HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-22, Page 1ly tit• g-• ly, ne ,y. ed' nt • at re., oy. he' ce na' ad: ee en ts,.. on to by wmillIKWART $2.50 A Year In _ Advance 00 . $l. Extra To IJ,S,A: LUglolOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1956, `. or�plet� Revision -Classt4 fall Fair Prise list The, Lucknow Agricultural Soc iety's: 91$t annual fall fair prize lists are no?iv. available and May bp .obtained .from the secretary„ MacN y ori at The Sentinel. Office. This year's list has,: eeen more elitensively revised than any list in recent years., . This, is partie-' ularly . apnplicdble•i the women's departments withentire'. classes. :being revised, ' and prize money stepped up in many cases. :The: Fair .will be held as usual on the. last Tuesday _ and 'Wed- nesday of Septexrrber the 25th and' 26th and Wm. MacIn tyre 'heads the Society for his second term in the :president's .chair. +• Increase Pony Money In this mechanized age• there is 'less •and • Less •competition ' in the draft and • general puprose horse classes, and the number • of events in •these iclasses have been FATHER PASSES , . reduced" The light horses are un- • The death of Charles Carnegie, ,changed . in .nurnneZ of events,. occurred on August- 12th at -his .:with only minor;, prize• money' home at Highland Creek near Changes.. . • • *' Toronto. "Jim' Carnegie of Walk- There hat .been an overall in-. erton, • and , formerly of 'Lucknow,. crease in the irony class prize is ' a son. 9. money, wiht .a ;view 'to .coaxing • more of these' unto• the show ring this. fall: The cattle 'classesa p c, re .. ra'ti , rally' .unchanged; and rules and . regi Iations governing the 4-H With approximately $10,000.00 Calf •Club. are basically the . same, .promised by ten. municipalities Club ' members . listed 'are:" Betty ,;Alton, Marjorie Alton,. Kenneth JUDGING -CHAMPIONS • ON' LONDON TV SHOW >i7IIGHT PAG'a S -pert Pepper-, Barry McQuilin and David Kirkland; along : with Associate Agricultural Represen- tative Arthur' Bolton, were in- terviewed on Roy Jewel's Tv' program. an CFPL on *Thursday night, �` • The trio ' brought ,'honor' to themselves and. Huron County by winning the inter -county Short= horn judging competition at Wat- ford in 'late June, and then climaxing .:their/ efforts by,. ',win•• icing the Michigan State compo= tition held ..across the border. in July, . TRELEAVEN The boys had their trophies osx. WALTERE. display Thursday night and gave • antech- .:explanation of judging• `" PAY HL , OUSE TO GET pique and requirements ANOTHER CHANCE F , PASSES 91st MILESTONE: PLAN :ALLOTMENT OF STORM 'F .;U .NC •—; - Lucknow's Playhouse Theatre isn't closed yet. This •week -end .the,p•icture;; "Redheads From. Seattle", depicts the • fabulous Yukon at .the turn of the century.. Those:':merchants who savored continuing to back the theatre— bout: ,`twenty. in ; al] -are again. being ',contacted . to see: if they' would • accept a.. limited monthly liability .in continuing; to :support the show on a trial :period until to the Bruce County Sto .pis- the year's end: aster "Fund,•a�.meeting was:called, he meantime the show• is continuing to: operate, and in next '' Alton; Mary' •Alton, Dick' Curran, by' the chairman to set up `tents week's theatre ad it is proposed Bob'liarris, Jack Kennedy, David. , ative rules for dis, tribution of to publish the names of the buss- •:',Kirkland Jim Lyons, "Sand . 