HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-22, Page 4�yr
R SALE—dining room room suite. WANTED: --girl or lady for light
Mrs. J. Agnew, phone 237, Luck-
-FOR SALE 9 pigs, ready . to
-wean:: Ross Errington, .' St ' Hel-
F01; RENT :-., apartment. above
Luckno. w Fruit Market., ;Apply to
Mrs. Wm. Bolt, Lucknonw.
FOR SALE youth's bed, new"
springs, snatching dresser in nat
ural finish., Phone 75*M Luck-
FOR ' SALE -45 Stork pigs just
weaned. Eldon 'Miller, 64-i-11,
Lucknow. - •,
P p,R' . ;T.7 -foot Frost &Wood
binder,.. good • canvas . and good
miming condition.. 'Bob Campbell,;
Lucknow. ;o
WANTED—sawdust burner suit
able for furnace, must be in good
• condition. Alex Rohde, ; R... R..�3,.
1Mitchell; ,Ont., phone ,646-r,4,.
housekeeping. Phone 241, Luck-.
now, •
FOUR SSA,LF.;—whitd` enamel bed
with springs a "d : good . spring -
filled �� .,:o mattress, dresser
atoll; tty vacuum cleaner
in' perfect condition; good • farm
trailer.'Lorne • Johnston), Luck -
now.; ;,•
`W J, highest ,prices
paid for, clover and grass seed:
Harvey . ' Hagedorn, phone 7;1-24,,
'FOR ' SALE Sunshinie folding
baby buggy, : white,. like' new. Mrs
L. C. Thompson,, phone 33, Luck-.
LOST—change purse with key
attached. Reward., Please , leave
at Sentinel Office.
STki.AYED-from: grass farm, red
steer and a. ,black heifer,. about
30Q to 400'. pounds; each. Eldon
Miller,' 64-r-11, Lucknow: -.
DOST--short-haired, . dark yellow
;dog with long, tail.. .Answers to.
"Roder" : Anyone: knowing of -his
Whereabouts : notify ,•Eldon• : Hen-
derson:: •
1OR SALE -125 Sussex & Rhode'
Island' Red pullets, .5 ;mos, old,
ready to lay, Ross MacKenzie,
Amberley, phone Ripley 110-r-6.
HOUSE VOR SALE -modern 8-
room brick house on Havelock
St. Oil'. furnace, hardwood floors:'
Apply to Dr. ,T B . Clelan:11,. Luck_ 1.
now., . ,
Amy Johnston's dancing , school
will re -open in >;ucknow on Wed-
nesday, Septen ber 5th with reg-
ular classes commencing at 4.00
P.m. in tap, ballet and highland.
For `'artificial ,insemiri,ation inn,
formation ' or 'service from all
.breeds ' of cattle, phone the
Waterloo Cattle Breeding As-
sociation at: , Clinton "1117 2-3441..
or Kixieardine 460. between .7.30
and 9.30 :a.m-, We have all breeds
available, •• ,topquality at low,
cost. '
to be held at Lot 38 and 39, Con-
cession 13, • ,Township :.of.East'
Wawanosh, . :1 % miles west and
1: mile south . of ` Wingham, .on, '.
at 1.30 pm.
Lucknow 'and Point , Edward
PeeNees will play the first'
game in a best -of -three series for,
the ale -Ontario pee -Wee champ-
ionship in the Caledonian Park
on Saturday; August 25th at 8,00:•
Pan. ;Support the , kids in their
championship bid, .' •
,CAR -D _ ..
Wilda Irwin and Glenda -wish.
to express their sincere thanks
and a.ppreCiation to neighbors and
friends for their many kind acts
and expressions. of sympathy. ex-
tended :them', in their °loss of a
dear husband and father.
I wish :to express my, sincere
thanks' to: 'an my • friends .and
neighbors.' ,who remembered me
:;With cardsletters, fruit ;and
flowers • while in Victoria Hospi-
tal; also to ,the ones who helped
at' home, .while I, was away, and
visited Me since . returning home.
• Mary i, Hackett: •
Willys deep, Wi11ys : ' station
wagon, New Holland baler, . Mas-
sey -Harris conibine and'pick-up,.
