HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-09-12, Page 1liffiNEW $2.50 A Year In Advance—= _ . _ _ . . , 1.00 B�ctra To USA LUCKNOW, ONTAH,IO wimiNESDAy, SEPT; 12th, 1956 Inquest Held Friday Into Deaths STUaEMTs'S,cAiTE, YOUNG GIRL AS TERM STARTS KICKED BY HORSE AS TERM STARTS KICKED BY HORSE Of TIDO. West Wawanosh ¥ouths This week sees many of the Anne Graham,3= ear -old dau students of Lucknow and. district '. ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Allan A five man coroner's jury de- liberated for over an hour in, the • . Wixtgbam, ' Town' Hall last Friday afternoon and brought in the fpllowing verdict in conned- _ -ton with the recentdeaths- of Donald MacTavish. and . Eddy Gaunt; "We,. the Jury, find that ' Don- ,ald MacTavish' and Edwin. ;Gaunt, met their deaths in West Wawa - ,nosh Township, August: 23, 1956, approximately two miles north. of St.' Augustine, from injuries suf- fered when' the '.car, driven . by MacTavish, age 15, with' Gaunt as a:.passenger, : went out of .con- trolas a ;result of wet road, -ex- cessive . speed and an inexperi. enced driver. The car went .over an embankment, causing a . door fly, through to n. ug• wluch. the, deceased (boys. were thrown, and the car upsetting, 'crushing them to •death" e iaui :: _embers were George Kennedy, 'foreman; William Rin- --foul,- Wesley 'Joynt .Gordon -Mac= Pherson and Gordon Struthers. Coroner Dr. W. A. Crawford of Wingham presided over the hear-' . ing. Crown : Attorney Ii. • 'Glenn Hays of , Goderich:: explained to the •J lfy members ' that this in= quest ''was; : not being held ' with prosecution in Mind,but to . es- tablish how, where, and by what means the two young. men' met ' their' death, and to •try and pre- vent -similar tragedies ed that an inquest : is "now • anec essity. .:in cases where lives are, .:lost, in highway accidents: ' 'Dr. M. H. Corrin of 'Lucknow. was the first witness to take the stand.. Die Corrin: stated that on the ,dal 11,VettiOn •he had re=' ceived a phone '+fall from . Mrs. • Ebert Phillips about 7.15 that ev- ening. ` When he arrived at the scene 2.6. miles • north of St. Augustine. he . found the MacTav- ish and Gaunt boys both lying part way out'.: of . the driver's door. of the ear He stated that 'both. young men: had been dead for about an . hour previously..' Donald. Gaunt, brother' and cousin'. •of ` the accident . victims, stated that ' Donald 1VCacTavish. ',had 'come to the Gaunt • farm shortly .before dinner on the day of the accident. He spent the day at the. Gaunt 'farm, and " about 4.30; in the afternoon- if was de- cided to go : to the MacTavish farm to feec4 the chickens: On their return to the' Gaunt farm after , feeding the chickens, they decided to go for; a . drive "around the block" as it was • not ,yet: sup= Viper time.' Donald. stated that his only .recollection of : the accident °'was the car going' in'to'•a ing motion. motion: 'He said. that the three '.boys :had been sitting in' the,:frontseat; and that his posi- Lien after the 'accident was be.- . tWeeri the driver's. door and • th'e seat with his legs caught under the steering wheel,. Donald Gaunt talked. to 'Donald 1VfacTavish for <; ' a short time 'after the acicdent, but it Was believed that both the '.victrins: ;Were dead when Albert Phillips' arrirved .on the: scene. • Time of the acid re vwa " tat between 5,30 arid 6.00 p.m.. Mr.. Philipshad; .been attracted by intermittent `horn Wowing - by Donald Gaunt after yells ' for •' help had failed" Donald said that the' MaeTavish ' boY : shad ' not been • in the habit of driving the .fam- ily 'car unless the oceasion. nec- • eessitated it. The dayof the ac- ident he had driven his mother ` and Mrs, Gaunt to •.the home of an aunt, .• Albert Phillips stated that he had heard the horn blowing but , it was some trine' before.he fin- - llyyrinvestigated:--Hewas--help-, less to 'move the car. by hianself, and he returned hor`he where he lytained help and summoned; the doctor, ° Sims of Goderich stated that ,he; arrived at the scene of the acci- dent at approximately ,7A0 p.m.. He reported i vo tire marks from. the rear of the vehicle, up the hill to the west,side side _off _the road. for approximately' 123 feet, It could. not be. determined wheth- er they were brake nor.