HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-29, Page 1• 02.50 .A Year In Advance_41.00 'Extra 'To U.S.A.'. SINTAIL. LADY OBTAINS SUPERVISOR'S CiERTIFIC'ATE , Mrs. Duncan Simpson of Kin- tailhas obtained. her ,;third year certificate as a music supervisor. Mrs, $iihipson recently complet- ed a five -weeks' summer course at. Toronto; This was the third year. that she had taken such" a course- in order•:-- to-= -qualify for ;the certificate. " RETURNS •HO , TO TOWN WITH COO • Bud Orr pis returning here ' .to his honie town, 'having. accepted 'a position on. the 'Lucknow Dis- trict,Co--op staffin the sales de- partment. He veiil take over his 'new duties the first of next week. • Bud is the son of Mr: and Mrs. Zdel Orr, formerly of Lucknow. ,Mel, who • Was in Chesleyfor a time after -leaving •here,• has been operating a shoe •.repair• business in. Hanover fore the past' 'several years. 'Bud has currentlybeen 'em- ployed at the Chester Cunning barn ;implement , ay gencin Wai-k- erton. With his wife and family they will .take .up .residence in the Orr home'. in' Lucknow. ' Seven On Staff There are nowr`seven • members on the Co' -op staff, ,"including the manager, Grant Case. Mrs. Dor- othy Atkinson orf .Ripley, com menced •her'adutie on Monday as Olen ogra her. an bookkeeper; She:succeeds',EaeMcMillan, who •bias ' acce ted .. position osition .with Tho�rnpson Bros.' at .Mildmay.. • • Other • Co-op employees are' Alex MacNay, . Murray: Hender- son; Stewart Jamieson and: J.' C. Johnston. • GrEURORVAl R' GETS RCAF POSTING TO SEA''ISLAND • George Taylor, who has been on furlough at his home here, left 21n Saturday for Sea Island off the British Columbia coast George joined the RCAF.;about a year 'ago and since . then has had various ',postings. He. ' had been at Camp Borden since : Feb- ruary untilgetting this. move to the West Coast. It is: expected that .Mrs. Tay- lor and family will join himlater on the .island, when housing • gar= rangements ean be made • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' WEDNESDAY, ,.. .. , 6 AUG, 29th,; � 1956' ouble Funera liledin a • RDIVIN ';GAUNT 13 Years. _Killed In Dual Fatality' • GOES ' TO CHATHAM AS MUSIC INSTRUCTOR. , Mr. and Mrs. Everett .Lane and 'children •Terry and Barbara: vis- ited. last week with •his parents, Mr a nt.Mrs. 'Mac Lane of Kin-. lough, ' prior' to .taking • up • resi den,ce• in 'Chatham, where Everett. will:. have charge -of music in struction . ,in • the. .. city's: ::public schools. :. Everett:'. has held a similar ••posi:- tion at Port:•.Elgin for °thee• past. ten year_. • COI WI'LETE '?REPARATORY W.ORK.O•N-. COUNTY ROAD_ Work of widening and graveli- ing ' a section ..of Concession. '9, Ashfield, was completed ' las week. The road is being . •put in condition for an eventual paving job. This •is a` Huron- County pro- ject. .Preparatory work which commenced' .on June 7th,.: and ended' on .Saturday,; saw . two Blocks west from , the' "Gravel Roae get the full preparatory. treatment, including a liberal -top dressing -of -crushed gravel... Ashf�eid Farmer is Battered By -Enraged Steer On ..M-o-rrday- C1ifford'Crozier.. of Ashfield is in Goderioh' Hospital with: a dis- located shoulder, torn ligaments, bruises and abrasions,';as' .a re- sult of being attackedrepeatedly by a mad steer on Monday:. X-rays were taken but . on Tuesday it was not , known whe- 'ther or •not' 'there were broken bones. Interriai: injuries . were at first feared but Clifford appears to have. ,escaped, such injuries, and it was doubtful' if there were broken bones. . .• However, the beating .he ,took -Is-expected, to -hospitalize hien ;for a' few week& . , Clifford attempted ' ; to . drive the 'long -horned steer • from the barn yard.' He broke a pitch .fork in trying to defend, .himself as the 'animal 'charged. It hurled auto- a mud 'hole. Clifford ' was' making for safety when the Steer . caught him fora second time, throwing him intoa wood. - Pile which was upset by'tiie irri= pact.' On his . third bid. for .safety the steer - butted him into a pile Of logs. On the fourth and final dash Clifford made the ' drive shed with the steer at his heels.' four safety under the tractor, Driable to get at his victim, the steer- took phis' departure and Clifford staggered' to thehouse, collapsing' .before he got there. • -ENGAGEMENTS Mr.. and" Mrs. -Fred Johnston of A, shi'ield announce.' the' engage- ment :of their' oldest;. son; 'Allan Ernest, ta•.,,Marie Brodacki, old' est' daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Peter Erodacki of Foirford, •Sask- atchewan: ;.The marriage to' take place ` Septem•ber 18th • in Luck: now,* Anglican : Church at a.36 p.m. MAILING LIST WAS CORRECTED 'LAST SATURDAY The Sentinel. ,mailing 'list. was corrected , last Saturday morning and recent •subscrip- 'tion payments up to that time .should • be; recorded' on your address , label ori •this issue. In case of error••please' advise this office at once. • If yeu' are among those whose subscription is. in `ai'- rears; we wouappi'eciate your -attention n to- the .matter, 'We dislike 'having to -.send subscription. arrears ,.state. ments and as well it's costly' •arid time-consuming. •. Tdke g look at .the' label , date on your. paler :'now .arid if it 'doesn't •read in advance of August •1056, it is, doe for renewal. ' ,• • dw- .series -(4 -tragic and ekcep tionally sorrowful.., occurrences which,,have struck this` commun- ity in recent months, was climax- ed late • last Thursday • afternoon. by •a motor accident in West Wawanosh Township. that snuff- ed out the lives of Donald McTavish, age 15, and .his eous- in, James; Edwin Gaunt, age . 13. Eddy's brother, Donald Gaunt, age seventeen, alt ugh trapped in the death 'c for over an hour, escaped'� s practically unin- jured and by incessant blowing of the ear shorn,;finally attracted •help to the spot on the -lightly -- trafficked township . road' where :the ear 'had 'plunged down a 10,_. foot : culvert embankment, near the farm 'of George Phillips. Other oceupied farms on the sideroad are those of Mike Cum mins and the Gibbons 'Bros. The. sideroad is : 'two 'corners east of St. Helens and the accident dc= curred', midway:bet. ‘. een the'10th and 9tl Concession Father• Died Two Years Ago 'Donald MacTavish • was 15 on July 14th: He : was the son ' of Mrs:.Gordon MacTavish . of Con: 9, West' Wawanosh, and . the late Mr: MacTavish, His. father died sucldenly.'two • years ago, on Aug- ust. 16th, at the age; of:40.. Mrs.. MacTavish is the' former. Jose- phine- ,Gaunt, an aunt of Eddie Gaunt:: Besides. his mother,.• Don- ald is survived • by one sister, Niarifyn MacTavish. .. Eddy `Gaunt was the younger son of ,Mr.. and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt of Con. '12, West Wawanosh riother_As 'the' former Isabel M•c .Charle s of Huron Township Be sides his parents`; and brother, a si ter Karen also survives.. oth .`boys . were students at •Lucknow District •High . School, and were //popular with class" mates and in their : home com- munities. Eddie was a' brilliant pianist for his age, and, had this year passed :his Conservatory Grade ' :piano examinations with honors. :, The 'tragedy stunned. , the' com- munity,; and words. have Proved futile • in expressing the s yni • pathy that geesout, to the be- reaved families in their great loss. ' Hundreds: visited the McLen- n n MacKenzie ' a .Memorial •Chapel where the two ' boys --handsome in death—lay ' . 'in state at , the front of the chapel: amid a pro- fusion of floral 'tribut'es.m On ' . Sunday . afternoon . the. double funeral service was held•► • conducted' • by Rev: • 11 ,L. Jen pings of St. Peter's Anglican Church,' Church' and Rev. Wallace ,M'c- Clean of Lucknow . Presbyterian' .Church. The chapel was ' over- (Continued, on .rage)' DONALD ' MacTAVISH 15 -year-old" C'asl °.Victim TEN PAGES: SUFFERS; .SECOND. WRIST FRACTURE' IN .TWO YEARS.... Mxs. Noble .Johnston has..her right hand -and' wrist in a . cast as a resultof a ifraeture she, suffered on '• Monday ` morning.. The mishap occurred when the clothes line:.broke,, toppling Mrs> Johnston froinr a li gh clothes stand. • Two•years ago` this month Jes-• sie, as, everyone calls her, suf fered a • fractured: left wrist: • TINA: STATION • • Work has .commenced on . the constructioh of a modern Fina service .station at the western outskirts of the Village oh High way 86. ' The foundation has ,been dug,.. and at the first of the week, the drawing of • fill commenced. It . is understood that three or • four thousand yards of fill will be • dumped to bring the approach to ,, the station an •to _ Highway level The, site of the new station is • just west of ,,,Elliott's- -- •�,sSeed - 'Plant"' • on • property purchased earlier • from, Alex T. MacNay. Lucknowites Marked 40th 