HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-29, Page 4PAGE FOUR
' • • , , . , - - , ,. - " „ ' . , „ , . , . , ... , , . „ .
, •
• .
•'WANTED -- a gasoline-poWered
washing machine, or motor alone.
ApRly • at Sentinel Office. .
FOR SALE, -- MeClary Quebec
; coal or wood range in good con-
dition: E. W. Rice, St. Helens.
GLAD'S FOR. SALE -- apply to
Mrs. 'Lorne Luther, R. 3i ,,Luck -
now, .phone 65;r44 Dungannon. • erecwill be rooni for twenty
fans •on the bus going to 'Sarnia
FOR REJT — apartment above on -Satiiiday,September .1ste for
Lucknow 'Fruit Market Apply to the second gaine,in-the 'Ontario
Pee ,vee:-Flayoffs between Luck-.
Mrs Wm
.. :: Bolt; Lucknow. : • . •10
and PoMt Edward. Those
rtilletsS,ALF.-46, months') R,e$d2.0a0nc!'eaScrseRx. I nwoivishihg to g°* contact Bud•
„ B. Quance, Lacknow. • ThifinPs°° by ThursdaY
Amy Johnston's dancing school
will e -open in Lucknow on Wed-
nesday, September,5th with reg-
ular classes commencing at 2,00
in tap,ballet and highland.
4.- WOMAN WANTED for light
• housework. and care of one child.
• Apply. at Sentinel 'Office.,•
7011, SALE -00 Red Sussex pul-
lets, readyto lay,' will., Sell as
,a flock cor bi any ntunber. Lloyd,
..11"wili; Ripley, RR. 1.,
1C9Mi...N.G, *VENTS
Lucknow and Chepstow Pee
We will play the setond game,
for the championship in
the Caledonian Park; Thursday,
August 80th at 8• p.m. Chepstow
leads the 'best -of -three, seires' 170.
Mr. and rs, Alex Hackett of
Victoria Street, Wingham; will be
,at home to their friends on Tues-
day evening, September 4th, from'
8 to 10 pan. on the occasion of
their 'Golden. Wedding
• =
, Every „ • , ,
Wednesday, ,Friday, and, Saturday
•' 'night at -the t
Commercial Hotel, Formosa
Students interested in round •
,tri o to Stratford at week-endii Miss Caroline Gibson visited
are. asked. to contact Mrs. Gar- with Mr- and Mrs. Bite*
field MacDonald 'Of . Lucknow:' or for a couple 01 days. last week.
Mrs. T. Eli '. • Mr; Alfred Andrew of Orillia
Morgan Of Tees-
water. ' ' • viaited,11hursdaY evening with
Mr..arid Mrs., Gordon Kirkland.
Lucknowa Viromen's Institute , is Mr. .• and, (Mrs. Ed MacKenzie
sponsoring a bus trip to Toronto and family of London visited
rcin 'SALE --25 chunks of York Exhibition on Thursday, Sep- with Mr. and Mrs. JackafaDon-
.. • • . . ,
pigs, 8 weeks old. Wm. Q,Hunter, tember 6th. The trip is open to agh, for the ‘week2end.
It. 3' Lucknow, phone 691 - Dun- anyone, and. those wishing( to go• • Mr, and Mrs.' Jim Smith and
gainnOn. • are .asked to conta1Vlr
ct agaret family visited Mr: and Mrs Will
SEEP- WANTED—highest prices
• paid for clover and 'grass seed.
• Harvey Hageddrn, phone 71-24,
• Ripley.
FOR SALE oft RENT-4-rooni
• house „in Luc.know, 3 -piece bath.
Mrs. Bruce MacKenzie, • phone
• roca SALE—coal or. wood range,
"th hot water front, in excel -
/Lent condition. Sacrifice fer quick
sale. PlIne •231-w or see MN.
Howard obinson, Lucknow:r.
• HOUSE (FOR SALE—modern 8-
-''oom brick house on Havelock
• St. Oil furnace, hardwood floors.
• Apply to Dr.. T. B. Cleland, LUCk-
Rao. , Ritchie on SundaY.
• Mr. and Mrs. Aligus McAuley
•ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION • 1*and family of Toronto visited
For artificial insemination, in -1 for the week -end with -Mrand
• formation or Service:from. all
,breeds 'Of 'cattle, • phone 'the
Waterloo :-Cattle', Breeding AS-
sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441
or Kincardine 460 between 7.30
and 9.30 a.m., We have all breeds
•available -- top quality at low
- I wish to: odpress my sineere.
thanks ,and .appreciation to all my
friends who remerabered me with,
cards; letters, fruit 'and • tlowerS,
while in Ntingham Hospital and
at home. , •
N. Veen:big.
Before you buy ask about our ,
Low Cost Fin' awing Service with WEST WAWANOSH KAIRsH
plete InsuranCoierage; EA vvIi.
Mrs. Frank .R,itchie, Mary Ther,
esa ,returned home after a week
holidays. - •
Mr. and Mrs. • Don Straughan
and Lynda of Godm-ich visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mrs W. G. Hunter and Mar-
lene 0 visited Jest Friday •with
Roberta Helin at Bruce 'Beach.
Mr. Chris Pottage of' Boston
Visited one day lait week with
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter. • -
Mr. and Mrs. Earl- Swan, Ev-
erett and Russel visited' with Mr,
and Mrs. Earl Swan, Jr, of St.
•George. • '
ChUroh, will be at 10.00 a.m.
Sunday School will follow, .
, AcDonagh,, Insurance Agent, West 'Wa-waiiosh Twp. Council •
Phone Dungannon 61,5. • held their regular August meet -
ing on• August . ' 14th, , 1%56. Ail
Acconiodition a v a il a b ie at niembek's present. .
• 1
• • Carruth's Convalescent 'Rome. The. mi
ernutes of the July. meet -
Home -cooked meals,' modern eon_ :Mg were read and adopted as
venienees, warm. Registered nurs_ read on a motion' by Councillors
ing Available if required in case Ct4bert and McPhee•.'
of sicknesS. Apply to Elliott Car- On a rnotiOn by Councillors
rutliets; i 3o1yrood phone Milier--and-Diumin; By-law No. 7
27-16Ripley , . . (aintoul :I. Municipal Drain) was
given the final reading -and pass-
ed' 'in open Council. East Wawa -
'nosh. ' Township was notified to
this. effect. '' ' . '•
. .
On, a motion by ' Ceinieilliers
OVIrs.. D. J. MacKinnon gave a
the Town- • aY, . ,PP ril , ..,
may applY until Sept 4th, stat- Culbert 'and McPhee,
, •For •sehools in the Culross-Tees-
water_Sehool—Area, ,Ten • rural
•schools and three rooms in Tees -
Water Public School. Applicants
Mrs. ‘Evan Keith was hostess
for the August meeting of 'the
•Kairshea Women's' Institute • held
at her hone last Thursday even-
ing: There was a.. verY good' at-
tendance of .Members and yisi-,
tors. The scripture was read by
-Mrs. 'E. Purvis: Mrs. Geo. 'Lock- '
hart, was appointed delegate. to
the .Area Convention at Guelph!
September '25th and 2.6th. The
Teeswater WI.' have extended an-
th,e Town Hall, Teeswater, Tues.,
•r y -Bruce
Open. arket. 1.
. .,
gs... i
,,,,,,, ,
Shippers delivering As direeted:
G. Ahrens ,, .... , ,.....,NeuStadt ' Geo. S.. Elliott Lucknow
Q.. , Brooks ,,,„,.Dungannon A. W. Grant . Teeswater
- A. Cormack , Paisley Grey -Bruce Co-op, Elmwood
A. P. Doubt',.., , .,Park Head . . Lloyd Hutton , Glands g
:S. Duff, ' .i.,.. '. .Tata • Geo.. Kaufm:an ....,Mildmay 1
Tom, Dawson ....,..,...Wiarton ., Geo, Strauss .,,....Greenack I.
1...'„Dawson . Lion's. Head , - i•. S. Wilson „ „Ripley, .11
N. R. Evans ........Allenford
, • ,
Shippers, who
Harold Anstett, ,,, , Cargill
R. Cann ' • ,.:Phesley
craig: Allenfard.
•Roy Collins Tara
Ted Dietz . .......,...Mildmay
Win, Elliott • Kincardine
. Wm. Harris ‘, • .Ripley
V/ Knapp• Chesley
not deliVer as directed: ,
•J: Chesley
.J. Morri.son
• D. ,1Y. McK•erizie;-,Port Elgin
A. A. Niittall, North Bruce
- Ken Thompson ..Dobbinton
Dean Thede•• .Port Elgin'
Robt. Wittig ,Kincardine
Rabt. Wight .• Chesley
. • 75.3%. sor 3,387 hogs were ,delteered to the three open
markets at Toronto, Kitchener and Barrie whibh helped to
establish the week's price. '
,• 24.7% Or 4,114 hogs twere delivered to seven packing
plants namely: Canada Packers, Swift, J. IL Schneider, Barns,
Fearman, Essex IBA %Whyte's, • '• • • 4..
IAMES DoYLE,' President, Bruce COUnty Hog'ProdneerS.
MEN AITEND• EVENING.' •• .. "Conununity Activities, ," • w a s
MEETING. OF IPARAMOIJNT WI capably given by Mrs. W. •Wylds
. and the current events by Mrs
Al Irwin. ' Readings were, given
•Paramount Women's Institute
,by Mrs. J. KeachabmV, Nancy ,
meeting was . held at the home
of Mrs. pan .Nicholson on Tue..: Irwin' and Mrs. Al Irwin. A 'solo,
day evening, • August. 21st. There was sung. iby Mrs. R.' Campbell •
with Alts. O. Richards . acconi- .
were ' 17 ladies, .11 Men and nine
children present.. ' The meeting 'PanY•ing Iler- A 'Piano- duet '1)7
Shirley and Alice BroOks brought .'
opened with the Ode and Mary
the Meeting, to a close .with it
Stewart Collect ' The roll call
n hearty vote of thanks ,tendered •
Was , answered. by.. "A. resolution
hostess by Mrs Dexter I wish my husband would,make". the
lowing The Queen a dainty lunch
Fol -
Mrs.: J. Ketcalthavi presided mrs.
a dee_ was • served by • the group in
Al Irwin Was appointed
gate to Guelph.. Mrs. 6 -Richards charge.
gave the highlights of the rally •
held at Southampton. The topic, ' Is Your Subscription Paid' ,
ing qualifications and salary Jam• es ,L M. Reid, Sec.-Treas., R.
ship rate for 1956 was set at 7.5
mills. Other mill rates for 1956
are: County rate, 12 mills; God-
ericli It S.D. 'rate, 8 mills; Luck -
very interesting talk on "Felt
Work" and showed articles made
,from 'different colori of felt.
R. 3, Teeswater, phone 146-13. .
ratel 6.2 'Mills; West The roll call, was answered by
Wawanosh Township School Area I givm- g a grainmatical error and
, WANTED. ' listings on fanns, i rate, 3.3 mills. Counile• aas in.' its • correction. Miss M. Malcohn
homes, bilsinesse, small, hold- formed thatlhe unconditional per favored with an instnimental of
, ings properties all descriptions,' capita grant for. 1956 •in the old time' rnelOdi•es.
Contact, John. Hall, Phone 116,
• LuCknow, Ont., agent for W. L.
• StevenSOn- Real Estate, Mount
•Forest' •' ' '
Good . beef for sale -7*. the
•• quarter. Beef killed under lic-
ense from the Department of
Health. • Choice Hereford year-
lings. Cu.storn butchering a spec -
amount of. $1,785had been • re- •• Mrs,. H. Houston read excerpts
ceiVed,., • • 7 'from a very' interesting letter'
On A- motion by Councillors 'from a, resident of Saskatchewan,
Miller, and Culbert, By-law Notellin' g of the new oil Oelds, the
8, 11956 (Goderich Etospital BY- PiPe, line and the general pros -
law) was given first and second Perity of that'province. This 'topic
reading's, • . follows ina series:`orriMo*Can-
. • • 4 ,
On a motion by Councillors ada Better'.- . •
McPhee and Ihirnin, the .follow; • Current events were taken by
Mg accOimt.s Were ordered paid: 'Miss D.• MacLeod and .in con7
clusion she gave a very hunidr-
ous reading "The. Mail Courier'''.
The 4-H girls Conference held
in Guelph in June 4.-za: reported
ori by Marilyn Carruthers, wbo
wone •' ofbc
s. de:egattez Lent
frorii• Bruce County.
Coiu-tesy remarks
• 'W.f.fre, gritn
•Mrs. May Smith, relief allowance,
•ialitY. ' .•. • I $17/61; A. Rollinson, . Auburn,'
: . Raynard Ackert, .Holyrood •postal supplies, 6.78; W. .A.'"gte-
, Phone 2440," Ripley
r *art,' auditing W.F. aceounts,
4.00; HEPC, Wirigharn, Township
hall hydro account, 6,07; ,
, SaWyer-Massey: grader repairs
$162.12; Armen Drainage. steel
• /4*),Tx
Mr, a s. Clarence Irwin
• and sonswish to ,express their
kindeSt-appretiation----,-toLalt -their
, friends and &neighbors for their
many kind expressions of vim-
;pathy extended tL them in the
:• loss of their loving' son and •bro• -
ther. They would also like to
• eXpress their thanks to Rev. W.
McClean, McLennan and' Mac-
• Kenzie Memorial Chapel for
their Well conducted •service.
1248-;---Tran4F W. Alliri,
weed and brush kill and spray- closed with the.9r..;.,:?enfii4
ing, 634.10; Norman McDonald, by .a soeial home, •
haul pit run gravel. 201.00; Nor,. The SepteMber 'rr,..eting aI.
man McDonald,. labor, . 31.50; toe held at the /vont MKt's, A.
Lorne Ivera, ,salary,191.25; Huron 'MacLeod_ Ten of ,the riserribers
Co., calciurn chloride, 180,00, attended the Bruce COuntyllally
On a motion by Councillors
Culbert and Miller, Council ad-
:journed to meet On September.
Those kind acts will Always be llth, 1956. ••
eheristied. 0 ,•• 14,. FORAN, TWp; Clerk. t'
at Southampton, August, 18th. '
' Social security--sornething that
pthses you steaks fOr an age
when you have no teeth,
ej3=;:eXga•Zrii7441=tii:U. ,,ai,Virat=t1,7 •
Take Advantage.
*Order Now!
°Phone 71