HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-06-20, Page 3ar- 'of- er- .es, nd nd. ew ,es,, ese in'. ne1 • , NESDAY, iiVNZ 20,th,, 1956: [CLAN PAY TRIBUTE TO. GIRL GUIDE NOTE LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: •Rev... A. A. Meiklejohn, B.A.,-B.D. SUNDAY, JUNE !24th 111.00 a.m.: 'Church School. 11,0o a.m,: Sacrament of ••. Lord's .Supper. LUC ' KNOW SENTINEL, LTJCKNQW, ONTARIO S. MEMORY OF ALMA HUNTER The regular • meeting' of the ,inr.uuwu .01.00.*ru r. L.ucknow• Presb.yteran Church:: Rev; :Wallace ' McClean, ' Minister.- °,;'' SUNDAY, JUNE .24th' 10.00 a.nn.: Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worshlp 3.00 p.m.: Dungannon.. 7,00 p.m.: Evening Worship. BUY THE BEST Buy r at ELTON . McLELLAND ' . and . SONS Bervie Where you get the .bestdeal,' ALWAYS ` IN STOCK: Side' Rakes, Mowers Manure . Spreaders '. Hay Elevators '.. Balers : Baler .and Binder: Twine BORN PARRISH-=in Kincardine Hospi-, tal on June 7, 1956, to 'Mr. and Mrs. • Alex Parrish, R. '7 Luck - now, a son.. WEBSZIER; ',in (Kincardine 'Hos pital on June 3, 1956; to Mr. and Mrs, Elliott J: Webster, Kincar- dine, twin sons. 01111,Mt IMPERIAL ESS; DEALER• Esso and EssO Extra Gasoline M'arvelube ,and, • 111ineralube MOBILOIL,. ATLAS TIRES- Always lock to Imperial ;for the best *:*•. '••J. .E. MacDONALD Phone 3, Luckno" HALDE.NBY ELECTRIC MOTOR. SERVICE Armature ad Field Windllug, Brushes, Bearings, Ete. Repairs to . • Fractional and Integral klorsepower Motors, • Also Ele`ctr.ic Pans, Vacuums,. Clippers, Drills; Etc, IL LDENBY ELECTRIC' Kinlough Phone Ripley 111-r-29 • The members of ' the "Helm Clan!' .held ,their .annual . picnic at Kincardine' on Saturday, June 9th, It was a, lovely • day and about fifty friends and relatives' gathered and enjoyed the after •noon together. The sports cor- mittee ,, held their races ' after dinner; Prizes were given to. the winners. 'Children under 5, 'Greg Hunter, Branda Ritchie; under 12, Kay McKinnon, Susan Arnold; giri's • 14. and under, Karen Arn- old and Joanne Hunter,- hogs 12. and over, Edgar Helen, ' Wayne Hackett; 3 -legged race for- boys, Wayne'. Hackett and. Bobby Hun- ter; •3,legg.ed xaee•for. kir132 Carol. 1Vlathers ' and Joanne Hunter; •married women's race, Anna May ?uxiter ,,arid Violet •:Arnold;' krck-� ing . the clipiier, Joanne.- Hunter; w.heabbarrow race, Edgar Helm and Donny 1VMKinnon, The business ` meeting was held after the evening meal, The'gath- Bring %paid tribute to :an absent 'rneririber by .observing a•minute's silence in memory of Alma limi- ter who.. was • a very faithful member and .always attended the •pieni'c's.,The gathering enjoy- ed a sing song led .by Mrs: Alex Hackett. Mr.' W. O. Hunter' was re-elected for president for... the coming year. The meeting closed iby 'Singh*.; "The• .Queen" and all ,lg ed zo neet'again"4.a t wr place next year in June SUNDAY .SCHOOL CLASS ENTERTAINED MONDAY' Members Of Mrs: Raynard Aek- ert's, Sunday,School• class were entertained at'• •the'%Ackert horne at Holyrood on': Moxiday. evening.. Chief