HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-09-19, Page 8111- =111M151. MaRgIRWIPPIffift, fAiltIWORIEWIW- • 51101701;irr4 • vott0 .1 ••4045P0 TATCKNOW .,SENTINEL, LTICKNOW‘, ' vivommtivit. som, kii4o, 19* 1000 • BOYS8; GIRLS', LINED TAN JEANS • , ... with matching shirts, double knees, sizes Z to 6x. liollylvood styles. ,Set ,, , ., $4,95, KIDDIES' LINED OVERALLS ... . • in corduroy Or , plaid and garbardine. Sizes, 3 to • • 6x -.',... •........, . , . .„ . ,,•. , $L98 ani. 4198 BIDDIES' CARDIGANS . , . * , „ • wool, rayon, and pylon mixture. Good wearing qualities. Ata -special price . ; ,..,, ., . . . .., , . , , ... ' .. ,......... $1.98 • DOESKIN PLAID *SIVORTS .' • . ilzeS 2' td Ix, David Crockett included. Values •• ,,... - $1.29 • to $1'.98;at , „ , SNOWSUITS :•,•: in sizes 2-44 •$5.95 IAGENT FOR ,KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free Plelk-Up and Delivery Monday and Thursday. K.INL•PIJGH A )04nlher 'from here attended the Western Fair at London dur- ing, the. week. • • r Jaihei• Hodgins, "Mrs: Toni Hadgins.0, Mr6.444c Hodens, ap,c1 'Mrs. 'pow ...114ushell attended a •,ouggeau_tOP: at the ' Of -andAsirb. Edgar Harrison in honP our., of . their, daughter 411.1de of. the rainith.': ' Members ofthe,HOlyrotief W • lies. Institute were guests of t� Teeswater. Institute On Thew. afternOon.. • Mrs. 1.toward.../$9mpson was • hostess far the litromen't Associa- tion meeting on Thursday af,, ...ternoon at the .church.."Go.lalen •on"?' was,_theLopening. Mrs. Ronald • •Thacker •read ..the • scripture'me nieditatien was glifen-by Mrs. `Tom IlOdgins on ."Prayer". The roll call was ans- Wereil With "A Book of ;the Bible". ' This was the • 'Thankof- f • g Meeting. It was decided to • he a 'quilting, in...the near fut.- •.• ure. Church cakndifs for 19-51-t were ordered. This being a work meethig the, afternoon, Was Spent . in making quilt blacks. The Winn "Zion's King' shall reign ViOoriotis", and prayer closed the; meeting after .which dainty refreshments were served, • • The Bev; ,G. B. COX *as in •London for a' few days where he attended the ..Alumni of Huron • College and also' vitited with rel- • atives there. ••• tivqn l'ff,713it •th. 141'431:St•I''grlikr,at. #ggee:14, val44 s\a' 04'1161 eleven nursing assiitaaiTo re- ceive -their cow 41iringhatii General 'Hospital, 'Sfikley was aurant"for 'sdr'n time before •0111**/eir,' at'liimbales Rest"- entering training. 'MAT Hilai 14011f 5 ilkin is plajr- irig Juveria,Oifttiall for Wini. ent, and it Nvdrki4i- the pitching de4pareient." NYin ham elimin- ated 'R�stk, and are present- ly • engaged in a series with • • W4Y,4 e MARGENE MARGARINE": th )f. t4" • • • , .— • WHITE CAKE MIX c, atOktal-1 kagosi, SAiADA TEA .BAGS INSTANT olOCOLATE. balf. ib., JAVEX 16, oz.. ,r- Sympathy is extended, *43, 10s. Smith of Walkerton in the'pats* ing of be husband, the late Phil Smith. - Mrs. Wm. Wall 'sited d ing • ••• 13c; 32 .23s. Values $ffecthre &Pt. 20021, .22 ti t '• ir f.gavle 'MAT• .the ltrihitharn Kinsmen ,P.100 has 'deolded to undertake " COatruction lat a. swii the week With Mk. an -Mrs. Jac Ming •poOlf Wingham and Schumacher Con 10. , Iniected that the aqr: and Mrs.. Rae Oilderilkike bOtirv111346Win the neighbov: Shirley' ;COlwell) Visited ',inn's- bd Of $0,000, Som P yearS, Tday with Mi—s."-X-W." Fg0,-ttie---Khgmen mitvided The A.Y.P.A. met 'en w441)4,1>041 Wingbalm The evening at the home . rfey•rmixii on fund raising yen.; „COlwellolyrood. The , eye g liew-sm:iiinmino-paoI was spent ga.mes and, all_ en - of Ja!k1.Olintoir Lions Club • is alio joyeti ,A torn roast. 'THAT Gordon Maize of Dun: On Sunday next, 'September 23rdif•xill. be Harvest 'Via •gannon• hai''edinmericed work giiing-services in the* Arig in .that'stewn. can $ at Silverwood Dairies Limited. Church at 11 a.m; and 7.30 p.m. The Servide in: the Presbyterian Church will be withdrawn favor of the Thanksgiving ser- vices.::. • • -.