HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-09-26, Page 1• • '• il,hiar&rZeny $2,50 A Year In Advance -0.00 Extra To U.S.A. „,•-••• •••••,..4e••••••••••,....... • J LUCIC.NOW, ON'I'ARIO WEDNESDAY,?SEPT 26th, 1956 • Rae,. Watson Elected To ighest. Office in Ontario At the. convention of the Loyal ST. PETER'S 'CHURCH HELD Order of Moose at the Royal HARVEST HOME SERVICE York Hotel on• September 14, 15 d 16 Rae Watson • Harvest was e ected Grana governor of Ontario. This • is the highest elective office in Ontario for the OFder,----, Rae's duties for, the next year mill be to visit fifty-four lodges ;extending., from the Montreal district in eastern Ontario to the Port Arthur, Fort 'William: district in Northern Ontario. He will also be .required to attend dis- i• riet officers' meetings in the various diVisionS. • • The inajor projects of the Loyal Outer of Moose are an Orphanage in Mcibseheart, • lilin- ois, ail aged **les' honie .in Orange Park, Florida, and the conducting* of civic .affairs pro- grams in various cities The or- phanage in IUlnOis has 750 child- xen of Which 40 are Canadians .• • The aged-PeotileS' home in nor. 'actOmodattes 1350 of which • two are Canadians. Rae will Visit both thete-tritaceS throUgh- Otit the year in office. There were 567 registered at • the Toronto ebnveittiOn. CCUPLE.TO RESIDE iNSHFIELD. FARinsx—iv4TsciN... , Lucknow United Church was • decorated with fern, white glad- ioli-and-candelabra•-for-a-rire autumn • wedding on Wednesday, • September' 19th at 3 p.m. when Dorothy Anne May Watson. he -.- came the bride. of Donald Elmer Farrish. 'me ,flande is the only ,'.datighter,'Ant,,Okrand" 'Mils. Rae J, Watson' of, Welt Wawanosh, _-and -the-groom,- is- the son of- Mr. and Mrs: Lorne Parrish of Ash- field. Rev. C. C. Washington of- ficiated at the .ceremoriy. .The bride was charming gown- ed in ballerina, length white ny- ion_ net over taffeta lace top and jacket, and arfirigertip veil .with leap of pearls and sequins. 'She carried a cascade of red roses. TIeibride --Was- attended by MiSses•Marlene Hunter and Rob- erta Helm of Ashfield as bride's- •• • • • Maids in rule green identical ballerina length gowns of figur- ed nylon net •Over.:. taffeta with • • feather hats to match. They -car- ried yellow roses. Miss Carol Helm of Ashfield, as 'matron of honor, was gowned ina ballerina . length shrimp ••gown of figured nylon net over taffeta with a feathered hat -to match. She carried a nosegay of shrimp colored roses.- • The flower girl, ..Misg' Claire . Crick of London, wore mauve nylon net over taffeta 'and ear- • .ried yellow roses. Harald rishacted as • his brother's best Golldori Walters of. •Goderich,' •• • 'Robert Lyons of West Wawanosh and Marvin Scott and Ivan Cook of Ashfield, acted as ushers. • The organist was Mrs. Jessie Allin of Lucknow, and Mrs. Jack 1kititt- 'of • Kinross.. sang -"Efe: cause" and "LLoVe_AOLI_TrulY• 1'.... •A . receptionfollowed in 'the Lucknow Recreation Centle where the bride's mother receiv. ed. guests m empire blue silver brocade trim, matchingassessor leS and corsage of red roses. The, • grOom's mother wore gold with black accessories and eorsage of pink roses, • .• Guests were present from Tor- •. onto, Hamilton; London, Sarnia, Goderich, Sauble Beacht Grand -Winghanar-Clintorri-Ser:--- forth and Lucknow: For•a Wedding. trip to Niagara Palls the bride wore a 'plaid • suit,. a tweed Olit withnavyac • cessories" arid a corsage of red ' arriations. The .young couple :Will reside, on . the groom's farm in hfield tOwnthip. , • „ • • oine services were well attended at $t. Peter's Ang- Church, Lucknow, Sun-. ay,-!