HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-08-08, Page 12.50 A Year In Advance- .$j 00 Extra. To . U.S A.
Yung Kinloss Farmer F
Severe headnuries which he.
received when his tractor over+,-
turned, snuffed out the life of
Glen Stanley, Erwin, 30 -year-old;
Kinloss. , Townshik farmer, , and
leaves sadly bereaved his youth-
ful wife and three-year-old'-dau-_
•.glhter Glenda, •
The- tragedy has 'saddened the
corxnnunity •and . deepest; syin-
' • pathy is extended to the sorrow,
ing,• •
Glen's lifeless body wee. dis-
c overedabout, 6.30 4.m. :Sunday
.morning in. the .north. ditch on
.Highway 86, east . of ' Dickie's
Hill. The overturned tractor,
which all but.' id him from view,
was '. discovere •.by a party of
London motoris s enrouter -to the
lake. They notified George Ken_.
hedy, who notified Constable
Ale; Havens nd in turn he sum
Moved, P.O. Don Reeds of Kin-
. eardine. •
The car lin: Which Glen and
....two, companions dere trivelling
-became: stuck in; `the .Langside
district where a road ;ditch, was
being dug arid, Glen was driven•.
to 'his home. a •resident,'of the
vicinity in, order to obtain "his
• *tractor to pull the car out. It was
: • while returning home after this•.
was: accomplished that the .asci
dent occurred: • The tractor appear-
ed to have left •thel highway and
'turned over when Glentried to
bring it back: He : had been dead
for some azure when found:
:An . .aut y . was : performed,
and an inquest has .been 'ordered
• by, Coroner 11 M. Halliwell of
Kincardine • • , .•.
. ,Olen is the son ' of . Mr.. and
Mrs. Clarence • Irwin of , the
Second Micessic'in of • 'Kinloss;
• where hes was born •February 26,
1926. Since his marriage ' to the
former Wilda Irwin, .daughter.of
Mr,' and :Mrs. Emerson Irwin of
Welt/lour,'they. have• farmed • on,the' Second'Concession adjacent;
to Glen's' home farm.
The funeral service ' was held
at.: the M l ennan MacKenzie
• Memorial Chapel on' Wednesday..
afternoon.: conducted ; by, Rev.
Wallace`. McClean. Interment; was
in. Greenhill :Cemetery. Pall�bear•
' • Ors ; were Harold Campbell, Car-,
man IVicQuillin, Allan Maelrityre,
Harold :Maize. •
Besides his . widow, daughter
and parents, Glen is •;survived ' by'
two brothers, :Gran. t > of Cfinn
ri' :' and :Hh
arney • of Huron Towns ip.
. L •
The Playhouse• Theatre has
heft} ' closed ' and, this time it
. would appear to be for 'keeps..
The' . last showing" was at the
week -end •
As a private enterprise project
the theatre was not a paying.
propogition as more"than one op-
erator had found,out,
A : year ago . last spring ` the
Men's Assoc--
ation ' undertook • to: mensot-_._the_
-lieatre and ,underwritethe def-
-cit, which since that time had
cost' each of tome thirty-sponsor-
ingmerchants an • average 'of
about . $1.75 a inonth.
Two week , •
s ago. the committee
in charge made')).1oth.er assess-;
art levy and at
same time
. queried the' .
wishes to their
About two-thirds of the 'spon-
coring , group were willing to
carr .�.. s--they--head b�_�
y-•••on•---aeen but:
With .about ' the other third' 49P -
posed, the 'Committee felt
'hadno they
alternative but to toss in
:the • _.. _
sponge.- . r
Codunittee members
rigid the lion's_ : who car -
share' of the. work
Wile ,the `show
lives • sponsored
Professor F. Scott MacKenzie
of 'Presbyterian College, Montreal
and, a native �Ashfield visiteylastweek with his brothers,
and . Henry • •Mac Kenzie, and his
sister, 'Mrs. Dan MacLean.
'In .renewing his Sentinel 'sub-'
scription, Rev,' MacKenzie tells
us, that ,he has subscribed to the
paper continuously for forty-
seve_ n years. --since leaving here
in 1909. •
From here he Was going to
Texas to • visit at Houston with
.his daughter, 'Mrs: (Colonel) ' N.
E. Jarrard.
_ The v
- - g _of a •pla„xlu�n_
memory of Reverend Father.
Michael . McCormack, d u r:i n g
whose ministry, St. • Joseph's
Roman Catholic Church at Kings-
bridge,was built, and the crown-
ing •of "Miss •Kingsbridge of 1956"
were afternoon and -evening feat
ures; •of the .annual garden party
held last Wednesday at . Kings-
• At an impressive afternoon
service in : the.'" beautiful, big:
church, •Rt, Rev. Monsignor V. J.