Case ' elevator .with motor and ex-
tension, 2 -wheel hydraulic wagon
and hitch rack.. and : sides (Fer-
guson), 8 /ft.. swathes,.: seed: fer-
tilizer drill, Ferguson plow, disc
harrow; hammer .mill, .=manure.
loader, Dearborn scraper grader,:
Ferguson post hole auger, 'power
saw, scoop, mower, side delivery
rake, 2 ,frariles for plow, 2, .hy-
draulic lift': bars,, Ferguson stiff'
tooth" : cultivator,:. 4 -row scuffler,
water; cart, range chicken houses
(very • well built),' chicken' feed-
er . troughs; (brooder lamps, pig:
troughs and feeders, crate and
scales, square metal bin; 13.bags
33 percent nitrate • of ammonia,'
FINANCING A CAR? quantity 4-1240 fertilizer, bag
Before you buy: ask about our desk, . 'chrome 'kitchen set• (end
Low Cost 'Financing Service with , extensions); and;many . other: in-
complete .Insurance
n-complete.Insurance Coverage ' teresting and useful- : items.,
A. McDonagh, Insurance Agent,. ' ' TERMS CASH
ph Dungannon
truck;assorted lumber, ' office..
Mrs:: L. '.MacDonald and her
'daughter :Margaret visited 'Mon-
day . with 'Mrs. j".. W..Cdiwell
'Mr.', 'arid Mrs. :Wm. -McCue 'wh&
have been ;holidaying w ith,•Mr. 'Sr
Mrs. Tom` Hodgins,• :returned'' to
Preston on :Sunday
Mrs. Milton . Walsh: ' Went to
Kincardine during the week
where she - will spend awhile.
• Miss _Evelyn Nicholson is 'holi-
daying .with Kincardine : relatives.
•: Miss Eritna Percy visited 'with
Miss Mary . Jackson at. 'Komoka:.
Miss Margaret Robertson pre-
sided for
resided':for -the •Presb'yterian- WMS-
meeting at';tlie home of Mrs. Tom
'MacDonald. Each : member sans-
wered the roe call with the word
"B1;essing". The Bible character
studied ,was: Jezebel : and. 'scrip-
ture by Mrs. (Frank `Johnston.
Mrs. Tom ; ;MacDonald :, led in
prayer. Mrs.; AlexPercy'..read
the,. Minutes. Donations.. were re
eeived' for :the' bale:., Mrs. John'
Emerson ::presided for the pro-.
gram. , Religious readings .with
Hindu and other .isms' ;were . giy-
•en. by Miss Erlma. Percy, Mrs.
F. Maulden, Mrs. L. Sutton, Mrs.
P.•. Hodgins, • Mrs.' M. Johnston,
Mrs. A. Percy, :Mrs. T. MacDon-
ald, Mrs. E. Bushell, Mrs; J. Barr,'
:Miss.. E. Scott, Mrs. Jack.. Barr,.
Mrs. W., - Guest and M s..J. Ems
erson. Prayer wasH offered by,
P M john
'lifl H'1 S�pGP1Y, A1101181'122, 18,56
Am.—. —
1955 Po •squid ,',;`� p . $1,950
Pontiac; fully ev, Sedan, fully `°ecletipped $1,895
1955 $
tandard SCh
2,,... 5
.1;955. Pontiac Powerglide Sedan, lolly egpi ,� .• r
1952�Cbev. Deluxe Sedan . . ............. •,•Y„•„1,Jle,,•.•f,lf,•1•,•
1952, Plymoufh. Sedan
1952 Chev..'Convex'tible,, powerglider .full! •equipped '::$1,495
'1951 Chev. `. Se'dan ...... r:..,c.`
.1950 ,Fold Coach •
..1950 Plymouth Sedan
1949 "Chef►. Deluxe ' Sedan
Two 1948 Pontiac Sedans
.194'7 Dodge Sedan
$. 450
$ 795
"$. 695
.....,. .,,,! ,:. $ 295
A Number ;of .Stake. `Trucks in 194'7 „and 1948 •Model's.
X952 Interrfational. ,1 -ton Stake with racks
1949' • Cheev.
Huron County's-ForeineSt ',Used.:'Cat ;.Dealers
gash,: -Trade, `• rerma Aspen :-Been Until 10
Cities Serviee',Dealer Phone 731, Brussels.
