HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-15, Page 9• TESDAY, AUGt7ST 15',.1956
olyroo, Post. Office 1.00 Y ..!gars
Purves, family hi Charqe 43 Years
A hundred years' .of. postal ser-
vice at the hamlet • of I1olyrood,
w.as officially marked on . Friday.
evening when members of the
Holyrood Institute, under the
presidency :of Mrs. James .Smith,
organized a* historical; night' • to
mark the centennial. •
It was. on August 1st, 1856, that
the • .first post ' pffit e; was estab-
lished 'at. Holyrood, : with.' Mur..
doch MacKenzie as ,postmaster.
It is interesting tq note that
the HQlyrood • post officewas es.
tablished before LL}Ck.now.Mal-
celnfCamPbe11 .vitas .first postmast-
er •n. Lucknow the, post`' office
here (being ,established •: in ,the
winter :of: 1858-59. •
'Served From' Kinloss
The Holyrood office', was first
served from Kinloss, and orig-.
.finally was a weeklyservice' each
Saturday: Thomas Hodgins' was
the first contractor tO 'deliver. the
mail between, these two 'points.
He .was given a four-year c
.tract which specified that
vice could he either by hor
back, wagon,•, cutter or; Sleigh.
'Four. , years later, on November.
lst,' 1860, Tlwmas'.Harris receiv-
ed a ,contract for.Mail delivery
Otter and. Mud Lakes were t
• Indian names of the: two laic
at Kinloss now generally ref
red"�to. as Silver Lake:
A footnote in Air. k3.obertso
'book refers to Samuel Colw
Eli ' Stauffer, John: Smith • a
�/Iankin Meridith, as having be
given contracts in . 1851 to ch
out a 'road; and do cause
work where required 'along 't
Durham 'Road;.. Opening o#' t
"10th siiieroad from •Blackhor
to Lucknow took . place in 18
The. histories of Lucknow a
Kinloss are • •insepara'bly inte
woven. Ifiinloss became a ,; septi
ate•. municipality in' 1855: Loc
now :was•.tinder the administr
tion of Kinloss until some;
later.'In 1863 Lucknow bee some..Yea
police' village, and not until 10
years • latefr was a 'move made
for incorporation. This. 'sparked
the Controversy; and bitter battle.
a's . to. whether Lucknow •.woul
on- be anneked to Huron or Bru
ser_ County. Robert Purvis, 'reeve.
$e' 'Kinloss . for . man '
• warden of the County for mor
than: one term, was delegated t
go to Toronto : to' • represen
,Bruce's••. interests in this matter.
It wa's January • •.6f 1874 before
.Luckriow's.'.first =council took of
'lice, and was comprised of .Mal -
Colin. Campbell,. reeve • and Thos.
Lawrence, Charles .Mooney, Alex
Maclntyre and Walter. Treleaven:
councillors. , ' • .
Long Journeys . TO 6rmd Whea
But, let .us, hark. 'back to ,th
early „pioneers .of Kinloss. whos`
privatin '..arid hardships • were
added'to by: their' isolation. Ther
'were 'few sources' of water Powe
sufficien:tx:tio drive -.-a;- �o.,Qd - ri -
g., �' s
mill,; and • prior to the buildin
of •a` i7•�ill in Lucknow, Yong tri
41 were . 'necessary to'' Kincardine,
46 Walkerton or Dungannon ;to: have
Some . wheat ground. . •
It.. was .Eli :Stauffer .who built
the first , mill `in Lucknow, , on
the Nine Mile 'River,.: an obliga
tion ' connected with : a ` grant: he
received of 200. .acres of . land
However, it was not .a. first-class
'Mill, and it was .bought' and
proved, in 1858 by James'. Somer-
ville who is regarded ,. as th
founder of the village. '
.Sawmrh' In Kurloss;In 1:854
Meantime Mr. Stauffer . had
built ,a :sawmill at illlackhorse • in
.854 and -'.a village was fast tak-
ing shape' there.'. The first post
office . was esta'blishe4 in 1853-4
With Thomas Hodgins. as,: post-
master, 'and who also .opened` the
first' store: It. was from there.
hat the .Holyrood mail service
was .inaugurated. `: •
Kinlough, begat' to take form
n 1857 w_ hen Jahn Scott .opened.
store, and. Simon Corrigan
tasted ,a sawmill and `hotel. The
post 'office, was nota: established
ntii 1864, eight years :after the
pening of the Holyroo d office.
11Zaiil By Stage Coach
A.t Friday's ,gathering the his-
ory of• the Holyrood Post Office
as reviewed by the present,
ostrnaster; Sainuel Farmer. Much
f the information was gleaned
from articles written by the late
ohn . Elliott . whose father.. was,
postmaster fqr a .brief period in
1868 before his. death,.:
The post office had 'been closed
for; almost four years when Mr:
n seri -• h stcise belong-'
wing to 'Archibald .'Cochrane, which-
had been vacant, With the re-.
opening of this store;a Success-
ful agitation was commenced for
the "re-esta�blis�hrnent of the post
office. Mr, Cochrane is said to
have given Holyrood its. name.
