HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-22, Page 2y i, t ,,pea Kr'rd tl 9vN�,"t1r'f rl k t. IMGE: TWE • TUE . LUCKNOW SENTINE4 CULROSS ERS } with � • LUCKNow, o rAB1O•• WE Ni�SDAY,, AIMUST 22:• .t966 TIA1/EL. RELAXED • h1. CAREFREE, A HELD ,AT TODD'S, The Dungannon and Luelcnow' Calf. Clubs :held! a 'joint meeting at the farm of 1?om• Todd on Fri- day evening', August, 10th: Bar- ry 1vlcQuillin,. chairman, opened the meeting 'by� having all Club members epeat the' 4-H pledge in unison, The roll call was. then ans`w'ered by stating whether 'or Mrs Charles. Schumacher of Walkerton spent some time w' Mr. and Mrs..'- Schumacher. 1. She . visited with former . neigh- bors and spent - an. afternoop at: her former. home` with' Mrs. Frank Brown. Misses Doris and Karen Wall: . spent a. few days with Mr, and Mrs: r Elmer r Wall not they were present on the ch dren and.. MreMrs. s nArnold� Wilkesel ie 411 tram trip .to Niagara. and Walterina of Kincardine vis- Everyone judged tw>o classes of ited with Mrs.' Tom Stewart, Aberdeen Angus consisting of a iMiss Joan Shewfelt of Kincar- i Class ' of•stifmmer • calves '; and a,.' dine' and Miss . Elaine :.Meyer �ass of y'earling heifers. The spent .a few `days last week with final placings for the two classes Mfrs and Mrs, 'Morley Wall and were given.by.'Murray Gaunt .and amil '•John Clarkrespectively. •Sti day. visitors with. Mr: and ,Mir, Bolton brow ht the, meet- ,Mrs:- Tom Stewart ,were Mrs. ing to an. end by: PWring a very Donald Stanley. And' Children of interesting and ':educational film,: Kinloss, Mrs: Ian MacPherson 'Lois' Webster gave a •vote - .of Mr, and girls; Sth .Cbn.. and•. Mrs, thanks to' Mr, Todd for• so kindly Gordon McWhi. eY of Paisley. •opening his . ,barn to the Club ,Maw •ElizabefJJ MacPhersoIf� members in which the. meeting 8th Con., is .spending. this week was 'held, and .for preparing the. kith her grandparents; Mr. and two classes which were used for ,Mrs. Tom Stewart.:. judging purposes. Mr, Harold Stewart 'is employ- ed . with Mr; Tom Hodgins. Mr,. and Mrs.. Lloyd Thompson, Larry;. Rickey and Joyce of Ham-. Alton, who spent the last two weeks holidaying at 'Southamp- ton, spent .much of the time vis- iting members .of his family here AUGUST':24. TO , SEPT 8 Retun� Rail Fares RE AND: ONE-HALF' FOR THE RO:Uti.D MTRIP Good going Thursday, Aug. 23. to Saturday Sept. 8, inclusive.• Return limit'`Sept. 12 Fal' information from any agent f CANADIAN NATIONAL. Statistics.:show .that the :.gen- gal . run of ' pedestrians ' is .'a :little • too slow. THOSE , UNPAID. WANT.,ADS ."Want': acts, thank you cards and 'the like, which are frequent= lyf phoned in, and forgotten, are the :bane of many weekly. news- papers, to the point wheresome publishers .:refuse ,to take such orders by phone ;: • Many of these items amount ., ES' ARE SHEEP LOSS t� as, little as 40c, 50e or •'75c. :No SOARING IN 'CVLROSS one. likes getting. a 'bill' for such; • . ' ' amount. ' We .don't like send- . 'Culross Township Council is g them and put- ; it off far too confronted with the problemof sheep losses m' the muni long ng nn many ;cases. 'Then when soaring• a one., considers Stationeryy, postage. ci Pll t3,"•• and .time spent in • bookkeeping 'This is reminiscent of .. Kinloss, 'and billing, we would almost • be Township's problem a .few years better off .never to'' have runthe ago, when dogs,''; wild dogs, or 'te.m-•esReciall. so whenre at wolves preyedonsheep' flocks. 