92nd Birthdays %(fin Saturday Lucknowites who have reached; the.':four score. and ten :mark, or ,.Over,, are numerous enou • ghi:to' form a ;nonagenarian club.. William Alexander Iiuss'ell qualified , for : that .distinguished. group , as he • celebrated: his nine- tieth birthday 4n' Saturday. That . same day Sam",,l:urnin observed his 92,11d.birthday.: Samuel: Durran ' Mr Durnin• was born on Aug- uSt. 25th, 1864 at Shipman's nersin the Brantford -Paris dis- trict. ` He is ' the last : surviving member of : a 'family of ` eight. child ren born to Alexander Dur- nin and Sarah Ann Mc.aughlin,. who .'moved to Concession West ,Wawa'nosh, when. Sam was .a youngster, and later ,to St Helens. • • • Except for a few years at Mit- chell. Sam has 'spent - his entire life in this community.: He and Mrs. Durnin ;moved to their pre- -sentimme---justo:f Lucknow 20' years ago..` On November 16th' they will . be married 58 years. Mrs. Durnin was the fornier Kate Gaunt. ' ;Sam—learned - the -carpenter trade with William Gordon, and continued active at this work : each ..cottage of their .daughter, until recent.' .years. 'In 1915' he Mrs. W. A. ` McKib and :Donald MacDonald' u bon. Their, .bought other daughter, Isobel, of Regina Jim Baker'sthreshing outfit, and and their son, J. _ C. _Russell... of_ _ ,. Kitchener, were present for the • occasion.. The . only absentee member. of the family circle: was their, son Stewart . of :"Western Canada. • until retirng to Lucknow to=: the home now* owned by Mr. and. Mrs. Russell. During •• the- war, •Mr. and Mrs: 'Russell' lived with their :daughter., -Mrs: W. Kibbon of Wirigharn,'•,and during which time whey : had the harrow- ing ," ,experience of having their . . son Jim (Coyle): reported: miss- ing, and. later ..as ..,a - prisoner- of it In Saskatchewan Wr.. Russell' was an active church worker and elder in the Presbyterian church. He; is still, a devoted churchman: and despite his: ninety years" i,s '. remarkably alert and active, his interest and energies .being +curb: ed only by impaired eyesight. He is .a most :'interesting con- versationalist, and is "well read" on many • subjects, including world affairs and •sports. He is an ardentball fan, but ,now has to satiate his ''sport . enthusiasm by listening to basehall,,broad= casts:, - Married 47. Years Mr. and ° Mrs. Russell were married 47 years on'Mr. `Russell's - birthday. ' They spent the. week- end and' celebrated the dual an niyersary at the Kincardine this duo • became .wdely •-known as threshermen. • Sam continues remarkably ' act- 'ive and makes his daily "trip down town• on' foot each morn- ing. He's one of the "early birds" on the street:, Sauna helped '. the neighbors this' spring, With the hay and is .still adept With a hand scythe.'' 14�lliarf>t A, .Russell • William Alexander Russell was -ninety- on Satixrdar "`l=Ie `was" born at Cobourg: on 'August. 25,. 1866, one of: a family of eight children of Mr. and Mrs: •Alex ander: Russell. He has two sisters still living,: in • California and Saskatoon.' Mr, Russell "fanned with his father at •C i1 on.ng until 1908• when 'fie' 'wentto*Saskatchewan as grain buyer for Western Can= ada Flour Mi1l:sIn 1909 he mar- riedd ' Miss 'Jean Stewart ,of Ccs •bourg and for 28 years they lived in the West •at Rockanville and Creelman, Sask. Iii 1937 they came to Lucknow to reside, although not as com- plete strangers,. as they had vis- ited here with,' her sister,. Mrs DONALD GA1UNtiC B. J. Chesnut. The'Chesnut'fam. IlninjusrecX, Trapped over cin klottr' rly. lived: ori'the 6th of •Kinloss TAKES TORONTO 'PRI NCI•PALSH I P •• • Ninth *the opening , of the school term next .'week, . Har..old- Burns assumes ' the . duties of public school principal of a mod ; ern, .new 24 -room school 'in the Toronto Scarborough area. It is called . Ionview School: • To accept• the Toronto position, Harold'severed a long term of. service ' at the • Og'den • Public School at Fort William,. ,Public had taught there for thirty years. • and . had been principal for all but his 'first :term: '• Mr. -and.„Mr : •Burn;.,•41rave--t`ak-• en up residence • in Toronto and spent the • .week -end 'here with his parents, ••MrY and Mrs. Thos. • .Burris. Their son David, .who had summer employment in Ft. William, remained there and plans to. fly to ,Toronto' for the opening of school. He is in his final year in .high school, • • r f f r' c. • •