HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-10-10, Page 6r: P•404 SIX THE # X/CKNQW SENN , ,>4 iCKNOW Q of ►• ;1EOSS�� 'TgAhiKOFFEIt . ... . "Tllhe Fall Tha'nk�offering and 'regular meeting . of South Kin - OBITUARY ' s] MRS: ROBERT .R> , lira, l;o'bert Ritchie died at; • �S were held at the2nd,' e a less W,M, day, Oato'ber 2nd, ' following something to work for as she benne -of Mrs, Ted. Collyer with series of strokes. •• 19; members' present, ' Mrs; Wni, rolled a 285 flat Single and 699 resident,..o tined the . She was the former Mary Atm ,rolled Vhich. with hat} Bicap' Ma tyre► .p P Alice Gardiner, daughter of the ,totalled 792: and •led the Waiver ineetffig with prayer, .The mem-late John Gardner and Matilda; hers, present were reminded .of was born lli Ashfield Ines to a 6' point ry;ietory over • the Sectional meeting being held Lane, and the Cubs. Mary Fischer also roll,: 1909 rid, 1879 Toll- ed - 1 was nbest687 .total. ,Task • in Knox Church, Kincardine, .on Township 23rdon to'190 , she was ' October _12th._.at 2.. 'n with Rev..man tor the p married to Robert .Ritchie in. Cubs, • Angus M•,acKay guest speaker,. • •Ashfield Township. They farm- ' Pearl Jamieson's 606' was high Miss Dean MacLeod 'took the ed in Ashfield and several years score far the 'Zebras as they took• scripture and meditation' on the ago retired' , uclinow. Mr. and, 3 • points .from, the Pole Cats de- ;.•p . •, Mrs, Chislett •and. Mis. Mrs, Ritchie were members . spite fine bowling by'•Rdb Mc- Mama Sutherland gook Part ixi Zion United ,Church: Intoslz who• Scored a total of 742 salmns, the Prayer Circle.. - She is •survived' by ,one Baugh- • . A. J. Wilson .(Tillie) of pins ><xicluding a new high single e aneeting was addressed by ter, Mrs,. of 298, , DucknOw,-and three 'sons, , An- ' ►Mrs. Leisle Fortune of -VVingtiam. ^ Team effort paid off as Her remarks were abased on Ps. and Graydon ,of Ashfield_ 'Chipmunks',. took 4 • points. from• ".Are, We thank= and J. �G,, of Mitchell, and a.bro- ... oro , 92:1-5, She said; the Lions. Irvin Eedy was high 'ful: Stewards". Thiankful: for,the hey trier,Henry. Gardner ,of Ashfield. ' Bible that we have it to use. Her .She . was predeceased Eby, her Lion. • husband,. three' brothers " and ' ; Dick Abel, �C.. Peppier and 1,,, closing remarks were Good will Ellall f' , ed ` the - not judge us by what- we, have 'three _sisters,. - enton ig r in Tip done, but: That, we strive to db. Funeral services. were: held ers three ,point; win over the • from the 'McLennan and Mac- Goons, Plus. Short rolling 696,, The .study book topic was .tak• �° was' high far the shorthanded en. b' Mrs, Boss aladinllan; A Kenzie memorial. (chapel, Lack y new, on Thursday, October' 4th, Coons: war were going. with, four Maria , by Mrs, a: L. • dlVfsMacKinnon, 'with burial in,' Greenhill . Cern_. bowlers • and a dumrixny score, M Harold Austin and Mxs L Rev. C. C.. Washington. and Rev. G. A. Meiklejohii.,, Pallbearers were Harold,' Leon- ard seon- a�; d, , Wes and ' Harvey' -Ritchie •And Lane and John Gardner. The flower bearers were four grand children, Bob Rita'hie, Jim.. Wil-: son, Deanne Ritchie, Bonnie Nit- le • came and , re- ehie,' also Jahn • Ritchie `• and. Jack Nit - thankful people, ..� . .peatrng:-, the.. pah benediction--,. itchic, '' ,,. 0" 1411\113BR 1 her home in LueknOw on .Tu IEdna Rayner ' gave the ladies • rs, ro ' etery, Officiating clergymen=were M jcDougall was enjoyed; also a mnusical numlber. by Ruth and ' .' yllis Steer. • Current events were given 'byMrs. Douglas die - ham and Mrs. . Lloyd-: MaeDoulgal1 • . contributed -a reeding. }rice • meeting was closed . with a•. Thanksgiving liyrnii ".Come, ye aterlao�;�attle Breeding -A-s$oc-iaf-on "'Where Better, Bulls Are Used" During he--very-trying harvest-seas'of farmerslade just experienced; there.was not time to think about ' the 'livestock and breeding ; program ;.However with fall here, !, plans for the fall breeding program must . be made. makingour', fall :b Plans, ,,co Whenconsiderthe.. •. y advantages of artifieally breeding y•'►'s to the .sires" in service in .our• Unit. Economy Safety ' Choice of Bulls; Disease Control: Quality. Calves Courteous Service For service or more information, write or: phone collect to: Clinton HU 2-3441 .or. Kincardine 460: between 7.30 -..and 10 a.m..�on week days 7.30 and 9.30 a.. ori Sundays or.: holidays. The •Beavers came up` witlh, 3 points at ..the Kangaroos expense; )ironically enough the Kangas- oos won one )game and set.: a new. record flat triple of 2832, but .the scores were: close.. enough that. a ' slight edge in handicap gave'', the Beavers the extra: point.,Len MacDonald . was high . Beaver ,with a 720 '..total. The Kangaroos best effort was Ab iC.hin's_ ecord .89$:; flame to i`ple. The Gophers Fled by Freda and. Russ i Button with a. 1257" coma 4bined total and ` Ciaretoce Greer witlh 636, total took three paints frog, . 