Memories' of ".the oldest ' resi
dents of the `community don't go
:back ' beyond , the postmastcrbshrp
of Andrew. T. Campbell, ,wh.o re-
ceived • the 'a'ppointrnent in 1863
arid a%' is d:�itti war sulucci etlt.
by his widow' Mrs. Agnes Camp-.
bell,'who carried on until 1807
Kinloss Council met • in the
Township Hall on August 7th as
per adjournment; and with' all.
members present.
The minutes of the last regu-
lar meeting of ;July 3rd were apr.
proved and signed.
' The road liability policy was
renewed with, ' the' General Acci-
dent Assurance Company,.
The Treasurer, was, instructed',
to cash the deposit ` cheque • on
the Kaake drain and pay the: out-'
standing :accounts thereon,
Mr. Ben Scott Was given the
contract of cutting all trees fit
for wood on th.e; Kincardine -Kin -
kiss •boundary, from Highway No,
9 south to Huron Boundary; 'he
to have the wood• for his work;
The Clerk was instructed to
notify .all parties concerned that
the assessments . on the Wraith;
and Taylor -Tiffin -Scott drains,
are cine arid payable on or before
September, 4th,.' 195.6; and also to
d notify all parties' concerned that
ce the:Engineer'sreport on 'the Sut•-
of 'ton :drain will be read on : Mon
an day evening,;August 20th .'at 9.00'
e' o'clock. .
o:: By-law No. ;9. 1'956,; ,was pre -
t pared and finally passed, ,setting
the rates of taxation for .the year •
1956 as, follows:- County` rate .12
mills; ;
Township 'rate ;I6 °Milis;
Township' grant to schools 3.3
mills, Federation' 'of Agriculture'
.4 mills,' Trustees' levies . as Per
requisition, :High School levies
bet'iveen:. Holyrood • and Ripley.
Purves •Iia Charge 43 Years
Abe `'Post 'Office .department at,
Ottawa is authority. 'for the fol-
lowing list of ...postmasters. who
have served during the• century
and their period . of Service.
Murdoch :MacKenzie 1856-1857
John ..Anderson • 1857-1864
Office closed, ,Nov..1, 1864 - Apr.'
1, ' 1868
Wm. Elliott, April to July 1.808
Andrew T. • Campbell; 1868-1888':
Mrs.,Andrew Campbell e11 1888-1897
John Purvis • 1897-1917
• Susan 'Purvis • • 19.17=1940
Peter Johnston; (acting) :1940-19
'Mrs. Geo: ,CoIwell .:1941-19
George Percy.. • 1946-1953
Morley .Hobbs ..,...: 1953-1954..
Sarnueh:.'armer• • 1954'
• :Incidentally :post.'office revenue.
in 1875 was. $109;, in 1900; " $1.06;.
in 1917, $488; in • 1955; ' $850.
also as per requisition
t; The . Road `Superintendent was
e instructed to"erect Signs at each
e end of curve :on. Con. 2, .east of
Na. 9 school.,
e The .Reeve, Was. instructed . to
r notify the' • Storm Disaster . Com -
t. , mr ttee. � xliat.- -w_e- ar-e : w -i11 -ting- : to-
g Contribute 'Iz mill. On our. assess-.
rent provided the Other muni
cipalities• in the County ,do`• like
wise. •
A resolution :was passed to' be
.forwarded by.: the ...Clerk to the
C.N.R. protesting against. the .cur:
_' tailment of service •from Palmer,
Ston to. Kincardine.
Council • then. adjourned to meet
again on. Tuesday, Septemiber 4
or at• the call of the Reeve.
• Cheques issued: M. A. • Mac
e Donald; repai�rs'to.sprayer, $59.51;
.Harold Austin, labor and, mater-
• ial, 21.74; Walter Breclt;les, labor,
and gas, .1730; Lucknow Co-op,
balance' of account, 4.00; Village'.
Of Lucknow, : Button's fire, 10:0.00
relief,. 7,5,00;, J. R. Lane, postage
$5.00, unemployment stamps 1.92
-6.92; Henry faec'hler,. work on.
Kaake drain, 91.00'; George W.
Hurd, loan: ' to `contractor. "': on,
Kaake . ;.drain, 10.00; .Lucknow
Sentinel, account; 121.69. •
Got Name . From Tavern ,-
The north end of Kinloss.Tw,p.
through• which the. Durham road'
runs wa rst located in with
the' (Post llage of Kinloss ; hay-
ing 'been settled 'as early as the .
•autumin : of 1850.
