HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-09-19, Page 4tr
FOR. SALE= -truck platform 12':� FonS�.�LE
— 9 weanling: pigs.
x 8',; ingood condition. Bruce Geo. ,Fisher, Whitechurch.
MacMillan, Luck'now,. FOR SALE -two cewsreine due
FOR SALE. -- apples and, also
some Bartlett pears. Evan Keith;
phone 209-r-13,
FOR SALE - 8 ehunks of pigs.
Douglas .Hackett,: •R. 3, Lucknow,
phone Dungannon 69-r-14.
TOR ,SALE - Mason and: Risch
'piano. Mrs. Isaac `'Cranston,. phone
Dungannon 64-r-4.
FOR SALE -- wood. furnace in.
goodcondition. Alex Hackett,
phone Dungannon. 67-r-12.
' FOR SALE -.Bargain; ' Rangette,
tWo buarnersandoven hi work
ing order. Wm.' Murdie &' Son:
ply .to Mrs. ° Wellington Bender
„., 'i.
FOR• RENT apartment above
Lucknow Fruiit. Market . Apply to
1Vhe`s. Way::Bolt, Luckflow
FOR SALE -Ithaca ~lightweight
12 gauge
pump shott in first
classcondition. Keith' Collyer,'
phone' 245 Lucknow. •
FOR: SALE -26 4 acres of choice
second :crop alfalfa.. Gerald Walt-
ers, • R:- 7,. Lucknow, phone Dun
gannon ,77:-r-1.,
to. . freshen right away. • Arm-
strong Wilson, phone, 222 Luck-
now..., •
FOR SALE,,,.- Tetra Pekus Fall
rye, $2.15 per bus., cleaned and
treated. Ross :Ganunie, ` R.' R. 1;•
Lucknow, phone 644-s31•
, ,.
FOR• uS _ALF.-affeClary furnacette,
(burns wood or coal, ,in perfect
condition. Cal at Mrs. David J.
McMurchy;s, R. 3, .Lucknow. •
STRAYED to: the, premises of .the
undersigned. on . September 11th,
11 .Y, .. i - P•* I �,
(.i itAND• '.PItE6a.TOR. SPEAKS'
An open meeting ng, will be held
at Amberley Orange Hall " on
Friday, September 28th, when
the Grand Preceptor of British
America.. will be guest spe k wker.
Ladies please . bring -lunch. •
TRELEAVEN-in memory of our
father and, mother, 'Mr.. and Mrs,.
Bert . Treleaven, Who ` passed
away' on October 4.1th, 1946 and
September 19th, 1955..
Looking back, with memories
Upon• the path you -trod,
We'bless the years we had with
And leave the rest., to.;God.
-Ever remei tiered by `Family,-
Window' •peekers, gas stealers
and. persons trespassing ori air
two black yearling heifers,' Own-. property in daylight when 'my
er can have: same' by ';payinge *N I'hnaband is': away working,, or
after darkwill• be prosecuted.
pensee., F. MacDonald, R. 6, .
_. Millicent and Ernest Carter; R.
Lucknow, phone. Ripley.. 117 16;
-.. Lucknow. ' '
,,. LADIES! ,• • . •
Now la thR.ltiroq. to earn good
income : seging , Avon. Women
wanted 7 for " Whitechurch and
di _J•__ _ ' and . Dungannon mid'. die- t • -.• • 'tab -i
Rtehle, mit 'i3; Con .5,
114, attetlon. of 72
choice Drham cattle' will . he:
held .at' . the ' farin of Gordon
rc rf -t . ate: LLYJ.L ' Stock 18 Duch- :. ,• ,. ,
,� � � , • Township, .one-half..mni�l�e •east 'Ot
Kxti hene 4"f «.: Teeswater hi h'wa on Thus.
REST 'HOME ACCOMODATION Day; September ?"20th,". ai' 1.3(t
Accomodation av a l l a tile at
Carrutheff onvalescent 11ome:
Home-cooked:meaiS, modern:'con-
veniences, warm.' Registered nuns-•'
ing :available if:required required in case
of'slekness, Apply to: Elliott Car-
,ruthers R• ' 3, Holyrood,:.'phone
27-16 ` Ripley.`;
p.m: These ar"e •a: choice lot' of
cattle . with fot's=-of--Breeding -an,
site. No reserve' as the ,owner is
in poor health. Terms cash `Gbr-
•done Ritchie, ' Prop:; Emile ' Mac-
Lerman, ' Auc:
WANTED -highest prices ` CARD .
SADA g Lloyd'' . Bel •
paid for clover 'and grass seed. REAL ESTATE Bell -"Wishes ,to• thank
friends and ne hbors for flow=
Harvie Hagedorn, phone 71 24, g
Y .. g 71-211,1*ANTED .--- ' listings on .farms,
RLPle3►. Homes businesses ••small •hold- `ers, treats and .kindness` shown
Con • n:' Hall Phone • .116 Special thanks; to 'Dr M. H Cor
.:... . while in � Wingham Tiospital:
FOR SALE . OR RENT-4roo ings,properties all "descriptions
houseducicryow; 3�+preeeat._
.Mrs. . ,Bruce MacKenzie,,: phone Lucknow, Ont, agent for W. L.
