HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-07-25, Page 1tr
$2:50 A Year Tn Advance -=-$1.00 Extra. To USA
ass !4rderDireeting Shippers
�e D��ivery Grey -Bruce Hogs
The board of the- Ontario ling
Producers •Co-operative .market -
log' agency has -passed an order,
which instructs., all shippers .of
hogs .produ,ced.iii Grey and Bruce
counties that they:. must .deliver
these. •hogs ' only to ole i.Of the.
followingyards The. Ontario,
Stock Yards,. Toronto;. 'the . • qnt-
ario,Hag .Producers Po -operative
assembly yards in' Kitchener; and
the. Ontario Hog Prodi icers Co,-
operative assembly :yards in Bar-
rie. The order took. effect Mon-
day, July 23rd: ' •
The order -tfrom the Ontario
Bog Producers Co oPerative.
-grew out of a request received
from a < itiass • Meeting last .week
in ,Chesley Of representatives ,of
Grey and Bruce 'hog producers.
. At the 'meeting a. resolution :Was
passed stating: "The Hog Pro-
ducers of Grey and Bruce 'Conn-
/.ties ask the Ontario ,Hag Pro
ducers' Co-operative : Marketing
..:agency .to direct, all hogs pro
duced in_ they two ; Counties to
the open2Market". ` •
Backing up the hog -directional
program . in the two counties will
be highly •organized program' by
.the 'hog: producers, of Grey and
Bruce to see that their, respective.
shippers take• hogs to : the ' .auth-
orized points of delivery. as set:
.out by .the,'Ontario Hog Produc-
ers' Co. ' operative marketing
ency. •
A number:of Lucknowites were
in .London last Thursday as blood
ds nors, .'to . replace blood 'given
to .a, .formerL• ucknovri sident,,
Mrs. Harvey Treleav nc� ,prior to
major'surgery 'which she under-
went a few 'weeks'. ago, ,in - St.
-Joseph's Hospital.. ,
The donors were Mrs. • Jack
Caesar, Mrs.' Bill Hunter, Harvey,:
Webster, : Grant Gollan, Russell
Whitby, Bill Johnston.: and Ern-
est Button.
• We understand that another
group of blood donors plan to,
go to London this week.
Mrs.' •Treleaven' ,Condition has
At the mass meeting held in:
Chesley, a 'request was .made to
the Ontario ..Hog Producers Co-
operative marketing agency to
take immediate legal. action
against shippers' of : hogs who do
,not comply with, the Board's
order,, and.;,.agafust. all ,shippers
761 Grey and duce hogs who . do.
not have shipping licenses from
the Ontario Hog' Producers Mar
keturg' aBoard:..411: hog producers
'in 'Grey • and . Bruce Counties are
to be , :immediately informed of
the names of :t'hose'shippers' who
' have complied with the Board's
order and who ' have secured
their licenses, and -producers' will
Abe directed • •.:to . patronize . only:
these shippers.
The directional program of
'Grey and Bruce hogs is design-
ede'to immediately increase the.
number of ,. hogs from- these • two
. counties going onto the .open
market, ."Through the Vocal'
• ROM. assembly points .inrthe. two
counties ' vie are *now . getting
about 50percent of the hogs on-
,to the.:open market", Jake Koh-
ler., general ;manager of the On-
tario Hog.Producers. Co --operative
marketing agency stated.' "Ho'W-
ever as a 'vault of this direction-
al progrant this figure will. be
increased to 100. ; percent. Our
supplies. of hogs -on the, open
market are . still far from ade-
quate to restore open competi--
been improving' since the initial
operation on June 22nd, and zqn
Friday •of last week she • under-
went further. surgery'‘'
. Ways and means. 'assisting
Bruce County farmers whose
barns.. were flattened and other
buildings .'damaged by cyclonic
gales early i:n : July, were :dis-
cussed at . a 'recent, .meeting at
Glamis, in the heart, of the storm
The `tornado -� swept . from the
tip of,. Kinloss: • 'north easterly to
the Paisley' district and ' left a
trail of damage estimated. to • ex-•
ce'ed $200,0Q0, not ;including, hail
Efforts are being made to re
ceive aid from the :government's'
nationaldisaster fund: Municipal
ial aid .:is also bein
and � rovinc
It is'a'foregone conclusion that
municipal aid'wi11 be forthcorn-:
ing. . One-, . suggestion has been
that it ;should' be' on a County,
basis, . so that all in 'Bruce will
share . M assisting to rehabilitate
these.,eeson of Gode
' .Kinloss T.o'wnship Council . is
following the pattern, adopted by
Other-rnunicipalities and will deal
with the matter of • aid for this
fund. • ata the August meeting, at
which time it is . expected it will
be known what. governments act-
ion is,•to be taken. :
.storm victims
John McQuillin, veteran
member. cif the Andrew -Lane
clan, disclosed an interesting
• fact .at the clan reunion on'''
Saturday; that '11 •be a mark .
to, shoot at,
Mr, McQuillin claims, r:93
first : cousins, His mother
'was Elizabeth Andrew, vie
of a family of 'ten Children,
and his father, ;Edward. Mc-
Q:uillin,, was one of : a family
of six, -'he, percentage of
"cqusin's„ on' •each 'side of • the
family was proportionate to* ,.
the 10-6 ratio.
