HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-08, Page 8THE,. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .LUCpTQW, ONTARIO.
RTPAP*, ifigagr
Mason went the route: for, r
• s♦. Blyth Win Friday •
y fl ucknow dropped to • two losses
;_: •4EAGU E ' andoire inn against the Blyth:.
team: a a result of a 10-6', defeat
STARTS- 'LAYOFFS in 131 h: on Friday. The locals`
ied at f ne tiine�-2. in the early
The Ltxckr�ow and District Soft- f the .game, but. several
",errors in the 6th and..
ball league, commonly known' as Stages
the °Sbroonilball league", has Luckn
wound up the regular schedule 7th �inn�ings gave Blyth seven big
of play, and. all eight teams,' are runs and, wrapped up the game
Pat -
presently into the. _ for them. MacDonald, and Pat
playoffs, •
Because of the intermediate terson was the battery for Blyth,
team and minor 'teams having and for. Lucknow it. was 1VfacdVlil-
a ,deadlines in the WOAA, lan,: Chisholm and Baker:
yoff Shade:: Blyth' 6-5.•
the local league has lied . to make: Lucknow ed sweet revenge.
_ gained
postponements: in. their behalf, against the Blyth team on •T es-
and several games have been re- ' ay nighton they local diamond,
soheduled. 'At the `time of ;writ= hen they eked out a' 6=5 win in
• , ing..only one playoff; .game had
been played with , the Firemen one' of the 'befit games 'seen herr,
this iant Ch
-. defeating,Paramount ". 1544, in n � Chisholm pitched all the
real thriller last Friday night..
• "The final standing in the regu way holding the Blyth team to
schedule was as follows: 5 hits, while striking out 13 bat -
,_ • . W L ; • pts terS Watson gave up only 4 hits
Belfast 6 , i. 12, in six innings for Blyth, while
South Kinloss 6 1 122 MacDonald was ..hit . 4 times 'in
men 3 the; last • two' innings:•'
St. Helens g 4 g Blyth' had a 3-2 lead.until the
!Specials °3 4 6 7th inning. They added another.
""' 3 -4: 6 run in their half and Lucknow
NitParamount :..2. 5 4
tied: the score, at 4-4 in the .last.
half of. the 7th. Bdth Al Balker
intatl 1 6 2 and Jack Chin had goti' on on
Teams • 1-•5, • 24'. 3-7, 4-$' 'are successive daunts, and . advanced,
scheduled to 'play a best -of -three home while the Blyth team. were
series in the first round of the
"lawn °ibowling' bund= the in=
Play ffs.• .. field._
Lucknow took : a 6-4 -lead in
the 8th, only to have' the Blyth
boys come back with one, run in
the 9th and leave runners strand-
ed on 2nd and 3rd base as 'the
game ended 6-5. •
•'Lucknow Intermediates wind
up their regular schedule on Fri-
. day of this week when -they meet
the Ripley team on the Ripley
diamond. However, rail had pre •
viousiy caused ' the postponement
.of three games, all of them with
Pori '•Albert,. and . it has not been:
decided . when. these games will,
be worked in. '.Since the last issue
Young's, 10 varieties. Exclusive! Rei
Jelly Powders
ahead in popularity. Save 6c
Canada First Grade. Stock up now!
a. ,feature,. lb.
"Tasty Cup" � •
"Highland : Pride"
Freshly ground, Ib. y__ � � Nothingner,
f , lb.
Hunt's large 13 ,oz. bottle. Buy now
and save.•A real CUT PRICE SPECIAL
Holly fancy quality, 20 oz. Stock up now.:
Prices Will advance ammediately. • Save .5c
.., ; 'FULL, LINES- of-'FROZEN'JUICES,1Vf 'R' end FISH
BE . WISE, .GRAB .THESE' BUYS! Values Effective August . 9, 10, 11,
Phone 119 Our Stock :Is. Fresh We Se For. Less: Lucknow
Lucknow : and ' Blyth will
commence the first round of
the .WOAA:Intermediate "B"
playoffs in Lucknow next
of .The Sentinel two weeks .' ago,' • -Monday night. The series
four . dries have 'been- played-. will be a be§tof-seven "affair„
g. p
Whallop Benmiller
On Thursday, July 26th, the
local • team • met Benniiher in the
•CaledonianPark, and wealloped
them by a score of .15-1. Brant
Chisholm and . Hugh -MacMillan
-divided the pitching,. with Hughie
catching for .Grant, and Don• Mc
• .>Intyre working behind• the plate
for . Hughie's pitches. Leonard
Jenkins' was Pitching, . well • for
' Benmiller. -received little
ffupport from his . tes. Ben -
miller. was •sbo one man, and
Clarence Greer filled m for . them
;in left field. .