Greven, chancellor' of the Lon-
don 'Diocese, unveiled, the 'mem-
orial plaque which was blessed
by, the : parish priest, Reverend
H.: Van Vynckt. b
' The cornerstone of the church,
was 1a`id•in.September 1903, and
the edifice vas dedicated in. Oct -
In , our last issue we carried a
report of the death of Dr, Henry
F Kirkby, veterinarysurgeon,
who; practiced at Bel -ave' for
some fort *five' years -and was
widely known through" Wawa-
nosh and Ashfield.
When • Charles . Stewart's • "Big
Steer". became seriously ill, "vets'
were ' called from 'various points;
ineludin'g' the ,O.A.C..:It ' was: Dr,
Kirkbywho. was,. credited with,
diagnosing '' the animal's illness
and bringing it around. •
By 7doincidence • only.e.. matter
of weeks separated the passing
of Dr. Kirby and Mr. Stewart.
Miss • Katharine MacKenzie 'of
Toronto, an d' formerly of Luck -
now, will return home from Ger-
'many this month. For the past
two "years she has been teaching
in a Canadian -established. school
• at Soest, Germanys, where`she 'has'.
been : teaching-chiildxen of Can-
adian, Army personnel stationed:
in Germany.: '
Prior to sailing'
from Li verp�ol.
on . August 23rd, Katharine and
a friend 'are • touring. the; contin-
ent, They managed . •to get into
-East Berlin, and. -she paints a
grim picture'.of ruin arid despair:
of. this .Rbussian-occupied sector
Of . the' city, in 'cotntarison with
the flourishing scenes of :progress
and prosperity ; �T•n---W-es t „ Berlin.
By • motor car they 'have been
sight-seeing .in ' France, Italy and
Switzerland' Katharine ' plans. ° to"
visit points of interest: in• . Eng
land arid .•Sootland before em-
arkingg for 'hoine.
db' 1905 F th
d Kingsbridge n 1918 after
. S DEAT` -
er, a er MoCormack SADDENS :VI L
led .at Kin sbrid e i LAGE,
a ministry of: 18 : years' in the
parish. This mmunity• was shocked
and. saddened",by the death of
Mrs. Virden•Mowbray which;India, oc- London, : but' who. had been visit-
curred . in " Winghanz 'Hospital ing in• ,arrived at Van-;
."early last.' 'Thursday morning, : a couver. ;on , July 17th, :and have
short time air. the birth' 'of a since been : visiting 'there.. with
stillborn ' herbaby daughter., , mothe
< mother; � Mrs. Moody. •
. iMowlbray ,was 'formerly, •Moody's.:death occurred' shortly
Freda May Mustard, daughter of after they • had. • embarked for
the late Mr. and. Mrs. Alexander Canada. -:
Mustard, :and was born •in Mor -.In Vancouver' Mr.
-•-•and Mrs.
xis.. Township--forty--three^ -years • MacKay met --their son IMnald
ago; . on March' 24th, 1913. wiho; is` a student at . Wes ern. Uni-•
Twenty: years 'ago she married versity and`:'is ern l'o t
,p• yed for the'
•vacation 'period' • at the 'West
Coast. •
• Father McCormack was .born in .
Ireland in 1864 and was. ordain-
ed . in 1892. The address•• at the
memorial 'service was given" by
Reverend M. J. Dalton of Woods -
lee ;in -the absence of Reverend•
John :Hogan, a native.of Ashfield
and the coldest native :'priest of
the ;.Krngsbridg,e . parish.
nom 6.00 .to 8�4(i oloek�a.
bountiful supper was served out-
ofdoors, , where : carnival games
of a Wide' choice were, set up. for ;Viiden Mowbray, now ,head. of
'the entertainment of the large the firm.of :,Anderson ,Flax 'Pro-
crowd.:Dancing, a prize, draw and ducts,' and gall: their._married life
the.'choosing of 'The Queen cli- had been spent'- , knknow.
maxed the evening Mrs, ,Mowbray was a devoted.
