HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-29, Page 7WEDNE!MAY, Ntri4, 29th, 19P6. .T001047'.To Repair'All Makes Of ...Tractors; Machines. &. Shop Work ACETYLENE & mac WELDING K 01OUPH: GAR4t0E. BRECKLES. Phone • 18-r-20, RipIey . • • „..„ • „ . THE HOME OF QUALITY SERVICE and Gonne JOHN D[[RE PARTS •••••4!••••••40o4P~Inpaosagaimpmiree.•• Kenneth J. holacKenzie, • R.o. Optometrist • LISTOWEL, ONT. at the -former Wrona Jewelery -store.-Ripley; 10 ti.rn, WEDNESDAY,'SEPT '12th''' and every Second Wednesday. • Eyes examined..; Glasses fitted • For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley. • • • McLENNAN: and • • • .fi/lacKENZIE' • • . THE LiJCkNOW SENTINEL,-LUCK.NOW, ONTARIQ LAI), HAS ARIVI INJURED IN. FALL FROM SWING jimmy Case, 3 -year-old son of Mr. 40. Mrs, Grant Caseof. town, fell from a ,Swing on 'Fri- day. 'In the fall be suffered what is termed, ah incomplete pact- ure in' the elbow of the right, arm, whi will keep the atm immobile for abotit three'vveeks. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOI' We' Have Been Memorial Craftsmen- for Thirty -Seven, :rears, Always Usitig , • 471E BEST GRANITES, Along: With, • : •:Expert Designing and `• • Worlunanship. . • Prices Most Reasonable •Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A spoTToN. 'Phone 356,'Wingham Ontario ' Insure With The •CUL.ROSS MUTUAL FIRE' INSURANCE CO. for Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory •• settlement of clahns..i • FAMISH' koFFAT , Your Local Agent &R. 3,• Teeswater „ • 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 eaf,•44.44•[4a . F. T. ARMSTRONG •... ..• .• . , • • . . "•• FUNERAL SERVICE ' . . OPTOMETRIST. Services condlictGODERICHed • 'accord- . , . , . ing to your wishes at your. . ..... ' H __ • uTMENTorne, your Church, or at* wR,APPOIN• ••.. ' our Memorial Chapel at.' no • , -.' Phone 1100. • additional charge. . '... • For ' ' AMBULANCESE1MCE Appointment or Information * _,.° . • , pioningeLifeliiiiiw; " ' • • - . See Wm A-. ;Schmid, ,. . Day2-or-Night . i; 'Phone 1.67-W. -Lueknovi TED cOLLYER Registered Master Electrician. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • Specializing in Electrical Wiring and Repairs • . AGENT FOic SPARTON TV All Electrical Appliances Phone 48-r-45; Llucknow, G. ALAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE • 'FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND. LIFE.. To Protect Your Jack, re With Jack Today. O J..A. 1VicDONAPEI, RA.' 3, Lucknow,, 'Ont. -hone--61-6,---Dungadnon • , • ()ptoinetrist . Office on. 'Patrick Si., just off the Main St. , • WHITGIIIAM 0, Prcifessional: Eye-.-Exarnination Optical Services • • •Phone 770, Wingham • • R. S. HETHERINGTON,. Q.C. • • ' • • Barrister, Etc. Wingham and Lucknow • IN Lutratrow Each Monday • / and. Wednesday • Located in the Municipal ,Offics 'Phone Wingham • 'Office 48, Residence 97 I , JOH NsTomirs . FUN ERAL-HOM-E- 'Phone 16. • "".• 'Day or 'Night Ambulance Service USE Of' FUNERAL inioottg At NO Extra Cost • Moderate Prices , Established 1394 04 ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor • LISTOWEL, ONTARIO 'IN 14.ebicirow., • .• .Everie • Wednesday .and Saturday • A,fternooti . :Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: • Office 135 Residence 31-J M. HARPER Chartered, -Accountant • West Street , • •. . GODERICII, ONTARIO; TetephOpes 343J - 343W. . , .1.1401144,4s.04114!1:05505."0:400:41`......45~044.0kP• NSU R A NC E Co -Operative :Life Insurance Co -Operative Autorriobile insurance • Mercantile 41$ Farm Fire ,Insurance EcOtiornical and Reliable. • 1r A. CAMERON • UUCKNOW • 'Phone '70440 Dungaanai ri44?4Kkookm•Npowkokimmome,. • A. Explains Inquests Mt. • ..Righ*Oit "Fatalities PAGE 4EVICM Lyceum Theatre ' WINGHAM • ' A verdict of accidental death,JConcession,. so• First Show at 736 were unaware