157-w, . Lucknow. • : , `' ` ° • Stevenson Real . Estate,,; .Mount
POR SALE -registered. Holstein Forest.
• •hei fer, . 2'2- years old, just fresh-
ened. K: =,L. '• MacKenzie, phone
Dungannon 62-r-13,, R-. 3-, :limit -
roomm .. brick house on, Havelock
St. Oil furnace, 6 hal dwood.' floors.
Apply t8 Dr.' T. B' Clela'nd,•.Liick=
'Before you buy ask about our
Low Cost:. Financing. Service.with
coniplet¢. insurance ' Coverage. J..
A. McDonagh, Insurance Agent,
phone Dungannon 61-5 •
Ol�.trsea..wanted..at2' c percc ecattle at value::hff• dead;
phone at' , once to Gilbert Bros.
Mink' Ranch, ' phone :colle• ct . God-
exhcli 1483,T4.:or . ;1483J1 '•
•: artificia • insemination ; in-
formation or se=rvice from all
breeds of .cattle,. phone • the
Waterloo • Cattle ; Breeding�'. As-
sociation at . Clinton HU 2-3441
or Kincardine 460 between 7.30•
and. 9.30 a.m. We have alt breeds
available top quality .at low
1955 Pontiac, fully 'equipped .i , '.54950
• 1955' Standard Chev. Sedan, fully equipped ..f 51,8,9,5•.
1955 Pontiac . Powerglide Sedan, Cully, equipped '509,5
1954 Chev Fowerglide' .oath, fUlly equipped ..".,51,495
1952 Chev. Deluxe Sedan ..:..;.... i „ 1,095
1952 Chev•Converttible, powerglide, fully equipped .51,495
,1950 Plymouth Sedan ` ,' .., t. . ...,.......5. 795.
1949 Chev. Deluxe Sedan ......:.......... •..... ....ai....ia a.i...... 695
Two 19.48. Pontiac Sedans „ $ 495
1947 Dodge Sedan : _ 5 295
A 'Number' of Stake Trucks, in 1947 and 1948 Models:
S46 Chev. '4 -Ton •Piek-Up . , $ . 495
1949 Chev. a/ -ton Pick -Up .,,:.,., ; »i 5 300
Brussels Motors -
WEDNESDAY sEPT 19th 1959
Estate Auction. Sale �
Uindersigned auctioneer has received instructions from the ,
Executors, to ,sell! by Public Auction at the residence, .
Willoughby Street, East, In LUCKNOW, on r
ae .t.
•,,. - •
at. 1.,30
the following:
• 3.-' iece. chesterfield suite, 2 -tone, like .new; • parlour table;
window fern table, walnut; spool whatnot; 3.. walnut end . •: •
'tables; floQr lamp;cane fern stand; bak hall stand with Mir ,
ror, Guelph 'organ with .stool, 2 square parlour tables; oak
wash stand; old -t•
ime .chesterbed antique cushion: chair;
very old model sewing machine; 3� , bedsteads with springs;
Y r
vanity. table and.chair; ' 2 dressers; antique • log irons ;for ..
fire place; came flower• stand d og leaf kitchen table -'with
six chairs, combination coal sand. wood range; ,kitchen cab-
inet• • antique. 'cupboard; metal . stool; antique • mohair love •
seat, upholstered love' 'couch; oak bedstead with dresser and •
washstand to match; clothes: chest; two • electric. hot plates;
floor polisher; few' other articles.
• Also on same- date, same • time, will be sold: -an. 8 -room
use with- J.M. shingled siding, hydro' and, town
frame house,ata •.and • 16d ft. ..' .
water, - With lots consisting.. of "66 TA. ,fro ,_.Sle{. , r, x t
deep which will Make a• total frontage of 132 , ft,,iieingg t,ot •
;. No,'W.11.' 445, 446, . Ward,. No, n. Wiltougbb , .St, x the
, „ • iiiproperty-Is-1h' fair a e of 'rgpair,
2jov�rsi:'of .iu�cknpw: 'T s' � .,�
an ideal location Tor the' eldly or retired.`r�
'PERMS' ON, IIOUSEKOLD Fa ''i7CT1S:- CA'li.' Terms '& ' ' `/
wn . on. da . e.
conditaonsyQon . grol�t�tYwill � be, made" ia. � s�tr sal� .
(fin St t ,•. K1 HENER,
Allem-WALTER . STUMPF, " . i';
.,: '..p -hone ,S11737032- -r'' "^-.:
Ronald ' Treleaven; :.•Mrs: Vernon .,Hunter,, 'Executors of •
Estate ' of Mrs. Amelia Treleaven. •,
and took in -the Western Fair,.• - ,Owing to'•anniversary services at:
We tfield` "there ,will' ,be no''ser •
We are .glad to vreport: Dennie, s .
