HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-10-10, Page 2•
OCTOBER 17, 18, 19, 20
Wednesday thru Saturday
le inert bvyd
'twice. out: *ught
E. McKim
.. The Rexall .Store
LUCKNOW° •- Phone , 32
Death came suddenly on Oct
giber 2nd. to 'Martin .MacLeod of
Chicago, ' a , forner resident of
Kinloss Township.. He was .a son
of thelate James MacLeod and
Christ' a IVLacInnes and was
born o . Concession 5, Kinloss on
November .15th, 1886..
He spent -few years -in the
West and Toronto before going
to Chicago where he has been
a resident .for th. e past 37 years.
A service was held field at Fred
Weals Sons funeral parlors in
Chicago on . Thursday evening
and the remains, arri`v'ed in Luck-
now on ; Friday -night.: ; • . ,___
The funeral service was held.
at the McLennan and' MacKen-
zie Memorial Chapel,. Lueknow,
ori4aturday,October 6th: conDdud by Rev. Norman Caswell.
Interment was in South Kinloss.
Cemetery with Allister Hughes,
,Ross MacMillan, Jim Burt,; Alex
Sutherland, Hossack .. Bain • and
Hugh Sutherland acting •as, pall-
bearers. The flower bearers were
Jimmie, Allan and Gordon .Whit-
field,. Neil Bain, Jim MacLeod
and,Bob Shillingrton. .
'Mr. MacLeod is survived 'by his
sisters, Annie of • L'ticknaw, Mrs.
Bert Bain .. (Isabelle) of London
and, brothers Alexander of (1.10X1'"
410/1 and James- A. of Kinloss.
Those attending .: the funeral
carom 'a . distance.. were. from Chi-
cago, Detroit,- London, Hamilton,
Ripley • and Kincardine.. .
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sherwood
and Robert': spent ..Thanksgiving
Week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey. Finnigan, Detroit.,
Visitors with 1VIr.. &Mrs:: Htir=
trey Maize for Thanksgiving were
;OLr. and Mrs. QUA Springer . and
Tamil . of Tillionburg, Mr. and
=:l is.:Stanley-Dennis and family
sof Clifford and ,Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
• Wallace, Seaforth.•
Mrs. Winnifred Widcomibe of
lWindsor spent Thanksgiving at.
the home of her parents, Mr.' &
McClure ' and is : re-
e-rnai :ing foKA weekkand the 101st
' the ,United a iurtch
arY *the
next Sunday, October -14th. „ 1
• Mr. and . Mrs: Rich. Finnigan.
end Mrs Olive Culbert spent.
Monday• -with -Mr -,arid=Mrs. ,Fier i;
Miss -Clara Sproul and Mrs. J.
D. Hesson of Stratford spent .the
week -end wwit'h Misses Nettie &
3tebina Sproul.
(xnv oVGH NEWS).
Mr. and Mrs, Ruciy Sieloff
(nee Norine Hodgins) of Detroit
were honored by relatives here
on the •.ocassion. •of :their 25th
wedding anniversary. The din-
ner 'was head 'on Saturday , even -
in the Anglican. Church 'parlors
which were. tastefully decorated
with streamers' and wedding
bells.. A 3 -storey wedding cake
also ,white candles and a , silver
.candan . attractive
table setting. ads. G. B. Cox
was master of cerenboniesi rand.
s�pioke-briefly. . LL�Jya .—Wna. _:.LlaYd
proposed a toast to the bride and
groom of 25 , years. and Rudy..
made a fitting reply. Mr. J. A.
Palmer .led . in prayer and all
. joined in singing the' hymn "0
Perfect: Love".; Musical numbers
were given by' :Billy and Bobby
Scott and 'Mr. Karl Boyle. Miss
May ` Boyle and Mrs. Jas. Hod-
gins each .expressed good wishes
and the presentaition. of .a gift
of money was made by,Miss Edna`
Boyle. Mr. ' Elroy Sieloff then
showed interesting colored: films
whicih.!were taken . by him,. dur-
ing his time of service with the
U.S. Navy while stationed at
Guam and other centres Guests
were present from Detroit ' and
]London, , along with . relatives
here. Heartiest. *congratulations
are extended to, Rudy, and . Nor-
ine on `their . anniversary. .
