HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-08, Page 7WRDNELSDAY, AUO1 ST 8, 1956 Tooled.. • To Repair All Makes Of Tractors, Machines & Shop Work ACETYLENE &• ARC WELLING K.I NLO.UGH. GARAGE 'W. BREGKLES Phone 18-r-20, Ripley THE HOME Of QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS ..,4 a THE LUCKNOW SENTI ra, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: 80 DEGREE TEMPERATURE WAS. RARE; IN JULY July 1956, 'g9eS down in th 'FAREWELL PARTY Sunday visitarswith Mr. and'. T' • = Mrs. Jack Schumacher were Miss. e :'1+ WESTFORD� . Helen ':Schumacher of London, record books as an abhormall cold month. On only one .occas ion did the mercury exceed - 80 degrees. That was on July. 1st,. when rt touched 84. • • 'Generally the mercury hover- ed in. the 70's, anddropped sharp- Ig at night 'for a low. of 47 de- grees, and numerous readings , :in the low 50's. For sixteen of the thirty one da's of the month the prevailing winds "were from' ,a northerly direction :CO account for the "frigid" Month,.' and which, combined with 5.2 inches .of rain made it anything. but a pleasant summer" month, so far . at least. as "lake weather was concern= ed, • and in direct • contrast with the withering, humid weather of July 1955. The frequent rainfalldelayed hayingoperations until. late in the month, 'so that August hay- •ing, became- . quite common •to ,create a very unusual..and unique. •occurrence. Kenneth J. MacKenzie, R.O... A . Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT, at 'the former Wrona_Jew_elery store.' Ripley,: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15th and every 'Second' Wednesday Eyes examined - Glasses 'fitted For .appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. McLENNAN, and MacKENZIE ••FUNERAL 'SERVICE. Services conducted accord- ing to: your ' wishes at your. Home,. your . Church,. •or at our Memorial Chapel at no' additional • charge: • AMBULANCE SERVICE:' !Rene'181,'`Lucknow, • Day or :Night • TED, COLLYER Registered Master Electrician • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in Electrical :Wiring:'. and Repairs AGENT FOR SPARTON TV and All Electrical' Appliances. Phone. ' 46-r-25,' Lucknow G. ALAN WILLIAM'S. Optometrist • Office on Patrick St., Just oft the Main', St. in WING/IAM • Professional Eye Examination Optical Services: Evenings by. appointment.' •' • 'Phone: 'Office .770; Res., .291•. • R. S. HETHERINGTON, ' • .•. Q.C. • Barrister, Etc. Wingham and Lucknow .. ;IN LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday • L,ocated in the Municipal 'Office 'Phone Wingham Office .48 .. Residence 97 JOHNSTONE'S -- FVtoRAL -H'OMI • • '1P•hone 76 Day or Night Ambulance Service USE .OP FUNERAL HOME' At No Extra Cost - Moderate Prices ..' Establi shed 1994 • , . • .Insure With The • GULROSS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.' ' . for • Reasonab`1e--rates solx' , ndpro- tection & prompt; satisfactory:, settlement sof claims. • • PARISH MOFFAT '. Your Local. Agent. - R.R. 3, Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater '57-r=41• (OI LROS'S CORNERS' NEWS) On Thursday evening . West- ford school was the scene of a happy !gathering when friends and /neighbors: gathered to hon- our IVr, and Mrs. Art 'Graham prior. to their leaving for Gow- ard . in. Northern Ontario, where Grace will teach school and Art will work . at lumbering: Mrs, Dorothy Thompson, , who will teach ch 'at S'undrxdgenext year, was also, remembered. • • With Rev. J: Palmer: is master of ceremonies the following .pro ram :,' community gram : was rendered singing, reading, Mrs. Perry Ho. gins; duet, Norma and •Brend Haldenby; •' violin . solo, Reuben' Zettler.; • contest, Mrs. Geos Hal- denby; solo, Mrs. Harold. Hale denby; reading, Mrs. Cora Barr; piano solo, Edna Boyle;‘ reading, Mrs. Jas. .Hodgins,; ' piano solo, Elda Wall; reading, , Mrs. James Wraith; 'Journal, ' Mrs. Frank Brown. 