HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-08, Page 2it r(, i�. ?zE 1r to • 70. tai r: r. t •t, se 4! vj �r4 OBITUARY ' - -$161011, 3 WEBS . ' ()Vex 700 mourners attended *ie fuheral of !the late Elmer" James' Webster, ex -reeve of Stan- ley Township, , .which was held hom, the Ball and Mutcli funeral ane, Clinton, on, Sunday, July ,:29, by the Rev; T,, J.' 'Pitt. . Under theauspices of the Varna Loyal range Lodge No, 1035, the large funeral service, was heard by a ,huge crowd which, filled ; the 'spacious . , lawns at the funeral , • . Interment was in Baird's cem-- ietery, Stanley Township. • Pall- *eaters were Ross Scott, Harvey Coleman, Clarence • Parks, Anson ' !Coleman; Robert, Reid, 'Alvin Ir- • Direct* of ,the; Hays Township •' :Mutual Fire . Insurance • Associa- ionr; were honorary flower bear- . Flower., bearers were ,Arnold A talons, Aldie 1Vliustard, , Harvey" Hayter, Albert, Horner, Robert Webster., .Mac Webster, -Cecil Webster, William Hayter; .Thos. GGrealis; Jahn Pepper, William Webster. and • William Taylor. Death which occurred in Clin.7. ton Public. Hospital on Thursday evening, where • 'Mr. Webster had been , a patient` following a ' heart, •sttack,, the week before, brought fo , 'close a ,'life dedicated to. Murch and community affairs. 'Mr. Webster' was born at'Luc'k- mow -!and spent his . early life ill 'this .community, going to ;Stanley" Township in 1.,920, where he farm- ed until retiring to the village of Varna last winterand accepting the : post of • road, superintendent -for the 'township of. Stanley. He` had been' a member- .of' the Stanley, Township Council for 16 terms, and had served as _ reeve of that Township, for five terins - He was- a., member : of the :'Unit- •+ed: 'Church in Varna. Also' he was a director of the Hay:Tow.nship• Fire • Insurance Company;' presi •dent of the' South . Huron Agri cultural Society, Hensall;, direct - .fir of both .the• Bayfield Agricul- . LucKNow surrizmo LUCKNtow N �O ,Miss Anne Ritchie is visiting with Mr. and Mrs Bill Ross of Lochalsh,. • _ Miss Joyce Waller is spending a few days with Mr.: and Mrs. D. A. Hackett. r; Mr, and Mrs. Chester Ritchie, of. Detroit visited recently .for a week with Mr. and Mrs: Wi Ritchie, Mr: and -Mrs. • Gordon Stobo $ Betty Anne . visited Sunday with Mr.. and .Mrs. •Gordon Kirkland, lMr. and 1Virs Mack Bradley vis- ited Sunday 'evening. with. Mr. & Mrs. Sill Hunter. Harold Gardner. also Spent . the weekend there.. 1)4r..and Mrs.. Ken Laidlaw and girls ' of , London visited Sunday. with, Mr. and Mrs. George Hun- ter. •Joyce un-,ter.:Joyoe and , Dianna remained for a, visit: Sunday :School will .be at 1Q40' next. Sunday. tural Society. • and: 'the . Huron Huron Central Agricultural ' Society, Clinton, .' Active -in • progressive 'farming organizations, he was a director of the Huron Soil, and Crop Im provement Association and of the Huron" County Hog Producers Association, y,He was : a' member' of Varna. Loyal Orange 1 Lodge No. ' 1035; Worshipful preceptor and county preceptor , of ..the Black Precept tory;: a.. past, master of the South Huron L O:L.; member }of the, Brucefield Independent Order: of Oddfellows ' Twice. married, . Mr. Webster's first wd the former Flossie. Makin, Stanley. Township, died in .1953. Last year ;he married The . former Mrs —Alike- Living- ston,, who survives . him. Also. surviving ..are his mother, Mrs. Robert Webster, Clinton; a sone Grant,on the' home farm in. Stanley ` Township; a daughter, Mrs':. 