'Mc_ 'funds.. The monies" collected will iKenzie,. Percy: McClenaghan, be distributed. to: victims of- the ness places .which `are support Crawford 'McNeil, Bar.'McQuil-: 1956. July•8th and .July lit storms ing the .plan., lin, Gary Rintoul=Leroy 'Rintoul,on a percentage, bass on damage lane= Todd,orothy :Watson;.'Ji"n' to • ?buildings only.. This; money ?, Watson, '.Robert' ' Watson,' Terry will be • awarded onlyif the .build- Wilson. ing is rebuilt or'.repaired' by July Sheep, .: swine, poultry, grain 8, 1957" The committee reserves and.,roots 'and. vegetables classes have only minor changes. Bacon .Hei. Money Up Prize money. in the ,bacon hogs pens contest has, been, upped' by $30, Prize :money noW totals $75 • of - which'. theT.Eaton'Company' contributes $501' "to, encourage the production .andmarketing. of hogs of the desired ' quality within the Grade A weight range of 140 to 170:pounds'' Five prizes range $25, $20, $15, $10, $5, There- must be, at least five pens of four hogs; and reg- ulations generally are much the' same as other e _Hogs :will years. _ Kapp be sold by public auction er seal- ed tender. li.adies' Class: Re -Written. Dairy and table supplies, the clothing .department, 'fine arts and" flowers, • are • four' settlors Which have .been extensivelyre- vised—in fact completely ; re- written. A 'third 'prize Chas' been; added throughout the . baking, .clothing, • and flower' classes,and the ,prize money increased. across t h e. board. • The M agic and Domestic spec- ials are repeated •in the, baking field and ` in • the: ladies' depart-. °n' a --hooked rug special --and a handicraft class for women 65. or over, are additions that Should ebe pular. . • The women's organizations dis- play is repeated,,'but with 'alter- • ations in the items 'to be enter- ed. Phe K xirshea Institute , prize donation has been earmarked for • a girls' sewing' contest in two age groups. "St. Helens W,1:; is again donating toward the Jun- ior girls ,clttblwork Mr John Pool,' Major changes iii the fruit dis-' manages royal -Alan- o nada,. .play are from hampers to six quart ; basket.. few s in a ' instances. pleats Parade Mindful of the success of the parade' of floats last •yedr, the Society is again featuring. this, attraction , and float prizes of $15, $10 and three $5.00' prizes are being offered.. I•tAs, SCOTTISH: • CLAN I lVI Ap Frank . Graham ..has a: • Scottish Clan .map which is' •"creating a a great potential as far as agr><- good deal of interest, .. particular- culture is c'oncerned. cases A • L hard•ship on merit ' " ly .among: those '`whose forbears They have very fine beef cattle The committee is Comprised as came f ori1 the: Highlands.. ;. of thea three' British. breeds, but follows: chairman, Donald. M. F The map outlines .territorially:. unfortunately • Foot. � and. 'Mouth. Lamont, .Turners, • reeve of ::Sau- the: areas occupied bythe Scot- disease' is Common in that ' - occupied , ncoup geen and Warden of Bruce 'Co.; fish . clans,. shows the'respective try, :therefore importation Of W: Roy Atkinson, Eden :Grove, i • .. tartans in color • as :well as the breeding stock to'' Canada:is im= reeve of Greenock; Donald ' Mc - .coat of arms and.illustrations' of possible.. Kinnon, Paisley;'.reeve .of Elder -highland dress .both' ancient and: slier , .William Eskrick, Kincar-modern,, .dine, reeve' of Kincardine Twp.;' Frank obtained. the map from Russell iCuirirnings, Paisley, reeve his sister, .Mrs. H. ` G. Sherriff: of Bruce; Harold Percy, R:R. 1; Holyrood, reeve of Kinloss;' G.: R. Gear, Walkerton, '.Ontario: Dept: of Agriculture,. . • • Damage will be valuated by a three man team of valuators sel ected�-frorri outside the county. •'Farmers' who carried wind in- surance on their buildings will 11pp _ � . be reimbursed accoi`�.ding .to the loss not, covered by, such Insur- ance, the amount. determined by the total funds. raised: as a per- centage of • the total , Diss. Farm_. ers with no wind insurance will receive' 75 percent prorated ac cording to the funds received for March of his only daughter, Mrs. distribution. Simon 15.16v6- .: _ Funds promised to; date are as S - ' Walte` or "W.E ", as he is follows. St., Edmunds,'. $50 T'1?