30th wedding. anniversary of .Mr:
and 'Mrs. Wm; Lloyd , and also
Marked the. birthdays of'...” Mr:•
Wm. 'Coag and "Mr. John Scott.
Mr. and Mrs: W.. T, :Armstrong.
of Dayton, .Ohio and Mr; 'Cliff
Armstrong of Niagara -Falls vis-
ited . with Mr., and 'Mrs.' James.
M. 'Hodgins' and,. on their return
to' . their 'respective_ ---homes they
were "aceonrpanied, by Mr: ' and:
Mrs, .:, Hodgins who: : will visit
there. .
Mr. and Mrs. 'John McInnis bf`
Winghaan • visited :Sunday •'with.
Mr.' and Mrs: Jack, Barr:
Mr. and "Mrs. Glen Moore of
1•iamilton 'visited over the week-
end with -'Mr and Mrs.: Archie
Mc+Fariarr:and Spence:
Mr. J. R. Lane • is spending a
'while with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Phillips : and Peggy • at Fonthill..
.T., McCue. . of: Kincardine
visited with Mr. and Mrs: TOT
Mrs. W.. McPherson: Mrs; .o n' Hodgins.
Enierson `favored • with • a piano , . Mr. and .. Mrs. Herrman Fisher
instrumental. Religious •litera-: and . family of•'Beniniller visited
ture was' ;displayed.. Suitable with Mr and Mrs, John Bushell
hymns were sung with , Erlma 1 and other relatives here
one Dei annon' 61-5. ' Percy at the piano:,,Refreshments'.. '~Messrs. Russell and Percy Barr
.. � N- -• Prop., u. C. Moszkowska: .
were—served andsocial .half _ of `-Toronto_ Spent _the _ week -end.
• BEST.” HOME ACCIII�OD-A O A.uctioiie";er, -Haro d � J2rc�o� - .
Accomodation available at
, hour 'followed. with. Mrs: J Barr and Donald.
Carruther's Convalescent 'Home. " . , .•Gathering May Royle
IN MEIVIORTAM Held FamilyMisses Edna .and
Home -cooked meals, modern can- � in loving memory of . A family ,gathering: was held: entertained .the AY:P.A at . heir
veniences, warm; Registered nurs-
ing available if, required in case
of sickness. Apply to Elliott Car-
ruthers,R. 3, Holyrood, phone
2746 Ripley. `
turned home ' from' 'a . visit with
friends at Lioydninster. .•
. Mrs, Ben Fritzley is a patient
in Winghain`; and: Mrs. James
Hodge a patient in Victoria Hos
;pital, London.
Mr. and 'Mrs; ' Harold Haldenby'
and family;returned .home: after
spending a . few days ' with . Tor-
onto . relatives:
Piano,, chesterfield., suite, dining
-room suite, Singer- electric sew-
ing machine, odd tables, rugs of
different sizes, steam bath, 'infra
red lamp, massage tables (could
be 'used for work . tables), .garden
tools, .lawn : mower, old organ,
' r -alio; •sealers;--(-811-pints•),---eleetr4e-
machine and , other art -
Va1ma Patricia Howald; who
passed away four years ago; : Aug-
ust • 24th,. 1952. 1
From otir .happy home and ' circle -
in the foram .of • a picnic' at
the• home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes-
ley Guest and Fred• Those.` at-
tending were Mr. and Mrs. 'Mil
God has taken one we love, fop Guestand Lloyd of St Thom:-
homBorne away from sin and sorrow as, Mr.. and Mrs. Stanley John
To' a better home above. son, Noreen ;and Nancy of Lon -
ioles too numerous to mention, at
the . residence, Friday and Satur-
day, " August 24; and 25 Owner
leaving town. Mrs. N. E. Bushell,
Stauffer St., Lucknow,
:WANTED* listings on • farii5,
homes; businesses, . small hold'-
: ings,' properties all descriptions.
Contact John Hall,: Phone • 116,
"Lucknow, Ont ; agent f fir W: ' L.
