HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-06-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR. C1 NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, by tCOMING . EVENTS BAND CONCERT Lucknow' District, High School Band will ,present a band concert on Friday, June 22nd at: 8.30 at the School Grounds. Silver col, lection. • • CHURCH EICNIC The annual . congregational and Sunday •�S..chool {picnic . of ' the Lucknow Presbyterian Church Will be .held at: Kintail Cam. on Thursday, .June 21st, Those wish- ing transportation and •those, who 'May have extra, room in their car, are ., asked: to • notify V. A. 1VIowvbray, :convener: of transpor ta'tion. • • • 4 HARD TIME DANCE: • A hard time dance will be held. M the St. Helens Hall on Friday, • June: 22nd,. sponsored by •the '.St, Helens {ball club. Lunch counter and music by Tif fin's orchestra. GARDEN PARTY Garden , party . at Pine . River United Church,, Thursday, July 5th. :Supper served • 6 to 8 •p.rn,,. good . Variety' program and ball game Admission; . adults • $1.00, Children . 50c. AUCTION SAL Auction sale of . Grand �ouseholsl,e�fec of Eva Greer at nee, I..ucknow, Saturday: rd' at 2:OO,�p.m.. Astral or; Coleman space urnn�g. range, 200 gal room Suite, -studio Broom suites, sewing any' other articles: � House will �be offered subject re- serve bid. r We11. • Henderson, arence ;Greer, THE LUC ►-; • •• ti ti¢ L•; fr Rq' • .•�'Si Yw q.4 St. ya e, =s FOR SALE --10 ,pigs, 9 weeks, old. Jack Van Osch, R. 3, Lucknow, "] OR ' : SALE._overlays and. barn timbers. Jilin Bradley, R. 3, God- erich, ' Inhone Dungannon 80-i 16,. FOR SALE. seed buckwheat. Orville Finlayson, R, 6, Luck - now„ phone' 17�-r=8 Ripley. FOR ,SALE -7 -room house, Mod ern .conveniences. Sacrifice : for; .quick • sale, ' Box 72, Lucknow. " HIRE, for . holidays.. or longer, good dependable lad of about ;16, must like poultry, be able to milk cows and. drive tractor, • non-smoker •p'referred. Arnold • Alton, phone Dungannon 67-r-1. ,TENOCfaRRAPHE1 WANTED for hydro and insurance office. A'p- ply stating experience, if . any, ,and, qualifications to ^ Alex B. 1VIc- Kague, Teeswater, :phone ,' 96-w. E-100 'acres of stand-FQI RENT —' apartment above • in hay. ' Mrs. D. H. :Carrutl;rs; Lucknow Fruit Market, avail- g y a'bie. June 15th.. Apply to Mrs, contact Irwin, Carruthers; •phone. Wm, Bolt, Lucknow Ripley •27-r-9 . , • a ro mately 90 CUSTOM CAR PAINTING, aF�' SALE ' • pp � A nice •new paint job is sere . of Ofhay, Apply at,' money well spent, single or two: • sentinel Office. standing ' • •..- H tone, hot spray method. HOUSE FOR SALE -6 roorni & ` ' N. W. WINTERSTE1N • bath,: hardwood floors, . good • to •. ;cation.. , Apply Eby . letter. to Box • • A, Lucknow Sentinel. , ... • 7, FOR SALE white Sunshine baby buggy, deluxe model, .like -,screw .Phori Mir SALE -,1941. Plymouth se- dan "and .303'British . rifle; .22 : pump. Phone 46'-r-5 Lucknow. FOR SALE—used McCiary washa and Ing machine, cook stove • deep :well pressure.pump. "Art Gilmore, phone' 61-r •-13 Dungannon,%: FOR WEED SPRAYING with a {boom sprayer, see . Bob Reid, • R. .3, Lucknow, .. FOR SALE -registered Holstein Heifer', unit bred, due ' first of Jolly. ' .K. L. acKenz e, phone Dungannon - 62 -r -i3 PAPER HANGING &, pfA1N TING, Save' time and ternper-{Call Jim' •Parrish, Carlow 2013, . for prompt; .courteous service. ONTARIO executor. • E , . FINANCING A . CAR`{ ' village prop s.. er is ,of.,the Before . •�l�by�t�s'k}=a�bo�t. °our the resi= Low::Cost Financing .Service with estateda June, complete Insurance Coverage. J,e tiger-. A .McDonagh; ; Insurance Agent, 23 • at heater, oil• phone ' Dungannon 61-5. q 'burning . oil .tank,' diningio• couch,' foe machine, m 'and lot'ect.:to re - se auc. Cl FOR: SALE --Norge refrigerator, 6 • cu!bic feet,good ;condition, 'ideal for- cottage; also ' Windham range in good condition. K. L. MacKen- zie, phone Dung annon 62-r-13.. • MOUSE FOR SALE -modern 8=TEACHER WANTED' roam 'brick- house on havelock St.' Oil' furnace, hardwood floors. •Apply to ' Dr. T B. Cleland,' Luck - now. WHAT, PRICE. COMFORT? ' Praesto . aluminuin connbination windows. and doors will save. you money and add to the".beauty of your . home. Have .your windows shipped direct' :from. the'. factory.', The savings Will • arri'aze.: you. Phone o write Mrs. .George. Whitby,, 'Phone ' 153, , Lucknow. DEALERS;' WANTED ' 1 GET. YOUR $$SHARE! Sell ;wide -range-of-household-necessities- in your.. ':surroundings. Wherever you may live;, Write :in;:" for de-: tails. Deet. C, Familex, Station 'C; -Montreal - FOR SALE—a one owner 1947 Pontiac, cleanand guaranteed only 47,000 miles, new ': tures; - priced.. reasonable.'• See" for your self. N. W. Winterstein.'. < 3 • • FOR SALE -electric stove, large -Size, '• in good condition.. Apply to Wm. A. Schmid, residence phone. FOR SALE New Idea horse- drawn `manure_ spreader in .. ood•. P g condition.' Apply to :Mrs:. Robert Ritchie, Stauffer, St:, Lucknow: Teacher wanted for S.S. No. 2, Kinloss Township Bruce County, duties, to commence . September' ]est, 1.956. Please state ,qualifica.. tions, experience •and salary .ex-. petted, also phone number, to George W. Haldenby,' Sec.-Treas., Rat: No. `'2, 7•Iolyrood, Ont. REST HOME ACCOMODATION Accomodation a v a liable at Carruther's Convalescent' Home.. - Yonne -cooked meats, modern ,con- veniences, warm. Registered nurse Ing , available if required in case, of sickness. Apply to Elliott Car- ruthers, R. 3,. Holyrood, phone 27-T6 Ripley. AUCTION SALE . , of completerange of quality SEED • FOR : SALE—,we carry ,a household effects at : the resi- r and m oRip-, Mull. •line 'of clovers, grasses dente of Myrtle .Erre ert n, timothy seeds. We have ' pasture ley, on ' Saturday, June 30th at mixtures for every type ,of :soil: 2:06 .p.m. ` See . bills,• • no 'reserve. Harvey. Hagedorn, phone 71-24, Myrtle Em menton, prop.;' Donald Ripley, B. Blue, auc. • ' • . FOL, BALER &• BINDER TWINE , , A1TTION. SALE —at the lowest • prices 'and ''top. Of Purebred English Yorkshire quality come to Elton McLelland swine ,at • . the • farm of '' Robert. and 'Sons ;; at-Bervie--one -of On- Beak, Ashfield Tow ship, :3 rrhles tario's largest . twine dealers, west of Lucknow, ' mile south • of Highway 86 on Saturday June ' MEAT , leOR SALE •Good beef for sale by the --quarter„-Beef ked ---ander ensefrom theepartrrient of 'Health.. Choice .Hereford year - g din s. Custom"blittcli.erixig sPec- a': iality • • • Raynaud Ackert, H.olyrood'' Phone .24-30, Ripley '23rd, at 2.00 p.m. 15 bred' gilts, some due week 'front''• sale, five second-litterovws, 5 ogerr'' 5 service . boars, 5 . junior boars, Ha, e. you rent ted your Sen- tinel subscription?'