• ' ' Mr. and Wm. Lloyd of • LOndori, called on friends here on FridaY..:• • '. Mr. Russell Barr of Toronto. spent the week -end here with his inotheiPMrS. John Barr and Don- -41$5. : . Mr. and .1$/frt. Bert Nicholson and family .visited on Sunday. With Mr.. and Mrs.. T. Bell and family a'Airkberlay. Mr.and litis4 'Garnet. -Davison and 'Mark of Teetwater visited .•SundaY With lileind 1VIrs.Ezra Stanley and family; . adr: and Mrs. Ezra4tan1ey vit- ited at iSomolta With- and Mrs Leonard Thirsk; Misi Bev- erley Stanley, ,,ivho is attending • • DELL'S..: Sports and Auto Suing BAITERIES • GENERATORS • STARTERS MUFFLERS • . . EXHAUST d&I'AH., ONLED BRAKE SHOES , ISICYCLES , TRICYCLES , 'WAGONS TEDALKARS STORTING •GOODS FISffiNG EQUIPMENT F.•cecKirKh _Tires arifl Tubes Castrol Oil and Greases' • Phone_65,__Lueknow„._Ont • THAT the regional • Committee gPlaking,to preyelit_ailway ser - •vice curtailmenI „has Aorward- ed a request to the po.4 offiCe • department asking to delay action on. changing Mail ser- vice.. from rill :to ink*, until • such time as the Boird 6f • Transport Commissioners lias • time to investigate rail prO••• posal to; cut train„service. Pres- ent plans callfor the. trucking of mail to 'commence October •'lst. UV' ,hone .FREE DELLVE THAT Chester liaekett ieeentiy suffered a fractured bone in his right hand after catching it in a ,baler. After Chester had •_ 13een_ treated at Wingham Hot- pital'and a Cast applied he was allowed to return home. —o— THAT for a lhnited time only • —Sept. 6th to 29th—three fain.; out • Patterns of 1847 Rogers "Bros. • silverplate, Adoration; • .Eternally Yours and Fint.LoVe Is being offered at half price at Wm. Schmid's" • jewellery Store: Orders for • open. stock cannot be accepted -after Sep- ternber 22nd..Complete sets Fp to September 29th. Don't miss this once-M-4-1ifetime oppor- •.. ttinity.—Advt. • Teachers' •.College in. London, is staying 'in Kemoka at the Thirsk home. • •. • . • • • Mr. and Mrs., Verne Hodgins of Angus visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. TornHod- gins • _ ,On Thursday' evening, Septent- iber 20th. (tonight) thedistrict representative of the ;Upper Canada Bible Soddy. ' show the • film, • 'Sow We Got Oar_ Bible", • in the Presbyterian • Church..• z 4 • v..; ..I ;••••W )4/' Effective.1Wondiii. Septsimber, 24th, hollowing • • . price'clianges.wilt go into effect at th-e-Bailey Beauty -Salon.- • ••• 1 • • . 'PHONE 'Ili; LIJOKNOW , . . . •"t. , atest. • a Child's and Misses Patent -Straps, Brown. Leather Straps or Brown Oxfords By WRAGGE SHOE CO. • for Dress -Up or School Wear. Smart styles for all occasions. .• PricedFrom 1.45. to44095 CLEARING •. One If& Of Childs and 'Misses' Shoes.: Straps or Oxfords •••With Cornposition, Soles. Save up to $1.50 a Pair. • • ' 'tie= $2;99 •• WPOON04#4,4444.44,014a~04 n •• re • FINE FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE rAwin, CHILDREN'S HOSE Knee length, all sizes, priced. at, , ... • •• .44 luv pair ' 39c to 59c ,Stretchy knee length pair .... 6e COTTAGE SETS •" • Brighten up the kite.beh for the dark days ahead with new sparkling white cottage sets. from $1.98 to $3.98 `••••••••-"•,777.••••'• O.V.• BLANKETS. •O.V.' white wool blankets with pastel rainbow border. 64344: • •00.50 each or $19.50 a :pair . BOYS' LINED JEANS • Sanforized slirunic, 9 oz. denim. -• Sizes- 8 to 18 yeli's • Sizes'6 to 6,i years $1.93 • MEN'S UNIElt. WEAR, Fall weight cotton combinations; * • SOCK 'YARN O.V. sock yarnassorted, colors, 2 or '3 ply. skein 69c ' BOYS' PYJAMAS Striped flannelette, blue, green. knd red 'stripes • on contrasting backgrOund. 8 to 16 years, $2.98 yvoitic- TROUSERS— -- SanforiZed cetionaile, blue. grey. • and brown, 36 to" 44. Pr. •$3.98' •