HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-05-30, Page 1.0 - • $2,50 A Year In Advance --$1.00 Extra. To U.S A, 10 :LEAVE 'I SID IA. NEXT • MONTH. •. Rev and Mrs; Angus MacKay, their daughter -Mary Ellen, age 15, : and his sister, Miss. Bertha MacKay, will . sail, from Calcutta, India, on_.June 8th, on; the first lap of their return to tanad •IV Ir. and Mrs. MacKay's • on, Donald, has been in •Canad for the past' year. and has been at- tending Western' University, Lon- don r Rev. '•:and . *Mars.• •MacKay have been serving ori 'the: Presbyter= ian mission field at Jhansi, . India, and are • returning on furlough. *There isa possibility they may not be able to return to that country.They have been in Tndia • for almost thirty years: since 1927. ' They . will be accompanied' on. their return 'by Miss Bertha Mac- Kay, who has 'been 'vacationing in India since last November, be- ing on leave af. absence from the Bell Telephone Company, with, • which she has been employed at London, for several years. ' The MaoKays are .-due to ar-. 'rive in San : Francisco -:about -:Jul vy • 10th,and will spend .a ,month at New .Westminster, B.C., where. Mrs. MacKay's parents reside.' It rovall •:be August before they ar- rive 'here., Angus is a son:'of the late Mr: and.. Mrs: Hector Mac-. `Kay and wAS born .; at White- church. Mr's:."Sandy" • Purdon.` of town is ' a sister. After Rev. MacKay's arrival here the Presibytery of Huron- Maitland of the Presbyterian Church will. hold a ,special ses- sion to conduct his ordination. :A letter (from Miss. Bertha. ,MacKay, written on :Good Fri- -day, -referred to -the terrific heat, with .;the temperature, that day soaring to 108 • degrees , • in the. She. was planning to gonorth to Kashmir in• • the Himalayas, which is supposedly' the second most beautiful spot in the world, and intended to- :. spend..about. three weelra.there. ENGAGEMENTS Mt.' and Mrs,. Wm. 'Longmire of , Goderieh announce. the ` en- gagement .of', their daughter, Dor ° 'othy Jane, to. Wm; Fred Hallam, • son of Mr: and Mrs.. Chas: Hal lamof-A field; the wedding to take place ' the :middle' of • •June• To:far. • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO :WEDNESDAY, MAY 30th, 1956 • GRADUATES • AT TORONTO WILFRED BLACK At graduation exercises a Conyocation. Hall, University o Toronto. on Friday, Wilfre son of Mr.• and Mrs. Re Black of town, received his d e gree in dentistry; He .reports a Ottawa reports this, �; e w ek,:�:=uvhere he �.wa commence ,a three, -year. period of dental .practicewith. the Can adian Army. . .LOCAL SCOUTS AND CUBS •JOIN SUNDAY 'PARADE • Boy Scouts and'. Cubs 'from Lucknow: were • among eigh centres represented' at the ..an nual•i Saugeen District Scout As • sociation : parade which was held in Wingham. on Sunday: The Lucknow District. High School • Band and '`the. . Wingham Bugle Band 'headed `the. inlpres- "sive, .parade in which 341 boys Marched,' apart from their .lead- ers- .and. committee men; The Scout. Troop was in •.charge of • Scoutmaster :Stuart Collyer, who :.is also an assistant district comissioner, and the Cubs . were in charge : of • their' leader, '' Don- ald, MacKinnon.' Ken' Murdie and Gerald Rothwell,were local` corn- ;nriittee.•'men who joined. in the march. • The parade ,was in charge.„ of District' Commissioner, ' Archie Gowaniock of°' Walkerton, - and services were held at the, United, Church aid the Catholic Church in Wir>igharn.. Allan Reed provided transpo tation for -the • I. ucknoW Scouts, Cubs ` and Band members. • . t. SPOT TO SWIM POSES -PROBLEM The Clansmen Wub, which has for, : some time been toying -With the, idea of providing some„ sort.. of . swimming facilities within the Conporation,:i, find- that R the .1yrolect poses many prgblems, •"' Everything • from a 'wading pool" to. a swimming pool has been , discussed: An elaborate: pool- is out�'of the question, .all ,rneMbers, agree, •.as itis too. big a -finaneial .undertaking:. 