HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-09-05, Page 2•
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*:: NrAwcy rth, immomt OVER TEN Imam;
Mr. and Mrs: Donald ,IVIcCo,sh,
Mary' Anne. and Dickie, visited
'iWith Mrs.. WM, Bushell tif. Luck-
' now on Sunday• .
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley,
Velma Marlene .anil Gladysvis-
ted with Mr.' Fred Craigie o
Bethel • on Sunday.
Mr: and Mrs, Russel Stanley
were at Toronto Ex last week.
Linda and Gordon -.Robertson
t Zion spent last week with
• their' gunt, Miss Margaret Rob -
•Mc. arid MIT& Goldie Ernerson
and Hilda ;visited at the, heme of
Mr. and Wits. John Emerson on,
Sunday'. .
Valerie; Diane, Julie and Carol
•Stanley spent last week at the
home of Mr. Milton Stanley.'
We 'extend ow 'sincere sym-
pathy to the family of the late
Mrs. George A. Emerson:
Mr . and. Mrs. Traher '& fam-
ily, Miss Edith, Stanley of Lon-
don,„ Misses. Ella and Edna Stan:.
ley of .Windsor, Master David
Stanley of Clarks were Visitors
Official figures set the local
rainfall for July and Aupst at
101/2 inches. That is almost three
times as ' much as forthe three
months of. June, July and Aug-
ust of last year. The three
xn.onths' total, in 19 . was 2.71
inehes: . •
Not only 'has the current Sum-
mer ibeen extremely wet, but
temperatures ran well • 'beim
normal.. High for • the month was
82 degrees with alow of 43 de-
.grees. There were only five days
• in " August the 'temperature
rea.c.hed 80 Qr better, • and there
was only one day of complete
surishin . from morning ' until
. • • . • ' - .. • .
• An'd, ineidentally, srain wasn't
.confined- to July and ' August.
September 'Started, .off •, with: an -
!other cloudb•Wst last •Sattirday
afternoon. ' , .. •
at" the horn e of Milton Stanley
on Sunday. , •
..figr. and Adis. Russel. Needham,
Donna .and Mary, Mr. and .Mrs.
Calvin -Lamont and children •of
TeesWater, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Elphick,, Kenneth, David & Har-
okl .were .visiters with Mr. an
Mrs. 'Peter Leeson on Sunday..
Mr.Milton, Stanley'is, visiting
with his daughter at London.
. .
Mrs. D, A. MacLean, Who was
in charge of the August meeting
of the W.M.S. held in. the church
basement, opened it with pray-
er.. Miss Annie MtieDonald gave
the scripture reading, exposition
and prayer, and. 1*s.. Ewart
Jamieson read the story of John
.Geddie. Mrs, Duncan. Simpson
led' . in prayer and the guest
speaker, 11/Irs. Schizzlen, spoke on
the Transforiting Friendship of
Church.- Mrs,. Grant Parrish gave
a paper on Dr. Laubach and eight
, •
members. answered roll call with
the name of aprophet. Margaret
and Florence MacLennan sang a
-duet and the committee served
meeting of hog producers
for Zone -Four ,of the. Ontario
Hog Producers Co-operative was
held in Haldimand County, Fri-
day. evening, August 31st. They
'reqUested unanimouslythe board
olf the Ontario- 'Hog Producers
Co-oPerative to start a direction-
al program similar to that in
Gmr2_and_ Bruce- Couties:
'The meeting felt that by .the
seven counties of this' Zone :Join-
ing with an %open' market cam-
paign would greatly strengthen
the- successful camps ign in Grey.
'and Bruce .co: 'Mr. -.Eldred Aiken
revealed that . in a t very • short
time a'. directional prograni.Would
• /
berequested by 11 the hog pro-
ducers iri the province of Ont.
THAT Ila.iye•Y liagedion;of Rip-
ley . is. installing tile drainage.