attraction was the' swim- ming pool at their farm. Those present' were. Jean Rich- ards, -..Nancy ,Irwin, Eleanor Mc- Nay, Shirley .Cong.ram, . Joanne Hunter, Leona • Collins; ,•Joan Cr-awford,_ : Patricia_ ''Thompson, Nancy Webster, , yn.. Couse, 'Car olyn Mathers, . Marguerite 1VIc- Kenzie. Lunch was served' and; pictures shown • to conclude: a pleasant evening., The 'girls Were taken to Holy- rood by Mrs. Vernon Hunter arid Mrs. L.: C. Thompson. •. Ca rl Guides was held oiit-.of- doors last week when tests were passed ,by laying- a trail. ,and sig- nalling was practiced. There Will .be two 'meetings •this week after fou:' at Mrs. , McKim's for extra: outdoor work, On June 25 there will be a closing exercise when Brownies will Fly - Up and Brownie ,and'/Guide badges• will be presented. The public his in-. vited to attend at the .Recreation. Centre at 7.30. p.m. , • , Local & General� ,Mr. and Mins,. A Taggart and .farnily .from Pittsburg..•are .visi toss this • week with Mr and• -Mrs; Fred' Martin. ; Those from a' distance .attend ing the funeral of the late Mrs.' L. C. 1VMacIVel'included 'Mr,•arid Mrs: Wm. Townson, Calvert and 'Francis of Sudbury; Mrs. L, Set= erari.ce, .Mrs, Fred Van Dyke ;and Mr.' and Mrs; Henry Row, Ply - 'mouth,. Mich.;- •Mr, and Mrs. Wayne . Carpenter of Bronson, Miche Mr. and ' Mrs. Sherwood White of Yysalanti; Mrs. K. ,San- ders, Jack Sanders. and friend of Chicago; Mr. Sandy MacDonald' and Mrs. Fred Bromley of Tor - orate; Mr. and 'Vas. -:Archie Mac Donald and Ronald• of Kitener; M r a nd=iVlA,Stuart B rI s. `Brough `of Pais ►yrs: • ;-Grace Maclver,' Jack, Donald and Have you ''renewed your Sentinel.? GAUNT :REUNION • IA spite: of inclement: weather the tenth. annual Gaunt 'reunion.. was held' at: Seafbrth Lion's Park on' Saturday last, with .'about 80 relatives • aft nding7 `hey--"-'vcrere present' from Owen Sound; Sar- nia ' and -nearby, points Races,. bingo and ball were enjciyed • by young, and old alike. A' bountiful ,picnic ` dinrier ° and supper were enjoyed. It was `unanimously .agreed to hold the. 1957 : picnic in Seaforth, The officers for 1957 pres., Leonard Phillips:; vice. pees:, Mrs, . Keen,', ,Owen Sound; sec. -tress:,, Mrs. Gordon MacTa\ ish;' grounds committee,_ Harold and .John Gaunt; sports, *,Mrs, Norman. McDonald and, M'r_s. Norman McDonald . and .Mrs.. Leonard Phillips.' , Ronald, of London arid 1V1r.! Ernest Severance of: Detroit. • Mrs: Harry Lavis is spending two weeks with -'lire 'aunt, Mrs. E. A.. Reynolds of Toronto,- at the latter's, summer cottage at Sand Lake in the Burks Falls district. Mrs .Montgomery ,• Sr.,.• is' spending a couple of, weeks • at Preston' at the home of 'her dau- ghter) Mrs. W. ; 'Cell -ins. • • Mr. and Mrs. •Guest Mitchell. and ,•children of Galt spent the week -end with "her parents, • Mr.. and 'Mrs •13,edvers•-Johnson. Mx..' and Mrs..' Jack Gilchrist of Toronto. have been holiday. Vis- itors • with, his 'parents; Mr.• and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist.' . Rey. 