'tile ` Squirrels. Freck and ,Marie Button, rolling a: combin- ed total e. 1411. were'best for the losers. ` WEDNESDAY, 007: 46101, 1950 FOR LOWEST, LOW PRICES MARC,ARIN:E 4 lbs. T'u�1np.�b�ramdz�Z�c�w Prce.:I,b; 27c.,_w_...___ DOMESTIC SHORTENING For :01, your baking Lb.. 27c ..., TOMATO JUICE Fa!ll!s. View, Choice. 48 oz, Tin 27e 'ArB..LE POTATOES.- .' C nad4 No. 1, Buy, now -7$ lb. bag COFFEE, Highland Pride • Fii g'hly ground. I ighest quality. ----- 4 tins. .$1 Be Wise, Grab These .Buys. 1 M1 Values effective October 11, .12 13. Our Stock Is Fresh Wye Self For Less 'Phone 119, Lucknow. • ressure 1111111 tor. We are sorry' about the mixup over the.: record book Wednesday might. ewer..thath . • • • • • • • _ - ink on the individual scores and two steams, • will' find themselves short a ., point for:: not + adding them. We: 'don't, like . doing it but - �; tte r .les are for" everyone. Standings Beavers 6, Gophers 6, Wolver- ines 6; Chipmunks 5, - Zebras • 4,' Squirrels 4, , Kangaroos• : 3, Pole, Cats :'3, Tigers '3 Lions 3, • Culbs 2, ,Coons 1. i The excellent A . B. Caya co*, Britanny'.• Rag Apple . Lorene, a daughter of Aladdin, a .former t7nft bull; sold • ' at . the Brubacher Anniversary Sale for $2225..0,: Fy, i' ' tr; �1. 4,r it Y. U+1:rt a�B ss • We 'Have All' The Materials In Stock. To Build 'A Garage 2" it 4"5 Cedar, Shiplap p Pine .Siding 'Insulated Sidings Roll - - Brie Siding,and Shingle Roll a`r Shingles As` phalttSl ingles Metal Roofing Garage Door. Setts • We would be pleased to Quote You a Price. We invite comparison of our materials as to quality, • grade ;and price. • JOHN • ,' i r= HENDERSOI�T LUMBER ', LIMITED. PHONE 11500 •LUCSNOW ' LANGSIDE 'Thee Langside` Ladies Aid was held in the church. Mrs. Farish Moffat gave:the call . to worship followed by the ,Scripture- read. •lay ;Mrs Gordon Wall. Mrs. Wm. Evans led -in prayer. Plans .: were made for the 'pot; luck supper On October `26th to. be. held ih the Community, Hall Cecilia +Crew ston and .Shirley Scott were apy pointed to.ltek'after'a fish pond far the children. Mrs. Wes Young and Mrs.. Wm. ':Orr. are -to look after -, a: parcel.. post table: , Read - ings'. were• given . by Mrs. Orr, 1Virs. Lloyd Moffat, Mrs. WesleyYoung, Mrs. Warn. Scott. Marion Scott received The offering: `The mizpah benediction. cio'sed • the: meeting. The next' meeting is to be held • at the homs e 'of Mrs. Far_ .... risk' Moffat: hell cell, The. Most neighborly thing that ever hasp - pend to me. 'Mr. and Mrs:' Gordon Wall &, family visited' " at . the home of her mother, Mrs: Arthur, in Au; burn on' Sunday. . . Mr. ' and. •11/Ts. Ira • wall and family of.Whitechurch visited on Sunday -with the former's par- -en-ts �1VIr-: -and-Mr-s: Wilson W -a•1.1: Mr.. and Mrs. Sandy Murray $& • family, of Sharon, .. Mr, and Mrs. • Sid Pain of Toronto visited with the Tiffin . andM s. Eric Evans and .family of Hyde Park spent the week -end with Mr. , and. Mrs, Wm, Evans and Ted and other friends. The infant ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald • l ;udi of Lon- don (Dolleria Orr) was christen- ed at the church service' on Sun- day afternoon •',by Rev, Norxnarn Caswell; ,Mr. J,oshua awson has begin visiting . with members of Ills family , in London, later going on •Toronto to visit .with his son Harold and family. rriends here DEEP: an SEAL W WEL WATER SYSTEMS Furnaces Oil Burners hone '61-r-13, Dungannon ' — R. 3, Lucknow, ' Ont: ' '11. she carry -hear Harold had.: BORN patient in hos ital for, 51 FEAGQ,N-at Aklavik N. N.T., been a p i P. weeks andtBill a patient` in .Don -'to Constable and Mrs. Hugh- Fear Fee - don' h pll os 'tai • for a crushed heel I gan on 'October 7th, a ` daughter: for a eek.' •• Mr.: and • Mrs, 'Lloyd Moffat. and Mr. and Mrs.' Eugene. Conley were guests .at. ithe Vint -Johnston A , doctor says `:that. this gener- ation doesn't multiply like flyer_ parents, did.. But judging by wedding lirr-Goderich on -Bator-- -divorce,--statistics -.2-they-- divide day.. 1 taster. • � '••�:� iii. { W7 MAKE ME LAUGH "I know what I'm talking . about. No. wise: man or woman` would be without ' the services of a crust company in matters. coneerning their, estate—it's far too important. So, take my advice, write for' the free booklet, "Blueprint For Your • Family.' It will tell 'you' a lot you should knovi about estate administration," , THE. RUNG TRUST' wIA*. 01141101 VS Boy Sf., X4ro+iiif. O' R p ..Q R A T I': 0 Pi SRANCH tNFM'WCIi 14 Duel.,SN.;Cis