'George Clifton; Kippen`.and (five, grandchildren; tWo broth- ers„ ..Watson and Melvin' Webster, both of Varna, and a stepdaugh- ter,' Mrs. John McCaig, Baden; Germany. ' TAKES .BU 'RIP TO .BRUCE. MUSEUM ; I Forty-three ;persons frown this •community enjoyed.. a bus ;trip to the Bruce county, Museum at Southampton on Friday, July 27. The trip, .sponsored 'by. the Para- Mount Women's. Institute, was made in Allan Reed's bus. Lunch was enjoyed at' Port Elgin. Those 'taking the .trip were: Mrs. Wellington Webster, Jimmy' and. Jeany, Mrs. Emile MacLen- nan. and Margaret, Or. and ,Mrs,, Dexter, Mrs J., Elphick, Mrs, Walter t Dant Wylds,t Mr. and. Mrs. H.. Brooks, . Mrs: 7, Martin, Mrs, J. Ketahabaw,'Mr.-and Mrs' •Q.'Rich ard's, Mr: D. Nicholson,. Mrs. Al Irwin and Nancy, Mr. .pd Mrs. Kingsbury, Mrs, R. Reid; Marlene Stanley, Mrs. W Douglas, M.P. F. • Overenti, Marguerite MaeKen- 'zie, Mary Alba, Shirley Irwin, Mrs. Agar, Mrs. R. J. Salehlie� . &• Mazli, Mrs. G, Kennedy,. lMs's Mary .McLeod, Mrs.• N... MacCal- lura, Mrs. B. Roach, Mrs. • S. Reid, Miss Annie McLeod, Mrs. T. Rob-, inson, Mrs. W,' McGill, Mrs. ''E. Johnston; Mrs. • J.. Gardner; Mrs. G..K,irkland,:• Mrs. .Jewitt: Thi ' next . 'meeting '.of Para- mount Institute will be held the evening of Tuesday,' Au ust 21st v g 3. at the.'.home of Mrs. D. •Nichol son. The roll call, will. be ans- wered by " "A resolution ` 1 wi"sh My husband would make", • His; bands and fatriilies are invited to. this, meeting. The program and lunch committee is Mrs. R. Reid, Mrs, Mrs. J: Elp'hick and . Mrs. D. Richards. • SHOWER • HELD -FOR SATURDAY BRIDE On "Wednesday' evening the' ladies ..of the community held • a 'shower for Lois' Hackett, -prior to her'. marriage, in ` the, Sunday School room of Hackett's , church:''. The ` bride -td -be received ..many lovely )gifts :' and upon thanking them, invited : the: group to see, !her trousseau after :lunch. • i SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY _._:.Luscious,_esK:Summer •.Produce AYLMER. TOMATOJUICE •,. Fancy, 20 oz. tin ,3' for 39c GREEN GIANT P 15 oz. tins 2 far 3c' CLARK'SBEANS:W-I ' PQ1 15 oz: tint — 2~ for 29c 'Miracle Whip Salad. Dressing 16oz.' jar 44c FROZEN. FOODS` :Birds "Eye Chicken, Beef, Turkey' Pies,`'; 8 oz:- pkgs. . 2 for $1.00 Birds Eye ' Lemonade, 6 oz. tins • 2 for ; 39c Birds ' Eye Green Peas, 12 oz. pkg,,; 25c . . Birds Eye Strawberries -15 oz. pkg. .42c .: Brunchee Peanut Baier,:16 oz.ceboa jar 39c G.E. 25-40-60 Watt Lamp .Bulbs 4 for ' 79e • Appleford's Save All Wax Paper, 100. ft. 29c . Aerosol Bomb, 11 oz. bomb -$1.39 . r L'owney's Angelus' Marshmallows, lb. 'bag 37c Save.31e, all pop.br.Cigarettes, ctn . of 200 $2.98,' 'Brylcream for )y►our- hair,. tube 43c Palmolive Shave Cream,' lg. tube. 45c Noxema for sunburn; 4 :oz. jar 89d Johnson's' Plastic Band Aids, 24 to pkg..:: 39e 'Com alete .Selection SPICES at LOWEST Price's Dyson's Plain or ,Garlie' Dill Pickles, 32oz. 33c *Complete 1 • '7 -Piece 'deluxe Salad. t89e :with order R & W Evaporated Milk, tall tins 5 for 59c 0 set; wi.: $5.00 Libby's Fruit Cocktail, '15 • oz. tin 23c 8 -piece gt.'Plastic IKltclten Set, 99c with: $5 odr Johnson's Paste Wax,, 2 l tin ': ,..:. 99c • • Aylmer Tomato Catsup 11 oz. bottle ......:. 21c FRESH PRODUCE AT RE D & WlirrE _.. , .. Tree ripened Sunkist Oranges, eta. 12 d.oz.•$.3 5• Aylmer Teaaato or. Vegetable ,Soup, 2 .tins 25c'Sunkist Oranges, cello ba of 2 dos, 65c Swift's Prem,.12. oz. tin .,: 39c Niagara' Instant LaundryFresh, full -d- juice -Cali f oirnia4Lemons ' S for -29 Starchy pkg 21e •,10e off 21g this Lia Liquid Detergent 2 for 72e Home grown. new Potatoes3—Attractf�re'• Price 10c off Giant Rhiso 69c Solid 'heads new .Gree Cabbage lb 7c ' ' giant pkg. .;��.. Fresh Green: • Lettuce0 large heads, 2. for 19,07; New Lux; large pkg. ' . , . 40c X5c 'off Shield Tooth Paste, giant tube - • 34c . %Rat . t our .Coupons. Abe pons Mere For The King a Breeze with Cannon "bath towel $157 Fly'Tox, $ oz. tins.....:.:,.. :.........:.................' 39e CKNX WIN.A.DRYER CONTEST ite' Food Stor Phoni..26 Free Delivery • drill . ___._• i.