• in Huron. Township with the
• ,ditcher "formerly operated by
• Dave MacKenzie. of Kintail. •
• Airliner Tomato Soup
10 oz: tins -- 3 for 35c .
Supreme Sweet Mixed Pickles
.16 oz. jai — 2 for 39c
Lemonade, .6 oz ,tins, feature 2 for 35e
Cauliflower, 10 oz. pkg. 27e
Brussels Sprouts, 10 oz. pkg.. 29e
Cod Fillets, 16 oz. pkg. ' 29e
Breeze with Cannon Tea Towel
Giant pkg. -- 77c
Breeze with Cannon Face Cloth
Large pkg. 39c
Lux Liquid Detergent
Large tin- 39c
! '
4 •
• . •
Chase & Sanborn Instant Coffee, 15e off -
,6 oz. jar " •'$1.60
Chase &, Sanborn Distant Coffee, 5e off -
2 oz. jar •59C
Sun Spun' Salad Dressing, 16 oz. jar ..... 35e
Clark's Beans with Pork, chili, sauce, 2 for 35c
Rose brand. Margarine, pkg. . ... . . 31e
Lipton Soup Mix, Chicken Noodle,
Tomato -Vegetable, 2 pkgs..25e
Maple--1.4-eaf---Fanty-Sockeye Salmon;-1/27tirr47e
Shield TOoth Paste, 10e off lg. tube 23c
Crown'abrand Corn SYTI1P, 2 itt tin ....
Canada Vinegar plus 15c deposit, % gal jug 33c
Mason Preserving JAM, small $1.19; riled. $1.35
Sifto Pickling Salt, '3 lb. bag . . -.,....:.. ... 21c
• Supreme Pickling Spic, 3 oz. PlY0. bag 13e
5c off, special offer, lg. pkg, 33c
Aunt Marys Bread, large 24 oz..loaf . 16e
Easifirst Shortening, 1 lb.-• 27e
Complete Selection. Of
FROZEN FOODS & Vaeuiinn Packed MEATS.
Tree ripened juicy 'Sunkist Oranges, 2 doz. 79e
Ont. No. 1 Freestone Peaches, Arriving Daily
No. 1 thin skinned Ont. New Potatoes, 10 lb. 33c
'Solid heads tender green New Cabbage, lb. 5c
Flavorful home grown Head; Lettuce, ea. 19c
• .
• — • — r.
• "
WEISDAY, sin. 5th, 1956
11. 411..4.416 ./e. ••••
• •.try
. „,
' fieleney cOmbhied, with :
Enjoi• greater heating err' -
- - .QUiet) ': • '`: •.. . . '•
• •
sign with • a MeClary
compaet, attractiie de- •
• Alltematicl • ...
moRE Aibv.A.N.11°WAG118The Tinle T° Be . • 110#,,,,'..
• vivant. • . : , .
comp*: •' •
iGuaranteed: - '
. witir ' .. • '
Quickly Installed!
Attractive' .." ..
Effective: a . ' 4 .
Efficient:. ..'" , • ' •
, 0Cli
1 Or
I 0 •
# . • ' ',
. 0
'.• y. 0 • , f..,!; :
0 ,
A. . ••
Thinking Of A New 'McClary
Winter Air Conditioner), L
unit, .: .•4 ; 0 • 1 .
? '
I 0
. •
FURNA4.piries Invited •-, 4 TENDING BANISHED
No Obligation . ' • .# : :
• ..P' .. :,. :..
0, , 0
e ster • ac Innen :‘?
Plumbing, Heating, Wiling,' Eavetraughing .
. • 'PHONE 50,''LUCKNOW . • • • # .
..... ....... "••• ...... •41., .........
' •` ENGAGEMENT • • s ' ' -
Mt and Mrs.- William, Smith of
1angaide wish- to announce the
engagement of their eldest dau-
ghter, Mary Elizabeth, to. Wil- .' ...
liam purdon, son of Mr. and . •,, •.
