HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-10-17, Page 8.r1r, rrf r • • • fi ='! !). 4 6 4 .4 fr .tcf ;Iv = 4 • 442 xs4oE EIGHT Ir • THE LUCICNOW SENITNEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1 -7th, 1956 •-.Losp WE WILL Fli.THOSE. roken i/Vindo*s • Wits lte-time tO-replace-txacked and broken windows. We, carry a coinplete stock of. all glass sizes, and will do the whole job for you at amall cost. JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED PHONE- 150,•LiITCKNOW - The Kangaroos took 4 points .froark t.he Zebras on team. effort. Ruth Jardine . and.„. Eunice Reid Il ' RT• . . BAPTISMAL, ' • HELD' SUNDAY (ST, HELENS NEWS) •. The Sacrament 'of Baptism. was obseryed, in the :United, Church .n t o.Sunday morning wen Bev. ..... BF. Green baptized Terry .Earl, little, son of Mr. and Mrs,. Bari Jamieson and Douglas Bern, Son. c)f Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller, Next Sunday is Layman's Sun-. day •in Huron Presbytery and M. Arthur Bolton "of Clinton will be the guest speaker in the United Church here, Mrs. G, S. IVIacIntyre and Don - aid of Bracebridge Were -week end -guests of Mr.and-Mrs,--W. I. Miller.' • . •,- ' - Mrs. Wra. • Golloher of Nor-.. wood. was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. W. A'. Miller. Miss Isabelle, MacPherson was hoe from, London for the week- end. Mrs. • RAS. Curran was. hostess fQr the October meetings of the W.M.S. • and W.A.. on. Thursday, afternoon with Mrs. • W. I, Mil-. ler, the. president, in charge. of the W.MS. • The theme • of the lyorship service macs "N'ot. My Own Doing", • Mrs. Dave Gibb read the •scripture lesson and Mrs. Ross Errington and. Mrs. Chas. IVIcDoniald,.the • coinnients. „Mrs. Miller gaVe--a short report on the SectiOnal meeting -held at Brussels and Mrs. W. A. Mil- ler, the Thankoffering - meeting The Ctrb.s went wild Wednes- day night and set a new teany single record of .1144 and triple , of 3119 as••they d.ow.rxed the short- •llanded. Coons for 4 points. Har - Old Errington recorded a flat • single of 3,26 while Dorothy Er- • rington, .Jack -Caesar and Dick • Park also' rolled well' over. 600. ilick_Aktel_rollin 642. led the • Tigers to a a .point victory over, the atiprntmks. Fran' Alton and Ruth ThomipSon also cored over 600. Bill Hunter was best for the • shorthanded Chipmunks. • , Fred -Young led tthe Lions to a 3.point victory offer the Beav- • ers while Lloyd Ashton was best • for the Beavers. . • • Ken Mowbray, rolling a 685' flat led the Pole Cats to a four point ivictory , over the- GaPhers. ' • Chas. Anderson was best .for the. • Jack Fisher rolling, a record 770 flat triple and Hap Hall with ' a 643 total •led the' Wolverines as they. took 4 ,points from the • Squinels. Bill Button .scoring • 683 was best for 'the Squirrels. were best .for the Zebras. • Team Standings. Wolverines • 8, Beavers 7, Kan- gar�os Pole cats 73 ChiPmuriks 6, GdpherS 6, 'Squirrels 6, Cubs 6, Tigers ,6, Lions 6, Zebras '4, „Coons 1. STAGE THREE-MILE RACE AT LUCKNOW HIGH SCHOOL • • Ori Frklay;Oetuber-I2th;yLuck---..' •now District •. High . School stud- ents • competed in athree-mile • race held on the first .sideroad east of Lucknow. It was the first. Marathon run of this distance •in recent years, or in the . history of thenew school. •- JirnRed, Sr. 'student, finished first in 18 'rninutes,,'. 26 :seconds; secondl, 'Doug Stanley, Int., 18 minutes,: 29 seconds; 3rd, • Art Howald, Int., 18 minutes, 34 sec, ends; 4th, George Hackett, Int.,. 