Wall • to, he able to be „out again,
:vice at Donnybrook next, Sun-
after being.'confii'ed to the house. day.
Sunday visitors with Mr., and , , A ndmber of Donnybrook peo- •
Mrs. Alex Whytock• were Mr..and. ple attended anniversary
Mrs; Allan Fraser and ' children in Knpx United Church; Aubui"n, ,
of 'Owen •Sound:. Ma.• • an8, Mrs. ;on Sunday.'/•
EverettWh. .Y,tock • and family ' of Mr. and Mrs: Elliott Sandy of,'
Lan side Mr., Lloyd'Whytock' & Lucknow-••'were Sunda .visitors:
Miss Roberta 'Beim. • • with • Mr:..and Mrs. R. Chamney.•
Other recent -Visitors--at•_the-same • • L.
Clifford Crozier would , like to DONNYBROOK„ ,Chaxxixie and children,: ,Danny
express . his •sincere thanks to. ; -Anniversary� • �1
• services will will � be. and;• 1iobn Lee and • .Jima Cham- 'i �-
neighbors and lends for cards, ., held in, 'Donnybrook -United ,ney andt Doug Howell ;o Wind,-
flowers' an. "t' while. ,in the
hospital, and to : those who help-
ed with the work at home. '.
home included Mr. and Mrs. Wm . •;
Mrs. Milton :Naylor and . family'(
wish to express. their sincere
thanks to relatives' and friends
for their kindness and sympathy,.
extended to . them' during their
recent.' sad bereavement. Special
thank to Rev. Mr. Washington,
Mr; and -Mrs. • Alex Havens; Mr:
and Mrs. • Will Irvin, the pall-
bearers and the flower ;bearers.
Mr. and :,Mrs. • Henk De -Vries
(. ne e Marguerite Vanderlay)
would like to thank their friends
and neighbors for the lovely
gifts that they received at the,
r time of their recent marriage.
Special thanks to Mrs. Bill- RoSs,
Mrs. Dan MacLean, Mrs. Emile
MacLennan and . those who may
have helped in any way.
Good beef • for .• sale by the
quarter. Beef killed under lic-
ense from the Department of
Health. 'Choice liereforcl •� year-
m g
lin s Custom butchera spec-
Raynard. Ackert, Holyrood'
Phone 24-30, Ripley
hurch on . Sunday, Sept t
ember ' 30' - sor. • w =r �•
0 .m 'Rev. R•ss:••Louisse^•Jefferson,,:.;who .is
at` 11 a.an :and,�7.3 per, ���,,, �«� M�
S. • Hiltz, the. nhnuster Will be. i, 'attendingStraatford,;Teachers Col
charge of. bah, services: and supe- liege, '. wit ,:hb1' ie .p er the ,.we k,
eial music is being; arranged for:' 'end. d " A '"
Congratulations to •Karel. I1Va11 '
who . celebrated her birthday . on
Saturday and. ',to Donnie ' Wall,
who :celebrated his birthday on
Mrs. Wm. Wall of Kinlough
spent a couple of days 'with Mr.
and Mrs. John Schumacher.
Mr, Reg Brown , accompanied
friends to London on Tuesday
Huron Cd ty's Foren1ost sell : Car. Dealer•:
-Cash,- Trade, Terms_-,-, Open ...Evenings. Until .10.
Cities .Service Dealer - ✓ . Phone 73x, Brl3seb
Can Now Accept
is well as • the. farm'business,
For information' consult '
, Phone Dungannon 70rr-10
A }
yy ,:
..: :iF'i 1,. _. •. +2'u^s •.r •..+... �• •.. P. :i.F j,
�.,,' tit, a #1
n,A•E ■A. ... ...,:. . ..
.:.. 5,..: ,
. �'.. � "'•
Fit PRODUt rtev Nig' 'AND # !4STLRE.. . ,
Mixed bay and .. pasture yielding '2 tons drys".
matter er acre reqpi ;e app OX mately 90 ter,
nitrogen, ' .45 s:'!phosphorousa . .9. l _- ' •
,.1 mum,
f ' With •an application • of 8 tons • manure per acre,
approximately 24-- lbs. .. nitrogen, -8-_lbs._ phosphor- ._
pPr' Y.
ous ,and, 32' lbs. pot ssium . is all ,that ' Iv t1, : be
ma e, availab e t i 3 r; r Legun res -`--'can;• -
supply some. ;of the nitrogen lacking, but phos-
phorous and potassium will have to'be ,supplied
supplementary., • .•
•^�,,�•• For example, where .grasses dominate onheavy
• land which ° is .manured , once. every three years,
there should be a fall application of 4-12-10 at
300 to 600 lbs. per acre every 3 years .' ::.,
For further. 'recommendations consult your,
local Agr. Rep• or CO-OP.••
;_CQ OP Has the Analysis YOU NEED
r � '
uc ..,__now• Dtstrict
'PHONE 7l, t 11C1ENOW
• .