-Septernber-23rd:- ' ' • At the morning service the Rector, ;Rev. H. L. Jennings, preaohed the selimon based'.on Psalm .145:15, "The eyes • of all wait upon Thee, .0 Lord, and Thou givest them their meat in due season". The choir, led by the organist Mrs. Fred ,McQaillin and assist- ed by Mr. Ted 'Rice, sang the anthem "Our Strength a n d :Shield". Barry McQuillinj_was the soloist. • • • •At the evening 'service the• guest preacher was Mr: James :Paliner of $t. John's; Bervie, iwho Preached irsifi the text Matt. 6:21, "For where your. treasnre is,'there will your heart be alio". • choir sang the. anthem "Sing to the Lord of Harvest" witli•the, soloist Mr. The ,church was . suitably -dee- prated for the ,occasion. A large loaf, of bread .was placed on the altar in token of our dependence upon !God for our ,daily bread., TURN THE CLOCKSBAck • Daylight , Saving Time 'conies to an end officially .at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, September 30.. Church servi be ,on Standard Time again, so remember to turn' the clocks back on retiring Saturday !light. or you'll have a bit of a wait for the service. to start., • . ' AUXILIARX MEMBERS AT , CONVENTION IN LONDON This week several Auxiliary drn.embers from the . •Lueknow Branch attended:. the convention of the Provincial Command Lad- ies Auxiliary. to the Canadian Legion in. Landon. • • Those attending included.pres- ident Mrs., Anna Johnstone; lit vice; .Mrs. . Jack England; :2nd • vice, Mrs. Margaret Wasney; sec- retary, Mrs. .Eunice Reid, treas., Mrs Peggy Welsh; 3rd vice pres. provincial command; Mrs. 'Sadie MacMillan, :and :Comrades MIT H. MacDonald; Mrs. E. Arm- strong, Mrs., A. Thomson and :Mrs. Eva Blackt, • • MRS. ALEX GILLIES PASSES . • • Mrs. Alex Gaines.' died in Wingham General Hospital Mon- day. She was 77 years of age. Mrs Gillies • was the former Jean Purves and was born in' Kinloss To*nship on August 10th,, 1879.. She is survived by a sister, • Mrs. David Milne (Nettie), of. Lucknow, and a brother, Robert Purves of Galden Prairie, :Sask. Funeral ,services will be eon- -ducted from 'the McLennan and MacKenzie Memorial 'chapel, Lucknow, on ' ThursdaY. at 2.30 p.m.Burial , be in' South Kinloss Cemetery, • ... • WILL -DISPOSE OF THOMPSON' HERD The entire ',herd of Hereford Cattle° .of Frank •Thempson and Son of East WasVanosh will go• on the 'auction block on - day, October :9th at 1,00'o'clock. OWing to ill health and dattor's 'orders, Mr. Thompson has made: the decision with deep regret to dispose 'of his hprd. • Scventy_head_..wiltLie Selling ,including two -imported- heTa- sire& The 'Sentinel. has just com- pleted' a catalogue for the sale whwh-- might Obtained a t ou office. W. S. O'Neil will be the. atic- tioneer, and thee terms, a 'the. 'sale. will be. cash. • DISTRICT JUNIOR' FARMERS ON TOUR Duncan Campbell Of Kinloss and Donald MoCharles • of Loch- alsh are this week On .a Junior Farmer bus trip to Eastern On- .tario and Quebec. These two young men have been selected from Bruce County on the basis ,of their participation in 4-H and Junior- Farmer -work-and their standing in each of these pro- jects. The two- representatives from Huron County 'on the tour - are Mary Broadfoot of Brucefidd and.Larry•Wheatly of Dublin. The tour left ifroni Galt on Sunday with sixty-seven young • people 'participating, The group• travelled 'to King- ston. where they were the guests of tIke Kingston Junior Farmers for supper and church service that evening. Monday; September 24th, ,they travelled to Montreal. after an afternoon tour of the St Lawrence Seaway Project. While' in Montreal on Tuesday, September 25th, they had a gind- ed tour of the- sights. in and around • Montreal under direct- ion. of representaties of the Fa ilY Herald_anit:Weekly Star. On/"Wednesday, September 26th, the group were in Quebe City for a tour of Quebec City and, Surrounding area under the dir- ection of the Agricultural Edu- cation Services, Quebec, Depart- ment, of. Agricuulture.. On Thurs- day; Septernher. 