HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-06-20, Page 10444 WEDNESDAY) JUNE 20th, 1956 Be Exotically EnCharrting in a Beatric BELFAST COUPIS Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Camp, 'hell celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary at their borne on • Saturday, June 16th. While Mr, AS Mrs. Campbell were en- tertained at .their 'daughter's, Mrs. Robert, Straughan in God- erich, •plans were on. the way • for surprise. anniversary. party at the Campbell home. Mrs.' Jack Irwin served a de-• guests. Athorig :those pre rit were Mr. and Mrs. Ira CamP- Campbell, Mr. and. Mrs. Roy ,Ir-. win iand Louise, Mr. and Mrs. - Jack Irwin, 'Miss Lila IrWin and the 'Campbell familY. After .arriving home in 'a -snow- Supper wits served and the guests enjoyed. the 4111.1SiC nd comical reading, after Which. the following address was read: Dear Winnie and Glen,' • ',Tonight sour relativ,es have g'athered in your hOme to con- gratulate you On your 25th wed- -ding anniVersary and to extend our. verY.best wishes to.You,' We all w -anted to share. 'with you the happiness of this day. and have a little . get-together to -ShoW you we had. not forgotten which took place on June 16th, Time passes very quickly .and to you it may, not seem that long. We hope you will., be Spared many more years and when yoUr golden • anniversary rolli along me want to be with son Ahen. We trust you will 'enjoY many 'years • of good health and con- tinued. happY clays together. , We know the memories' of..khis evening, will yibt soon fade away. and may GOd's richest blessings 13e yours in' the years that lie And now we.ask .you to.accept these gifts .as a little 'villein.: brance. -Of your anniversary •which we have. celebrated with you tonight. ' 'Happy anniversary was sung while the gifts . were' opened.. also a full stoek of -ataitna 'in. Ladies' and Men's (worn bY Marilyn Bell imd Cliff Lumsden in Five t;tair.S PEAR SHAPE -HAM .114. aple Leaf pgEssING 16 oz, S'unny Morn- TEA BAGS Children's Wear Piece •GoOds .and Woollens APENT FOR KINCARt,INE: CLEANERS • 79c • 16 oz, . ... , 29c Five Roses Cake Mix Deals Two's 3 .(Chdcolate 'and Pound) 9c (white and' pound) .Values Effective June 2 1G 23 Lucknow FREE DELIVERY Keep. engine. Wear at a Minium bi USiog 911 Filter Replacement Cartridges 1lVe can supply you for poPular makes Of •Cirs and Tractors at Lowest Nices,' e also Sell Castrol Motor Oil and Grease,. OOdriCh Tires and 'Tube's, .HERE IS:YOUlt•CIPPQRTU. F.ROWAAL COMM -ON: MPBELL'S ports as,u1 Auto Supply Phone 65 Lucknow, Ont WM.S. • 'The June meeting • of the WM;S:S. was , held at the home of Mrs. Sandy McCharles with 26 members and eight visitors pres- ent Mrs. Herb Clayton presided. After a h and prayer the roll call •wa ,nswered. with a verse on "Nature".. The devotional .per - to • was con • ucted by Mrsr `Oliveer- McCharles.: Psalm 716. was read responsively. Miss Georgia Smith and John MVIcCharles, Jr.; sang the ` 23rd psalm accompan- ied at the piano by Mrs: John ,McCharles.' Scripture was. read by Mrs. Howard Henry.: The "Tea- chings of Jesus was • read by Mrs. • Clayton. Reading on "Friendship" Eby • Mrs., W. Deat- ter. Temperance reading, Mrs., W Blank. Mrs: Guikema led in pray- er. Guest speaker of the . evening was Mrs: Liddle . of Ripley, who chose . as her . topic "Spring". 1Vi as Mary • ' Roulston sang a e very pleasing solo, and was accompan- ied by: Mrs.• Ross :Black. A read - ng on prayer was given by Mrs, Oliver McCharles. Mrs.. Doug Henry moved . a ,vote of thanks to Mrs:. Liddle for, • her very, in - spurn .1k; t $ thee haters -and group in charge of the meeting: 1 LXTC$NOW W. ;L ' WAS HOST TO NEIGHBORINGr BRANCHES The Lucknow Branch of the Women's Institute entertainedthe St. Helen's, Whitechurch, Holy- rood and Kairshea Institutes on 'riday.' Mrs. C. Cooke Presided and the • meeting was opened • with the Ode, the Lord's prayer and .the 'Mary Stewart Collect The • roll call was answered. by "What form of politeness 'I ad- mire most in Others". • • Was guest speaker and chose for predation in ' the world today than there is : hunger ,for : bread". She gave a 'verysplendid talk and a vote of thanks 'was` extend- ed by .Mrs.: George Kennedy.. An interesting program includ- ed the following ,.numbers; solo, Mrs. Steer; ' piano instrumental,. Mrs. Taylor; duet, Mrs:. McKee and Mrs, G. Fisher; reading, Mrs. Purves; solo, 'Mrs. Gaunt; piano solo, Mrs: G. Farrier; vocal solo, ;Jackie Johnson; reading, Mr.S, J. Boyle;' piano duet,' Mrs.'' Jessie Allin and Mary; • piano • duet, oyt;e en • ame ay. • At theclose of the meeting a her topic •the theme, .."There is penny auctionCh..After • . the • . closing' hymn the, more hunger for love . and app . •as heldV .M.S. benediction was ,,repeat- W.M.S. ,repeat- Pekional Representative will be at our_store Satuurday, June 23rd, If yea have corns, gallousos, *patois, crOokit Odoeaus hot, was& .anklos, weak or Whin arches, cam, ia and leit filth; reprisontativi • the warhl's loading foat authority show you how IniMons of foot saffOran, have fenind Ho Cloarga—lia Obligation .DOPfl MISS THIS OPPOItTliNITTI , DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT -EASEL for relief of foot troubles do . to weak or fallen arches •• DUCER relieves shoe pres- sure an4 hides deformity , help straight's pooked ' _7Sattirdlayt ;Uri* ...23rd.: WOUO:Sott ryoecdeebayl arjuloricttect, _t_he • 04. STRAW HATS Pinch„ front fedora style, leather sweat! patch, sizes 63/4 to 7%, drill; tan, navy' and yel - • STRETCHY SWIM SUITS fit 4 to 8 Years, assorted col- Ldr,ge Brim Straw HarVest Hatt, .price, 400 Cool "seersucker", short sleeves, white, grey; beige, light blue, mint „ green, navy blue, dark Fancy.- frill top, shirred waist, LADIES' PLISSE GOWNS. • sizel CASUAL TEE SHIRTS' Men's, dpen coiton mesh, assort- ed colors arid .pattern8, sizes ta ao re trY tri in or ary CO Soh eon last and oceE atidi Res 1111111 •