` 'familiarly, known, is' Lucknow's grant; Southampton,: $,500 to date; oldest native-born son;. He is ,the• Saugeen, �/z mill; Bruce, i/2. ¢hill, •of'a family of'eigiht: .Kincardi.ne Twp,. i/2 mill; Huron last member children-bern to Walter Trelea= one-thsrd mill; Greenock, 1 mill, ven and Jane McQuoid, members Brant, •$580; El'derslie, • "z •mill; Kinloss, , i/2 mill. •of p oneer fa�rnili'es • of Con. 6, ,, n' in nici alities in ,Bruce Coup. ' Ashfield W.E. was lion Mu p Lucknow on'August 15th, 1865; ty not already• heard" from' are t. hori�e ow owned by his, it intentions "' ,the pow urged •tic. make. 'the grandson, Jack Treleaven. knowin at an early date so'that • Darin the . Ministry. of Rev. g the committee can proceed with G," Turk in Lucknow Methodist " of" funds. Indio : Church; Nfr. Treleaven. decided the distribution idual donations will be grateful: t°o entei: the rnini`stry. ` lie was ly accepted' and should be.mailed iirdairied in 1894 but in 1906 with - to the treasurer, y, drew from the ministry to take' .._ ,..e mild ` o11oW he chaigc of the f ink death„ of his' brother William, and. he has' lived to see a'fourth gen- era tfon mem'ber� of the family following the milling -Trade. Treleaven's many 'friends Mr .. join in extending congratulations LUCKNOW PIPERS FIRST AT. ERGUS RETURN FRO , TH$Ep .. , MONTHS OVER :EAS TRIP As we mentione r last week, Lucknow; Pipe Band • placed Mi;.,•and Mrs J. W,. < oynt have f,. irst at he Fergus Highland returned: from .a twe e "weeks • for bands, from.. the Grey -Bruce- trip 'overseas, during , wh h 'they' Games on Saturdayin the class visited England,: 'Scotian, • Ire- Huron District, There were. three land, Belgium and Holland. bands , - in - 'the. :competition, and"They visited both northern a d there , are ten bands. in this dis-sout1 rn, Ireland and this noun=`; try; had a special appeal. for .Wes. • :He : attended, parliamentary ses- Winning.. the honors. as the top sions in. both Du lin and Belfast .. band in, the district is 'nothing ,and enjoyed the wit of the :Irish • new°' for this group as ;they; have •'in their debating . been consistent'. winners, and in Wes . was, ""particularly interests -- all competitions; with district ed in tote .rural way of life in bands at:Fergus and elsewhere . these countries and. • visited: var-• have only •finished out of first ious fauns and estates' to observe place on, one. occasion. At that `'farming ' methods:- He, was, im- bibe the Kincardine •Band• took pressed:by how weed -free .some:, top .honors. • • • I crops. were in both Ireland and Lucknow Pipe : Band, 'was, tent Holland, • strong seven. pipers • and three Mrs and Mrs. ' Joynt travelled drummers—at Fergus: They were ;on . the Ascania, and' had .a very, Pipers •Roy MacKenzie, Frank good passage, They. had: one ex-'• MacKenzie, ' Murray '.MacDonald, perience of laying -to for several D. A. MacLennan, .Lorne Mae hours in a ,blanket of 'fog. and Kenzie, Wilfred McQuillan, Sandy field • of •icebergs. ' MacDonald, . bass • drum, Ebner •MacKenzie; • `side drums, • Mat • ' .FLYING TO KAPUSHASiNG Webster Donald MacKenzie. . ' . • To Enter ,Detroit Contest l . Mrs: W G Andrew and' Miss. • The' Luckpow Pipe'' Band is..F or Andrew. l awent, to'London. on Tuesday, . from . where they will., take.' a plane for a flight to Kapuslkasing to ' :visit. • Mr. • and. - Mrs, Arthur 'Andrew. They. will' .. spend ' a week there .and return'; by plane.. • , trice, that .are , eligible to ' corn - Tete.: considering , a trip :to Detroit the week -end .of Septemnber 7, 8, 9, to take part in ":the competition staged by; the St: Andrew's 'Soc- iety Soc-iety at.. the University' of Detroit stadiurn ;The'Lucknow:Band:will face : stiff competition , .as. they will. be' .placed.• in the ; "B" bands Category: ETuilvs=FR+Q=�°l�ir -� PROV 1 -NC I A L CAMP • TO SOUTH AMERICA '••' GUIDES. ATTEND D. A. Andrew of .Calgary, who is secretary -treasurer of the Cane- adian Hereford Association,. `re turned recently from a business„ trip to ,South..America. .