. •W,EDNEIDAY,, ;JUNE,, 20th,, 1956: R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. Barrister, Etc, Wingham and Lueknow IN LUCKNOW Each Monday and • Wednesday Located in the Municipal Office " 'Phone Wingham " Office 48 ' Residence 97 • • . TON E'S JOHNS . FUNERAL HOME one 76 r Night ''. Amb e.' Service USE 01r UNERAL HOME At No Extra. Cost . Moderate. Prices ° • Established 1894 • A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant • West Street MORTGAGE SALE •- Under- and-. ' b.. - virtue' of the Y powers contained in a certain.• mortgage, which will be produc- ed at the time of: sale, •.there will be: loffered for sale ,by public auction on Friday, the 22nd day* of. June, 1956, at the hour of eight o'clock inx`e ening, (Daylight. Saving Time) at the Club House orr•Scott Bros. premises" •on Main •Str..eet: in the :Village of Ripley. in the* County.' of Bruce, by . Don= ald ,Blue, auctioneer, the -'follow= Ing pr.operty, namely, Lot Num - mer 2 in the 9th Concession of the' Township of {Ashfield, east- ern division in the County of Huron containing 200 acres Mere orT'less. • • • The •soil consists'.of sandy loam, 180 acres af which is workable land . and all of ' such Workable having` been 'seeded down except 30 : acres, the -most, of which 'is seeded: with 'spring 'grain; :the •house '• is a brick , construction with ; 8 rooms and shingle roof; there -is also one'bank barn 40 x 60 with good stabling and cem- ent . ement'. floor, one • further barn 27 x 36, a 'straw shed 20 x 40 ,and ,one:. henhouse and 'driving •shed. com- bined; 'the main barn and ''house are' (both electrically : wired. The said premises . are• situate eleven miles •from Lucknow •and from Ripley and constitute :valu- able . farm lands., TERMS:.. 1.0 percent of the pun - Chase price. is to be' paid down at the time of ' sale, balance to lie paid within. 30 day;' the' pro perty will Abe;' sold .subject to a 5.,,jun4 oz'.,: so*rss -anpozirnately ..30_ 'reser,zved bid, started chunks. Term$, ca5h. Rob.: .. Pa r t cul ar s .a n ert Bonk,yI'rop:' reserved of sale, apply to t 0 Campbell Grant, • Esq., Q.C,, Walkerton," Ontario, solicitor for the gnortgagee, DA'Z'ED May 31st, , .1956: ' GODERICH, ONTARIO Telephones 343J' 343W' STATE FARM MUTUAL. AUTOMOBILE BI INSURANCE '• • . • Investigate • Befo re e investing.: REUBEN WILSON' R.R. 3; Goderich Phone :80-r-8 Dungannon • °.AGNEWS' AGENCY • MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents' Association GENERAL' INSURANCE Established; Over 30 Years Ago • Telephones: • Business 39 Residence 138 Insure With The CU_LROSS MUTUAL FIRE' INSURANCE CO, for , ' Reasonable rates, sound pro,. tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. FARISH, MOFFAT - • Your Local. Agent R.R. • 3, Teeswater 'Phone •Teeswater 57-r-41; T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST" . GODERI'CB F :R'•'Ph: Aone 1100POINTM[NT' . For Appointinerit or• Information See Wm. ,A. 