HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-07-04, Page 1h $2.50 A Year In Advance—$1.00. Extra To U,S,A. recognize 26, Years UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 4th, 1956 "Teachin9!• Service: N I:P SUNDAY FIRE ,.�p▪ p�; •41.1.1 FROM:LIGHTNING A trait of co ativ P yel. minor damage was exroei enced in this district in the wake', of ,$unday afternoon's violent wind, ram and electrical storm. • A• 'barn owned by Ray.:Dalton on what is known as the Howler faxen ; ,was struck by. lightning. The bolt rip1ed through the barn-;, splintering' -timbers_, .. and; as . -it grounded, started• a fire; at the ground•level:A. nearby creek and . the -prompt action of "neigh= bors. had the outbreak extinguish- ed before the ' owner arrived at 44e 'scene, andbefore the arrival of 'the Lucknow Fire' ICornpany,.. which resiibnded. Az electric stove " was 'burned• out at the' Sinnett faun. across the road. Frank Austin : didn't "discover until the; next day that the gable end of -his barn had been hit. A`coup were le of boards splint- ered and ; there wasevidence of fire, which it is believed was k . v extinguished . by the :torrential staff rnet at the Blue1C t Be o ' 11 e ,Photo: HONOUR TEACHER' ery is ' now . operating. EIGHT PAGES W. W. HILL WILL BE 'EIGI TY.FRIDAY W. W. Hill, still hale, hearty and smart of step that belies' his, age, will observe his 80thbirth- day on Friday,, July .6th. e was born at. Curtis, ' hear O iawa. He was in, -the .grocery .business in . Mitchell '' prior to coming ...to Lucknow in July of 1904, to follow, his :trade.. Mr•. Hill continued in-; the ' •grocery ' busi- ness here ' until. September 1949, when 'he' °soldout to: '• Archie Smith. Mr. Hill had entered his 46th year in business in Lucknow at that time. Mrs. Hill had pass- • fedaway in August' of that year. • • Until 1925 Mr. Hill operated. "The. Hub Grocery", where Joe MacMillan's butcher "shop is sit- uated,, and then, moved to the building where the. I.G.A. groc- Long=Time Mason UPON R E7` I R I N G In • October of last year Mr. Hill was presented. with his 60- On: Thursday, evening; ` June year jewel .by. 'the ° Royal Arch Masons.,•in which: Society he still serves as treasurer,an nffire,_he. has 'held ,for 44 years. The year previous he received his .fifty-year jewel -from the `,Blue' Lodge" :and for 36 years was treasurer of:.that branch of • 28th, the Lucknow Public School. At an hOnour n3 t HQ ens on Friday,. Miss Beatrice. Mc is Mrs. Alex Robertson Jean' • Barn doors suffered and• hydro Havens,• who is: retiringfrom. � service d' l iia lie rain; „that --followed, ,, g`t presentation: On the • address, was ' isrupted. The. St. .teaching.: QVirs: Havens. was com= s, s right tage,; Point Clark, to, honour M'rs. Qu_ihin was presented with, a .Forster) who read • th wrist :watch and ' um o Helens district • was :'without . letel taken'! '. sur ower u P ,Y by prise, . • r e ad s: f money and who was a student at St .. upon- retiring after' ; .of. Helens School when Miss Mc= p ntilthe next day, as • Followin -a most delicious' i chicken - dinner'.ser ' . the lodge ved by rlVirs. .before relinquishing • . Mactiarn id and Mrs: Blue, Mrs: the post. 1• years -as teacher at..St. Helens Quillin started teaching: • School. Karen , Gaunt, .a: member of her last class, is pictured mak- Sentinel . Photo. JIM' REED ATTENDED UN SEMINAR :LAST WEEK Jun Reed iepresein e uc now District high ;.School at the : Un- ited . Nations .Seminar for senior ,• students of Ontario, . which was held last' week at : Western `Llai- versity. Th 'e seminar-- is s onsored by the United Nations. Association of Canada, London Branch,, in, . co operation with Western Univer- sity. It lasted from Tuesday;'to Friday,; with several outstanding speakers addressing the group of students, who were. amazed to learn of the magnitude and aim= iportance of the work.' (being car-. ried on' by • the' ••United Nations Organization; FIRE THREATENED BUTTON HOME '4. LESSONS -10) SD result of a tree snapping the power' line at Jinx C'urran's: • Church Folk Startled 'The . memorial . day .service at Dungannon: Cemetery' was held in Dungannon United : Church +because of the weather, and dur.