HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-08, Page 10. lbAtIs*TEN azongiou'uromo afrisio WEDNESDAY; AUGUST' 8,' 1959 I • clear _ Iouaedresses, ell - sizes to 24 , y To $2.39, .144VO: values- to $5.95. To ie* 'at _ $3.79; R j1o.: 2 To .clear ut .$4 -- :Rack. No, , T clear. at: • w a T t Rack , , � X6.95 acid 7:.9 Rack Not, 5. To clean at ...18.96:044.$9.95 THREE.OT�ER ; RACKS $�'�T .RDRESSES ALLO�SALE 1 SENTINEL IE. THAT Miss Donna Hamilton, itteg.N., daughter of •Mr; and. Mrs. .Frank, Hamilton of ••Ash' f ie1d,N, has resumed nursing at Woodstock For . the ' past nine , onths Donna ,had; • 'been nurs. in Bermuda, and flew home riot, to,,,the recent Men's; Ladies',ChIldren's Wear—Piece Geods 'and Woollens FOR " KINCARD!NE CLEANERS • SUR Five Star Specials BEANS WITH. P0RKw* ye -.0 CLARK'S 20 oz. TSUP A.YT�11IlER . l✓A 1 HELLIVIANN'S MAYONNAISE. • 1� • KELLoGtP.S.coRN FLAYS.. • 12 oz. _ - --- ---�-- CHAMPION -DOG Oop, Dr. -Ball .rds, Prices effective August 9 10 and. 11 TI-1AT we had another card frorri aVIr. Simon Donaldson, who is i seeing the sisghts in Old Lon- don. She has also seen Queen Elizabeth, the Duke of Edin- burgh and the. Queen Mother. Mrs. Donaldson reports that The Sentinel is reaching her THAT' Roy RenWick was named provincial Champion at the old Pilot aPd. pow lives in •Bramp- ton, although he was raised -in Teeswater. He was born in Lucknow.- where' his, father, the • late Ed Renwick operated the _ Ford _garage .at -that time. An- other former LuCknoWite- Lin -- coin Morrison., of 'Toonto, plac- ed second and won a prize of Member of _ GNERAL. INSURANCE Established Over Years ess 39 _ HOWARD AGrNEW, Residence 138 ettown.and: MTS. William ris let . by :plane ton, NeW .Bilmsviick, With Mr, and Mrs., Donald Ferguton. 'MAT fire call to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ma:seism.' on Friday evening resulted from an overheated dish filling the. Xichen with smoke Mr.' 'Nkholson and Kenneth were in toWn at the time at the fun- eral home. Fortunately • , ,darnage was done. The Brilade was delayed briefly in answer- ing the alarm due , to a run- down battery on the fire' truck., • THAT Miss Donalda NichoLsOn,, .11eg:N., daughter of kr. and tarned froth Calgary *here sge had ' been nuraing and has re- sumed her duties at' Seiforth Hospital, . THAT Mr. II. g Lavery of Tor- onto has heen 'a patient in Wingliain Hespital for the past . 'Mai* seizure, Mr. Lavery ivas • visiting here at the . borne of: suffered the 'attack. *THAT George Webster of . the-, -Canadian . naval ser*ice, has, furlough, He leaves next Mon - .day on his return to Halifax.i George and his'•:parents, Mr. and dill -S.: Hariey Webster,: en - jived a motor. trip last Week to Huntsville and 'Algoncjuin _ _ for 27c Luckno Phone ,20 Lucknow arket FREE :DELIVERY Gallons Of -- Tr We have installed modern, fool -proof equipmen all makes of cars. Akron- g can, be done in doylies!, er darkness—Yee • don't even luti7,d, to turn on, the headlighfri The Guide I-3 Safety:Ajmer is inside. with Ike Accuracy, ef Another "FlItSr -In Automotive' Drive in Now or a Headlight Check entral ara • THA -T Dawn Stewart, Mary -Mur-. -die and Louise Jones are this week •attendm" g ,the United • Church camp at Miramichi Bay, 'near Port •Elem. THAT Mr. Walter Snowden, Aug- . lican lay reader of London, will. be in charge of servicei in the Parish of St. Peter's, Lucknaw, for 'August 12th and .19th while the .Rev. 14, nings is on vacation. Services August 2.6th, Nyily use.. old., fashioned hard' water -when you can hive soft water so cheaply. 'THAT the. congregations .of the Churches will meet jointly in the Unit.ed.Church during Aug- Clean4as, minitter. On- Sunday Morning -chief • Was sung by • Misses 'Belle Robertson and Margaret Rae and a • solo by Kiss Hele.n Thompson. ENGAGEMENT Ley 'announce the engagement. of their daughter, -\ Marguerite, 'to . and Mrs. Peter De Vrieil of Sar- ,nia, The. marriage- will, take place in Ashfield presbyterian Ch4ch on Priday, August 24th at Tour, o'clock. Reception at 'Reid,s Cor-, ner's Hall' at 8.00 o'clock. LISTINGS WANTED On Farms, Homes, 1Suainesses, Small Holdings, Properties of. all descriPtions. c:ONTACT JOHN HALL Phone 116; -Licknow,,'OntarlO, $TtVENSON REAL ESTATE MT:: FOREST ' SWIM TRUNKS Brief and Boxer style. 20% off. „ Men's „Broadcloth,. PYJAMAS Plain, colors and stripes. •• BOYS' BOXER SHORTS M.ercerised chill, assorted colors. 614=0 C.A5Tax*.La :good as- chilar6es Fin dotheg,, Yard 75e MEN'S S bray, yard MEN'S CASUAL TROUSERS Faded hide and charcoal grey, denim IT' .75 tic ware, All new and very • , Reavy:Cafed lancY white, reg. '69c pair." NOw CHILDREN'S SOCKS Fancy nylon cuffed. sOcics, Size •