'billings are necessary and stone until armers . m town-skip� still: go tunheeded.' practically• : went out • of sheep, Please • pay .those little' `'want raising.: ads" promptly, ,, . Sheep lossesat that ;,time -if memory - serves us, soared to lis Your Subscription Paid? ' , close to $2,000 in the peak , year.' e i -il�•i �i�iiii�=iii-iiiii�iii; �=���i.-•-,�:-4,A-.�:.�i��.•-.iii%,�-�i�,i�-✓•iii iii • Heinz Cream .of .omato Soup 10 oz.'. tins - for .35c Culverhouse !Cherries • 15 oz.' tins =-2 .for 35c: en's . Bar; -0.4:1 :Relish • 15 oz., jar - 25c. •Planter's. Pean Butter • 15 oz jar 37c Sweetheart Soap;; reg bars! :. ..,:.... 3 for 'We: Welch's Grape Jame, 1Z o2... jar 19e Our Own Blind Tea, ib. ling -79c• Fly Tex Spray,. 8 oz. can' 39c; 16 oz. can. 59e AerosolBomb, 6 07.4 "bomb79e; oz. bomb $L39 Mazola: Salad Oil, 16 ;ea. bottle) 4:.. ......a.;; 39c Miracle .French Dressing,- 8 Or., • 4:..`31e Kraft French Dry,. If oz: , ,. • ..::; 31C Christie's Vanilla Wafers, 8 f pkg.27e s az-,. 2 for .sc • BIRDS EYE' FROZEN. FOODS Feature: Beef,. Chicken, . Turkey ''Pies, 3 for 89c Orange'. Juice, 6 oz.2 , tins 3 Canada br. Blended or White Vinegar,'24 az. 1.9e Lowney's Angelus iMarshmalloWs; Ib. bag 3 e Sunspun Salad Dressing, 16 oz` jar ..........;. ,39c,• Sifto Pickling ,Salt, 3 lb. Certo . Pectin,. bottle ' 29c Sunkist •..Lemon ..Juice, • 6 or 2 -tins 25c Aylmer 'Br. Fey. Tomato Juice, 20 -oz: 2 tins 29c Libby's Orange 'Juice, 20 !oz. .. 2 tins 35c Iced Tea Glass &' 25 Tea Bags, all for 47c Red &"White Tea Bags, pkg of 65 79c free Bleat with Johnson's Pride, 16 oz. 41.39. Circus Brand Peanut: Butter, 4 ib. pail .,.. $1.29 Save ;All : Wax Paper; ,100 ft. '.roll ::.. ...;29c '. Saran • Wrap, 25' ftp ,roll ..• - :39c Shirriff's Instant Puddings,5 flavors, 3 pkg25c Post Sugar Crisp, large 8% oz.' pkg. • 27c Post Bran Flakes, „large 14 oz.` pkg.,' 26c PREMIUM O •.. PsiCanisier:_iSet; 43.95 Now .99c With $5.00 Order. • Fiesta Bowl, reg. 82.88' value; Now: .034. 89e with. $5.b0 parcbase ' FRESH PRODUCE'; AT ID, do WHITE; Satin raadd Valencia Sunkist Oranges,_ ' . size 288, bag of 2 dozen:. • 63c Cantal 27e Marsh Head I ..: . 2 for 25e • No. 1 Ontario 'Potatoes °1f ti:, bag 19e Complete .Selection of VACLEM PACKED 11P44M, PROZEhr FOODS:;• CH CKE.S' . LEGS and' : Bl.tEA:STS. • mite Food stor�: Phone 26 -► Free Delivery • G fool -proof equipment We• have 'Installed! modern,fool proo recision -aim headlights on to guarantee :p • all makes 'of cars. Aiming can be done in -daylight. or.. darkness --you ..don't even have to torn on the headlights The Guide: T-3 .safety. Aimer is made with the accuracy of, a precisionoptical instrument, Mother 'FIRST" in .Automotive ihti ng • v Drie , in NOW fora Headlight � Check. ara 'Kasen ''and Cook --' Phone 148, ' Lucknew entry ec alized Business gaining h; Term.o ns. September: 4th * Practical Instruction in, all Commercial 'Subjects * Courses approved by the Canadian Business 'Schools • ' . '•Association, Modern'.Equipment Tuition $18.00 •:per' Month DEIICH BUSIN.ES COLLEGE: :East 'Street Goderich, Ontario'. Phone 428 COUNTY MASTER ' REPORTS , TO OLDEST '.L,O:L., IN . BRUCE: Kincardine : 'L.O.L... 76.5 held their regular; monthly. meeting on Wednesday.. ' -evening .ot: last week. Worshipful. 