It will be holiday •week 'at
The Sentinel next week and
'there will be no paper,'•,pub;-
lished on August 1st.'
• There,will. ,be ,just one
issue dropped, Whereas' last
year we suspended Publica-
tion for two ' 'eeks. • "
•± The decision to, drop next
week's issue was .made u.nex-
pectedly, so that it•. 'was. not
passible to give : more. ad•
vane- notice of ;the' holiday:.
The:. next,issue will be
Wednesday, August 8th, and
as 'that• is the' week of Civic
holiday • we request all copy.,
as early as ..;possible for that'
issue, ,
Mrs. Margaret Dudley of town
underwent a.facial operation in.
Toronto General. Hospital, •and
was hospitalized•• far five .weeks..
Mrs.; Dudley has been convalsec-
dng at 'the Thome: of her: brother,
Art .Haldenby; 9but returned•hot rie
this week ..
,Mrs. Dudley says • the 'operation
was a result• of. the faii. she suf-
fered, last .winter. `
Unveil Memorial TQ Builder •
St. `Church, Kingsbridge,
An 'impressive memorial cer
vice . will.Jbe held at St,. Joseph's
'Church, Kingsbridge; on Wed-
nesday • afternoon, August :•1st,,
preceding. • the annual •' garden,
party; held in the `parish. McCormack memorial,.,. there :will
•'`The ceremony, will be 'held' 'at ;be a procession to the c'hureh
delivered by Reverend. John
Hogan, • a native' of ,Ashfield Nand
.the'.'oldest. native priest of the
Kingsbridge .parish. . •
For the unveiling +
g of the Father
4.00 'o'clock and 'will be .in mem-..
ory pf a • beloved parish priest,:
during •'whose'•'aninistry the' "prey
,ent church`. was erected: .•
The memorial plaque ..bears'
the • following inscription:.
"In grateful memory of Bever
BIBLE ' SCHOOL: TO OPEN 'end • 1V1ichael•McCormack, born in
Ireland 1864, ordained • . priest
• Under 'the • direction of Mr. 1692. Pastor of Kingsbridge' :1900-
John- M. Martin ; of. Hawkesville 1918, died at Kingsbridge, .'Oct -
and Mr, Jahn. D. Aitken, .a
daily .'ober 3rd, .1918,. Builder, of this
vocational Bible school will .corn-,;'churc'h whose Cornerstone was
mence next Monday, and : run laid iSeptemiber. 13, 1903, dedicat-
Monday through Friday until ed' October 1,. 1905. Erected by
August- 106. • ,.,the_parishioners of 1956 • as a
• to Grey 'and iBruce producers: will
bestamped in bold print • to in=
dicate whether or ' not each lot
of hogs, went onto the open anar
ket .:From this every hog pro-
ducer' in Grey and Bruce will
know immediately whether his.
shipper is complying with 'our
At the meeting in' Chesley, at-
tended by. 175 hog producers, de
spite',.the 'haying ' season;.- it w -as
• at 'the • aching! houses
and 'some drovers are ,doing t eir
utmost to upset.: the marketing
Aiken said the .packers
Eldred t , .
Once charged $1.39. to $1.40 for
transporting hogs:' to market aid
hand ing•`thern, but •riew they are
ettin drovers • and truckers to
only50c and sometimes
charge ,
less. The farmer knows that the
trucker can't take hogs to Tor -3
to for 50c: d "There must • be
on ,� : he
un der�the-�table- • ,payments ;- ;
said. '
Charles McInnis• said the ,hog
roducers of Bruce and' Grey
could dominate the mark
together,.. as they
they worked•. lbs. of pork,
produce 36 million l
or about one-eihth of Ontario's
total productic
tion",. .. .•
"hi the past . month", Mr. Rohl
ler stated, "the. hogs'comin+g onto
the , open market through the
Grey Bruce F:0 B. assembly
points- have made it! -possible, .for•
Us to get better prices for •hogs
all'-acra-ss' the province. Hatt we`-
had 'Mere of these hog onto the
open market our •ba ain,ig; pori
si er
woo d
ubeen ld. have n
ably better". • • '
"The F,O:B assembly ppints",
Mr Kohler coantiiued, "have'
inacI it'possible for us to now
launch an all-ont directional -
Program' iri , Grey and Bruce.
Local hogs will: be 'assembled at
these paints and then 'directed to•
One • . •, ed
_.�-af.__.__ihe-._three.__ t oriz�.y_
-points of shipment".