'and ,Mrs. C': B. Woolley. of Dobbinton were in :Galt" xe- Women's Association Group 1 • The Johnstori-.Houston. Group. of the W.A. met, at• the home of Mrs. T, A. Cameron en'Wcdnes- day .lune,lU.th, with an attend--. 'ance of • 14 rnembers, six visitors and, 3, children. The, meeting, in charge of Mrs H. Houston; operi ed with the theme hymn and the Lord's prayer in unison, scrip- ture 'reading by Mrs 'Drennan, meditation. by M. Rae` and Mrs. • •L. -McLeod. Reports.of different committees were given., "Mrs. E.' Thom took charge, .of the. follow ing program: reading by tMrs. E Taylor and. Mrs. R Ackert.. -and .ilistrumental--tiuets..by- ..Mis.. James Webster and Mrs, Ira 'Campbell. A".display was shown by Mrs. G, Kirkland of her hold- bycraft, 'which is alumiriurf trays and leather work, A contest was' conducted by ,Miss' Murdie.. The meeting closed• with the rnirpah !benediction . and ; the committee served lunch. • la you _renewed your. Sentinel?. PAGE; TITRE 4 M (Ou TELLING . ` "Don't try to talk ME into anything else -I know a wise investment when I see 'one. 4% Guaranteed Trust Certificates l" t . url►ara[•zed'azaa�Vessiner�t.:£ox Virus _ _fun.d._,s Short term=five, years 1 ' 4% yearly interest, payable half -yearly" In.5 years, -$4I0.:18 accumulatesto $500,00 Write Jro' descriptive folder. '' THE • LING: TRUSTS CORPO HEAD OFFICE, 372. Bay it., Toronto : BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St., Barri* certly attending, • the graduation exercises 'of Seuth. Waterloo Memorial Hospital. Their grand''-' daughter, , Miss 'June.. iDebel . of Southampton :: was • one ' of the graduates. BORN.. CHI,SHOUV —in:• Wingham Hoses. pital Tuesday,. June -5th,, 1956. to' Mr. arid Mrs. Leonard Chis-; holm, R. 2, Auburn, a son, i'Iaurw ice'', Alexaridef. (Alex) . ,q. *IT 04414 ' M 11,1.1,%,,,«i yr ht,'' '9" ''' r 'Cid! ' 10 m;. 11 Wy ' f(...J ,444.. IIVII"W '�f ir! jI Ii..tw 40 • _".W,,;,�.+�amce+.*-r�IWd7rt�k'"•.!"..�`....."wM��»'�flt�;+rm • '"• *to* ' Minx.-, ;`'•.. L'wi.n 4.in,•—frolblq ,fl/Mnrt#,,,,n r'. •M t / ":; Arnnnnr . 411, " ,7,7 -'.;;;;L.4.• 1 • I Olrzuy * . N n!lop t411►11/1/M 1xOr:' "", 11 UG ,+►a+� U` p^."„h ".• nil +F' tti , hr 1u �'I ,ij- , • ODERN MECHANIZATWN SOLVES FIRM1 AB 0 OER1IOJ11 M With more and 'Mare else of 'handling- and ° work-capacity—being engineered into modern machines, farmers are being relieved, of .much of the worry and expense incurred through the scarcity and high cost of experienced farm help. And there is such a wide' range of sizes and styles of tractors and implements and tools that today every farmer can avail, himself of the advantages of modern mechanization.. The, wise and practical use . of up-to-date machinery, is a, most, im- portant part of today's farm operations. In the. 1956 Massey Harris' " and Ferguson 4nes-A.W. tines-A.ire: "Lois arid_ iry p-1er i"xrtsrgineered-to-promeite- --4• the efficiency of farming —your local �ea�t willbe glad to give you. fail particulars: • M'.5SEY4ARRiSitGU$QN 11MITED Malc¢'rs of Hi; h Quality Farm Implements. Since 1847 V