with the second game set .for
Blyth .on Wednesday, and
back in Lucknow .Friday. All
games will start at .9 p.m:
The' games so farhave.
been good, and .the" crowds
have been sina•11, so come'
out and give a little encour-
•: agement to the tea* in their
playoff quest:: •
Mr: and ' Mrs. Eric Evans and
family of Hyde Park spent the
Defeat Ripley dl -4 week -end with friends.. Allan
.uckna w chalked, up.. their 2nd Randy remained ' to have a holi-
day with their grandparents, Mr.
arKi Mrs: Wm: Evans and Ted.:
Mr: and Mrs.: Russel Proctor
and 'Dianne and Miss Nina' Gait
Olsen of Livonia,' lylich., spent a
few days with; the Tiffin .famil
Mr. ftay Paine and nephew
Michael Cullen of Toronto . spent
win'` over Ripley this year ' against
one loss„when they defeated
them 11 - on the Lucknow
mond on Tuesday of last week.
Lucknow . out -hit Ripley 14-9,
and Grant Chisholm had twelve
strikeouts as compared. to Lorne
MaoKenzie's 7. For Lucknow it
was -Chisholm and MacMillan. all
the way, and MacKenzie .and the week -end with the Tiffin
Mr , Alibert Miller of; London
visited at ,.the --home' of his
nephew, .Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank Mil-
leryid called on some of his .old•
friends in Lucknow last week-
Mr, Tom. Ross, Mrs: Fred Fell
and family and Sharon ..Hicks,;;of
Toronto are at the, "Ross" cot-
The Sunday School picnic- •was -
postponed ` on Saturday on ac-
count of. rain... tili1a' :later . date..' • .
The Moffat reunion picnic was,
held on Monday.
he W iM.S. and'tidies -Aid
was held in the church on Thurs-
•day evening. r , • •
Miss Lynda and Janette John-
sten •of Belgrave are holidaying
with Mr: • and ' Mrs..: Charlie Tif
The sympathy ofthis; :district
is.'' extended ,to all . those who
I ourn -the ;passing of the: late Mr."
Glen, Irwin of 'Con. 2,. west. '
--'-Mrs: Wm; :Scott has success
fully finished her music suriiiner
course in Toronto: '
•.Miss Bunny Scott. of Wingham
spent the week -end 'with . her
+cousin, -MISS,-Marion" SOU: -=
Miss .I.
ois Conley' was 'a visitor
with• her cousins, Doris, Sharon.
and George Moffat of ' Con, 8.
, `.BORN '
J o 0 SZ!ON—in' Wingham Hospi-
tal oh• .Thursday, July. 26-K-1956,
to Mr: and Mrs, Morley �hn•
Ston, R. 2, Auburn, 'a daughter:
-FRRIlNG ON in ' Wingham Gen--- -
eral ` Hospital, on Sunday,. July:
22nd, 1956, to 'Mr: and Mr's. Har-
old Errington, R. 2; Auburn; a• •
if Using 4'x8': 'Fanelsj.
or . PLYWOOD .
SINCE '1946 the .average price of Canadian steel -:
r+o1.l ng nnll products has gone' up a bit more' than ;•
70,, per cent...
But the price of scrap, a vital raw material for the.
eellmaker, went up ,181' . per cent :in the same
period,. and. the primo of . labour' ,'in file primary
ironandsteel 1indti ty, by 130: per cent._
• _ ..' . • . ,•
• 1\,�ar�ly allr other prices, inolu ling the price .of:
:la ur have ' risen .h g -ham and -fa ter--than--have
steel prices in the post-war period.
An Extra Room . can, .Be Made
and F anom cally.
Carry a
iuppiy of all 'these Panels
PHONE 150, ureic/ow