HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-29, Page 3Wil DN DeA►Ya' ;AUG. 29th, 1,956 4 'Luleknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Wallace McClean,. Minister SUNDAY,,'SE1 I EMBER. 2nd 9,30 a,m. Dungannon• 10,00 ' a.m.; Sunday. School,: 11.00 ' a,nt. Morning Worship. ,swat.. a.oao400Pe.n,4.1i LUCKNOW U KITED- TED• C HI U•RC•H .MinLster: Rev. ft A.. Meikle john, B.A., 13.6; SUNDAIC,,,SEPTEMBER 2nd 10.00 a.m.:. ChurchSchool, • 11.00 aan.: Worship-nt Was Good" :7,90 Evening 'Service. '"What Is In` 'Thine!` hand". Mrs. ' Evelyn 'Barkwellhas re- turned from Camp Kitchigami; at Goderich : where she had .. been noting as cook. • THS LU Local 1''• Ge neral Mr. and Mrs `'T. Gagan ` of London were recent visitors with Mrs.. Nelson Bushell, • . . rs. Stothers of Toronto' are holidaying at the Stothers cottage at Kintail. • Miss. • Flora MacDonald was taken to Victoria. Hospital, Lon- don, to undergo'' Cobalt bbrnb 'treatment:' • Mrs,' Bruce MacKenzie, Mar- guerite and. Beverley have ;re-. turned front a ten-dayholiday in i Montreal. Mr; and Mrs.` Eric .Cox Wand twin 'daughters, Judy, and; 'Jane .ofx Rothsay, were.' c llers. at L. C. *Thompson's last.; .. �'htxrsday.; Mr: aril 'Mrs .J•ack ? McDonalgil, Barry and Roddy,. have returned from • a week's •motor. •trip., . thru Eastern Ontario, Vermont and New York State. . Dr. and Mrs. Steve Stothers and '.son Scott have returned 'to. Winnipeg atter holidaying here. Steve, Jr., •is on the staff of 1VJaan itoba 'University. . • Mrs. Fred Martin iss�'visiting .at Kirkland Lake . with •: 'Mr. and Mrs. Alfred `Mitchell : ands .at Schumachera with •Mr. 'Wand Mrs. 'Wm. Parfitt., Mrs. ' Hugh Wilson, of Toronto _(Mrs. -Wilson Wall of Kinloss- ___. • is Ti hd ys ,with Mr, spent:A few'days 'last Week with. and'''Mrs. . Clare Johnstone. of: her daughter, Mrs,' Jack Wraith town; Mrs..Johnstone being and Mr: Wraith.:.., her daughter, • Mr. and ':Mrs.. George‘ Dunseth Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aitchison and children of.Ingersoll are. 'hol- idaying at the home of her moth:. ,er, Mrs..' J. J. Wilson; and with. other • relatives. Mr.. and .Mrs;. Aitchison took :the .,•shoat; trip. through the., 'Thousand , Islands: last', week. • • Mr. and Mrs W. G, ' Mathers,, Patricia and `Michael •o! Toronto, spent ' the week=end with Mr. and Mrs.. Pharis Mathers. Patricia and . Michael . ` are, .remaining 'to spend: the week with Carolyn Mathers:' Mr. and -Mrs. Newton' James of Leamington 'sited here • last week .and. the .week=end as the guests, of :Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Porteous':at their cottage. at. Bar- row Bay: Mr.. and Mrs. E. H. Agnew. were guests , also. at the Porteous :cottage:, ': F.IO. Shirley Robinson of ,Ayl- mer concluded her leave: by visit- .. ing here : with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard (Robinson.Shir- ley had previously visited in the' • Western provinces and at Parry. Sound. ,She: flew to the •West and ,. - returned-1bytrain: • '. • CKNOW SENTINEL, LtJCKNOW, • oNTARIo PAGE THREIl. K.INGSB tIDGE. aVlr and Mrs. Louis Dalton of St Augustine and .Miss Cather- ine MoCarthy ; of Detroit visited with, friends here on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Blaise *M'artin, Mary Theresa and' Loretta Vd Mr• Jas. Doherty motored 'tot. Ann de Beaupre , Shrine, Que., over .', the week -end. Sister ' Mary Paschal (Kelly;. and .Sr, M Barbara of the Visit- ation Order froth. Iowa,, and Mr. and Mrs, Larry Brown an child en ' of • Toronto were recent:vis- itors. . aft'. they ' ho}ne. ` of "' Mr`s. Martha O'Neill. a: • ,Mrs. Edward ,Foley and faun_il: received• word ' of the . safe ' ar rival ..of 'her daughter, Sister Apollonia .