19 minutes, 24' Seconds: Others to finish. were :Floyd Stanley, jr., and Hugh were, Jr. • .The 'interest shown in the race Was encouraging, and it is hop- ed to be the forerunner tobig- ger and faster marathon• / • • SURER STARTS, ,SAFER STOPS. •*on Ice, Snow,or any Road. Surface. • Come in and see it in operation at tomoemsrammiwoomeimimmilmaolon410001.41,10910WwWiewooml. '4E04 Lucknow Fruit Market • FOR LOWEST, LOW PRICES SODA BISCUITS • 1VIe.Cormicks Sallted„, Plain. Feature. Lb, CLARK'S SOUPS a s ‘ TiottlatO, Vegetable, 10 oz. .... _ 3tins 29c AYLMER CATSUP f 39; real _money saving feature. 11 oz. 2 ,or. c ,IV1ARM1,.ADE, 2 -FRUIT if • AA, Sit. Willliatns. 24 oz. jar '27c". • jars p. JELLY. POWDERS Young's 10 varieties. Spedial _4 pkgs. 29c Be Wise, •Values effective •• Grab These *Buys. • • October 18; 19, 20 • Our StOck. Is Fresh — We Sell .Foi Less 'Phone 119, Lucknow . 10*.mispial..001.104.0040111"01.164;01'04mMormao.o.p4.110,11i.iii4.14,110440mmiee.Wei.1 SNOW PLOWING CONTRACT LET held at Biakes-The study 'book, F.(W.,Orawanosh tetnicil,Minutek). East of Burma, was introduced. 'by MisS W. D. Rutherford and she gave some 'interesting' 'in- formation on,Fortniosa. The treas- urer's report • •showed ' that $101:50 had been sent to the Presbyterial treasurer. It -was agreed to' 'ask Rev. Angus Mat - Kay to address 9tir Thankoffer- i • Mrs. T. J. Totld'vvas in the chair- .w ic open- ed with the therne.hymn, creed • West WawanOsh Twp. Council •held .their October meeting on -October 9th, 1956. All members present. . • . ,The minutes of the September meeting 'were read and adopted on a motion by CouncillorCul- bert and McPhee. •• BY -law' No. 10,;1956, was read and finally passed, on motion by 'Councillors Miller and Durnin., Thds by-law set the dates for .nomination r -day and, if necesi- and prayer. Mrs. Curran read ary, election day.- the scripture lesson and the com- Township asses or, J. K. Scott.. ments on the theme;:'Thankag.iv- in.g for the mercy and goodness presented the 1956 assessment of God. were made for the roll. to Township Council. Onl a Plans 'annual bazaai to be- held the Durnin,inotinby CZusneallgirGersed Cthulba7cet.p8it Auxiliary Rooms; tuclsnow.' on the 1956 assessment roll. On a it Saturday, Novemlber 'iOth with motion by Councillors McPhee the following' committees in and' Culbert, it •was decided to hold .the Court/ .of Revision, on the 1956 assessment roll. on No- vember 13th, 1956, from 10 a.m. until noon. , . . On a motion _by 'Councillors Miller and McPhee, it was plan- ned to hire Norman ',McDonald to plow snow on Township roads during. the 1956-57 season at the rate at $6.00' per hour. N. MeDoi. ald is to supply - his own truck and help. It was further decid- ed .to guarantee N. McDonald $10-0.00' per month standIng time. for four months. • On a motion , by Councillors Durnin, And MC.Phee, -the follow- -ing----apeoun*were- ordered -paid: Mrs.. May Sniith,,, relief allow- ance, $22.21; A. H. Erskine, Co. Clerk, indigent patient, 42.75; A.. Rollinson, postal supplies, 13.60; Ernest Durnin, 1 fox bounty, 1,00; George Radford, re- turn of gravel contract depOsit, 200.00: • Highway Accounts, George }MUM, -digging post Mies, 10.50; Imperial Oil Ltd., fuel oil, 40.00; Treas. of Ontario, tax on fuel, 22.00; Pedlar People Ltd.,' guide .rail cable: 52.27; Ev- erett Errington, welding, 4.00; George Hodges, cutting ,weeds, 21.25;' Harry Carr, posts for guide George--Radf-Ordretsh-- and haul .gravel, 4,524.60; Stewart Robertson, gravel,. 