Mrs. Eldon Purdon„ of 'White- •• .
',. t' • ..
.. SKELTON',1/4'''
! ..,. ...,, .
,... , •• . .
• , .
We are the only manufac:'
...„-. . ... . .
' turerS;inthia• part Of ,Qntario, . .. . ''. ..
, of high. class .. inenuntents
;rho import granite:froth:the
Old Country in the, rough by ,.. 1. •;:, '.
the carload and prOCesSfram:,
' the rough to the finished .• .,.
monument..:No Middleman. -
When 'choosing :a monument
come and age one 'of. .the •
*tett SelettiOna in Ontario.
Establiiihed over Sixty 'years, .
church. The marriage to take; •
place on September 7th.. • F • ,
• INiuhae'leBRIDGA:.E1
• 1VIts and IVIrs,. Ed 'Gill/lore • re-
turned last *week .'after a two
Amlobenthricthlioud_ay relatives in
Miss Frances Gilniore and her
friend Misi Millar of London,
were at . their home 'here, over
;the. holiday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Eley and two
Children, Miss Elizabeth. Bowler
and friend and Maurice Bowler
. Toronto •were'. at the Bowler
home here over'. the. week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Law, and
family of London and Mr. and
Mts. Bert Martin° and children
of Hamilton were visitors at the•
Blaise Martin home. Miss Ther-
eSa'Martin spen'ta few days with
her. grandmother, •Mrs. King, in
Teeswater during the' past week. .
' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dwyer and
two children of. St. Catharines,
were recent visitors- with., their
Sister Mrs. Don Frayne and•fam-
ily. •
• .
,Mr. and Mrs.. Trierwell and
children of Detroit .are spending;
the holiday week -mid at the Sin -
nett home.- Jas. Moore tmd boy
friend • of Detroit 'visited with
• the O'Neil 'family and Mary Mar-.
tha Moore /arid her sister 'Jean
returned to their. home in De-
troit with them. • • • -.-
• Mr. Desmond. O'Donnell visit-
ed 'at his home here on Sunday
:while his boat 'Was in Sarma.
• Mt, and .Miss. Gene O'Keefe
children Of 'Harnilton spent' the
week -end with. the O'Keefe farn-'
Mr. and Mrs..Gene Frayne &
Danny and Mr. Peter Lierman
attended the Kraemer -McCaffrey.
wedding in Ilesion. on ,Satfirday,
ISePternber lst.'
• Mr, Lawrence Austin of De=
tr9it spent the week -end at the
Cyril Austin home. Mrs.' Sutter
and daughter Marilyn who .had
been viiiting here, for the 'past
two weeks, returned to Detroit
with them. • . • •
onto spent the .holiday week -end
at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Mary Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Reed .of Tbronto were guests at
the ViebOr rinnie home; Mr. and
Mrs. Jack TtfeConnyille of Tor-
onto and •Mr, and Mrs. Len
Woodley and Darlene guests at
the Clifton Austin home. Miss.
• •
• •
• Write:or phone 'Walkerton 8 ,•
and reverie charges. • ' • •
. ,
• . virAtatitivN.
. .
Florence iambertus •at. the .horne
of •Mr. 'and „Mrs. IL Larribeittis, •• •
•:•• Mt • and Mis. Jack 'Fitzgerald
and children of Stratford were
at the Junne.: Of Mit. P. Murphy.• •
Dr. and Mrs. ICasper. of Detroit
were' holiday guests Of the John !
O'Connor familyt . '
EL,EcTRic mo•ripg
Arinature and Field 'Winding!
• FractionRaelpaainrsdt°Integrai
Horsepower Motors,
Also Elettrie-Yansi--Vaeuarns,
' 'Clippers, Drills, Etc,'
• , "Iiiidongh
Phone itlpiey 111-r49
, 4