•, skid mark. s, He did not . believe that. signs marking:,' the , road were necessa . and ' . reported ported . the road as an"' unusually good • town=, ship sideroad. He said that . the road was 20 feet wide .' at ' the point with a ,good wide; should- er. The road . is considerably narrower to the south: DUCK :SEASON` OPENS AT NOON The Hon. 'Clare E. Mapredart am, •Minister of Lands and, -For: ests,.announced the open season for migratory birds on .Tuesday Td—last week and, reminded sportsmen that a, news departure in the regulation of migratory bird : shooting will be made this season. ' Formerly, these birds ' would. be shot one-half . hour before sunrise on the ,opening .day. This privilege ,was • • widely abused, with the result „that this year the season does ` not • open until noon: Once the ,'opening •.day has c unt in 'thy pre -sunrise and morning;periods as before. Opening day'in this: district . is October 6th, for• ducks, geese and partridge. Daily' bag .limits for ducks;. is eight *Wise possession, g limit of 16; for geese, 5 per day with 10 as ;possession. limit; . and for:' 'partridge, 5 -per ' day. with a .possession limit. of 20. TO NURSE IN: °B C. 'Edna .:Reid, • daughter. of +Mr. and ;Mrs: 1Vtanson' Reid : of •West Wawanosh, will leave the latter part of. the month for.Alert Bay, British Columibia,` where' she will practice .t'he' nursing ;,profession,. Alert Bay.is about 150 miles north of Vancouver, 'and Edna will make the journey 'from..Van-. couver '.by ,boat. ' , . Edna ie 'a graduate of Western, Hospital, ,Toronto, and received her,'education at Luckriow Pub - :1k_ and High -Schools: WHAT. HAVE. WE GOT' THAT THE SKUNKS : LIKE`, The Sentinel "Office ..basement seems to be. • a • favorite:' •rendes 'vous` for skunks. • At" least' they. have • taken 'over occupancy on More • .than one occasion and at snail itimes • there's some wary steps taken when the occasidrii. demands a trip down ` stairs, •• • - • Possibly it''s , the': food attrac- tion in the back yard;: and;, '.a small excavation under the, back door., that makes the •Sentinel•. basement 'easily..accessible, anew' safe -retreat. It certainly can't be the old truck.. that' litters the 'basement oi� the flooded floor, that follows almost every' downpour ' we've, had this summer. Regardless, Don ,was stopped in his tracks., last week, when bringing •up• some newsprint from the basement, when he eri- ..countered ' one' of these stripped pussies 'just a few. feet • from him, . and with, the business 'end "facing" ifi Yiis'••d rec 'ion...._ The "paralysis" of 'movement, that seized : the junior' member of the firm, • probably satved • him from disastet "fa `the- --skunk ambled into Bab Carepbell'e' ad- joining ;cellar, ' and Don took two steps at:a' time to safer regions • P;rovineial Constable ., . i.tpstai.rs. commencing training 'at different.', Graham, Concession 4, Kinloss. colleges and schools 'throughout Township, is in Sick Children's the province; Others are return Hospital, Toronto, as a result of ing to universities -after eomplet-: being; kicked by a horse last ing their summer employment. Friday afternoon. Some' of these which , we have The young child suffered . a. been informed of are as follows:• fractured: skull, and was: - oper- • 'Percy Barr .to the Provincial' ated on Monday at Toronto. At 'Institute ' :of 'Mining at Hailey- time'" of Writing she. was• pro bury;. Beverly MacKenzie, Bev- gressing favorably.. erleY Ashton arid :Flora ;Jean Me- It is ,;believed that the • dog Quillen to. Stratford •Teachers' was .chasing• the' horse at the' •College • for 'the one-year eO.urse; time : she was, trarnpled. The Dale Haldenby to Stratford Tea- little girl was found wandering chers' College for • the two-year in a dazed condition. course- George•'Richards to the •° OAC at Guelph; Carmen Nixon,.MAKE Marianne West and Doris. Miller, GRANT'• will enter • the teaching profes- TO REC CENTRE sion; 'Irene ;Roulston to the Moth- ercraft nurse training centre at , Itwas '.reported at • the regular. Toronto; Bessie 'Reavie to: West-- September meeting of Village, evelt Business .S pool iri •Londone Council last Tuesday night, that: Ann ' Pedersen to St. Joseph's only '$64 .remained ;in the 12.e Hospital, London, as a , students creational Centre fund. Council: nurse; .Charlie Chin has made •ap- • moved a grant of $300 to the plication at .Termite for engin-° Centre to complete the year. eering; Jack McKim' to Western' was: felt iby same members : that• University for his fifthyear in the/building was ,.a "white ele-• medicine;'. 