The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-29, Page 10.",4FEDISIESMY, AVG; Mho '1950 SENTISEL • • tax.r .TObn Jordon Of Brussels haa bought the. home the late Mrs. Wilson Hantilton, and. . after doing .some• renovating IS now tnoving. to toWn. BOYS' WEAR . jAcKETs-,-.'8 to 16 Years, new shipmerifh 'of -gabardine jackets • in wine. and navy, with. stripe sleeVes, cuffs end' collara. SailriAL ;ON BOYS' JEANS—in sizes 8 to .18,s-naVy tan . and faded sizes 2 to 16. Good value for school wear. • T -SHIRTS -8 tai 16, in' stripes or plain, long sleeve' or'short. JIAOKETS-•-corduroy, 8 tO 12, in royal or red. Fine pinwhale MACK OF INRZSSES. `SICIRMS.--1tes 8' to 14, good stYlea GIRLS' cAnmpAlsrs—iii to 14, 100% botany wool in red, green,' navy, powder, .turquoise at .$2 29 and $2.09 OUTHS' and YOUNG MEN'S WEAR . 29% Off VSIHRTS—all T-phirts stock at 20 percent diseount M young men's sizes M, L. -Good valitei-for back -to -High School wear. JEANS.—good stock' a Jeans in tan or' navy riders or regular styles. puILLOVERS ARDIGANs.-Lin Orlon,' wool or prlon and wool in new shades as mint green, grey blend, blue Mend, spaniel brown and white. • `. THAT D, J. Kenney is again \a patient inZWingliam 'Hospital. He was at the •Gibbone farm Suffered 'a, seizure that .requir, ed • him to be hospitalized. 'He , is in the same room as Alex. MacMillan • .0 f Whitehorse, , whose Condition shows some •ically ill. THAT, • Ole week -end breught . dry, sunny weather with pros- / pects bright for harvesting to be resumed. But before work could be commenced on Mon:: day another downpour broke, aCcom,ponied by hail. It • was ram a ain on Tuesday and 'the TEENAGERS' WEAR .. New shipment thii week.' SKIRTS, DRESSES, BLOUSES, SWEATERS You are welcome to drop in and look them over.. en's, Ladies; Children's Wear-4ieee Goods and Woollens AGENT FOR IclINCARISINE. CLEANE Plck-Up and Delivery MOnday arid Thursday. • Five STRAWOERRY JAM ioz 100 feet _ .PARNATION MILK TO tins • Prices Effectile- Atigwai 40; a7o ,s‘tom‘e'f Phone 20 Lucknow FREE DELIVERY harvest picture ge.ts -more grim 20th. , daily as The Weather/Iran' re- fuses to co-operate. -THAT Mr, and iMrs.. Colin Croz- .ier and two boys are visiting at the Crozier home in Ash- field due to the injUriei suf- fered by . his brother, Clifford, ,when attacked )35, a steer ,on ,Mond.ay. Colin is. principal. Of . the High School at ,Tilbury aiid will be starting the fall term on Tuesday. ' -Fir-GOODRICH-CAVALIER TIRES These lare suitable tires. tor °Mfg, 'model ears, trailers and farm wagons. ' We Mao have a laige stock of CHILDREN'A WAGONS of ail sizes and are offering these at ltedueed —o— THAT Mr. and . Mrs: Alex. Smith and.. daughter • have • taken up residence'' ' . in . Owen • Sound which will be . central 'toMr: `Smith's :'new public school in- spectorate.. THAT the bus trip to ;the Ex; Thursday. • sponsored • •. .by, Lucknow . a men's`Institute, is 'open to any= ', one wishing to ` go ' THAT. Ruth McGillivray, .daugh *ter of kr. .and • Mrs. Stewart McGillivray, has joined the • staff of the i uckir� ow branch of the , Bank' of ' .MoiltreaL• .' THAT, Jim Hackett, son of Mr; and .. Mrs ` .Wilfred Hackett,; whiz, is serving With the Royal Canadian .Mounted Police, has been . transferred froth Regina to -Nova Scotia. Jim, joined the force ' last -November. TIAT ` Dungannon "4-H Beef Calf Club .. and Dungannon 4-H • Swine Clubs • will hold their mu,,arr on Monday August. THAT ,Mrs: * Arabelle who has bee.n eniploSred it' the Bell Telephone exchange in Mt. Forest, has •received a transfer, to 'the Stratford Office. • 'ItHAT Miss Margaret" Salkeld left for oVrancouver, • last week, where She ViSited briefly prior to going ,to the Yukon where she will teach for the ensuing term. Her school is about forty miles from Whitehorse. Mar- garet ',taught in Montreal the THAT. Mr. and. Mrs. Jack MaC,-,•• • Donald and. Garfield. MacDOn- tournament at Gpileric)1. On achieve.ment 'day at Dungan- non Fair.ori'Tuesday,:Septem- Club will hold their achieve-. ment day at the Lucknow Fair ori Wednesday, September 26. THAT Winghem is to lose a ,• Practising dentist with the de.: parttme of Dr. W. /twin. Dr. and •Mra Irwin *are going • to Florida - where they have' purchased a Motel bisiness. THAT Helen Johnstone,'daughter Stone,. entertained a fee!, of•her little friends . at 'her eighth Monday is Labor THE ORDINARY -MAN He niay neverl....reach :the Few will evp hear his name, ..He'* just the.ordinary man, For he knows not wealth or. fame... • He is one of the World's Wc•rkers'; Just the usual hired, hand, •He's your Milkman, or your Or 'agr9feaeirtnei-; 'OA land.: • Or a sailor on • the sea, Hes and thousands of his buddies Foughtand died for you and And'in his pe* each S'a'bbath day He'S just one in a great throng, 'He bows in thankful„.:preycr to •Glif7tsd' in song. He: may; never reach the heacl-: A.s hilenetsOilS. along life's Way,.. T. et rtilleterworld will b. e" made Sint 13.ed'auSe; he.Passed this way., • —Wm. M. Buckingham. 4.0 ports and Auto Simply Phone 65, LuelmoF, 'Ont. FOR THE. TEENAGERS Stylei for GOOd:'Fiqing. and' 'PENNY' LOAFRS FLATTIES in black or .4rown leather,And blick patent for dressruip occasions RathwelleSon PINE FOOTWEAR FOR ALL THE ItAlVIILY BEDSPREADS spreads. Many colors to choose THROWS Plaid cotton car' & Couch throws, ,all bound edges, only APRONS Neat and -dainty, ladies' _fahey :ion aprons., Makes a lovely gift. CARDIGANS ( ,,,4aclies.;,,J.Ine knit wool .cardigans, . GIRLS!. ANKLE 'SOCKS 'Girls' triple. toP fancy ,ankle socks. Just the thing:for back- Boys' Stripe, stretehy anklets, YOUTilS/ STRETCHY ANKLETS Sizes 8-11, aSsorted stripes. Pr. :.69 Men's all: wool work soeks toe, heel and top. Only '49c. pr. . MEN'S PANTS • Men's 36-44 navy pin striped SI •