HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-22, Page 3NA 171 T RIME$ !22, 1956 L nnow. •P..resb.yterian:.(ux,ct .. ,Rev,. Wallace McClean, Minister Su.NP,t'1X,• AuuGt1ST .26th 10;00 'a , Sun4a School, 11 'Morning Worship the United Church, .. LUCKNQW .. . L!NITEDCHU..RCH .1Viiniar,+ Rev.. G. A. Meiklejohn•, .R,A.••. MONTH , OF ',A tIGUST 10;00 .m. Church Sehoolk 11.00 a.m.; Worship. (Rev.W. McClean, sneer minister). Eldon J*hnstori' and son Rod- ger. of Toronto • are :holidaying with, relatives in, the community, Allan McCharles, who, is em- ployed in Toronto with the Bell .Telephone Co., spent .the ..=week end with 'his parents, ' Mr.. and Mrs Oliver. :MQCharles. • Local General Mr. and Mrs. Allan Durriin of London were callers in .town, at the. Week -end, Marie and :Marjorie Lindsay re- turned.to their home in Quebec 'after, visiting their Mrs. Joe � r grandmother :Agnew, the ' • .Mr. and Mrs, -past month, and . ' Calvin MacKay sons,' Maine and Lawrence of 'Windsor.. are holidaying with relatives, in the community, • Mrs.: R, E. Fria of D visiting at ' the h undas is. Mr�.W, T • one, of Mr. and: Roulsten. •and other,. relatives on 'the: 2nd Concession. •1VI.rs, M: J. Webster,- Mrs. Bert Garinmxe. Gary. and . Douglas M and M y is rs. L, F'e'lls and °R4 , v 1"ted in Windsor. • Miss Carole Barkwell of ,ston ' is visiting at �.Marie •aHnd Jan Az'esent• with atnilton, also with Joanne ' and Paul Hamilton on the 2nd Coil.' ,Recent visitors at the home were • Rev. and Mrs ', Ball . James' of Hagersville, Miss Pat, Bull' of Seattle, Wash., and. Har vey Hall of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McInnes • and Gary of Windsor were visi- tors in townrecentty upon their return frons a' holiday' trip 10 Florida.. „win' and M's. Lorne 'Johnston. have returned -„from a holiday a Red Bay. d Y at Y near Wiarton. , 4 r..,err..rn1.,nn+.., r„ 0011,4...x,:ri.oimossf ,ram,,,.,., """"!'!"'..0..,,ii.,011111.4 :. 00 For "Use 7n LUCKNOW DISTRICT, HIGH .SCHOOL Fall Term Beginning September 4th GRADE 9'. Junior One -Act Plays :$ 90 Ballads and Narrative.. King 'Solomon's .Mines : '1.20 Poems New Course . in Typing ,. 1.50 •95 General Shop..,..., ;.2.15 ."Essentials of Business': Words Are Important, Practice Bk. .1 , r35 GRADE 10 • Court- Preantiex De Francais, . • Words Are Important Pt.. 1 , » $1.50 Bk: 2 Living 'Latin 225 A New .Course in Choose Again- 90 'General Shop Golden Caravans • _2.10 Mr. Standfast. j • Essentials of.•Business L75 •35 in:g 1.50 ' 2.15 1.50 Practice 1,75 • GRADE 11 Modern ' Physics for Disralei, Secunda 80 Coors Secondary Schools • $2:65 Essays Light & Serious .: 80` Mayen de Francais, Learning to : Write P Z00 • new edition, .Bk,: 1 rr....: 2.25 Words Are Important, Living' Latin 2:25 : Bk : 3' New' Course in 25' o � Typing, ... 1.5o Adventures � •`1.25 Good Health 170 A New Algebra 'fel' 'Grass -ori , .•.. �r 2.25 'High Schools' 1;75 GRADE 12 Chemistry' for, Secondary, Learning;to Write -,.,r•,rr:..•, 2:00 Schools ,,, $2.04 Words Are Important, A New Algebra•,for Bk. 4' .$ .35 High Schools r• 1.75 Julius Caesar .45r Cours Moen de 'rancais,• 1 Y .: �. New Course. -in .Tyging .. ,1.5.0 ; I. . old _edition, Pt. 1 .y. ,,... 1.90 -Ty/ling.& 'Office Practice 1;60 Living Latin , • 2.25 Good Health ..r ••1:70 Grass of: Parnassus 1.90 General, Shop KI:. RJhop. r. s•, r •. 2.2 �• •• rale f5. e 'Two "Cities ` .85- Revell • de Lectures :.,.,:..7, L25 Barrels of 'Wimpble St. • .90 Seieeted Laafin Readings E. 1.95 General Shop Paxnassus•-.,-.Y,.,.,..,� 1..90 • -GRADE 13 General Biology .4.25 Latin in ,L, �$ t Prose. selections .:1.60 Physics. A Senior Course 2.50 McBeth St, •Chemistry'fo • •• • New o Y .i r.. .