276; they will travel intheir bus by a differ- ent route back to Montrealand on .the way will. visit the Quebec - Dairy School at St. Hyacinthe "a-nd7the---St-Iltransugar Refin- ery at St. Hilaire. On Friday, September 28th, they will leave Montreal for Ot- tawa and while in -Ottawa will 'visit • the Parliament Buildings and the ',Central ."Ektierincierital Farm and feller points of inter- est -The- evening-ofTFriday,-Sep- tember 28th will be spent in vis- iting.. the school and faim'at-the Kemptville Agricultural Sehool at Keniptville. Following an over- night' stay at. the Kempville Agricultural School the t bus will travel by via No. 7 highway ,re- turning to Galt by 8.00 that ev- ening. • . • . • DANCING CLASS RESUMES LESSONS The -Lucknow' Dancing ..School has resumed instruction in tap, bailet.and highland dancing un.. - 'der theguidance of Amy John- ston of Owen Sound. This is the third year the school' has °per-. Pated.. Claes - are %held WeeklY: in the. Recreational centre,and there is still :room to accomodate more children Mrs. Jessie Allin accompanies the .tap and ballet clais,•• whila. A. MacLennan pipes for The highland group. Members of this 'year's' elasses are as- follOws: ' . Highland MarY Finlayson, Kathleen Dal- ton, Jean Drennan, Marilyn.Heri- derson, ,Joan ,Macltenzie,, Karen Wasney, ,Florence •MacLennan, 'Margaret -MacLennan, June lay -son, Barbara' Finlayson, Di anne. Jamieson, _Finlay ,MacLenr nan, Barbara MacLennan, Jean. iMacDonaldi-San d ia--Broccs, Be- ty Bell, Mary .E, Walden, Mary Allin... . 4 Tap- and. Ballet • • Dianne Vassella, 'Helen Conit- ney; Paddy 0.'Connor,'. Lana Hodgins Myrna Griffiths, Janice. tase, Wanda Hunier., Da'Ad But- ton, Brenda Humphrey?. Joan. lvfae.Keftie, Wendy IVIacKenzie, Mary Murdie„ Jane Joynt4 Karen Wasney, Janice Brooks, Joyce Walker, BrStan Greenaway, Fay IrdiarfTrOiag-Conley;7L-sinela--I3ut-= ton, *Sharon , Lowery,Trudy Theinpson, Marilyn Armstrong, Janet Carruthers,,,Naticy CO2tin, Russell; Min, Sharon. -M•oWlbitiy,- Elizabeth Finlay.son, Mary Allin, Beverley MacDonald, Evan, Ag- new. • • HER. JOHN HOGAN IS PRI T FOR SIXTY YEARS Father ohn Hogan of London, a native ofNshfield, spent the past week visi ing relatives and friends inthe district, Father Hogan was'or ained to the priesthood in. St. Teter's Cathedral, London, on December 19th, 1896 and in December will abserVe his diamond jubilee. On Deceniber 13th he VII mark -his 88th birthday Father,Hogan enjoys excellent • health and has been retired from active 4uties since June, altho' he:still assists .with the spiritual welfare of the- aged- andinfirm at Mount Hope and. St. Mary's Hospital in London., .. • HOLD -RALLY DAY' SERVICE AT UNITED CHURCH' Rally Day services.were •obser- Ved by the Lucknow United Chgrch Sunday School in the fellowship rooms on Sunday af- ternoon at 3.00 pill. Attendance numbered about -115 with Super- intendent a ID Thompson charge of the service. •• BrUee MacKenzie; AndAVIplvin_ Morrison, associate superinten- dents, offered prayer and Scrip - titre. Elmer Limbach: led the •en- tire' :group in some rousing sing- ing. • The 'theme of the .service, "With Deeds of Love and Mercy' was followed, by Mis• Lloyd, Hall, as she.told the story of ltheIives of Korean children. A filmstrip On Korea was shown by ReV., 4.'Meiklejohn. All rally day con- tributions from the United Chinch across Canada will go, to the ,Korean 'fund. ' Four 'Members of the SiandaY. Sehool, , Donald Kirkland, Mur- ray Hunter, Fraser,.Aslittin and Ken- Jan eS feceived ' the" ciTfeiing: • EIGHT PAGES JIM REED VOTED • LITERARY •HEAD Students. of Lucknow District High School elected the execu- tive cf the Literary Society for the 1956-57 term 'at, the school last Friday.' Jirn Reed of Dun- • gannon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- . lari Reed, is the new president. . The new slate includes; president Jn -led,• vice pres., Archie • • McQuillan; sec.,. 'Ann Crawford; treas.., Inge Suter; pianist, Norma Murray,, editor, Emmeline Miller; co-editors, Betty Stanley, Shirley. • • McClure, Bill Marshall, Ian', Marshall, Ruth Steer, Bill 'Fish- er; .press reporter, Mary Alton. •Athletic Societies Elect New officers for the•girls Ath- • letic \Society include: president, Janet Gaunt; vice Pres. Marion Hainilton; sec., Ann pres, treas., Janet Rayner. The boys' Association includes: pres., Jim ... Reed; vice' pres., Doug Stanley; sec., Archie McQuillan; -treasurer, 'Gary Suter. ' .1 .