Stevenson Real' Estate, Mount
Good . beef for sale by 'the
quarter. •Beef killed, under lie-
ense from the Department of
Health. Choice Hereford year.
luigss Custom butchering a spec-
iality. • . ' •
Raynard Ackert, Holyrood
Always remembered ,by Mom don, : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guest
and.- Dad " and Brothers and Sis-
of 'Teeswater; Mrs. Roy' Strathdee
and family of Ripley.; Mr..• Noble
Guest and Harold and Mrs. Rose
IN MEMORIAM Guest of Kincardine; Mr, Edgar
_ ..
McMIJRCHY--in :loving memory,:Guest, Victoria, B.C.; Mr. Jack
of •a ,•dear '°husband and father,
avid ; J. MVlcMurchy, :who -passe
away one year ago,, August 27th,
Whatwould we give, his hand ,to
clasp; '
His ' patient < face to,,see;,
To hear his voice, • to see' his
As in the days •that used to be.
But some sweet : day we'll. meet
Beyond'. the toil and strife
And. clasp eacch.. othee,s..hand once.
more, °
In heaven, 'that . happy° life...
--Lovingly remembered and sad,
ly missed . by° his Wife, Sbn and
Elizabeth MacDonald wishes to,,
express her sincere thanks to all
those 'who . iso thoughtfully 're-
xnem'beredher with. cards and
PYiilrf24r30 Ripl Sifts•4.wheng,sliew^asr11 �""`
Guest of -Winnipeg; Mr. and, Mrs.
nrMtDonah1 and family -South -
Line. freshments were- served :and • a
Messrs. Victor : and Gayle Hal- pleasant • evening brought to a
denby spent a few days with .Mr. close. Prayers and three hymns'
Rae Haldenby,. ` '. • .
Mr.. and Mrs. Donald • Stewart
and ' on, Robert of Millarton • vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs.' Bert. Nicholson and 'family:
Delbertngtulati s to. Mr. & Mrs. Beverley Stanley, who• had been
Hedley on the birth. of vacationing at Arthur, 'returned.
their, baby ' son:. home. '•' .
-Mr,- and Mr -s .-_.:::Frank tan..:...o./..:�=.;Mrs.-..Merle-Stei r-:of-..:.Toront
and Mrs, Ogal' Russell of Kingarf
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra.
Stanley. 4 Little ':Shalron Stanley
went home --with ;he's --aunt,° Mrs.
,Russell, for holidays. .
` Mrs. John Johnstone, formerly
• home on Sunday evening. Rae
Haldenby presided:... -John Hod=:
,gins' read the 119th 'psalm. 'Plans
were. made . to , have the next
meeting, in 'three Weeks inate d:
of :WO wee*, -owing ,.to the%Ltibor
Day, week -end. • Mr.:4aliner. :in
vlted • •thte young people to • the
.Rectory for this m ing. Donna
Nicholson read .4he inutes and.
business folliiwed Those contrib.=
uting to, the program -.were; Nor-
ma Balden'by, Sandra Percy,. Bet-
ty . Haldenby: Contests and prob-
lems • were also trjoy`ed ne'
were - used throughout 'the meet-.
- ng.
Mr. and Mrs. •Hiram Culp •and
family of . Arthur. ' visited with.
Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Stanley.' Miss
Toronto 'visited ' with friends here
on Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs,• George Gilbert
and."._son .- :Gerald - visited, ---=during.
the week with Mr. and Mrs. WM.
Cox and Rev. Benson Coxa
Mr.' and Mrs. Warn.: Cox. and:' 'df Con. 10, is visiting with Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins. , ..•
day last �rzra Stanley visited a.
and Mrs.
James Sterling near ,Godericlx.
Rev. Benson Cox, Edna and: May
"Boyle and Mr, and Mrs. 'John
Scott and 'boys were dinner
guests at Rest-A,While, Bruce
taeach co r •Sunday —This the=
rs , orotl y ompeon Rif
40,1•00votrougiktood' uniformity,,
you can -depend' on Co-op Baler
TWA. Ws free -running and,• knot
1e s;;assuring you °qukk, •easy
op cotton at haying time and
long, safe •storggie tafterwards.,
Low ;in cost,•too.
tsrgh quality fibers are combine#
with the finest manufacturing anal
tasting fatilitiis in the production
of -Co-op tinder Twine:. Buy it with
• assurance of comphite`sgtisfActio�*
.and' worthwhile savings,
iistrlCt . Co-*