"Starting.August 1st" Mr: Koh-
• ler'-said "our office will., be issu-
ng regular Weekly bulletins .giv-
in t y
g he number of hogs from
GTey and Bruce which have been
sold 9., the open market from
these • two, etiu nties.` Furthermore;
all .settlement forms going back
This year the session's: will be tribute to the centennial of the_
5 Diocese of. London":
The dedication; 5errnon will be
held ,in. the afternoon from 1..1
to 4:00'`p.m. .The " school is for
children' five years an Fu
of the arty
• . A feature .gardenP
at St. Joseph's, Church, "Kings, -
bridge, on Wedneaday, August
1st, will be• the crowning of Miss
Kingsbridge of A956,
Four. candidates willvie for the.
honor. They ; include' Misses • Jo
Van Osch, Patricia, ;Martin, 'Frain_
ces Dalton, Mary Doherty.
There Will be numerous•: gifts
for the Queen, among them being'
a= necklace; set, the traditional
bouquet by •the Goderich Flower
_ . ;d---err-usted dresser„
set bythe C.,W.L.,. a portrait by
MVlcLaren''s studio. *There .will .be:
other prizes for the runners-up:
�f. Parliament will be
p` resent to crown the. queen• and
place the green ' and. gold : sash
emblematic of the First Miss
Kingsbridge, as well as , to pre-.
sent the other gifts.
It. • is anticipated . •dist this
\Beauty Queen contest, will be=
ome an annual event; . associated
with . their mid -Sunni"" gardeI7
party. • •
.But that isn't all. Besides a'
bountiful supper, :there will ••be
games of ail finds, dancing to°
Carruthers' orehestra and a prize
draw for fifteen valuable crier-
chandise ' prizes.
- -
commencing at 4.00 o'clock. The
ddress .Will .be given, and the.
unveiling : of the memorial -per - '
farmed . by Monsignor Grespan,,
the 'Chancellor of the Diocese,
who will represent the •Bishop.
Reverend Jr Van Vynckt . will
bless the mnemorial, followed by
the .sermon . by Father 'Hogan::
The solemn ,benediction—Cele-
brant, Rev.' J. P: Gleeson of God
erich; Deacon, Revs. IVL J. Dalton
of Woodslee; Sub -deacon, Bever-
end Father ;O'Keefe, S.J:, Toren •
A. free tune` will follow for ;
friends and visitors to meet prior'
to the serving of a cafeteria -style'
supper from six to eight o'clock.
Lucknow's 'controversial by=
law, '.prohibiting dogs running at
lar e, is to be testedthis week.
charges have ,,been laid, we
n ' erstand, and 'summonses .is=.
sued..• . •
Cadet Lt.. Arnold' Hartford of
Lucl low - District High School' is
one of • 107 • Canadian Army
Cadets who left Catnip Ipperwash
byrail . for Banff, ,Alberta§ on •. th
. __ Miss- I.oYs 'fi�e�bster delivered e
Thursday;July, 12t iI ; to atnd sermonon. Rev. Watt's three -
the =National (:octet Camp. This in , m -She-Loeeupied---thc
The 'Interest • that Rev. .George. .
Watt of. Dungannon has taken' in .'
young people's activities• • in that
community; is frequently • evident
by the . participation Of `Many: of
these young . people in various.
It is ,not. infrequent. to have
them' appearing before the public •
in • important. roles, and one of
these specially' noteworthy in-
stances occurred on Sunday when
trip is:a '•reward for being judged pulpit at 'Dungannon, Nile and.
Ontario's : outstanding cadets over • Port Albert and delivered very
acceptable sermons, ,, •
the previous' .years •training: Ta
they for;this.trip • th y m
have attained the standard of
"Cadet First; Class" ' or Master
Cadet; must be 10. years of age.
Wand must have their parents ap-'
proval-. , In addition their char-
acter and academic standing is
taken .into account. They must he
recoininended, by their school
rin}ci;pai, the -chief 'instructor . bf
their -corps and the 'Area Cadet
Officer. '
For' the' Previous - two weeks
these Cadets hadundergone re-
fresher training and were Out-
fitted with tropical worsted, Duni-.
forms 'for the trip,
• At the Dungannon service 4..ois• •
as assi
w' ' ;
' sted' by' 1Vlurray Wilson - : -` ''•
and Jimmy Blake: The organist •
was Howard •Squires is sub-
stituting for Mrs. :St gel who
suffered a fractured anlea. few
weeks 'ago:.
Miss Webster is not only active
church-_ work,.. _ zit AS On ..4.,• - -
thusiastic 4-H Club member and
in. September will return to Tea-
chers' College . at • Stratford to
complete her second. year•.'term. ' ry-
During • the summer she atta as
an -instructor at the Huron Pres.
bytery girls camps: