HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-08, Page 5WWIDNE A ...,.. �'r: 'AUGUSr>r8, 19513 PLANS . 1EFO E. N I�,A�, (KINLOUGH • NEWS), The H.W.I. Met in the ' :Holyrood on" Thctrsday ,eve with Mrs. Jim Smith and Morley Bushell thostessess; • further plans •were made f . Centennial celebration at rood on August' 10th. It w ,tided. • •to add,rnd re. suppl the hall kitchen, Members urged to attend the Gardan aChieyement day• an August at . Walkerton, ,also • the 'Bruce. ;bounty ;,rally at ' • ampton bn August 16th. The trict President,' Mrs,, J, E. cif Kincardine •'addressed_. Meeting and said ..that- T 'ol • was.. the first branch that �h'ad invited° her to attend their Meet. mg.'She expressed' her pleasure in being present' and gave credit to ,the W.T. '•in all i.ts'` undertalc- .ings as it emphasizes the • motto "For Horne... and '.country". As true Canadians' w.e.sho.uld always get. (behind our .•,Dominion ' Day celebrations. Of our ten. provinces i all'. celebrate but Newfoundland and • for them• it '' is "•a day .mourning as' they .comrnerno their many servicemen ;wh•o their lives in the Great • • She said, "Let us ,pu,blieize country. A ,stone' dropped in pool .givesone splash :but *in Marcy bubbles and ripples an is this way .;with the ' W.I..• -early `pioneeraZ.a here in.. • '. hope for .a abetter place : tb. 1 They. have left us: a''.herit Let us:. preserve ;it` for the p ent and future, generations; 'are .all menirbers of the .Comm wealth :and •I • Would.. urge e memiber .to have:' .a 'pen pal 'We may explain Canada, giv a. true .. picture . of .our- tour She 'also asked -that people. • gracious, to newcomers • in Country: and ,`speak'• of them New Canadian's, ' riot D: Thousands• have come ,to :Cana bought .,farrns and •have prii themselves good. citizens.. M , oret?h;y MacKenzie 'of Otta �racation i in. Kincardine s 'rte ,R.:w w3•^� ",�.', ,� .,,. i'43 t ,.,x it,was er pleasure: to atten S.bcial Se]rvi,ce Ctot ference in . onto recently and -a great edea • emphasis : was - placed on prese frig' things , owned. and used the early settlers. At a ret visit' to the 'museun' at. Sou ampton she' gave the WI: gre credit for . this. Mrs. E. Smit ' burst frcn >lialton !County .a .spoke briefly. Mrs. 'P. A. 1Vlurr gave a demonstration on fan • smocking. and showed •: several. • lovely articles. Mrs: Wesley' Guest presided for the.. program. solos by Mrs. Wm. MacPherson, Jr.,, :`The.• beautiful garden •of pray- . er" & •Mrs. • Jack Hewitt, "Mighty. • like a /rose"; . the motto, , `Home. • is the golden, setting" • was given by Mrs. Jack: •DeWitt. She re - ...called._ happy .days, of early child- hood' spent iii the 'tome where the 1ov of mother shone above • all else.: No matter. what befalls • 'us' we �nnot ..lose • he heritage • 9f a od 'Horne: and fainily1 in ' God's. beautifttl . world, During. the •evening Miss ' Joan S'ultton •' . took several pictures of the ,group -,".'and individuals'. Refreshments were served. • Please keep in mind the ten tennial ' at , :Rolyrood. on 'Friday. • evening of, •this. week, .Aug. loth"' 'and everyone is invited to attend ,this party, • ' ' Mr..' and Mrs, Ed Thompson of •Calgary visited during •the' week with. Mr. and Mrs, Ale*. Percy: • Master Keith Matilde} spent ` the past week at Fonthill.�. Miss Sandra • Percy has been holidaying at , Iancjver; and. Sauble. Beach. . a , ' ' , Miss Mary Joan,l;app of Wing .(ham visited during . the week With Joan Percy, , . • "Miss Sharon Wall spent the ' Week -end with Mr; and Mrs. Wm.. Wall, • . .,Miss _ti._._. _ `-. ea"`Jai eran arbara For- ster of Ii,ipley spent this week "with -.11 rs..JJ. W. Colwell. '' Misses Lenore Slessor and _._'Glenna `Campbell visited during the. • week with Evelyn Nichol - ' ISE LITCKNOW SEN TI1�iEL, LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO it fall ,fracturin g her arm,, is spend- ing' a while with her daughter, Mrs. Jaek ,Hodgins, Miss Evelyn Nicholson is visit - ing at, the home of Mr, and Mrs, hall at ''Harold ,Slessor, Glamis, ening Mr, and M. •Bert :Nicholson, Mrs. Karen, Allan and Lois visited n' when $ visited on or• the Holy- aS de es to were. .Club 21st South `�outlh di:s= Rowe: the; rood unday .with Mr. and Mrs. Gle ,Ca nnpbell at Arriberley. We 'are, sorry. to • report the Mrs: Frank Maulderi has been Y of l: rate on Sunday, ' Mr. and Mrs, • Arthur' ,Graha. ,. and Mrs. Dorothy Thompson mot- ored to Northern Ontario this week. , and Mrs. Tom lied.gins . at- Mr. tended the wedding of.