HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-06-20, Page 2LANGSIDE
Some of those attending the
nniversary services on Sunday
,were Mr. and Mrs, Bill Lapp and
• family, Mr, and Mrs,ilohn Cur-
rie and Family of Wingam, Mr.
• Harold Percy and children, Kin-
ough; Mr. and 1VIrs. James Mc-
Intosh. of Vingliain and several
• ethers, Rev. MOClure of Moles -
'worth. delighted the good atten-
dance with his forceful 'semons.
fle Junibr choir und•er the
leaderphip Mrs. wm; scat, days with -hr daughter Mr. and
ThELUCJW sENTINEL, LucisNow,. divroto
Mrs. Sandy Purdon of Luck -
now was a Week -end visitor with,
her daughterMr. and Mrs. Geo.
r.liffin and. Colleen.
1VIrs. George Fisher,. Kathleen
and Sandra were Sunday visitors
• with Mr. 'and•M.rs. Wm, Evans
and Ted. •
• Mission Band is to be held in
the Church on Saturday afternoon
at 2.30,
Mrs. Robert Reid •of Kincar-
dine Was a visitor for a few
• izt sang two anthems morning and Ali's. Wesley,. Young and family.
evening and Mrs. :Farish.*Offat Visitors during the week -end
. sang 'a solo morning and: eveivat the home of Mr. Foster, Mot,
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fat were Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Ross,
Miss Margaret Moffat. .of 'Tor -
•onto, Mr. and Mrs. Rcbert Don-
aldson, and Douglas of Tees -
water, Mr. and Mrs, Erie Evans
and family of Hyde Park, The
Evans family also visited with
their parets, Mr. and Mrs.
Evans and Ted,
Mr: and Mrs. Clark Johnston,
Linda and Janette of Belgrave,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Wn. Schneider and
family and 'Nellie' Harkness of
Teeswater Were Sunday visitors
with Mr. andMrs. Charlie Tiff in.
Miss •Mary Fisher •of White-
churh W,BS Suliday visitor
with 1VIiis Kthei•ine IVIoffat.
Wr. Dawson of White-
chnrch• was • a Sunday- visitor
with Mr, and Mrs, Wes 'Plan.
Rev..1VIclure Was entertained
en Sunday (kw Mr and Mrs. Far-
4 good. crowd attencicl. the
social; in the church on Monday
evening. Mrs. Farish J1VIoffat pre
• sided as •chairlady.. Two suitable
•hymns were sung and those tak-
ing part in the program were:
duets by Allarion Scott and Dom7
na Moffat, • Ruth. and- Phyllis
Steer; organ selection by Sarah
Caswell; Dr. James Little, Vielin
•selections; accompanied at the
organ '13y Mr. Eher tTmbach;
readings by :Mrs„:
and Miss Dean MLeod; solo by
,John MGee; and as guest speak-
41ev-4--!,-Me1C-inney -Jotaleepate koati4 at bome
gave' quite an :informative: and " Igen" -1
huiorons talk on Ireland. mi.s. of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin.
re -
Moffat welcomed • all those at_ ,MrS. Desmond -O'Donnell
taking part ,in the program.. ev. two-week in .Detroit, home here alter
tending and aro thanked 'all turned t° ,her
companiea by' mr, Jas, ly.toore.
friend, also by four of the Moor_
children; Marjorie; Mary lylartha,
Jeanette and Jean who remained
for •halidays with their,
Mother Mrs, Martha. O'Neill.
KINGSBRIDGE Mr. • and Mrs; A. .Kremer
Recent visitors to the home of 'lesson,. Miss Margaret Kraemer
• mr. and mra. Van °sell were Mr: oif 'Elia, Miss Rosemary Krao-
& Mri. a Geilan. and children of mer 'Kitchener, spent Sunday,
Exeter and Mr., and Mrs. at the. home of Mr:- and. Mrs.
Schuurthan and: two : Children of
M. Gene Fr,ayne. Danny Frayne
-London. -- tnrned, to Hes,son with them-. for
a week's holidays.
Miss Catherine. .Kenny and:
Miss Eljabeth O'Keefe of De-
trit are visiting at .the home of
Mr. Frank, Dalton. - • .•••
Mr. Jan Suifivan, has 're-'
• turned to • his horde - here froth
Goderich hOspital iniproV-
, " •
WEDNESMY, JUNE 20th, 19&5
A Big .ay For The Whole Family!
N •
• •
• picni
ontirioLeader of theOppoition will be present as.
well as other *district 1VIP.'s and 1$1-11.1'.'si •
..• •
:Races and Contests.fOr Young and Old • "
begin at 4.30 pxot. •
• Pack a Lunch and lEveryl3Odi eats at 5.30
Ice Cream and Soft Drinks provided for all.
• • V.