$ 95: . � •j eYN •HVr�4,.I�.7 ♦1Yrr riit'i.Yrlr Yr/�iQS' :Secondary Seho;,Gi ... :,,•.- Essays & Short Stores `� Xexilen . s . of ...• 1.90 Trig. a • • .Mayor of Ctr Btirlg--- . Statics -�. _ „....,r, 2,75 She Stoops. to Conquer__ .45, new Analyticai.rGeometry Words Are Important, • • La `Petite Ponti D oau .... 1.05 Sr.• - Bk. • , ,35 • Cours MeY.o n de Francais,. Hand .Book of )iglish !' Pt. .2• 1,75 Composition, French. Coznpr.ehension Latin Coirr�psitioni ..,,•,$1.75 .>t .60 Algebra A .Senior Course 1,85 Latin`. poetry. Selections •Y .1.60 A Complete Line of Three Ring, assorted Colors, , popularly 'ariced, 'QW SENTINEL, Z►1JC tQ 4V,, 9NTA IO Mr. and Mrs. ;Robert Smith .and • children .Joan, and Bili and Mrs. Merl Smith" of Sault Ste. Marie are visiting here •at the home of Mr.' and •Mrs. Jack ,MacDonald.' .'Mr. and Mrs. Jim .Grant,, ave and Carol Ann of , Chicago, were recent visitors. with his father, Mr: R. A, Grant and other 'relay tures Mrs, Cliff Hackett returned home recently' from Victoria Hospital where' she was a pat, lent •for a month while receiving treatment and .. undergoirigi sur - err, • Carol a ` • Carolyn . M . Ithers spent last ++' eek'. with ; Mr and' Mrs,' W. C. + . athers at Clear Lake 'Cottage ear "'Huntsville ;ani 'then accq�rn.• anied them to their home 'onto for a • visit. 4 1VIr,: • and. Mrs. 'John' Carruthers •in and daughters Gayle and: Anne. returned to ' Sarnia on Sunday after spending .a: few' days With his mother,. Mrs., .John Carruth- ers, • Mr's. �V'zn•. Mutrie . of Toronto and ,Mrs, Fred Crump of Wing.. ham were callers in town en Sat. urday, Mrs. Crimp is going to Toronto where She will make her home' for• a time with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Win, °,Scrimgeour Palmerston; 'Jack McLeod of proal and. Mrs. Fink: of Ham}- on•, were callers in town' ' last ek.:�Mr 'ivlcLeod and, iMrs. Fink ted their. brother, Dan , Mc -r d,, �. Visitors with 'Mr. and 'Mrs. G. Anmstrorig ', were,. .Mr, don • Bailey ' and daughters' et and Sharon.of.London, Mr. 'Mrs,' Alfred .• Arxnstrang arid wghter..Mary of Port Colborne• , and Mrs: Percy Welch-, and. Brian of London,•' Mr.and Jack ::Matthews,..Mrs..A..:C. ett and Miss Beatrice Arun-•, ng of London, Mr. and•Mrs;: cis•'•Buck and children Carol Glen and: Mrs,.A.. P: Buck radon. ' of Ca int we visa Leo Win Gor Jan and dau son Mrs. Barr stro Fran and of.: Lo John passe pita) year ,thes :Peter of H his' lo .bel. M one .•g Hamil ers, R ,of Ash Agnes, troit. OBITUARY JOHN B . CAMPBELL n 'BC • ampbell of fiarnilton d away at the General Hos- on August 13thin his 76th after a long - illness. He was on 'of the late' Mr. ' and' Mrs, rCam,pbell of the 2nd. Con. 'iron. He leaves to nnourri ss his ,wife; the former Isa- aobonald, .a son Peter and randdaughter Rosemary, of ton, as well as two broth- obert of Huron and Alber field and three sisters, Miss Mrs. Grace Steele and MargaretRink, :,all of De_ 7 • WHI,TECI-IURCI I ' Mrs. Irene Paterson, her dao- ghter Helen and Jack, Marple of t Toronto visited at the home of Mrs.. Taylor, • • Mr, ' and' Mrs: John Purdori,..Mr. and' Mrs, Frank Coulter and Miss Mabel Purden motored to Tdbermory one day last week.. `Mr: Garnet Welwodd, Mr. and'. Mrs. .John 'Bills' and• . daughter Minerva of Entwhistle,•'Alberta and Mtrs, Ezra Welwood of Orangeville` visited 'recently with Mr. and Mrs. A ' Moore.. • Mrs;. Chas: Martin and Mrs. Ed ,Schultz spent a fety days this past week with .f.riends at Len. ar Mr. J. B. Morrison and daugh- ter; Mrs, Victor Casemore • of Brantford visited with" Mr. and Mrs, Tam Morrison. Mr.' and Mrs,. Neil, Phillips, Barbara and Brenda and grand- mother, Mrs: Nei Phillips of Dur- ham • and 'Mr, and Mrs. Ruddy I, spent .S,,unday. .'at' the ' home of t Mrs: Mac ,floss r • ._,_$2:2s„ _,_ ,,,i40; 0", ;66 4 66;1z:00.;_ v7: 0;r;-+5:00 - .11 i' Trch orr:e spent the i. 1...week=erirltth li'er mothers- Misr ink Fountain Pens Balt ,r..:.r •50, $1.00 , .