- llie service ;the:: congregation was ' ' st tled --When lightning r�A Havens wase. presented with a, Spode/bowl cforflower arrange=• ments: Mr, S. E. Coollyer 'made the presentation and in a : few' •well-chosen words expressed. the regret of•s'botlal and parents Swimming , instruction o r that Mrs: Havens' had decided struck` a tree nearby:and 'sheared retire.. children of LAucknow � and .District ' will 'eminence '• off `a limb which :hurtled , down • . Miss Webb read•a clever litt at the Teeswater `onto the :church . ' shed .roof, a•: - 'poem which. she` had compose Lions Fool: on Thursday' of this. v4eek, .Iuly 5th - __ _ • Since retiring : from the . groc- ery business, : • Mr. Hill has be- come an ardent horticulturist' and 'gardner: to ON • MARITIMES : TOUR,. WILL TEACH IN .YUKON. le • d iVlisss 1Vlargaret Salkeld, who has, - been, .teaching in !Montreal. dui- ' Mrs., Havens has :been an .out he, in _the as 'visited --- g . , . past t term, visited with; :. ' Instruction is available'_to all GRADUATED IN ]MEDICINE, standing_ .-primary teacher.. ,S children of 8 _ ears: of. INTERNING' IN TORONTO s, her parents, Mr. and Mrs T J y age and Was hard-working, conscientiou _�. patient and kind and.will b over. Swimming 'lessons will be• • greatly missed at the given twice' weekly on Monday Dr. Douglas' J. Alton, son of Pubii and 'Thursday,•Mr° •.and Mrs. "Bill Alton Tor- School by both pupils; and tea .'throughout • the chers. • e Salkeld,' ;prior to joining' a party . c who will tour The Maritimes on, ' a good -will tour sponsored by .the Ontario Soil and Crop Improve- yranent Association:. • d Miss. Salkeld'will .visit here. on'. • her return, before proceeding to:' • ,• the West Coast, . where she.form.- - erly taught at' Duncan, B.C. This fall Margaret will 'teach in.the. . . Yukon in a . one -room School some summer. onto, has - been holidaying ' with Trans ortation is Mr: 'and. Mrs. Sam Alton and Mr. Those present'at `'this (tier P provided. and pleasant affair • were Mr.. an paid • for ;by the Lucknow. and. and Mrs. Jack Alton: Douglas re- ceived his degree in 'Toronto a. Mrs.; R: Havens, . Mr.. and'Mrs. District Branch .of the' Canadian g' t S. E. Collyer, . Mr, and Mrs: 1 Red Cross. Children taking:the the 'Un'iver'sity of Toronto on, instruction must • be at the; Re-' June' 15th: At present ' he is ain- :Carruthers, ' Mrs , 'N: ;J. MaoKen creational. Centre,terning in the Western General. zie, Miss Ruby Webb -and Miss Lucknow, atHelen- . Thom son. 8.30 in ,the morning... Hospital,":Toronto." P - r• To Mrs. Havens,• from th •'. While transportation is free . Luckily* 1e stPt4n School aff. ' FOUR LOCAL BOYS LEFT. FOR SCOUT 'CAMP ;SATURDAY e forty miles from Whitehorse. thereisa 10 . . c : pooli tl fee for each Seven years ' 'ago ° Sepptember child each ' they • , time . use the Our mestd iffmbereceiver.. d a brand new Astron west wind which blew • ? rvisircirr'wv rl b iprov,�ded g � She wore a diamond flashing gay the flames, away ' from :the main portion of the house, . was what saved the; likely' destruction of by the .Luck'now Recreation Com- mittee but they. -.assume no re- • sponsibility -for, exarnination ' of the farm home of 1Vlr. and 1VIrs. the children's health as to' their Win: Button - fitness to :'take the- instruction. just west- ,of town. Fire ; broke out about '$,00 P.m This; is the responsibility of, par- last' Wednesday !'lightin a build-,. ents: • Ingg that is used as a garage, and. 'Sucpervision;.will be directed by for storage. The. shed is adjacent ' Ruth , .Treleaven a .n d • Roddy to the kitchen of the home at• •Wraith who were engaged last. the east side and they were con Week •k bby,'the Recreation .Cammit netted by a door..Firr. of uncle- tee .to have charge of a program ten:lined origin: apparently orig- ,.of •' supervised Recreation for, inated at the southeast, corner 'of Lucknow and district, children the shed and before. being dis-12 years. froirn 0 to .� . covered had gained ' considerable .headway,', burning'•' into ,the roof. REVISE PRIZE LIST Mrs. Button, daughter' Marion AT TIfURSSDAY MRETING ild balby ` Murray. were in the !barn' when Mrs. Button happened A meeting was held on Thurs- to. -not! .... • ... .. ,.... ... notice . the . flames licking at day, evening by, the'Luck'now,.;Ag- the roof. Young ' Bobby Button riculture Society, , to finalize was!_ the house watching `tele plans for the : re'vision of ' the Visib}] completely . unaware _ of prize list, which 'will b'e ' of ex- • lwhat was taking' place.:: tensive proportions this, year. , After ,turning in the alarm' The . r w1rs• Sutton phoned Mrs. Ernie g Sutton, who in turn 'notified Bill. v!ho, was cutting hay 'behind Ernie's house Firemen using their recently purchased pt.unp, obtained water f r� a spring -fed :reservoir .to' the south of the house, and after tamping i'tdrA rr-iov'ed to -=:another` reservoir at . the • north • of the Ouse 'dncl.berm • ‘The- fire was _ubrotight _.under. _"ritrroT:.:before any actual fire damage had' affected the rest 'of the house. The: •shed was tom- . phetely, gutted, and. two oil drums that had !been • inside .were hooked out several inches on. the ends tram' the intense4'heat, .a.w....