And • In Th. Evening •
In The Pavilion
Cswell, pronounced the benedic-
• tion A dainty .lunch and social
tjmeended •an enjoyable" even
Plumbing, Heating, Wiring,• Eavetroughiug
. • • ,
. •
'Phone- 50 • •Mr. and Mrs. Ray Austin, Car -
61 Ann and Marlene of 'Toronto
in • • r n . •
ke.14W * t ;
• t 4 *
' 10;
• ,fr
. • •
„ •
J. oz. pkgs. 2. for' 25c
pkgs 33c \• •
Betty CroCker 'Cake Mixes
20 oz. pkg. 3 for11.00
• Sunpup Slad,. Pressing
• 16 oz. jar 35c .;
. . . •
CriSco Shortening, lb.. ••39c
Fluff° Shortening, lb. •29c
Rod & White Prepared Mustard; 16 oz. jar 19e
• Krun-Chee Peanut Butter, 16 oz. jar 37c
Our Own Blend Tea, lb. bag , 83c
Canada B. Viega, white or blended 40 oz. 25c
supreme Br. Wahrut Pieces, 7 oz. cello 39c
Golden Hour •Candy Jelly Beans, 13 O. and
Noll -rani" Beauties; • 12-oz,--58e-vvaluer
• both for 3°-• , 39c
Fresh Chickens,. Legs ,d.Breats
Fresh Meats' •" ••
Silverwoods Ice Cream,
Vacati�nTime Premium Offers'
13" Beach ball, with $5.00- order •49c
29" Snorkel; with $5.00 order • ,• 99c
Beach Towel; ass? colors, ivith $5,00 order $1.49
Sunkist Oranges she 288, dor: •• 39e
Golden ripe BaLnas, Ib. 19e
• New Brunswick Potatoes, 10 lb. bag. • 69c
New local, Head Lettuce ' 2 for 29c
Frost -Ade Fruit Drink Powders, pkgs. 5 for 29e
Kraft Cheez Whiz,-11:oz. jar 35c
Johnson's Glo-Coat • pt. 53c; qt. 99c
Paramount fancy Pink •Sahnon; tall tins::... 47c
National Polar Wafers, 48 bis. pkg.,
• reg. value 39c now 33e
Clark's 11,ens wth" Pork, 20 oz. tin 2 for 39c
• Lipton r or Chocolate FroStee, •
with free 16 Page comic book, 2 pkgs. 31c
Hawes' King Size Floor Gloss king size tin 98c
Cake Mix, 8c off deal, orange,
• • cherry; almond, pkg. ,,, . . 21e
Dili 10c off giant with Tea 'T ovvei, pi" g. 69c
—Ivory ---Snow, -2 • • ---111
Personal Ivory Soap • 2 bars 15c •
Tide; large, pkg,- „ , . : 39c ••
Blue Cheer, large pkg. . .. ... 39c
NO..1 Quebec Maple Syrup
• ,•14alf gal. *$259 Gal. $4.99
t• •
• ., ,
!telt 'CI White. Food Store.,
Phone' 26...*.— Free Delivery • .
. .
Miss- Yo Van" Osch returned to
• her home here after two weeks
spent' ,at • the •horne of Mr. and
Mrs. Benson • Chisholm .. while
they were on ' a Motor trip to'.
the Southern. States.
11VIr. andMrs. Arthur Dalton
and son of Hamilton spent a few
• 'days recently .with Mr. and Ms.
• J. IaltoTcaridMr-.-a-n-d Mrs. -..-Jos.
Dalton Of Detroit and. Mrs. Mc
Donald of Parkhill were Sun-
day visitors' at ' the Jerry Dalton
• home. . .., • • :
•- Mr. .Dennis Dalton: left . last
week to • join the crew of the
S.S. Bricoldoc.• •' ... • . •
• Miss .Mary Sheridan .of Tor-
onto, Miss Theresa • Martin •• of
Hamilton, fArnolsi MarSman;, Pete
Van, Osch and Douglas Frayne
of London, Walter Kelly and
friend of London were among
the week -end visitors here. •
NESS Betty Becker is now at
her home in Mildmay, . convl-
escing after an appendix opera-
• ton ' ir • Wingham Hopital.
• . • .
• We areSorry to report that
A1ex2Wytack ipaiient
in Winghain .Hospital and hope
for ,a- speedy- recovery.-.
oft -
Henry Ruth of Teeswater WEDDINGS, ANNIVER0A2-.7„
•hap been putting a new roof oni Our new sample album of per -
the Murray, house on the .side•! sOnaliied accessories for parties,
OId? et .ep,.
Feel Full of Yip*, Years Younger
EN.IIVOINN of 40,50i 60. Don't be
IVIr old,weakwon-out, all
'n. exhausted. Try °stes Vile Tablets,
Often needed' after .40 — by body old, run-
doWn bedause lacking iron; increases vim,
vitality. Thousands feel full �f pep,
years younger. Quit being. old. Get Ostler
,today. '!Getacquunted" size costs little. Or
start With bg,popOar "gcononiy" size and•
7511: At all druggists. •
• , .
• Murdie
and Son
*is. Mary Macarthy.and Lar-
ry,* and Mr. Joe MacCarthy of
Exeter spent Sunday with r &•
Mrs. John Schumacher.
1 John Schumacher. °•• I and .see them at The entinel,
• . ,
Mr. James Wilson spent Sun
day with Reg Brown.
Miss Helen • Schumacher of
Woodstock spent the wek-end
anniversariesy weding, a n
every occasion is now on hand,
New designs, v nest colors,' new
items in personalizea .grviettes,
A Phone call will bring these
• With her parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. saniples to your dOor, or drop
• • LUcknow, Ontaro •
Authcrized as secnd :elass mail, Post Office Department Ottawa
Established 1873—Pub1ihed Each ,Wednesday .4fterro0ri
• Subscription rate. --4250 a year in "advance—to U.S.A, $3.50 •
L., Campbell Thompson Publisher
• WEDNESDAY JDNE• 20th 1956
. .