(Kathleen); ,and three companion ` nuns at . $t,; Joseph's' s Order, . London; . at. the new anis=cion . headquarters at Haney, Bri-' tisk Columbia, recently. Mr., and 'Mrs. Edward iced= fern. and Davide of Detroit are holidaying . with; the Frayne tam= ily, and motored to the. • Martyrs' Shrine at • Midland. over the Week -end, accompaanied by Dr, and ,Mrs. G: Frayne,,, and' wit- nessed the P•olisli Pilgrimage .of over .10,000 people, manyin their native 'costuines carrying. bearjtiful banners . in (honor . of Our Lady arid outdoor: Solemn High Mass-. at the Crucifixion. Altar celebrated- by His, Eked lency Bishop .Allen of.Toronto., 'Other weeik end • visitors here were Peter Van Osch,. Arnold. •Marsman of •London, Mr,, _Si Mrs. Hartinan and Shirley of Kit- chener, 'Mr. Nace Dean .of Mon:-. treal.:' :.. ; Mrs.. ' D Moore .of Detroit 'and' children have returned . to their home• :Detroit after.. `spending the holidays here., Mary Martha and . her sister., remained. with. their grandinlother, Nrs, O'Neill, for a week longer. A. (Edith, Stanley)',•of', Toronto` have been holiday visitors ' with her mother, Mrs. James Stanley and.; other relatives.' • - Mr. .'and; 'Mrs.. ' J.'' H. .McLeod .h and children Lois, Bette. and Bil-' ly: of Woodstock, spent the week- end, with his father,. Mr. • W. S., McLeod: , Miss Norma Weather.head, who will resume her teaching duties at Woodbridge next week;.,has been. `holidaying ,at. the:_ home of her �rnother, Mrs. • Charlotte Wea therhead Rev.. and, Mrs. J. Wilbert Lillico Of Parker's Lake, Minnesota; ' Dr.. and Mrs; Harry Joynt of . Tor- onto and Mrs. Alice Joynt of Hensall • visited this week r` with Mr : and Mrs. • J.''W. Joynt.. The :' Fred Martins and the Salohli . family of Blair's Grove and • Pittsburgh • attended the. C.N.E. ''Wednesday. Their special. interests, were the dog and horse show., It • is rumored that the three ladies of -the party . found time:• also to. .shop in Toronto. stores... • 147 IN LATE' MODEL CAPS. 1955 Pontiac, holly ' equipiied tY ................... • . . . $1,9$0 1955 'Standard they. Sedan, fully equipped •., ....., ,,,$1,893 1955 ,Pontiac. ,Powerglide Sedan,• fully equipped $2,095 1952 Chev. Deluxe "Sedan ..... . .:......,••51,095 1952 Plymouth Sedan ....,;..,... 950. 195? 'Chex. Convertible, powerglide, fully equipped ...•$1,495 1951 Chex. •Sedan.. $ 795- 1951) Ford Coach' .........:.....:...... .....,,.........,.,.,, ,.:$; .450•: Ot 1950 Plymouth Sedan ...,........,....,.. .....$ 795. 1 1949 Chev. Deluxe Sedan • $ 695 • Two495 1948 Pontiac Sedans' ...............•.. -•••• ••• $� 1947 Dodge Sedan $ 295 TRUCKS A Number of Stake Trucks in 1947.and 1948 Models. 1952 Inter take with racks ,.,...., $ 895. national 1 ton Stake . 1949 Chev,. ton,;(?'ick-tip 1 sussels otors Huron County's ,foremost Used Car Deale:rsu Cosh,' Trade,. Terms —' Open Evenings` Until 10 on Cities' Service ll)ealetr , -; n• 'Plum* 72x, Brussels MITCHELL ,FAM•ILY NEWS ' ,Mrs. W. ,Frederick ; Martin- +re, turned _Sunday_ from a -three day visit with relatives ''% the North: i She accompanied t ,r and Mrs.. Raymond J. Salchli,. 1Vfazli :and Philip Salchli of, Pittsburg, Penn., Who' for (many years have. been summer residents of this area. ` They visited Mrs. Martin's . • fibro= ther, Alfred: F. Mitchell arid his family df Kirkland . Lake; ..and sister,: Mrs. Philip .O Parfitt of Timmins (formerly Miss Ruth Mitchell). • " ' ' Friends„ of the Mitchell. family' will be glad to 'hear that, all news of the families in the Northland is good. 'Both the Mitchell...,and the Parfitt , families have just. moved, into` lovely new homes. -r Cousins Boyd' Mitchell arid. John Parfitt have ' passed : their ..senior' matriculation' tests and expect to, enter ' Queen's . University:: in Kingston this fall.. Miss Elaine Mitchell. received the ' highest average in her class ' and will; enter the fifth grade. One of her treasured possessions is a picture of' 'her riding one of : "Uncle Fred's" "Shetland ponies at fain - oils old: Paramount Farms She 'is, happily' anticipating her next visit : to Lucknow, • Mrs. Parfitt has ma& a cbm- plete,recovery from a recent ill- •ness and her friends rejoice -With ;her family, . • . , • ' PERT[ REGIMENT REUNION A meeting of .the executive committee. of the Perth Regiment Veterans' Association' was, • held at the armoury in Stratford ,to make final arrangements for the tenth anniversary reunion to 'be he'ld at Stratford September 15 and 16". Major F. S. 