4VIr. and Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Thompson were called to • the platform and' Mr,; James Haldenby read. an address to the guests of honor and . Mrs. 'Don- ald McEwen and Mrs. Geo. Hal- denby resented the gifts. "For they, are jolly ;good_ feliows_' •_was sung' and .a: soical time enjoyed. Childrenspending'' last . week. with 'relatives in Teeswater and attending si iimming classes in the morning and vocational school in ' the afternoon. were Misses Elde, Beverley and 'Doris` Wall:. and Karen Wall. F.' T. ARMSTRONG •' OPTOMETRIST: GODER.ICH. FOR' APPOINTMENT 'Phone '1100. F'or Appointment or Inforrriation - See `Win.. A. Schmid .. 'Phone' I7 -w, Lucknow INSURANCE_ FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE' AND•' LIFE' To Protect Your Jack Donna' Wall spent 'last • week with her aunt, Mrs. 'HughMc Kague ,and'' attended . vocational 0.601. ' Other children. - taking', wimming, lessons -iii Teeswater re Donnie Wali, Billy Wall, Bob_ y •Wall, and Elaine ..and Donnie Meyer. Mr. and Mrs: 'Adolph- Brunke f Clarkston, .Mich., spent Friday; t Brown's. • •` Visitors ,during the week' with Donnie 'Wall were Freddie Mor= gan , of,,, Teeswater, Billy Wall, '1 Harold Whytock • and; Raymond Harris..: ` Several, from the community . attended the reception fox:.Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Barr (newlyweds) at Holyrood• :on Fridayw-evening. There was a:large.crowd and the popular young couple ,were pre- ented with •a well ,filled purse. Mr. 'and Mrs: +Charles, .Knight f .Leaside and Mr;: .° Walter raith of.' Teeswater, spent Sung ay w'th Mr. and 'Mrs: James Wraith.' Mr, a andgo and ihl Kinloss.. Mr. and. Mrs. Robin .Hyslop & family 'of • Ottawa' and Mars.'; Wal- ter : Wraith of Teeswater, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Wraith. Trhe.lboys. of the coanmunit.y.• at= tended • vacation school . at Kin - lough. ' 'Mr. and Mrs.. J :C.• Scharbach and Betty and Dianne Starkey. of` Teeswater spent Monday even- ing at Brown's: , The' community was represent- ed at . the reception at Holyrood. on Friday evening for Mr, end! . •; • I Mrs:. 'Carman' Johnston, .newly - ''s s 1(b 0 a a s Ensure' With Jack Today,"• o J. A. McDONAGHW i W ,R.R. 3, Lucknow, Out. d 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon R.a W. ANDREW • Barrister. and .Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Mrs. 'Alex Whytock spent Sunday with IVIr. Wm Campbell& . girls, ; Office .in •the Joynt Block I. Telephone:. • OI Office 135'Residence 314 • A.M. HARPER Chartered Accountant' • West `Street G ODERICII,,',ONTARIO . Telephones 343J • 343W , INSURANCE Co-Operatiy-eLife Insurance Co -Operative Automobile.. Insurauee Mercantile & Farm. Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. See . . .. A.CAMERON LUCKNOW 'Phone 10-t. tO Dungannon weds. , Several •from. 'the community attended ---the display"' ot w'ork` done by the children at vacation school at Kinlough on Friday ev- ening. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wall, Liick now,, spent Friday at Brown's. ' Mr.' and Mrs. Keith Hackett & family 'of Toronto and Mrs: Tom Hackett "of ' Ashfield spent Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Mld- ford Wall and Donnie. '• Mr. and Wm... .Tom Hodgins' ,.tore .. to Preston on Fid . . Donnie Wall spent' the Week- end with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Tom Hackett • of Ash-' field. 3 • Mr. and Mrs. Art Graham were at Goward in the Timagami dis- trict oni • Monday and Saw where Grace will teach next year._ Mr: and Mrs. Prank Brown & Reg Spent Sunday evening *itis Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Nicholson & Mr and Mrs: 'Walter. Schumacher and children of Walkerton, Mrs. Win. Wall of ,Kinlougk and Sher:: on . Wall of London, ' Visitors during the week' wit °Mr. and Mrs,. Grant ..Wall re' Mrs. 11aud 'Beal of -Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Thanker of Tees - water, • ees-water,_• Mrs. 