•their niece a at Preston on Friday. n !Mr: Dofald H'aldenby of the Bank k of Montreal, I r 1 1. W alkerv%lle,. t i has been vacationing at the borne' of his 'parents, Mr: t.and Mrs. N. ' (Ted) Ha d � ) _1 en t i Mr, and, Mrs: Sarn Stanley .ef .Huntsville confined to her^ home this week We 'hope _she will soon °be : ou t again, - The Anglican W,A, .. ill . e'• m e�. ire the church on Thursday, after- noon• writh, Mrs, Wrn. Cox host-, ess, ,The '•'program. conveners are IVM'rs, J'ini Smith: and Mrs.. Ralph Hi . •. successful Vacation Bible School was• held at I.irilou �h last It week, Ail achievement. night w• s held.: ,en Fri g a daY. eve.ning i;ri the Anglican church with a program and display,., of work `arid certifi oate5. were presented: to pupils attending :4 or ;five days. . • ' ,Messrs,' Russell & Percy Bari' of Toronto 'spen t the week -end at their.borne here. Mernbers of 'the Per•cy family here held a, picnic a:t •Kincar dine by. visited • here during 'e week. • Mr, ,and. Mrs; Ardel Mason of 'Con. 4 visited ' en Sunday even-. ing with Mrs J.''W. �Colvell.' •4n Sunda: evenin the e Inem- °b.r ,ti �he s of the , A.�',P,�., were e,nter- tairied at the Rectory;:,Berrie, by Mr. . and ' Mrs. J. A Palmer. and Ted;'I'laris were: .Made .f . or the: special 'A Y.P A... •service on Sun,- day morniing next. ' • Dinner guests with .Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Hodgins. were Mr.. &• Mrs, Wrn. Cox, Re',. Benson Cox! and Mrs.. Ada Hodgins of. Detroit. • Recent visitors with' Mr.. and. Mrs, Jaynes Hodgins ':were Rev: L. • C. Honderrok and son Miami. lost. Ross. Mon:. Wars our ' to a akes d• it. 'hie the. iye. age. res-- We �on- ach that ing, try.' be our, as P.'s: da, ved iss. wa, d : a" Tor -.I • of rv- by.. ent th at l- Iso ay cy Florida; Mr.; and (Mrs 1R c' • ` Mrs. Wesley Thompson of Her-. Vie, who had the misfortune to crief of P.eteriborough, Mr.. and. m ; Mrs. Ed iiarrison of Winghom & 1Mrs. Cliff Borthwick .of St. Cath- arines. , Mr. and .1111xs, Arthur Haldenby of Toronto, Mgrs Earl Thompson and son Harvey.. of Colborne vis- ited:.over the week -end with Mr.. and Mrs. `W. E. Haldenby and other relatives, Mr. Wellie Tvveedy of Hamilton renewed c a .quaintances here dor- ing the week, • Messrs.. Ross, Kenneth • and Walter Yates 'of, Windsor spent th,e week -end. with 'Mr�. • arnd Mrs. R•oy Schneller and. family. , (hitend'ed F r Last' Week) • Th • e Pre sb ter' ran ,Y W.M S, , met.. ?at the home` of 'Mrs. John merson on Wed'resday ''with .Miss Joan •Sutton reading•.the'scriptiire• ,and giving the 'Meditation on 'the lite •of Hannah. Mrs. Alex `Pert ,Y gave 'the, prayer., Miss Margaret' Robertson gave the •life of a mis- sionary, Geraldine Greer. `Abide' was. the .word' for the roll ,call. Further arrangements were made for the 'Vacation Sehoc1: w1VIrs. Lyman ,Sutton .was•: in charge''of the following program; readings were given •by Mrs. 15utton, :Mrs Frank Mau'lden, :Mrs. Perry Hod -4 • • gins; M• rs, John Barr, Mrs. Tgrn� MacDonald, Mrs, Eddert Bushell;,, Mra. Mark Johnston • and Miss Elizabeth Scott and Miss Winnie Percy.. A missionary lettei frons Mr. George Malcolriri. of .Taiwan, Formosa, was read by Mrs. Win,, Mac Pher' son and one.. ion Mips Jessie Gordon of .the, azne "place was. read . by Mrs. Alex Percy. A .Feading,' "A Child" was given ' by Miss Joan Sutton, Mrs, Fr • Maulden thanked the •Hostess and those taking part in the program. Suitable hymns were sung during' the meeting which closed with the •Lord's prayer' andlunch was number from here. attended the reception for Mr, . ahcl. Mrs. Jack, Barr.: Theyreceived a 'gen- erous purse of money, Mrs. Gertrude Walsh spent a • . day ri dun .,g the week with' r.ela=° tives at Listowe], • • Mrs:: Wn3r-Bushell, Lucknow • spent a: fe v days y With. her sister,'. Mrs, J. W. C:olwelh • Mrs, Smith, whb has (been spending a, while with,her sister; Mrs. James Hodge,returned to . St. " Catharines during , the week: We are sorry to report that Mr.- Jack Hewitt.had, the miser . fortune to fracture his leg. PAGE FIVI e • r of great with ice. -cold: Coca- o1a f, r. f•, • • '4 .thicken Beef :Burgers 1 pound ground beef • 1 10% -oz. cancondensed t cup chopped onion chicken gumbo soup ' 1 tblsp. ' prepared Mustard 1 tblsp, catsup • Brown mitt and onion. Add other ingredients, saltand.'pepper. to .taste; `. • •• Simmer over low heat about. 30 minutes. Spoon into 6-8'toasted, buttered buns,' garnish. Serve at once with ice-cold Coke! Coca=Cola puts sparkle into all your'; umm. tr• meals. Its delicious taste makes tood more fun. . Bring home the Coke today! ..• putyou' pati, your 'sparkl ng`best!. Regolar Size 6 Bottles "Colo' is a r.g a. ed I�ndo•nN,k GODER1CH: 10.17LING WORIC$ �. 5 ,Kingston St., Phone 'No. 489 y Aulhort:ed 6oltlir of Coea-Cola until;contract with Cosec-•Ca1tt• Aid