$1.:95 $4'00, $5'00 i�crrned x. al Point Pens' Yrrr.,r. Yr.Y.:...r...:.,.,...r.,...:,., ,25 .35,. ' ,4i7 :$lrlifl • 11 r and Mrs. Groskorth, Karen 1'+encil P t Pen . ..are••Paul r,.,r.r r, rrr ... Y • ,rrrrr•r .,rr rrr Y. y' x r r. 7.017, riJll, '. �'7 W.• ida s .... n otVrrr,r .. .. Y g' - . through t• Fi e 1 Line.Of All SClioot Sri rises Storrs' A 'NI lilt • Aw C rrlrrrti 2 dsed 0 n sty .wa sad1.y th.e,passing.Msunca,i:.sit MMcKIM- �iiipathy •Thk; fE „pH+ 4 S `O I:I!'CKNOW • to the .fa.. ., t .Clark: of Se+bra Vier) 'tittl Mac of New 'fork Mar +•�•*+•••� .y �[rPt 0? Winnie an w , • =fs d Gra�ee at• 'AGE: mos • Exhaustive 'tests have proven that the new Action' Fame( will not',dri o leak. Magic EMCO-fashioned -costa -no morefihanairt the fashioned taps. old • * no more drip-stainasuts and baths *no nioe hot water waste "*r no inoree washers to repla( ' * Easy To Turn * Easy. To Clean • *Easy To Look At ',Buy •Matched sets for Basin, Bath and Showat i Come •in and see our full line of, EMCO Plumbing Equipment , • M :MURDJ'E:ANDSSO Phone 1Q Lueknow s air«rWWWWWW.Oa.a.OMINMii OMNIONWOM OWe Empire. Brass Mfg. 0o. Lfrwlte d tis n ® EC -53• Mildanay and 'Ross:. ate home. Mr. and. Mrs. Walter -James vis- ited • with friends, and relatives over the week -end. ' iGrace Thompson.; of Wingham was the guest of .Marjorie Coul. tes. •i Mr.. and Mrs. Allan Olive : oe Sudbury visited with Mrs: Mar Ross and, Olive. rey-Bruch Open Market_ Campaign ForHogs reold Following is a, list of. shippers who transported.hogs (produced in grey and Bruce Counties)• to those authorized open market points"of delivery as set forth in the directional Hog ' order" of.,the Ontario .Producers Co-operative Agenty ._� G. Ahrens .Hanover Ton .(del. as 'directed week 'of. :. N . Dawson. , • ..Wi�rtan Aug. 1347) . R. Evans ...,r,. Alienford: A. W. ,:Grant Teeswater' Brooks ...;.•:. Dungannon' 'A, Cormack is Palisle Grey Bruce Co-op, Elmwood . A Crai i y L. Hutton '' Glands ; Allenford. Reid Hattie Chesley , Geo. S. Elliott.,'; Lncknnw Roy � Collins:: 'Geo. Kaufma►i�r , .. Mildmay, • O. ......... Tara • V'.,. Knipp •.:.,.,..•.r Chesi'ey rr Dickson . ` Kinear dineJ , Others S-•:.-GBeimor eF-Doubt:Par -iHiat- -Strauseeneck- •S: Duff' ».•r Tara RWilson, •Ripley ,Sonne shippers did not corn .and delivered' .to packers. piy with our. directional order During the. week of . August r6 to 1.0 shippers making delivery ,direct' to packers were Harold . Anstett Cargill • ..: A;: Kuhl. ..•r ,Tara. G. Ahrens :Y.... Hanover . . ft J. G. trenniiiger;` 1i•''orrnosa Jr H Male'Wcli....r Chesley A. G. Benn : ' J. Morrison r:,r Walkerton i . Paisley D. D. McKenzie; Port •.•Y, , EI gin .'HCann 'Obesity A. A. Nuttall, North 'Bruce�y Collins Tara KenThom 'ed Heitz :r• Patin, Dabbinton Win. , • y - �:.._Rohr:�'Vittig`-."`.K�il�arcliine-- Elliottt ...r Kin rdine Lloyd ..r .. Hodges, es, Dungannon, nnon ,WHarris ,Rilley i1I'Kilpatrick Gtderich�. Knapp ..,,.,rr„ Chesiey Boring ,the week of August 6 .to 10 Hogs • delivered as 'Directed amounted ,Flogs not delivered as directed amounted :JAMES DOfli , Presidentro t''1#Ce. Co. to 3230 or 74.a to 1134 or 26% llog 'roduiet c.41110K:6Al:.i`c Aflii`in%�:.#41111 affirNlilaw.:;714.iir_./1/.e::1Arr1.a.;c�_.,. iN • T • 4. • 81 . • • 4 •u d• . • w I," • ,.i •