viritho • u t any rider attached, was what direction he went. Mr. returned lak Wednesday after- Yahbee 'was "droptked off' in noon by a coroner's jury appOint- ,..otteknow, • and Mr. Mullins re- ed to 'hear the' investigation into turned ,to Clarence 1rWin's farni. ,the death of Glen Irwin, SO -year- It• was not OW after Glen's O1ifeo - old Kinloss Township farmer. •less •hOdy was discovered •that The hearing 'was held in the morning that they learned;of•the Town. Hall, presided over IV' .tragedy, ' *. Coroner M, R. Helliwell of ' Kineardine. Theie Was no •1 audi wm.r LAIMS -HAD ence riresent, '• , • , CHARGE .BLAKE SERVicE fivernan jury deliberated • • • for twentyminutes in bringing The 1,V1VI.S. • 'ladies of Blake in their verdiet.. Members of .0e United',Church':bad 'charge re - jury ' were Ric • hard Elliott, fore, cently of • a Sunday . service dui - man; Currie Colwell, Ernest Ack- Mg the vacation period of Rev. ert,'• Victor. Emerson and Alex C. C. Washington • MacKenzie. • The sermon Wa.s taken lzsy, Mrs. ,born. conducted the inquirY splendid address on the subject CrOwn :Attorney ,W.; ,J, 'Free -1 Gordon Anderson who, gave • a 0. • which he Thurs.,Fri Sat. Aug. 30-31 Sept 1 Clifton Webb, Gloria prahame "THE MAN WHO • NEVER WAS" An. espionage 'melodrama.; With - the British trying to deceive the Natis,,into .belietiing that thes.k... ;•• invasionftec would take Place * through Greece- rather " thut Sicily. Mon Tues Wed. • Sept. 344 Tom Ewell, Sheree North}, explained to the jury The .Ordinary 1Vian". was Simply • an investigation to • This..4therne was the inspiration .•• determine hew the Young man for 'a poem which WM. Bucking- "THE LIEUTENANT' carne to his' death and if anyone was to blame. Mr. Freeborn -said that it had' been ruled that an inquest 'rntistow be 0held., in every highway fatality. The only two witnesses called were Provincial ' Officer . Don Reeds :of 'Kincardine, who invest- igated the accident, and Arthur Yahbee: of Teesviater, who had been with Glen that. evening. •Pa 'Reeds hid:pictures .of th scene of the fatality and a'map of the area, 'where Glen's :car had become' mired on the 40th :sideroad of Kinloss' south of the 4th Conceision. The sideroad, is a,deerner eait' 'Langside: The Officer told of receiving a scal about 6.45 'a m. Sunday Augus • 5th,' after London 0 motorists' en ratite, to the lake, had made the discovery. Of • the, overturned tractor, with Glen's head between •the fender. and big wheelof the Vehicle,. •OffiCialIdentification Was macib by father-in-laW -Emerson Irwin, at the -McLen •nan-MaCKenzie Memorial Chape where a post molt= was Con1;. dtieted. Cause of death was given as a cerebral laceration caused by a fracture. • The post modern was conducted by. a Stratford' pathOlpgist whose re- ports, • including a blood and ,urinalysis • tests were presented at the inquest by the Crown At- torney.; •• • • P.O. Reeds stated that the ac- cident. had. occurred east of the SOth side oad on Highway, 86, •pUrelyonjecture_ ht* he was. at that spot. No.ozie was 'known 'to have seen Glen after. .he extricated4he car from the' mud hole, and -Started •horrie:, The time 'of his death ,Could' not be :accurately pin -pointed, •the •Officer. said, •'•, Tracks -Showed' that the tractor had started: ,to gradually edge 'off the 'highway '126 feet from the scene •of the, fatality, . It Went ,,off the shouider and into, the ditch 1,72 feet from first, starting' to slowly arc off the road and then rolled and slid fOr 54 • feet in the' ditch. . • , • . Arthur Yahbee told of his knowledge of •Glen'S activities 'in TeesWater that Sattirday even-! ing, and of his (Art's) decision, to accomPany 'him to .LucknoW 'Whine his wife and family were visiting. He told ;:of observing the "road closed" sign- and stig-: gesting to the driver, that they should hot go that Way. When the car became • mired on the ideroad,' they were unable to get a tractor at .Wm. Neabel's or Robert' McNall's, the two closest arms. Mr. MCNall and. Cecil ctrove them to Clarence Irwin's o obtain., the tractor and Mr. Yahbee said' he drove' it part way back, but when, the others vertopr, -him, Glen drove: the: ractor. the rest of the way,Ifred- rik Mullingr a visitor at ,Clar-, nee Irwin's home, accomeranied herd' on their return. It was Glen who hooked onto the mired Or and pulled •lt hack out of he hole. The McNalls left for &tie; ant Mullin and. Yahbee, in Glen's car, followed the tractor ' short distance. They .passed, "Glen' before. reaching the'.4th 4t,.;z4a=.==a,,,,,MV . ,m",thr '..-"aa=mt=t:"va=ale,atat====':.,===.7.4=aea,a..4.74=7,==ta.• ham has since written under that: title and which we plari"to pub-. lish.. Mrs. Anderson was assisied in the service, by IVIrS. Livingstone Menary, Mrs. George, Saunders and M EG • A•.duet was sung by Dordthy Hallam and Mary. Andre*, ac- companied b3r Louise Andrew.. WORE 'SKIRTS" Addlt Entertainment I • Consistently amusing entertain-. ment . is' proVided in this some- what' "whacky" comedy-of-errork • when en,..7ex-W.A.F4 rejoins that .• serVice to be near her husbailet. • . • . race vet gave 'the • • e • • STATE FARM MUTUAL • children's story. Mrs. Jim Arn-. old and Mrs. Isaac Cranston ye- iceived. the• offering. .Arrange- ments for the service.were made by , Mrs. 'Jack Irwin and. Mrs. Hugh 1 • • -•FACTOR X t • Dr. Frederick Lemere, promin- ent psychiatrist of Seattle,.Wash- ington, declares "Factor X" to be the. cause of alccholisni. In an address 'to the.Aerican Medical Association in- Atlantic , City last year,, he made clear the , nature -of -his -findings after long° I experience with aleoholics. Fact- or X • is loss of control over drinking, resulting largely from, permanent destruction of brain cells that affect will'power. This ,is the one common denominator characteristic of all aleoholics. It is significant that men who • know most 0 about this scourge, If ..t 1. 6 t h a AUTOMOBILE INsuRANcE luvestigateBefore 'Investing • REUBEN WILSON R.R. 3, Goderich 4Phone.80,r-8 Dungannon e.g, the doctors �t 'the AMA., banned all liquor advertisements from their, periodicals as 'of Jaw, uary 1, 1954. Canada's army of alcoholick- conservatively, estimated at 150,, , • 000 -,--is increasing annually by. 4,000.. We- rank 6th among the. nations of . the world hi our rate' • •.. • of alcoholics. per 100,000.—Advt. ...••••••410 • 1 • • , 44 0.4 , 4 ft •.1' . • , 41 • . a' - • • 4• 4 ' • • 11„ . e, • • '" . • • • • • , • er • JOHN. ••4. y. • • .• fridaratiad-.7SatatditS-TA40-st-.3-1, .Sq4-01,110t-1-..• • WAYNE arid LANA TURNER, in "TI -IE SEA. 'CHASE" . . . Wave after, wave Of excitement in the' mighty hunt for an "outlaw",ship whose captain was sworn never to be taken.: The •Following Business Flaees "Are Backing The Playhouse: Hrown's Fruit Market Bat. Service Station' Crawford's, Feed Store • ' Robert Careipbell *• . ••'James E. Little • . • Welsh Meat Market . J. E. MacDonald garage, O Chin's !Restaurant. Finlay RecOrators • Hall's Economy Grocery Button's.• 13utoher.Shop McLennan gz MacKenzie Henry's Fruit Market, '• Montgomery's Garage • .Greer :Radio & Electric • Ashton's' •Sentinel. Office '4' 1.0 • • • First Showing 730 Second .Showing 9.30 Now—"The Eddie Dichin Story"—Tyrone Power, • Kim Novak Cinemaseone. ALL.'WEEK—September .3rd to lith, • • .„1 • • • • "Kettles in the Ozarks" Iiow1ii the Ozarks-white:the tall .grOws uninhibited, and the laugh. harvest Is ; even heftier. ' Marjorie Main, Una Merkie 'and Arthur Humdeutt present, the latest latigh-laden 'adventure a .th.Kettles- and. ' the "innorishiners of Minititful • YOU' will •-enjoy meeting Pa 'S ibrother Sedge! COMing.Hot Bleed "-Jane RusstL andci,?einatt!po.. • • •