3671.15; Nor- man McDonald, checking graVeI and hauling 'culverts, 60.10; Lorne Ivers, salary, 172.50.: • .1 On , a trrial0/1 y:Councillors 'McPhee and Miller, Council ad- journed to meet on November charge: reception, • Mr. B. F. Green, Mrs.. W.-1. Miller; bak- ing, Mrs. F. McQuillin, Mrs: Al- lan Miller, Mrs. L. Woods, Mrs. Errington,R. Mrs.. Geo. Webster; Sewing, .Mrs. lVfacPherson, Mrs. C. Taylor, Mrs.: L. Durnin, Mrs, ,W. G. Humphrey; tea tables, 'Mrs. C. .McDonald, Mrs. E. Barbour, Mrs. D. Gibbs; kit- chen, Mrs. E. -.Miller, .Mrs. D. C. McDonald, Mrs. W. .A. Humph- rey; lundh, ,Miss W. D. •Ruther- ford, Mrs. T. 3'; Todd, Mrs. Jas. Curran, Miss Annie Durnin, Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs. J. Durnin; candy and flowers;1VIrs. H. Webb, ''cashier,: Mrs. W. ' A. Miller. At the conclusion lunch , was enjoy- ed 'with Mrs: C. McDonald and Mrs. R. Errington as hostesses. WEDDING, BELLS FINLAYSON—SPERRY n the Church of the Transfig-' uration, with Rev.•Dr. E. L. Was- son officiating, the marriage took' place 'of Dodie Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matheson Sperry, to Dr. 'William John Fin- layson, son of Dr. and Mrs. Thin- _ald R. Finlayson, Toronto, The bride, given in marriage lbyrsher-fatherychose a high ---neck- ed, long-sleeved original • model of cllk white sculptured lace, with bouffant fingertip -veil and carried white roses. • The 'attendants were Mrs. Ed-. ward ..Simmons, sister of the groom, Misses Susan,' Sandra and • Bonnie Sanders, cousins of the bride,' Their dresses of pale. grey 13th,' 1956. •• silk taffeta were made en Orin- J. F. FORA, Twp. Clerk. cess, 'with". two horizontal tucks .on---the-flared skirts, tying in bows at front and back. All • carried ' 'bouquets shading from :cream 'to yellow to gold: "Dr• : Donald Moss*Finlayson was best mati for his 'brother; and, the ush- ers were Meisrs. Michael Gee, David Sperry; John Skeaff, Dr, Peter. 1V1aeDottgall. A reception followed at Lamb • • 1 • bride and groom will live in Tor- onto. • Attending the -Wedding from: this community were Mr. Atm - can Finlayson and Miss Lielia Finlayson of Lochalsh, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. °Clark Finlayson, 'Mr.. and Mrs. Noble Johnston of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. floss MartYn• HALDEIsIBY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE' Armatnre• and Field -WI • Brushes, Bearings, Etc. Repairs to Fractional and Integral, Horsepower Motors, , Also Electric Fans, .Vacuums, ClipRets, Drills, Etc. • HALDENBT ELECTRIC Klnlough • 1Phene Ripley 111-r-29 LANGSIDE Mr. Harr/. kayes of Birming- ham, Mich. and Mr. and Mrs. Johnarevilisiatoyerss awith,Lilmthneja'' irMich.,.• Mrs. Mary Jane Tiffin and fam- ily. ••. At the sacrament service on 'Sunday at Langside Church, the baptism of Russell John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young was ' performed by Rev. Norman Cas- well. • .is' Your Subscipt194., YAW MONUMENTS SKELTON •MEMORIALS •WALKERTON We are the only manufat- turers in this part Of Ontario • ---high---ciassTinfinumen • who import granite from the Old Country in the rough by • the 'carload and.proceis from 'the rough to the 'finished monument: No middleman. When, choosing a monument tome and see one Of the • largest selections in Ontario, Establishedover sixty years. . Write or phone Walkerton 8 • and reverse charges.. • i • , SKELTON' MEMORIALS WALKERTON ton Golf and Country Club: The of Ripley.. , . ......