Mr: •and Mrs. Gordon 'Grund
riitt (nee Frances Hodgins) . and
son Bill of Tof`onto visited here
with . Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. M. Hod-
gins .Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Hod-.
gins, Mr. ..and Mrs; Jack Hodgins.
during the wee! ' .
fir* $Qty, 1056
Mr. and 'Mrs. Chester Ritchie
Of Detroit visited•. a few : days.
with Mr. and Mrs. Will ' Ritchie.:
:Mr. and Mrs. Murray- McDon-
agh `' and ,fainily and Ross Mc-
Donagh visited
c-Donagh'visitted for' the week -end
with their parents, .Mr. and. Mrs.
Jack McDonagh: '
—Mr:• -and • avers. Frank Ritchie -&-
Anne visited -Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs: Allan McAuley.
:Miss Eileen McGillivray' visit-
ed with Mr. , and M'rs. D. A. Hack-
ett for the Week -end...
Mr. ' and Mrs. Earl. Thompson
of ' lOolborne.' visited with Mr: &
'Mrs. Wm.. E. 'Haldenby:
_Mrs Ad'aL.Hbdgins,
Mrs.. •Rudy. Sieloff, Elroy. 'and
Calvin and Miss Jeanette': Co ble
of . ,Detroit • spent the Week -end
with lgr. ' and Mrs. Wm:, Coir 'and
Rev • Benson cox •
1955 Pontiac; fully equipped
1955 Standard Chev, Sedan,, fully'
195.4 Chef. Powerglide. Coach, fully
1953 Pontiac Sedan, fully, equipped
1952 Cbev, Deluxe Sedan
equipped ,...
1950 Plymouth Sedan,
1949 ' Chev. Deluxe Sedan
Typo 1948 Pontiac.. Sedans.
,r ,,,,,
$ 695
$ . 495
A. N. Stake Trunks in 1947, and 1949 • Models.
. Number „of
. @
1951. Me u 1 -ton Pick -Up . .....,,,, .v.......... 4-4 5 -
1950 1 -ton G C Panel • ,.. , ,.5' '495
Two 1949 Ford Panels • $ 325
$ 425:
$ 195
1949 1 ton' GMC Panel converted to a bus
1949.-Chev: '4 -ton Pick -Up
1949 Chev:4 -ton Pick -Up ,
Brussels Motor
Huron County's' Foremost Used Car. Dealer`s
..Cash, 'Trade$ Terms ' ilpen ,:Eveaings Vnt11 10
Cities ;. Service Dealer • Phone ; 73x, Brussels
,Mr,` Lyman ' Sutton lad his :vice next Sunday owing to the,
injured during . • corn cutt- Bervie; Harvest Thanksgiving &
hand ' �n, g
Mg operations on his farm on the following Sunday only it
Mr.' 'arid, Mrs. Alex Percy en-
tertained relatives on: Sunday to
the ' annual. Thompson reunion
when over fifty were in attend -
ance. a•
Percy .Barr of Haileyabury and
`Russe11; of ; Toronto .spent. the.
week -end With Mrs. John Barr
`ands Don*d ;and Mr. and . Mrs.
Jack Barr: ' .
•moi - 0.— / 0,.."i i iiiiii-iii ii-iiiii i iii• iii=iii ilii . • .••• •'• —
i; i'
Birds Eye *Green 'Peas
12: -oz. pkg.. 2 for 37c
Quaker .Cornflakes
Giant 12 oz. pkg. -- 22c
Hereford Corned Beef
.12 oz. tin 37c
Face -Elle Tissues
200's.. 2 .for 33c
Betty Crocker Cake'n Frosting Mix,
3 varieties, 17 oz. pkg. t.. .., 37c
Delsey Tissues, colored ........: 2 rolls 31c
Ballard's Champion Dog Fold ...::,: 3 for 35c,,
Wagstaffe Jams,. assorted 9 oz jars ,. 3 for 59c
'Supreme Brand White Beans, 16 oi. cella .... 15e
Green Split; Peas, 12 oz. cello:..... • ..... ,..:.,:., 17e.
Weston's Capri Wafers, pkg. 22c
Clover Leaf solid light: Tuna ' Fish, '7 . -oz39c
Brunswick -Sardines, 3/4 oz...,,... .. _2 tins 19c
Clark's Beans with Pork, est ;sauce, '2 th s -39e
Five Roses All Purpose Flour, 5 lb. bag 39c
"Rose" Brand Margarine >..::.•.::...•..... 31e
Supreme Walnut Pieces, 7'oz. collo ...,.:..... 37e
Pecans, 3 oz. cello' .... ...,.... 39c
Golden Hour Confections, take home pkg. "29e•
New. Wisk ;Detergent,. lg -tin 49c gt tin :97c.
Hawes Wax Paste, .6c off, f lb. tin 47e
• Red & White Toilet Tissue , • 2 :rolls 25c
Lux Liquid Detergent,, 5c off lgtin . ,;. 38e
100 off gt. tin 71c
SiunbeamSoap Fads 2 pkgs. 21c
Christies :Premium :'Sodas, 6 oz2 pkgs,.33c
Aunt Mary's Brown or White. diced
Bread, 24 oz. loaf 16e
:Javex Concentrated Liquid 'Bleach, 32 oz., .25c
Woodbury's Beauty Soap, 1c sale, both sz. 3131e
Johnson's Hard Gloss G10 -Coat, qt.'. tin. $1.09
Birds Eye Orange -Juice,: 6 oz. .:..,._.. 2 tins'37c:
Ocean Perch. Fillets, 16 oz. pkg. . , 35c
Chopped Spinach, 12. oz. pkg; 21c
lis .Din'
• ImpartedE'n h
5 -Piece Set, Wedgewood g ,
nerware consisting of Cup and Saucer, Fruit
Nalppie, . Bread and Butter plate, Dinner plate,
For only $1.99 with $5:00 purchase •
McIntosh Red `-Apples-,-•-smack rig witlr ,good.----
nen+, fancy grade, 3 lbs. 35e; 6 qt. bskt. 59e
Select quality Bananas 2 lbs. 29e
Crunchy, flavor packed :Celery 2 stalks 25c
Mild, .sweet, waxed Turnips lb. 5c
Select No. 1 marsh Potatoes, .10 lb. bag 35c
A ite :.Food Hoare
• .iiii•iiiiiiiiiii,iiiiii iiiiiiiiiii ilii -i: ii
'Mrs. Arthur 'Phillips• stiff`. � and 1V! ps
and . Peggy • of. . F'onthill spent,
Thanksgiving withrMr- J R. Lane
and: Mr.'..and : Mrs.. Frank Mauld-
en and Keith, . •
Miss Er17n'a Percy' of Monk
Spent the . week -end at her home:
Mr. .and Mrs., Karl 'Boyle and.
'Carol of London. spent . a ` few
days with Misses Edna and ;May.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare ' Sparling.
and . Allan of ' Walker=ton visited,
Sunday. wiith Mi.: and Mrs .Geo.
Haldenby, •
.Mr. and; Mrs. Maurice Hodgins
of .•London .•spent ,the week-errd•
With: relatives here and attend-
'.ed the Sieloff silver' wedding'
Party' -•
Mr. and. Mrs. •Wm. Lloyd; Mr,
and Mrs. Ivan • Lloyd and Billy.'
of London -were here ,on Satur-
day attending the silver wed-
ding anniversary for Mr.'and
Mrs: Rudy. Sieloaff.
,Mr. .and Mrs. Wain. ;Cox and
Rev. G. B. ;Cox entertained at
a family dinner on: Sunday. This
• was 'Mr. and , Mrs. 'Jack .Scott's
'wedding . anniversary. '
The Right Reverend . William
A. Townshend, Suffragan . Bishop
of Huron Diocese, was • `here: on
will be at 9.30 • a.m.
(Congratulations .to .Mr.' & Mrs.
Donald . (Peterbaut (nee .Ruby ...
Bonnett) who were . married in ..
The Presby Brian, .churelr-lT e i
Saturday afternoon..
The •funeral of the late John
bleFarlan,a former resident of
here,, was 'held on..Wednesday af-
ternoon . from the ..Linklater fb.n-
eral home, Kincardine:. ; : Are'hie . f
McFarlan' is a �brot'her.'
•Mrs..: Jaines Hodge, who has
been ,a .liaitient .in Victoria Hos-
pital, London,, for some. time; .re-
turned ' home during. the ' week.
We wish her: improved health.
Miss Marion Percy 'has. gone
to Guelph Where' She will ''be
employed at the OAC. Mrs. Alex
Percy accompanied her to Guelph
on:Monday.: .
' Mr: and Mrs: ` Archie .lVIofffat
and. ' Mrs. 1VJ:cMurchy of Winni
peg, Mrs. Murray Henderson and.
children of Paraiinount • and Mr.
& Mrs. Robt. Stabo 'spent Thurs-
day with Mr and Mrs, James,
Our teacher, disc King, • atten-
ded teachers convention Thurs-
day:"'"' '
Mrs. , Earle Hodgins is employ=
ed at . the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Cassidy, ' Teeswater. • 1
Friends ' and' patients . of Dr. •
M.H. Corrin"of s ucknow of
sorry to learn 'that be is a. pat-
atlent' in Wingha�m Hospital: ,
•S yConfirm- ' We extend. congratulations to
Sunda:. for �a service of Confirm Wall,E1-
Church Donnie . Wall, Beverley
ation at the Anglican
When a class of 27 candidates da Walland Barbara Haldenby •
were preserzled' : by Mr. Stones ' on winning 'prizes for work 'dis-
Palmer., Mrs. 'Harold; Haldenby
was soloist with the choir under
-the---.direction----oi� the:W.organist,.
Miss ,,Edna Boyle. The . candidates
were Lucretia, .June, Dorothy and
Sharon McLeod, Edward ° ' and
Patrick Palmer of Bervie; Marie
Schneller, Marie, ,Bert and Kar-
en Nicholson, Mr. and 'Mrs.. Jas.
Haldenby, . Danna, Alice, Doug-
las, Betty, Beatrice, Barbara,
Norma and Shiela Haldenby, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald . Gillespie, Del-
bert •Hedley, John Hadgins of
played at Teeswater Fair.
Mr. & Mrs:' Walter Shelton, :9th
of Kincardine visited Sunda at
We are sorry to report Mr:' Ev-
erett 'W'iiytock to Have met with
a painful accident whena wire.
flew up ,'and struck 'him in the''
eye, requiring medical •attention.
Mr. and ,Mrs. 'James Haldenby
and Debbie have moved: 4o Walk- ,
erton where Jim 4s .employed
.,Misses Helen Schumacher and
Lois Haldenby of London spent
Kinlouglh; 'Robert White • of Gor---the holiday ',Week -end with Mr.
re; ` �Grifieiiiam `•and- ;Shirley
Kerslake of • Kingarf. -
,. Mr. , and Mrs. Jack Cuyler Of
Kincardine, Mr. and, 1V1rs: Glen
Campbell and Gierina' of ,Amber-
ley visited on Sundaywith ,Mr.
and Mrs. Bert :Nicholson ,and
I. faamly.
There will be no Anglican r-
sand Mrs: John Sc n' aches:
Week -end visi-ters with Mr,
Mrs, .John Ross • were Mr. and
,Mrs. Robt. Millen), Toronto; Mr.,
and Mrs: Alex' MacKay. of Aci:oh ,
and Mr. and Mrs.' Donald ROSS,
who have just returned to Tor-
o -onto. after five months in Wing