The. 'honor of .being the first wife and mother;'' and her family'
."Miss Kingsbridge" . went• to Miss and home Were her first inter -
Jo Van Osch,: 22 -year-old., daugh- eats., ,She was • a faithful 'member.
ter ',Of Mr.: and: Mrs; Jack Van of-Lucknow Presbyterian. church,
Osch,.' natives. of Holland, who and took an active"interest in •�
have resided for 'the past few' 'church work
years on Ahe .12th Concession of Deeply touched by the . sad be -
Ashfield. . ,: reavement, hundreds of friends'
• John Hann'a,M P.,P., crowned visited• the''MeLennari-Mae,Kenzie
Miss. ,Van Osch and Elston Card- Mernorial Chapel, to extend their
S, ,M Greer Qf tow'
has been-
-. official weathern '' a n -
- observer.in
, this community for over , two de -
e wades, and nok, until this spring
d" he ' missed' sending in -his -
s.'ronthly report " to the meteorolo
s �gical.; department.
n' ' •►Mel underwent an eye o ra
tion 'for' removal - of -a cataaract.
this spring, and for thee: first time
in twenty-three years, he' missed.
,Personally. filing the ' detailed
'monthly` report of'daily weather
conditions^, a
Thomas Ross, a retired • mem
:ber of the Toronto Police Force
and organizer of the.Police Forc
Pipe Band,, is spending the sum
mer at his . cottage in the hill
Of Kinloss: near Langside: It i
the • farm on which he was bon
95 years ago' last Christmas. Day
• On Monday;. Mr. Ross was!.a
guest at _ the. Moffat Family Re-
union,' .held' . at Langside school
ichToth,' attended as a' lad. He
first, attended the log school built
in 1865. This was replaced by. a
frame school in 1°874,. and 'which' PROTEST RAIL.
present brick school' was built SERVICE CURB
in 1900.. •
..At Monday's gathering ''•Mr.. A 'proposed curtailment of ser-
Ross thrilled the'crowd with a 'vice on the Canadian National
tune an the '.pipes, and'to him ' Railways branch lines, in this � dis_
aIao .on
the honor of Askin trier, is, arousing a • wave of pro,
glace 'before Lunch . was:'< served g tests and , an , organized effort
' Mr. Ross " left Kinloss .sixty- such
appears, in' the offing to forestall
ch •�aetion.
three years ago to: join the police' A 'similar proposal. ••
force; . ' m. . was�°advanc-
Another, veteran' ed by railway officials some six
r v of; the' -Sari -_
g year • ,...;ago, .: buil=-;�-•inuspal=hies:.:_
concerned' banded together to op-
pose the curtailment and substl
tution of mail . service by truck,
and nothing: more. was,: heard `of
the ,matter until'its'recent re-
The . Palmerston Kincardine;
`Palmerston - Southampton, and
Stratford Goderich lines are,
among those listed for a 'curtail-
ment of service,, with, the pro-
posed plan slated to'' g�e into of
fect on Septemtber 30th. •
• J. Fred'Edwards, M P:P, of.
Palmerston is spearheading a
'protest ' move: Be• says:: "Every ''
possible' means should be: used;
to <forestall . this action, asit
would ` be a decided backward'
step for this whole: area.. It 'seems
most 'unreasonable that a. :tut .
should `,be-. decided `upon` in the
Stratford Division' of the' Can-`
adian National Railways, -by the
Montreal officials, when, particu
,larly during. this year .a greater
flow of 'traffic has been 'enjoyed"
than .for many, years.,
"The railway• mail clerks Nand -
carriers, have ; received notifica-
tion of the termination of their
jobs on September •3Oth. It 'is g pre-
sumed that a trucking service ` is
to• be' instituted. ' This should be
immediately protested as the
present service.4s�sat service -is -satisfactory -and
with the express. traffic offered°
should merit.' the continuance of
the service now given en , the
branch• lines out of Stratford. and
Palmerston, Consider
*der .also the- .. . ,.
possibilities of deliveries: .during
the winter to all'.'points. now er- •
viced bymails
train service: Some ;
Points. now receiving ,tw.o. mail
deliveries will'receive'' only one
a day".
was built at a cost of $560. The
side : comnitinity art -'Monday's
gathering was Foster G. Meffat,
who ' will be 65: year of age . on
Sunday, August. 12th ` '
It <; • expected• that Rev: 'Angus
MacKay, who is •returnin g from
serviee--on 'the -•m ssron held —in
India, will arrive here at,:the end
of the : . Week: Huron -Maitland'
Presbytery is planning an ordin-
ation service for•- Angus, 'as .he.
is familiarly known tomany in,
this community, •
Ile is a son of , the "late Mr.