Within 25. years Kinloss; as the'
Post 'Office •was called, boasted
a hotel, school; . church, steam
shingle mill, wolf rni11;..' 'two
s'team.sawnaills, :twa tor^es,. me
anics shop, telegraph. office..:
Daily' mail service by that time ` f
was well established .,east, west'. t
and south by ; 'stage coach to
Walkerton, Kincardine and Luck-
now. Kinloss./was,_ acid still is, r
locally . known • as black Horse a
named after a tavern.established s
by Wm.Shelton;'
. The 'first . municipal, organiza-. 'u
• tion '' in . Kinloss' took place in o
1855, the .township having been,
previously united with the Twp.
of Kincardine. The first n election t
resulted in ,Boyer Paul ' being .w
named' reeve. Cou'nc'ilors were. P
•. Murdoch MacKenzie, Murdoch 0
acPonalcl, Thomas Harris and
Wrn. Shelton. Wm._ ._ !!Herndon. J
,served as clerk for one year be,-
fore being succeeded 'by ' • Peter
Reid who held the office for. 44
The name.;f4i♦1L,Joel Stauffer
a rman from' Waterloo, figures
Prominently in the founding of
both Lucknow and Kinloss, '
e. took up part of what is
rr Lucknow, in the winter of
4849-1850 and is credited with
being' the first white man to 'cross
the township, •
111.1850 he was' arse of the fir5•t
settlers to take up the ".F;ree
Grants" land adjacent to the
lour am Road. Others listed as
the -friss' settlers ` ixz thatu`sectiOn,
in Norman ,Robertson's history 'of
Bruce Co., were John• and Wm,
Shelton, Thrn
Thomas }lodging
:Rankin Meridith. '
Te Townsl�,jp'deriired its name
m Lord Elgin, the. Governor-
General at that time, . who had
among, other titles that of Baron
Bruce of K%nlass;'
for a combined period of • 20
With ,the: opening- of roads
north and south, nail 'service
between .Goderich, Lucknow and
Kinloss .was' bystage coach until
the advent of rural mail in 1.915
The largest rooster
made fids SIDEWAYS
into this New
New "Waterfall" Design!.
i� :Automatic .Oven Controls!
NOW 7 -.Heat • Contr,.ole..!
7 FREE Aluminum Rooster!
• ;'with .all efeltare mod lid .
Trade i your troubles for a ne C C
'•W M �lal/'j/
ster &Mai
Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, 'Eavetroughin
highway Cheques •'
Pay' roll No. 8, ; $469.90, 'Armco,.
Drainage, `culverts, • 486.48; .Rob
ertson-Irwin, . `culverts, . • 303.00
Bosco: Products, 253.35; Corrugat-
ed 1'i :e_CCo' _eal_ _ T
. P vert, -385 20,' Bel -1 '
•Telephone, ` moving poles, 64:12;
Wm:; Maclntyre, telephone,. . -12.25;.
Dominion Road ' Machine ; Co.,.
hose, 11°.94;:.Dominion Road Ma•
chine .co.; balance on new grad-
er, 16,472;00.; .
J. I11. LANE; Clerk:
➢I I Y'
Is.. Your `:Subscription Paid?
<Hugh Simpson, . R.R: 5, Luck-:
now,:is convalescing .at his 'home
in Kinloss: from a` spirar rf�'a. cture
sufferedin' a fall from • a load of
Hugh ha'd a_ cast ,applied at
Wingham arid after a few days.
in the 'hospital Was permitted to
return home, ,• . .
`Mrs. ;Simipson was the. former.
Mary Struthers of Lucknow Mrs.
Jinn Henderson_ of town. is a sister
of Hugh.:
. ,Agflews':INSURAN(E A►gincy
.Member of,
. Ontario Insurance Agents Association .
Established Over Thirty Years Ago
Tellehones: •
Business 39 HOWARD AGNEW Residence. 138
KITCHEN—running water cut'
kitchen chores—laundry and
dishes are done in half the time.
BATHROOM—all the conven-
ience of a city home to protect
your family's health and add
to your comfort. •
BARNS - So much easier to
• water the stock .,. dnd so much • •
extra protection against fire.
Emphr° Brass M
Why 'lug water by .hand.,any longer?, Install a
Duro Pumping System now, 'and , enjoy running
water as you payfor it. Save. time; save labour;
cut operating costs.
for-pump fixto s 4ndlifsfallohon too
dget Plan will covet :your Corti: ,
•plete water system.—pump, tank; pipe, kitchen
and bathroom fixtures, taps ii all bur;Jdings
and the. cost of installation,' You can have the
r whole lob done •NOW -and pay for it over the •
next year and a half. Ask' for an estimate of the
cost, of labour and .maferial worked 'out on the ° <
EMCO Budget Plan.
Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay
Co.. Limltedi
T1•S4 g'i'v
• • Fhone Y0 Lucknow
.:• . 1,i --