'Schmid, 'Phone 1v7 -w, Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE; WIND, ' CASUALTY . AUTOIVIOBILE • AND. LIFE •To :Protect Your Jack, Insure . With .Tack Today. J.. A. McDONAG1{ R.R. 3, •Lucknow, Out 'Phone 61-5 . Dungannon. .R. W. ANDREW Barrister, and Solicitor LISTOWEL, '• ONTARIO N LUCKNOW' , Every . . Wednesday ' and..Saturday Afternoon " Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Office':'135 : • Residence 314 G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St, •off . the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional .Eye • Examination Optical Services ,0• Evenings Evenin s b 4 appointment. g y pp , 'Phone: Office 770; Res. 291 AUCTION SALE . `of' machine tools, woodworking SURGE •` 11LKERS tools, electrical equipment of the • Mbre farmers •switch to Surge milkers,, Low ' down paments, easy 'terms, satisfa:ction :and ser- vice guaranteed. Contact, Lovei1 r •• 593, Wm ingha. ARTIFICIAL INSEMLNAT1O? Per 'artificial insema:atir formation ' or service : from . of breeds of . cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation' at: Clinton 'Ht 2-3441 or Kincardine 460 between 7.30 and 0.30 a.m. We have .all breeds ' available — top' quality' at Tow • 1•, • Estate Of Gordon Stanley at Rip .ley.' ori ' Saturday, June . 23rd .t - 1.00 p,nt, See bills for Iist.`Terms cash. Gcir& n Fair. Andrew. Pat- ers t:.ex trztors; Donald—B: Blue, aac. BABY C'131CKS Pilch White Rocks • for ' your tore ler ;rfec'kets. A •ailafrj1<e from. Big -4 Hatchery. . Also other breeds. ett. Arnd pullets, mixed chicks, d,ay o;d and started. Ask us for fu,: :;sir �'`ttatio i. LcCKNOW 'C.07•OPE ATIVE . ►,dditioaaal .lasstti CO.OP., AUTO IN •S -V I NCE Can Now" Accept , TOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL. TRUCKS ' as well as the farm • business. . For information .consult T. A. CAMERON, LVJCKNOW,' Phone Dungannon 70=r -1b: • JOHN McMU.RC LIE, RIPLE'Y, • Phone 20-r-23 _. •McLENNAN and' N acICENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE • Services conducted accord- ing' to your .,wishes at your: Home, your Chuich, or at. our Memorial. Chapel at no additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone' 181, Lucknow; Day or Night TED- COLLYER Registered Master ,Electrician • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in Electrical Wiring' and Repairs AGENT PA .T . FOtt S . R O'1+7 'Tiff= • and r All' Electrical Appliances Phone 46-r-25, Lucknow, CO-OP FROPAhtEa and APPLIANCES for farm, ' home and industry LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. bone-•�Lticlrnow•'7>I.�.,,,.Y ,.;..•. Kenneth J. MacKenzie, R.O. Optometrist: .,- LISTOWEL, ONT. at the. former Wrona Jewelery store. Ripley, 10 a.m:° to 9. p.m., WEDNESDAY, JUNE ;20th and 'every Second Wednesday. • Eyes examined' -;Glasses fitted • For appointment' 'phone Roy.. MacI(entie, 96-r-24 Ripley. '1ALINGHAM' MEMORIAL SHOP. We • Have Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years, Always Using , E--BESr-GRAN-ITES " Along With Expert Designing. -. and . �,..• Workmanship. • Prices Most'Reasonable `A . Cemetery Lettering a Specialty, rtir A. SPOTTON f vit • 'Phone: 256, Winghan►, Ontario INSURANCE N Co-Ope'r`ative Life Instn'a'nce =- Co -Operative. Automobile • lnsuran e • Mercantile & .1'ar iI Fire r Insurance Economical and :Reliable: See T. A. CAMERON LIU KNOW ' ..____'Phone 70440 Dungannon