'The use that would be made of a wading pool. is questionable; and where.to locate' it'if.. it was feasible is another sticker. On' • Monday night the Club was on- the verge of forgetting about the . proj ect, but before- do= ing' so decided • to look over th generally favored site .:between Highway 86 and the High School Here with ' • sortie . excavating and damming of the river a pon ,of • water about three'' feet deep could .;be obtained that 'mould b flushed' :out.. to 'the gravel' bot tarn level. •A bit of landscaping TEAT PAGES WESTERN UNIVERSITY GRAf' '' � BES/ ASHTON ,, CHOSEN; QUEEN A • NOREEN KILPATRICK d Among the ,graduates at Wes- tern University, London, on .Sat- e urday, was ,Miss Noreen. Kilpat- r. ick, • • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick,, now of, Norwich and ,-r eoently �.I�unow, Nor een received_ second class honors in completing a four-year course in honer • psychology'. She is pres- ently employed by the Toronto 'Board of Education. • :between the- , . :,, -creel , •. and �he..roarl; would make, an •attractive spot., The matter is in4 the:hands hands of a committee and the, Club • is ai one ' mind—to either 'decide . onr,. some course of action at a min- imam cost, or to 'droop- the idea' .cornpleteiy. ;• HELD `FAMILY DINN ON 82nd. BIRTHDAY. • Sam,Reid of :town, celebrated his. eighty=second birthday on Saturday, • May 26th and on that .day he planted over 100 straw berry :.plants. A • family dinner was held • on Sunday at the home' of Mr and Mrs • . Peter• Cook. A' lovely birth. - day cake centred the `table. Mr Reid received many gifts •and cards from ' the .family and . his three sisters. ROBERT BUTTON PASSES Critically i11 'for' the past few. days, the death of Robert James Button occurred in'. Wingham Hospital' late • Monday •evening" He was in his 73rd :.year.,. The funeral 'servi_ce will be held Thursday afternoon at 2.3Q at the_ McLennan and: MacKenzie,M:emoriai Chapel with interment in Greenhill Cemetery. Mr, ,and Mrs. Thomas H. Burns of town'have each observed their 88th, birthday in . this month of •May, •and next Saturday, • June m 2nd, this esteemed . couple will. mark their• 59th: wedding anni- versary, Mr. Burns was 88 on May 2nd, and Mrs. Burns observed her 88th. birthday on Saturday-, last, .May. 26th. ` Both are enjoying compar atively _;good health, andhave currently been abusy planting • a big 'garden, as has' been'.' their Gusto n throughout the years. Mrs. Burns had a hand in the work by helping--chsp op the . "uds ,.•,: It is a rare occasion for Mr. Burns • to miss the long daily waffle felown.: 7- gown. - Mrs.. Burns: was formerly Mary Ann Beaton, daughter of 1 Mr and Mrs. Angus :Beaton. She, was bora and married on the farm nQW owned by Bob Beak at Par- amount, They were by married "Rev, Angus MacKay orf t., b" y thePres. bYterianChurch, and have. j - spent nt _neir entire:marred;iife ixLrtek- now, • iVlr. Burns was employed at the Luck naw Table,,.Factory for 52' Years; The plant wa . by Cliff an s operated, Cliff d Forster at the. time • of o Marriage, ,but Mr. 'Cliff's th occurred'' at that 1'lr: Forster d•id at time and i, not . choose to the ,o� f plant, selling 'it'' to a grout, Lucknow business men, R,•AND MRS: THOMAS H. B U RN'S —Sentinel . Photo who endeavoured u isucces'sfaily to keep. the -factory. opened. Thus it was that Mr. Burets found him- self •without a job a few short weeks after'. his "marriage, ai d he recalls vividly' a rather Iean year before . the plant was, re-. opened under'the management 'of Button: and Trevett: Mr. Binns thought, he was -well :off when he received $9x00 for a sixty -hour week, A ' 'Mr,".Burns is a son of the late Mr -arid Mrs• Thomas- Burns; He, was born on - the .10th of Huron,• but carne to Lucknow; as a lad of ,5 5earrs, ,and' has resided .here ever since. ••. Mr; and Mrs. Burris. are faith- ful men'uhers of the Lucknow United .Church•; 'with long re. cords of` devoted `se lee to 'til: church, They:pro . a couple be- :loved: by all, and sincere ,and hearty congratulations. and best wishes ,are' estteided to 'them,' They' have a,. family of twosons, Harold' of Fort Williai:n and ,Staii of .St. Thomas. They haVo twice • been sadly ' bereaved by the deaths of,. their:, other.. two son, Elliott and.'Stewart. LAD: HAD HIP HURT • IN FALL FROM TRACTOR Douglas Porter,. 6 -year-old 'son of Mr: and "Mrs. • Aubert Porter; • and .a .Grade` 1' pupil at Lucknow Public School, suffered a. hip. 'in fury in. a .'• fall off a tractor last week. The: ' lad. was riding back the lane on,Archie MacMillan's tract- or when the.'mishap. occurred.. A small bone in • the hip • was brok- • en Doug has to be k' t ff th ep• .o e a ' limb for' time, but it was not . • Beverley Ashton, . 