'Meek • ' MacDonald to iphan't' , but ,that, they had • no, Western. for his •.second year in 'other chAice than to support it physics and chemistry; Ken Mac financially. MacNay has made application to' Willner Howey of Silverwoods' 'university. at London. Dairies waited on Council in re- gard to :.proposed paving 'to be paving done on their lot ', adjacent to Ludgard• Street. After, Consider- able discussion it ;was, put to .•a motion that •Silverw'oods would ,pay • $200; toward the ,cost of a hot mix, two 'ir)chet_thick,.:tto: - put on.'from the sidewalk on Havelock Street westerly t the SHOWER. • HEL`b WEDNESDAY FOR DOROTHY• WATSON •. A .miscellaneous shower : wee- held as held • last Wednesday night :foil Dorothy . Watson, , bride of the' month, rat the -home -of Mrs. Rib ert Lyons in West'" Wawanosh. _A, " lovely arbdur: decorated 'with : evergreens' and flowers set the scene for .Dorothy : to', open her many lovely and useful.gifts givens to ,."her::: by , frienels d. neighbors.. ' Readings were given through :out the evening by Mrs.'.. Gordon Walters, (Marlene `Hunter, ' Mrs "Philip MacMillan, :Carol Helm,. Mrs: Harvey Webster, Margaret ,Rose. Lyons, Mrs. Bill Hunter, Beatrice Gibson, Mary Alton ;and' Mrs. Jessie Allin, and contests were conducted by, .Mrs. '', Jack McDonagh. Mrs:..'.Philip':MacMil- len and f Mrs W. Helm. • A lovely. • lunch concluded the • evening. • JIM• :CHIN.WE�3' IN HONG KONG Jim Cin returned•the end ' of .hh.. August from -a. three' month visit in •Hong Kong, ,China, Jim flew Canadian- Pacific: ,Airways about the middle of May, and returned .on the.' same.: line:' He reports• a rough •trip back, ''and found: the air` travel speedy, but monotonous. While in China; Jim was mar- ried to.Nancy •MVMoy of Haig Korm.g with whom he ' had correspond- ed for some. time after being 'in troduced '13y ; a ' mutual friend. The former Migs Moy is the co-, owner of an'' export-import; com- pany � n . Hong. Kong She' is .a graduate Of' Canton . Women's College, and taught, school for. some • time on the mainland be- fore be= f ore theeReds took over while., _she was_ oh summer holidays_ isj' Hong Kong. She, plans to 'join Jim • .in 'Canada in a few months. Jim 'vent. from • 1928 to 1938. in China. .and attended. school there.' • This •was. his first visit back• since then, . He, remember- ed no one from his early. days, and- the • school, ' ' had changed completely. •Jim' was unable to• visit .the home town of his t arents, Mrs. Charles Chin and the late Mr, ,Chin*- •It = is- situated. -inland: .and-. is Communist controlled. He re- ported that he might have beep able to secure permission • to' get -to•-t=he--town, •but-i-t-would=be- a different story` when �be tried to get back to rol�l"ationa]ist China. ser o . end . of• ,the Silverwood lot. This is .on the 'south side of the build-. ing, and is heavily' trafficked by patrons •of, the company. It was e tpeeted''that theoverall• cost of " :`�. . f •Mr.' and Mrs 'Alex .Hackett of EIGHT PAGES WI N. EXHIBITION JUDGING: AWARDS The. Lucknow district captured two firsts and a second .place in. the ,,Junior judging competitions held in conjunction with the .Canadian National'. Exhibition last . Wednesday. • Barry. McQuillin 'placed.. first in the beef _cattle judging- for - those . 4-H'members 17 Years and under. He .scored 192 points .out. of' a possible 200. Barry. was , 9th in.' the' grain ' ami roots class. Murray Gaunt was high. in the` ;grain .and roots class'•scord_, :763` points out of a. possible 800, in the 17. years and aver"class. David Kirkland was second in the. beef cattle . judging in the 17 and over class, with. 193 points ,gut of a po$sible . 