;and, Mrs; Hector ' MacKay of
Whitechurch ^ and; a brother . of
Mrs. "Sandy" Pardon town.
sister, • ,
and Mrs.. ;MacKay, their
ell', Mary Ellen and: his
Miss Bertha MacKay . of
iff, M.P., placed the green and sympathy to the sorrowing fain -
gold sash, and also presented her ily, . and as 'a trtute to one who
with many• lovely gifts that were had set an exemplary standard
in recognition df her - achieve- in her home and community+and
meat, was highly esteemed: by all,;
,Consola:ti6n gifts were also"pre- At the head. of. iaer
sented ' • the other 'contestants, .which ;was banked with Powers,
Frances Dalton, Mary •-"Doherty was the little white casket of her
and Patricia Ann Martin', infant • child.'
Prize 'draw winners ` were as A •private funeral service was
follows: floor lamp,. Donald Wen- held on Saturday afternoon, con-
zel, Detroi.t� spotlight, ,1VIrs: , Jas: ducted by Rev. Wallace MMloClean
0',Nei11; sailor lamp, Wm. Meyer; of Lucknow Presbyterian
$10'00, ChasMcCarthy,.McC D tror , Interment was in Greenhill Cern-
nylon blanket, R,WGod- etery. The
,pallbearers were four
erich, silver cake, plate, Mrs: Jen- brothers -in -lacy,: Ken Mowbray,
ry Dalton;• ham, Catherine. John - Dr, John Mowbray, Mervin . Mac:,
Ston, Goderich;, case of••. oil, Miss Intyre, Cameron Walsh and Nor-
ryCarrie"-O'1lTerlr,..`+Goclei ieh T T -all ---Taylor r d -..Roy"B-lack.
stool, John Van Roy, R. 1, Dun= •Mrs: Mowbray: is survived , by
gannoni. thermos' fug, Mrs. Walt- her husband,. three sons; John,
er :Clare, R. 7; Lucknow';- $5,00. Gerald and Allan,aridone dau-
niierchandise, Mary`Lou`Drenian, `'ghter, the youngest-rnemiber' of.
R. 7, • •Luoknow; 'basket •'of fruit, thje family, 7 -year-old . Sheryl).'
Patricia ,Drennan, R. 7, Lucknow; Survng are two sisters and a•
basket of groceries, Ernest Ack- 'brother, '• Mrs. Cameron; Walsh,
by the Business Men ert B'ol: cod; cologne, John L, (Isabel) of Belgrave ' ani ;Lena
• were Lloyd, ,_ Yr
Ashton ,and' Bolt MacKenzie, Sullivan,'' R.:3,. -Goderich, :. Mustard and Stan of Lucknow.
Mrs. George ';Markle. of 'Van-
couver, another` sister, will ac-
company: Angus and. Bertha on
their tri
East. a t. Mrs. MacKayis
remaining in Vancouver ' for . the
time being.
C.onvictran And Dismissa�`As
PLogBy4a':Tete:fl •Court
In' police • court in : Walkertori -
on Thursday/ morning, 'July 26th,
Magistrate 0. McClevis register-
ed a ;conviction and a dismissal
in two charges laid by Constable
Alexia_vens,-under-may law No.
10 of the • Village of Lucknow,
being •a Eby -law to prohibit dogs:
running at large in the Village.
Emerson ;,irwin,• a resident 'of
Kinloss ; Township,, was assessed
$1.00 and Costs for a total of $9,20
and the . charge against ' Harvey.
Webster, ,Sr.;' was dismissed.
1VIr. Campbell. Grant, who
draugrted the by-law, represent-
ed.. the municipality, and ques-
tioned Constable Havens _ to
establish that -the Irwin dog'' was
lying in front •ef the John W.;
Henderson. Mill, and `was,not in
the company of . anyone or Morn
Mr Irwin said' that the dog
'was Within six feet oib,the' plan-
ing Mill, and was bothering ne.
one and under control in 'his
opinion. Mr. Irwin 'is employed
in• the mill, .but this fact was
Ibrou ht out.' not
Asked if he tied up or confin
ed his dog . at home, Mr. Irwin
(who lives in ,Kinloss where there
-is--no-suily13y4avv sai • 1 was
not necessary at the dog never
:left ,the 'premises unless to ac-
com'pany' :him, to the mill •some,-� '
times., 1
• In irnposin fine'Ma ��gis trate
McClevis s id he anted to make•
the people .°realize his. by-law is
to be enforced•
When Mr. Webster was ,called
• he • informed the Magistrate he
couldn't ,,hear„ anything, and of
ter so'nle..futile : 'efforts ,ta get_the
charge and . a plea.over to the
aged gentleman,.: he ordered him:
to sit down, and said he would
diszriiss the charge_ .and: - added
:`that takes the cake".:
Mr. Webster's • collie . dog had
been discovered' at large on Main
St Constable . Havens said he.
had never 'noticed' either dog at
large before.•
9 V ,