•- Mrl , Andrew enjoyed the: tour. very much : and . • says Argentina and Uurguay in particular have the right to deal with individual • REACHES ., NINETY- FIRST- INETY-FIRST_ BIRTHDAY Walter• E. Treleaven• o'bs'erved his 91st .birthday on Wednesday,. August 15th, and is enjoying. a fair measure of health: so that he is able to be pp : each • day again, after. being bedfast fora a time duringthe winter, • • Mr. Treleaven has made his home. with Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Treleaven since the death last ' Paisley, Ont: The• square dance contest. this open -only -to public year will be open Y school students.' With the Fair less than five. • weeks away prosper iv ' •' 't wishes to this vener- ld d well to scan the .and hes t e exhibi-• tors would o . " e able gentlerriaii. prize .list irri nediately.. l a ' SISTERS HOME, FROM- 'CALIFORNIA ON ' VISIT The family of ;Mr. and • Mrs: Jack Gardner of Zion is current- ly, together again for : the first time- in five years: • Mrs Robert Panter (Kathleen) and her daughter Linda, age 31/2 years, .lfave been visiting. with her parents, and on •Saturday, Miss.C'arol Gardner arrived •home to complete the ,family circle. It was the first time the grandpar-- ents lead seen Linda, • Both sisters liveat at. San Jose, Celt: 'iia. Mrs. Panter : has been there for five years and ,Carol went there about two years ' ago. It is the first: time ,either has been home: They flew from California and. will return together by plane at the. end of August. • . INQUEST WEDNESDAY; The inquest in connection with the death .of :Glen Irwin,; 30 -year- old Kinloss Township . farmer, who met death in a tractor Mis- hap . on August .5th, was sched- uled to be held in the Town Hall, Lucknow,' on • Wednesday. 'after- noon. ••' ;,ENGAGEMENTS. • Mr. and Mrs, Age J•' Watson of West Wawanosih Township :an- riounce tiiea gags enx t'zr -their only daughter, Dorothy . Anna May, to Mr. 'Donald • Elmer `Far- rish, son of Mr. :and Mrs.' Lorne Fairish,`Ashfield` T'oWnsliip:, 'The" marriage will take place in Lucknow United Church on Weds, nesday,••Septernber• 19th at three o'clock. . dJ •.4 • Fourteen rnembers•;of..the 'I4uck-.< now Girl Guide Company, under the ';'supervision of their leader,'' Mrs. .A. E. McKim, are spending ten days •.at the ,Ontario Provin-_' cial Girl Guide Training "Camp ,at Spruceclale der canvas' at the "Big Rye Site". The party left by bus on Mon- day morning ; with, their duffle. bags and. blanket rolls stowed ".• away in the back of the big bus. They were a'.gay; and happy let,' at take=off time 'They car- ried box • lunches for a . noon hour: stop ' enroute to their des- tination; The girls will break camp', and return home 'on Thurs- day ofnext week. Allan Reed • had kindly offered to takeon the trip those •Guides who. couldn't ' remain , at camp, and all told, including Mrs. Reed, there ".were about twenty on the bus. They arrived at their des- tination, at 3.16: Monday after- noon. ' The ;girls 'Who are attending camp are Louise Andrew, Jean Richards,Joanne Hunter, Nancy • Webster; Elizabeth. Firilayson, 'Patricia. Thompson, Judy Web- ster,. Mary Allin, Nancy Forster, 'Margaret Mullin, Jewel . Reed, Lyn Couse, Sara' Jane Bannister, , Elizabeth ; Bannister. OPEN STORE AT KI NLOUGH (KINLOUGH NEWS) Kinlough • again. has a general store.' Mr. and Mrs: William Hal enb ._.have opened a• --general store inthe village. For the •past couple. of • months village . resi-' dents have had to drive to near- by; ear-by• shopping centres as' the store here closed its doors. So the Hal_ den°by store was opened • last week after the building under- going redecorating and renova,= ating. • • Some, years ago, ..Mr.' and Mrs': Dick Richards (now of Para - Mount) operated a successful . , -business; as did -T and' John McFarlan,• the late Sam Halden(by • .and the late' .Orland Mcl~'arIa i Since then; until the present 'time, it -waw part of the family dweYlmg, We congratulate Will and 'Margaret in this new• venture and wish then • every success itt their business. At d