- • • •N 4*Z. AVG^ST '4#. Let us install a clew Duro 'Water' System ' and get' all the water you want, instantly, at the turn of a tap, It costs you only about 1e per 1,000 gallon9. IVLY io:DOWN `' P TO 18 MONTH for pump, fixtures' 'ant! our ihstal$ation charge Our `all inclusive EMCO BUDGET PLAN covers your complete system --pump, tank, pipe,. kitchen and bathroom $fixtures, taps in all your buildings and the cost of instaila-. do i. You can enjoy the comfort, savings, leisure and safety of water •while you pay., for ,it, We will be glad to giveyoua free estimate 'of the ' cost of , , labour,: and materials.. Phone or come into our shop and see how really -inexpensive running water the DURO way can "lee. ., 1 1 • Ernpire Brass Mfg. Co. Limited London, Canada '' 16. BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA TO SERVE•YOu D1-55 Rev 2 IisrIe Phone 10, Lucknow KINGSBRIDGE Miss N'' - Millar . of Hamilton, Miss 'Mary Sheridan Of Toronto and Rev. Patrick' Sheridan,,: C.S., 8.4. of Kitchener are vacation -ing-at the home of Mrs. M -Sher-._. idan rather Sheridan leaves short! for Louvian University in •Bel giumi, :. Week -end,• visitors here Were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Austin' and son 'Patrick • of Timmins; Mr. Chas. Dalton and friend of 'Ota tawa, Mr.:. and Mrs. J. Dietrich and. children 6f Kitchener, Mrs. R. Dean and children of Ann Ar- bor, Mich., Mr. and Mrs A. Hart- man and Shirley of Kitchener, Mr.` and Mrs. Jos. Reid of Tor- onto, ,Mx arid , Mrs. Ray Murphy of Toronto, Miss Maureen Vas- ella and friends of Windsor.. Rev. H. ' Van . Vynckt „and the Lierman 'family are vacationing in the States •for..two weeks. The Resurrection Fathers ' will. be in charge. of the parish during. 'this Mrs. Ursula Jiibert. and son George. were visiting during the past week at.the home of John O'Connor:. • . Mr. and Mrs, P. Captain and little daughter Nellie of Sudbury visited v�;ith his' b"rather and other friends here during the holiday Weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dwyer ,8r, children --and„. Mrs. T. Dwyer.. of St. Catharines are 'holidaying this week with their sister,. Mrs.. J:k ktrayne and, family. • Congratulations to Miss Jo Vail. Ossoh, who was- crowned ;rMiss'. • • Kingsbridge of 1950” by Mr John : Hanna; M.L.A., of Wingham, at 'our .annual garden party last , Wednesday evening. ' . The, garden' party was well'.pat- ronized and • proved. to be a de -7 cided ::success, •with several form- er• parishioners from a distance present for 'the unveiling of 'tlm . Father 3Vlocorrnack memorial and later,. attending' the garden party and•• dance which • .followed., ' Among those .from a distance • were M. and Mrs, Jos Sullivan' of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joye of 'Detroit, 'Mr: and'Mrs.' • John P: Sullivan -of Bolton, • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinnettof Corrie,' Mrs. Jack'Kinney of Detroit, Mrs.. Kuck Perry of~' Detroit; ,Mr. 'and Mrs./' Dan Doyle of ,Detroit, Mrs. Hebert and • George. Of Detroit, Mt. -and Mrs. Arthur'` O'Connor of Pickering, Pickering, Walter .Dalton. of De - trsit;-Mrs:�rn—I�azinon=--mat-'..-__ ghters of London, Rev; M. J. Dal- ton of , Woodslee. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kraemer and family of Listowel -were Sun- day visitors with. Mr, and ;,Mrs. Gene Frayne. ' '' • MORE BLOOD DONORS ,On Friday, July 27th, another - group of donors .including George • Richards, faynard Ackert, Hath -vey-rv- Houston-_.. -and _ jack ..: Ac erts__:.. went down to London to replace blood used in the. treatment • of Paul Meikiej obn. 'three more: do- nations: will: eompletc -the. xeplaee . -- meat. The block bank. at Victoria Hospital Is a ready source of. emergency' treatment. There' . 'tlie' different types of blood are kept in storage.