'Campbell and' Doug of Transcona, Man. • CL...IM;S.TEFFORT ., TO CUT HOG PRI` The president of the •Ontario Hog Co-operative, Mr. Charles . Meinnes, has stated that there is :a' well organized. effort ' the part of the processors of pork to break the price of#,hogs paid to farmers. Mr. 1VI©Innis said. that from last week's level of'.$29.25 per cwt. that to 27 dents per ib. forhogs was offset today through. .the • efforts of , the ' Ontario Hog Producers. Marketing Agency, -: On Monday, July ' 30th,' - Mr. McInnis 'stated that no . process- ors.. in. 'Ontario and :Quebec' had bid the 'agencyq more than 27 cents 'perib.` On the ' Morning ` of July 31st hesaid that the ,pack- ers ' organization broke and • the !Ontario Moved oved at the–set level of 28 cents and some at the. h: ';price of $28.25. ; • In the face of resistance' by, •processors to .pri'ce ' asked by the. Marketing Agency, prices were maintained at: a level' very close to that asked by :the. marketing agency. The ' Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing • Agency ' reaffirrned this "'contention that had all hogs` been.. on the open• market the price to. the Producer would have held to the 29.25 cent- level this -past week:: Mr: McInnis said that with the consumer price of ham ;ranging from 95 to 99 cents' per pound and weekly hog 'mar- ketings in Canada averaging 100,000' and ',• considering the aver- age export ver-age..'export and :domestic dis- appearance:. of pork: for June 1956 at 'a 120,000per week,' the On- tario Hog Producers Marketing Agency still N'refused 'to . sell' at the 'ridieulously low :prices' that the' packers, offered. • • Mr.. MdInnes'urged all 'produe- ers to place their .hogs : on • the open• market. • This would : help he' said, to` . eliminate' at certain times the packers pressure •for' lowering the' price of •'hogs.~• PAGE. SEVEfO Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Thurs., Fri., ' Sat., Aug,, 9-10-14 Johnny Johnston Lisa Gaya' "ROCK AROUND . . THE CLOCK" • This will .appeato the. Roel and Roll fans and 'features. some^ •. of the• nation's tog artists. There; ,. `. is alsoa collection of the favor • lte . songs of the year: Mon.,. Tues., Wed: Aug. 13-14-a Carol Ohmart • Tom Tyron . • to "THE SCARLET HOUR» (Adult 'Entertainment) A lurid melodrama featuring several.. new stars. • ..STA,TOFARII!J< .M UT[1AL _ -.- AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE:. Investigate, Before Inver REUBEN WILSON 3,, Goderich'` Phone 80r-8. Dungannon WI N:GHAM ;MEMORIAL.. SHOP: We Have ' 'Been; Memorial' Craftsmen for .Thirty -Seven.. • Years, . Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Along With •. Expert Designinga and. • • Workmanship.. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lette•ring a Speci•alty• R A. „ SPOTTON ''Phone 256, Wingham' .Ontario Is Your Subscription Paid? �leT�. a, t e wt•>?)i I of �/ 1•J• i I�� '.:•.I.►tive.. �(.. v..;,. � • �.�a''.�1�i!'k?: �. .� :.��ixa� .�iri:c`,.ili►.'w'�a.� /.,y.�i�: .+t�I�w �'i.`�� Victoria Park,' Fergus; Ontario SATURDAY, AUGUST l 8th, ' 1906 A• full,. day from • 9.00• .a:an. Admission 75c Big Dance in ! Fergus . Arena , at Night Piping, 'Dancing,. Massed Band,. 'Track' and Field Events. "Canada's Most Colorifu1 Highland Spectacle" ��;�or.• , 0 a �: isre y� . `";•,y+�4 •it,;'i i�,.�.,�c „ '{ '''•, ��j�dya'�LL� :!i�L*, n��a�i�,.l�iM v s.: a.� a .a. Fi+ RK THEATRE 6t*oth ow 'R D- SUNDOW I :-.4n.- tecl nicolor=Ror-y Calhowr- Martha Hyer .MON. , TUES. & WED.–Adult ,Entertainment,'." ' "THE'ROSETATTOO" a. • Adapted. from the Broadway play by Tennessee . Williams 1 ' .The• Eternal Trianglefrom a unique and somewhat !: • sophisticated ' angle. ' . ' Burt Lancaster,. Anna Magnani and Marisa 'Pavan .12nr.itSD .:. 1D$31 _.&.. _SATU1t1 "SOLDIER, OFFORTUNE" Sco • • pe and Cblor r iltned in the Orient—tells of an rnxprxsoned journalist acid the American • smuggler' who helps in his • rescue. Clark ' Gable, Susan. Hayward and Michael Rennie, • Coming: "The :Second' Greatest Sexo—scope: and color. with Jeanne Cram m • • rl • • k •