• BROOKS FAMILY PLAGUED - .WITH 'INJURIES RECENTLY Omar-Braoks Dungannon had his hand severely crtialecl last Saturday when it became caught in the combine. The ten - .don § on the back of the hand were, severely Cut. It is expected that Omar will be in Wgigham Hospital •for about a week. • , Young Wayne Brooks, a senior pupil at Dungannon School, was , recently injured when accident- ally .shit with a baseball bat at' _Dungannon..-sc-haciL-He-r-eeeive the blow on the forehead causing 'considerable' swelling, and sturi7 ning the youth. He was. taken . home by the principal, Mrs Gor- dan Anderson, and medical at- tention. Was given. Wayne. was , icack: to saiOO1 days later • Barry McQuiIIin Has Grand Chanipon Steer at Huron Show Rj 1VIaeREN IE PIPES A'r NIECE'S -CHICAGO ,WEDDING • - • • • . In accordance with an ancient' Scottish custom, Mi ss Nancy ha: - bel Whitewas piped into .and .out of the Fourth Presbyterian Church M Chicagoby her uncle Roy MacKenzie • of Ripley, when she was Married to Kyle De Mont. Thomas recently.Mr. Mac-, Kenzie -played the pipes- clad in , the green, white and red Mac- Kenzie. kilt with moss green jack,et. It was the first timethat the pipes :had been played at .a eddirig, in that church. 1. 'Attending the wedding of their niece with Roy was Jack Mac- Lennan of 'Ashfield. . The bride A the 'daughter of Dr. and' Mrs: Raymond Le .Roy White of .Chicago. • • • LUCKNOW 'W. I. PLANS FALL FAIR BOOTH • . . • •At the 'September Meeting Of the Lucknow itiVbrrien's Institute the Recreational Centre on• Friday; September...14,9„.....it:. was decided to operate a booth at the-Lueknow-Fall---Fair• . - • Twenty-nine Were present: at the meeting -presided over 'by the president, Mrs Charles Codk. Mrs. J. W,. Joynt gave .an in, teresting, talk on her iunimer trip to the British IsleF.; and Hol- land, • • , Mrs, T. J. Salkeld reported . on the InStititte rally held in .South- ampton rn Augnst. She along With Mrs. N. J, MacKenzie' and Mrs, E. J.. Thom attended as re, preset] ta HORN' : LYONS -in 'Wingham Hospital btr September 17th, to ,Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon Lyons, a daughter, Lynda Gladys, a sister for John and Melvin. • ' • Barry McQuiliin of. the Luck- . now Calf .Club had the grand champion': steer at the Huron County Beef Calf Mar show held • in conjunction • with the eaforth•Fall Fair. Barry had the '• champion in. 1 group Of 44 steers from, Huron County His steer . was purchased. from the herd of Andrew Gaunt and Son'. Many cattlemen believe that Barry's ". calf will be another strong Guineas bontender. The Huron show is divided in- to Two groups, 'namely steeff mid • heifers. Bill 'Andrew and Archie Van Dongeri of, the Dungarirxm Club were in the first prize group in the steer •division, along with Gary Rintaul of the Luck - now Club.' Leroy 'Rintoul Of the Lucknow Club was in the, sec- ond prize steer group,' • , L., • . in the ' heifer section Jack , Kennedy of .the Lucknow Club was m the first prize group. Jim. •Martin of Dungannon Club was . in the second prize group, ancl • George Collinson of Dungannon, in the third prize group., '• , In the shoWirianship. = tion for the Senator Golding tro- iphy,-13arry--M•eQtiillig-tf-L 'c now Club placed 1 third, ab the inter -Club competitioh, • a grotip•of three calves, Luck - now Club *placed third and german seventh. * The judging was done by Fred - Campbell of the Ontario Stock- yards at Toronto. • • • Wms SwineShowmanship , :David Kirkland Placed first ,in shOwmanship in the Huron Co. • at Seafgrth. tighteen gilts, from the Various 'clubs in ,,Huron were, entered. David won a 45 award donated by Ag.-Itep. Gerry Mont- ---- gomery for this class. He also placed tenth in the' swine coin-, petition. • V . • • ..• • . • • ' • • 4 • ' • (11 • cet • • ,