200, Murray, Dawson of . Denali placed first with 196 • points. Murray Gaunt was sixth' ink this class;. Following the . judging ' the group were •gusets of '• the On- tario Department of Agriculture, and the •Canadian National Ex- ,hibition : `at a . banquet and .''the grandstand show. • ELECT JIM REED.,BAND BAI1 D `• PRESIDENT ON •TH IRSDAY The Hi `: ; �Schaoi Hand held its first, .meet in Thursday afternoon rnoon in 'the auditorium 'of the school:. The..officers ,elected for the fol- lowing school year are: presi- dent, Jing Reed; vice. president,:` Arnold .Hartford; •sec.-treass., Ann '• Crawford, ' and • a , committee. to help in planning the band's act vis, Gary:.Suter, Louise—An- drew ouise An -drew and Joan Crawford.:.' COUPLE ARE FI'FTY YEARS WED. the pavement would be in the.' Wingham, and formerly of . Ash - neighborhood of $600. •' field Tojwnshfp, observed : their A request ; was received from 'fiftieth wedding anniversaryon the,'new Fina service station for' Wednesday, September- 5th, at Wingham:. To mark the • event . a wedding dinner was served 'to the family and • relatives at the • Brunswick Hotel. On Tuesdak. '.evening, • .."open house";.was held; when a 'num- ber •'of friends.. and neighbors called' to wish the couple .many • mars •years} of happy wedded • life. Both werelife-long residents a" one=inch water service at their new 'establishment: 'It is 260 feet from the main •at the end of the factory •to the new station, Coun- cil were in agreement that ; be• cause ` Fina wanted a one -inch service :(largerand' more'. costly than 'what is, accustomed. ' to be,. ing •installed ), they would be •re- quested to pay 50 percent of the installation. ' • , 'The; •Clerk ''reported: that pres 1 of :Ashfield.. Township' until mov- ently there was .$367 arrears • in ing ' to . Wingham ten years. ago: hydro, • and $21:65 in water..in ed at the dinner with goldgrist the: Village.'' watches from the ,family, with ' Town. Foreman ''Alex Havens the owing d: • reported that a .hound dog was This ,isfoll. a specadial, ocresscasion, • presently. in:th• a Village ,pound. For. �this� .-' specl-,. Council agreed to:: advertise for since theislonag agoiatime-dayof your .an owner before aey further . wedding ... , steps were taken.. You have walked hand in hand Coungil adjourned to form a : a long••wa'y, • Court;Revision to. deal' with :The road has been, uphill and tWo requests :,by local' business - downhill, establishments 'for arefund. on Soa'ne days have been:,cloudy, last year's taxes. 'One request some fair, was. granted, but the other was And the burdens you've carried held over until. September 25th • 'together ' at :8;00 pm,. when another. Court Have not been too heavy to bear.. of Revision will' be held. It is: The Years have been filled with hoped to•' have the assessor ;:and much: blessing, . other -parties concerned present And se as we .gather today, at this time to discuss 'the mat- We bring yoit our love and best ' ter. wishes, God bless you 'and keep you ' REV. MEIKLEJOHN .ATTENDS ; .each •• day: . ,Piease accept • these gifts as a token ' of `ou'r love. Best' wishes* from .your Family Mr. Hackett is 'the, son of :•the late •Joseph Hackett and • Eliza Henry Mrs. 'Hackett . is , the for- mer Janet Hunter, daughter: of the late Win. Hunter and Belle Helm. Mr. and •Mrs. Hackett 'have four sons and one daughter, Cliff, Tom. and Alex Hackett, all of Ashfield; Mel. Hackett. of Tillson- •burg, and Maizie, .Mrss Pharis Mathes of-leinloss. There are 13 grandchildren and • seven great• '•grandaildi ears._ The bride and" room of fiftY •• years ago 'received Many beauti- ful. gifts from relatives. and GENERAL COUNCIL The General Council of the United Church of Canada which meets every two years, will be meeting from September 12th to 21st in Central United Church, Windsor.. • Commissioners from Bruce are Rev. G. A.. Meiklejohn 'of .Luck - now and Mr, E,: J. Fox of Ghee - ley. It' itato that 1_ -Carnal a • _ this ... unci h t.. the.. Moderator of the Church •.is . ap- pointed and matters-gf ,policy are ;decided even, The Church's xk,_.,: ts;_faith_._anc`L_ its witness are examined iii the light of the Gospel of Christ, Dr. ]David A. Jim is •presenitly working at C, .Read of New York ,will be the Chin' restaurant -in town, • 'the devotional speaker. • M�r7WWE''7iy tri.� friends, and they were. preterit - M 'y ',,,► o•