�.t.++.i.--.-:r..:..�.. , Pour mem'bers',of the Lucknow Hoy 'Scout troop accompanied:�by Scoutmaster ' Stuart Collyer, are spending ten days at Camp Mar- ty/1 at -. Inverhuron. The party checked in : at camp on Saturday: The local ,boys include Arthur Short,; Thom . Collyer, Gary Rit- chie and Kenneth: Jones. CLOSE 'DUNCAN RESTAURANT And we 'wondered how''' long she '• would stay. Altho' she'soon became .a wife She continued in. ,+profes'sional life, Keeping • her home both clean . and neat, While as a `teacher can't be beat. How she can 'do two things so well 1 'think is' very hard to tell. She. has 'a husband, patient, kind, Newer' complaining if• he'd 'find' Warmed `up left -overs `on his . plate, With . the close.of business' on 1 When 'Isobel at school4,' worked' .Saturday night, Mr.' and . Jima' late. Duncan officially turned-th key But off, her cooking can be said. in their restaurant and pool room:. Her' husband' looks to ',be well ; business: They have•been.consid- fed, ering° a 'plan to have the pool The mothers hate to,. see her • go, room open .certain nights each They do appreciate her so, wee • u•BUf to: her home she has de is•was in • e ani e ,a time of writing. tided • Mr. and Nil's; Duncan are re- To give attention undivided. fl!' of j greatest change, will' be. in g`" Iier�t`imdin 'rfulIest' classes of particular interest to N district ' t Atwood:. measure, the ladies, and' details of these y bought. h q We old maids envy her• this revisions may now be .obtained r y pleasure. I. by�proslpective exhibitors from P Presentation By Pupils • Mrs.. Oliver .McCharles. Mrs. Havens had previously There is a, Complete revision of been presented with. a. lovely the 'following, classes: flowers, u g, P mirror' by her students: This fine arts; ' the ladies department presentation •was' made at, a' cop - of dpresented-:by =the- -children- Alex. hildren- = rugs cushions and miscellaneous t t th bumper f friends of Mrs: Havens' and Mrs:: Car-. items, dairy and table supplies,. p ruthers'• rooms, at which the f' h d for the informal .an lUl Ing children's mothers were guests, M Ilei brought along his violin On behalf of the children • the h b presentation was 'made. by Mrs, de- leted p aged tb h Alex • Andrew, Mrs, Robert Mac-. t of ' Kenzie, Mrs. M. H. Corin and • • and eliminating g some er• to Jim and an electric frying Mrs George J:oynt, e' which drew, the same pan to "Mrs, b.. was made *accompanied by an expressive s Th gi>pt • wa ' ',turning to their ' farm.. Newry is ric near woo . The the restaurant and pool ooin business from ,Harvey Treleaven,- and obtained ossess-' ion. on December lit; 1952. Gifts. Presented - ' On Sat rdav night a surprise presentation was held for 'Mr. whleh—me udes eltithing,-- l:ts�_an_d._Mrs.Juncan at Cows f&Res-. cushions auran �'wi a • o • ri • ��s • and •bUsines's associates ..resent anda_ne action added o an � V i , and Lorne Reid . hadhis mando- lin to addmusic the merri- nient. The presentation o •a smok- %crafts:' for women .65 or over. Some sections' have. .een andPrize money increased,�, with a view to encouraging coni - petition, : a !mina in sections, entries year after year. . Harvey Webster,' IELD BOARD NAM' ES TEACHERS. Ashfield Township School Area,e , P• Board, has appointed the slate of teachers' for - the. 1956-57 :tern, ,The list. covers ';twelve schools,: but ' does not , include Zion, as tenders. are currently being; call- ed for the' transportation ' of the pupils from this Section' to' Luck= now, in accordance 'with the wishes of a majority vote. In sections which have peti-' tuned. to ° -Withdraw ' from the Area, a new trustee board can+ not legally °become operative un-' til the year's end. Thus the_Area. -Board makes appointment for the' ensuing term and any. section trustee board which may be established' would be'required to o honor the teacher's' contract .0 ti] ,the en. o "t a terra.' - :. 11 , '1 e• • Teacher appointaients are as S.S. Delmar Maize,. Dun. Pentland, -Port Albert; S.S. 6— Mrs. Robt. Irvin, Durigannon;•SS. 7—Mrs. LloYd Cline, R. 31' Luck - now; U.S,S. ii ---senior room, Mrs.' Gordon' Anderson, R. 7, Luck - now; junior room; Mrs. T. • M. Dtirnin, Dungannon; SS. 9— now; S.S. 1p—Mrs, Jas. Little, R., Grant Farrish, R 3, Lucknow; ley; SS. l'6—Mrs. Frank Ritchie, Lucknow; S.S. 17 --Miss Marianne •West, Kintail; music Rodger, Auburn,