'Walker, `ED, SCD, alsociation 'president, • acted'; as chairman. • Secretary CSM Ewart said nearly 300 members from all. over Canada •,plan ,to attend. Mr: aid Mips .Cecil:.-yMcA:lpine of. Windsor and •'their . son Don- ald, who is: employed with, the Bell Telephone Coi nlpany, have been holidaying at' Artberley Beach. Miss Isabel Russel of •Regina, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Russell - an 1* -family \of Kitchener• have been visiting with their parents, and With their sister, Mrs. W. A. : bon at S„hleeardine ?each. • Insecticide May Be Cause 4f.. Semr- paralysis �f ��ormer Sty. He�elx Gird Parathion,, . a nerve gas devel- oped .by the Germans before the' +Second ' World, War but never used, may •be responsible for th partial, paralysis, a Toronto school principal and his wife have su- fered during the last month,:: • J..Ross Lawrence, 54,. a public -school principal and his wife, 49, .Suffered' severe nausea: -and par- alysis in. -their handsand---feetafter 'inhaling .a; duster -type inn-: sectic de that •was demonstrated to Ahem, indoors a., mduth ago,'. They have been': in hospital' since. Mrs. Lawrence is ,'the. • former Caroline. Webb, daughter of . the late Mr. and Mrs. George ,Webb of West Ikrawanosh, 'and a sister of Harvey Webb' of that Town- ship. , • • Lost Use ' Of 'Fingers The' teacher has recovered par-. tial use of his hands but his wife is unable • to control her finger muscles. A University of Toronto chem- istry ;professor, • who said some home insecticides arecominercial adaptions •of. ,the German :nerve gas, : added' !that . it has ..caused several poisoning cases- during the last few- •rrtonths. When an ' insecticide ' corn - pounded hof 'parathion is' sprayed in a room a phosphorous residue. remains after the spray's mois ure `h s t a disappeared, he said. Scientists are doing 'research Work ' to .determine: the cause ,of Mr. and 'Mrs. Lawrence's _•infec tion,: but Mr,.-, Lawrenceis con • WHITECHURCH r. and 'Mrs. Neil'MoCallum,, rs. ci11, Scott and Marion, vis-, ited with Mrs, , McQuiilin, Sun: - day. • • • Mr, and Mn. Tobie Jantzi and' children . of, Milverton spent. Sun- day with bVlrs: Kennedy. Mr. , and Mrs: Lou Tiatkouski . • 'and 'Carol of Kitchener visited With' .Mrs.' Mac Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Moore & • fa/bilk 'of ; Preston:, 'spent' Sunday = . at the', home of 'Mr. and Mrs. • T. I w lVMoorb: , ' • % inced 'that' the 'poisoning : was'' caused , when he and, his wife breathed a .cloud of insecticide in a closed roam, when a suburban florist 'demonstrated the insect icicle. He :was' shopping . for a spray ;for use in 'his garden.; ; The incident ` occurred about the'. middle of June: Mr. and.Mrs Lawrence 'were ill 'attheir home - for .a time before ,being hospital- ized. Mr.. • Lawrence's . condition has, improved more rapidly than that of his wife,' who still is not ab1 • to :feed `herself, and can b1 . ' move her hands. "The doctors think that as' we- •adj.ust to the poisoning and Jour' 'bodies start to fight -,back, we• will continue, to' improve", Mg Lawrence said. '• Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence ha a daughter• Joan ,who graduated this year in English from Queers' University. • ay; Let us' install a new Duro Water: System and get all the water you want, .instantly, at the turn of a tap:It costs you only ;abo'ut 1c per 1,09Q gallons. ONLY 1O DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY. for pump, fixtures and our .iinstallation charge Our all-inclusive EMCO BUDGET PLAN covers your complete system—pump, tank, .Pipe,kitchen and b t i irri iiic`£ures, talcs in all your •buildings 'axed' the obst of installa tion. You can enjoy the comfort, savings, leisure; and safety of water while you pay for it. •• We will be glad to give you -a free estimate of the cost of labour and, materials. Phone - or' come' into our' shop' and see how really inexpensive limning water `the DURO was. can be..: . Ernp re . Brass Mfg, Co Limited London. Canada:. 1Q S ANCHES' ACROSS CANADA T.O SERVE YOU" D1=55 Rear 7 • ra. Murdie Sots Phone 10 Lucknow 4•, ., - .4* it v• t> i '' NI 1 11, B. if . f