'Master " Robert Neally' presided.. County ,Master John Emerson ' was given a warm welcome by the .members of the;: Order and 'was .called on• to give his report of the...9/th annual session, of . Grand Lodge of Gn- tario West, ° which' met .in„ Strat-; ford`s .w • 'Kincardine . Orange lodge', is one. of ;the oldest,iF. rlot the old- est lodge in Bruce County,: dat- ing back .well, . over a hundred years:; Many interesting •and'. rather humorous, . incidents .: are recorded in their old lodge"books: One which is rather unique re. suited"when the warrant; of 'their' lodge became lost and fit :was necessary ttl send to Belfast Ire- land, re=. land, to ' obtain• a duplicate of• the original : warrant. The :spirit;. of' Or'angiism of the day is quite evident by the nip., usual Targe number 'of members that " attended the . lodge meetings in those• • days, The Kincardine Lodge, although not .as• strong in numbers as olden- n• daY s.still retainsthat spirit•.that' has help- ed it to function for over a''cen- tury. uz'y: present. • . . ,' Mrs. Verna Doerr of Niagara. Falls'' 'spent the. week=end ' here and. in Blyth; Brian • and. Harold, • who "had spent the past 3 weeks u :this vicinity, ,. returned home with her, Miss, ;Margaret Jefferson ' has. accepted • h school for the e coming term in thee Oakville district... Congratulations • to Miss Louise Jefferson Who.' passed •her , final; high school,. exams- . Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chaconne r and 'girls- were Sunday visitors with Mr. and •. Mrs. Cliff Hen- • derson at Kippen and Dianne. re- mained for a. longer visit. . :. .DONNYBROOK The W.M.S. meeting , was held ,,:oni...August_:4th at ,the• home of Mrs. Harold Woods with ' Mrs. Gordon Naylor in charge. • "Pass me .not, 0 gentle. Savio,t}r" was sung in - opening/ .followed by prayer by Mrs. Hardy. miss Hazel Stamper and Mrs.. : Stuart Chaznney assisted in the devot- ional exercises: Readings were .given • by Mrs. C. Jefferson and Mrs. It. . Chamney. Mrs. , Tom Armstrong read the 'chapter in the study book and .the., offering was'"--mceive i by Mn itff Arm-' strong; Cards . of 'thanks ;were read from Mrs.. Morley Johnston and the Jefferson family. Hymp T4 ` way sung and the meeting 1 closed. in the ' • • usual manner: Lunth was.' served. by . the hos- tess* assisted by Mrs. C. Jeffer- son and Mrs,. S.. Thotnpson. There. were -14 ladies and ' 15' cli ldr.Ten WEDDINci ' BELYS MCLEOD-ENGLAND L.a'u r e 1 . Lee Presbyterian Church, Sarnia,' was the scene =of Lqu-iet-- wedding -on -Saturday, August 4th, when ',Rev, McGill-: vary united in marriage Mariory. Isabel . England, daughter of Mr.'' and Mrs.. James 'England and Donald Grant,. son. of: Mr. 'and Mrs: Peter . McLeod, Wingham Given. in. marriage by her bro- ther Donald, i the bride wore ' a blue •ballerin+-length ;dress with fingertip veil, 'She . carried. a boo- quet •of blue and white carrsa tions. The couple were attended by Miss: Phylis'McLeod, *sister' of the. groom • and Mr. 'Jack Eng land, brother bf the ,bride. A re- caption Was held •at -Guil.'dw9'd. Inn, Sarnia.` STARTED.. RAILROADING, EARLY IN'• THE. CENTURY Tiva former :L ucknowites,. $`iIt_ Scrimgeour *of Palmerston a1 Jack McLeod of Capreol were in town last week,, and recollections . harked back to early in the can- • • tory when they started railroad.' lig..• Back in 907,. -W-itl it -- _. or• so , of each other;. Jack Bill Scritigeou'r: and Jack 'Mc • - Leod all, started at railroad work. All ,three' are .tow,. -retired. Jack, McLeod suffered a • mis' hap .early in his career that cost:. hire: ;his left hand, but he, over-' came the handicap to eventuall.Y. •' become a ' depot agent.