink in France and • its "infernal publicity" it at- tracting wide attention both within and withimt the couiitry. "It (alcohol) is now, extending' its field to sports. There is hard- ly- a single contest -which is not now sponsored by some brand of liquor. Bicycle races, foot races, rugby, track sPorts, ball games, all these contests in Paris, and I believe it is 'the same else- where, are advertised by post- ers with enormous letters re - Commending this or that drink. Foot races across Paris and road competitions of cyclists are. pre- ceded by brilliantly painted. trucks with loud speakers aim - mending various brands". • "INFBRN,AL Publicity!" Little wonder that France leads the world as an alcoholic -natiori. In • 1955 there died in France 4,106 persons • from acute alcoholism and a further 1271 froan eirr- hosis of the liver.--Advt. • TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY . -AUCTION SALE • Auction sale of 50 Western calves, twenty yearling steers and he' ers, 10 heifers springing, cows, will be held.at the Harris .Stockyards, Ripley, • on Wednesday, November 7th at 1.30:Donald Blue, A,Uc. , • SPECIAL LOW RAIL. FIRES TO THE • ROYAL • AGRICULTURAL INTER FAIR TORONTO, 10.3V. 9.17: • FARO APID.ONEHALF, • FOR THE ROUNDTRIP GoOdsolne-Nov.8d;-l7th incl. Hettarie-Lcave•Toreaitti aoilate.r ;thaw clialiha,Novesaber48.tli,,, Fall itelermation rek /toagent. • CANADIA N NA rioNAL ZION • Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haines visited one day last week With HOLD HALLOWE'EN PARTY . Mr. and IVIrs. Harvey Ritchie. • • Thestudentsof Lucknow •Dis- trict High 'School held a Hal- lowe'en party .in . the school aud- itorium on Monday night. After an exciting and scarey trip thru the house of horrors, the stud- ents enjoye4 dancing forthe re- mainder of .the evening. Cost- umes were judged with the win- ners being: original girl, Lois Robb; comical Igiri, Am Craw- ford; fancy girl, Inge Suter;„ ',boy, Gary Stater; comical boy, Bill -Rdbinson; fancy boy? Roddie Wraith. • • Mr. --:and -Mis..•DaVe .1-lackett of Cochrane are visitingwith gr. and. Mrs. Peter 'Cook. ' • • Mr. • and Mrs. W. " O: • Hunter are visiting in Toronto.. . • Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Smith- and • family of". Molesworth • , visited With Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie .on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. *Tom • Hackett :$4. "Doitglas spent .Sunday' with and Famnerson Luck-. : Sunday Schoo/ will be at 10.80 .and Church will be, held at 1.45 for the month of November:- . • .1. --SATURDAY EXCURSIONS - to 4 LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (70 AND INCL DC. 15) Tickets-cgood. going-and-returning--scime-Saturday-only• EXCURSION FARES FROM: , * , Alleziford $4.75 Hanover/.. $4.30 Palmerston $3.40. Brussels. 4.30 Harxiston" , 3.75 SouthamPton 5.90 Chesley 4.75 ' Ingersoll • " •13.70 Sarnia 6.55 Clinton 4.75 White Food Store "PI -LONE 26 - FREE DELIVERY • rt • • Elora, 2.45 Fergus 2.45 Georgetown 1,20_ Goderich. 5.05 Guelph 1.90 Kincardine. 5.85 Stratford 3.45 Kitchener '1 2.45 Strathroy 4.20 Listowel 3.60 Walkerton 4.60 _MitcheU' -LW-Watford,. 5,75_ • PaisleY ,• 5.20 Wingharn 4.75. Oen Sound 4.75 Wyoming 6.20 Brampton I .85 FULL INFORMATION FROM , AGENTS • rtrATkara4, • • . • \ •