18 -year-old daughter of 1VIr., and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton of Lucknow, .was chosen queen of Lucknow District High _School for. • 1.956, at their annual spring formal dance ;in the school auditorium last Friday'-riight: • Bev is a' Grade•13:.:student •t the. ' .school,, and plans to attend • ..Teachers' !College at • Stratford, next ' year: Girls of Grades 12 and. 13 are eligible. for the award.Of queen, with, the student body holding a" vote 'during' the. week.. Runner-up for . the award' this Year was Beverly .MaoKenzie of Kinta 1, daughter of Mr.: and . Mrs. Dave MacKenzie: The, new queen was .crowned • and presented with a bouquet of roses and a compact on behalf 'of the Literary Society by Laur- • ine McNair of Toronto, 1955 queen. A telegram .'of congratu-, lations was.: ,received from. the 1954- queen;; Helen . onto. o. Beverley -expressed her ap- preciation " and thanks to the students for voting her the' Metsic ° for "Cinderella's 'Ball" was. provided by the Paul Cross Orchestra• of Stratford, with 'the gymnasium being appropriately' decorated for the.' occasion with bright flowers and streamers. `Staff members, students, Board; members, .ex. -students and invit- • ed guests attend the dance: Lunch • was served to the. gathering mid- way ' through the evening. Barry MoDonagh and. Mary Lou'. MacDonald won the elimin- ation dance, and Jack' ' Alexan'de r and Norma . Sherwood the 'spot„ dance. necessary to put on a cast' He KNIFE* PIE.RCES is . at' his ' home. r• 90 -YEAR' -OLD •LOCHALSHITE PASSED •AWAY, • SUNDAY The death of Duncan MacRae occurred on Sunday morning at. the Carruthers . Nursing ' Home,: Con. 6, Kinloss.. Mr:MacRae would have .been 91 years .of age. next Tuesday, June 5th:. He was': a son of the late Dun- can Roy' MacRae and Margaret' MacDonald of L'ochalth... s...: A private funeral service . was held; on ;Tuesday '.at.• the' McLen- nan-MaoKenzie Memorial Chapel, _conducted- by Rev-' Wm--Math- :eson of Chesley. Iinterment was in Lochalsh Cemetery. 'YOUN,GSTER'S. EYE Donna' Wy1ds,_, 4 -year-old dau- ghter. of Mr and Mrs: Warren Wylds, st ffered a severe eye 'in- jury a couple .of weeks ago, that 'could, cost the sight of the eye. Time: alone will deterrnine this•:. Donna : got hold of a knife and was trying to cut • her 'dog loose,. when. the :mishap; occurred. The eye ball was severely gashed, arrddthe:..little girl was taken to.* • London Hospital. for treatment. She returned home in about.. a week with the eye bandaged. Donna`#was• scheduled.' to •go bock to the• ci,ty .the first of the week for .a check-up • of the eye. Zion School Section To, Vote Monday Qn ;Course To Fa��ow A meeting of the, ratepayers recently at Zion, resulting in the. of former school., , section.. No. 5, appointment of a three-man;com- Ashfield (Zion), wily be held. in rnittee ..to investigate the proper .. the school next Monday even- procedure to be, taken under the ing; at 8.00 . p.m to discuss ar-' educational Act. Named' on the • rangements which 'are desired- committee were Wm. Hunter, :Al for the school term, September 'Irwin and Jack McDonagh 1956 to June 195'I. ..They, learned that a properly When a decision is arrived' at called meeting requires notices the Ashfield Township Council' being posted in the section; bear - orad -the -Board rafµ Trustees of -the Township School • Area,• will be advised, of the...Wishes• ofthe• sec -- `tion. Zion•, was . one of. five school •sec:tions i rhich recently;. petition- ed the Ashfield Council to with- draw' from the' Township School Area. ',Council 'accepted , the five petitkonswhich were signed .by. from approximately • 95 ''.to 1100 ,percent; of the ratepayers of• the various 'sections.. ,, Named: P"roeedure Committee Representatives of the . 'Zion section • had previously. contacted' the Lucknow •Public • S c h o 0,1 Board, 'regarding transporting of Zion pupils to . Ltickno'w• • This,• we understand, will be one of a .possible three proposals, to be balloted on at next Monday night's meeting.• A ratepayers' meeting, was held • in -the signature of "siar , ratepay res These notices have been posted of er ;;the signatures'. of' Jim Hunter, Gordon Kirkland, John B. • :Ritchie, Jack Gardner, Frank Ritchie and „Charley And erson: . ' Secret ballots will be taken to determine thewishes of the Zion. section: Ali those entitled to vote at a ' municipal election. , have • the r' t to vote>�-on * these schosl questions. ' ,That .includes men and 'women., and, sons• and daugh- -terse -21 years' of age and over. ' • The •� tiphe,aval in . Ashfield' school affairs came when the Board 'appeared tow. be holding firm to its: decision to close three . • . ',more schools in Ashfield at the close of the spresent tenni The Kintail . and Sheppardton schools • were closed a' year ago.. a .. • • rrl . • • is • • r •