HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-05-16, Page 17. rl`siZIM`. Wirklie ,ONI iMINIi�T rt (391® N DAY, MAY 23rd, 1956 n' that by ROSEMIRY THYME' • THE LUCKNOW SE N iTTNTI,, LUCKN4W, :ONTARIO 1 limited, 1 and 'will often ,include Your •shelter,or even •you, if you're eaught in; an open field. You will usually' 'be safe in a modern home, as aerials, Plumbing, p of ' present-day build- ings are excellent conductors, which Will ground a strike, The . most • dangerous spot in your house is 'in the bath tub or show- er, so postpone- your bath until the storm is over, Leave the dishes ins the sink too; and don't handle .any • electrical appliances. . , . the ironing can wait. Lights on: is safe enough,: though!. Don't. •use the. telephone . the article ' ,was 'emphatic about -this.' . • •. • . Don't lean against a radiator,. or• stand in front. of a fireplace : Naw, .if you are caught it a storm outside '. . - if : , y o' u are ; a, farmer, :hurrying to.:.get in a loo of hay (before the storm conies .get rid of that pitchfork as soon asthe storm arrives. Many a farmer has •diedwalking to the !barn with P. pitchfork on . his shoulder. • Don't continue to ' plow while a storm' is inpro ress. Take shel- teror..return to the barn.' If you, are a livestock farmer and are worried about ;the way your cattle• • oi. sheep ;'cluster' un, , .How `dependent we are on what we now consider the nec- •'-essiti s . of life! We have spent .most of the evening in enforced idleness,: because' of hydro fail - 'tire due. to a :. severe electrical storm. No lights; no radio, nor ..record-player' ,, we , couldn't even. have' • a bup ' 'of coffee.. It was. delightfully refreshing:' for awhilej4.,nothimg to 'do but • talk;; ands I did appreciate .a conversa- tion-"-'carried--on .without a -back ground..of radio or :record play-' er. `, ,don't suppose any.,:' family spends 'much time, just sitting, talking. Where the lights came on- . to dim the candlelight, John ex-' claimed. ruefully, "Ah; heck". John had gone out 'smelt fish - ink with another John. to.. a, 'friehds, "over .the river"; and I was just. !beginning to .picture them drowned,' pr at least, soak- ed to the , skin,`, or , perhaps ell-' • ectrocuted, • •when'. " the.`brie phoned to say the ,boys were :there and would' stay .until the storm eased a bit. , 1' expect she. will tlae glad when smelt season is over , the ideal spot- for • smelt; fishing 4.s: out at the foot of the bank .behind. their house There. is a twelve-year • old" in the !family,' and, he has . many ,friends . •, • . they do' appreciate • his mother's . hot chocolate! Just the same I'm sure she • is:. not sorry the:. season :is short! The storm was brewing when the !boys left, arid I warned th'eri carefully' • (bout: 'being u in the watei;, if a, storm came up. It' so.. happened that• had recently come across. (thi . ides' -house_ ' cleaning again) an a jcle. from themeteorological Bureau ` at • : Trenton, .,on lightning; and so ' T ,had an ',authority to.. quote, be sides my own motherly'`fussiness.: Since the season of . electrical •starins is upon us, it might , be. • a good idea , to pans ' on some of the warnings in this article. You know there are .people who .are -&• terrified in •a storm, who would•. !be glad ." to hide in 'a dark , room, or "under a feather bed, if they. had ' one. And there are people whoa love' a, storm, :who Sit ..:at• a window` enchanted; But even for - those who are ' fascinated there are certain precautions :tis wise. to take: - Oii.the authority of the .' met- eorologist ' If you live, in a 'city,'the. Bang- - -er is •practically . nil,, as tall sur- rounding (buildings • will. :attract .. most flashes. Statistics show that only one-tenth' of lightning -cas- ualtiles-:occur- in,cities-and Ao•wns. In' villages or in 'the countr`y:; the danger is much greater: as the numiber. " of tall objects is MONUMENTS SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON We • are the only •,manufac, tsexs in this part -of Ontario- - of 'high class monuments who import granite from th:e.._, 91d Cojuntiirf in' the rough by the carload and process from the rough • to the ,finished' • monument. No middleman. When choosing •a. monument Come and see one of the largest.selections in Ontario. g tahlished-over-sixtyyears , Writ kkor phone Walkerton • and reverse charges. • SKELTON MEMORIALS • W ALKERTON. $SAGE. SEVEN • der the tall pine in .the pasture did you know that you Can "LET' THE. !LITTLE ONES • equip. trees with lightning rods n COME UNTO ME" ,'Tis said that in the better land your angels ever.watch, and wait, ' 'To welcome each one as they The wear y traveller at the gate'. A. sweet wee girl passed through that gate,,, To 'join a little Angel' Band, She wears .a crown of life .today,. Safe,► :in a brighter (better. land. We •ften• wonder •at •'Cod's :Pan p. , And why He calls the .young and fair; •'' ' •• • •:He knows :(best, He, - needs new r. flowers , p. To transplant in :' Illsgarde . there... g and afford prbtettion for you stock. , • To . the fisherman, get off the water. Many lightning strokes hit the water and fou' may • be the ' highest object,'... the vicin- ity. 'Don't swim a storm ' . . • if ` i charge hits the water you would be electrocutes ,. . thous- ands of fish die by this' method annually,, A golf' club raised above your head is a sort of lightning rod : many golfers . have been kill-' fed b•y li•ghtning. • • Tall . trees in. "the' open•' are not. safe shelters. tern ;.._: . .... .. Pine; trees :�re..par-. titularly dangerous because of their.!, ' deep roots,' f,: you take ; yet fuge• in a 'small ' shack or . barn,, don't• lean against the Wall. Stand in the 'middle of . it. Small trees in. fa wood area,, or a clump of treees• in a valley or 'ravine are fairly safe shelters. "-An automobile, is.:safe place in, a thunderstorm; If • you are caught.. out • 'in g an open field and can't find shelter, lie flat on the ground, • You %nay get muddy, but you'll likely sur - vi 'e. Old? Get� ,Pep Vim • Feel 'full of Vigor; Years Younger' IUEN,WOMEN of 40, 50, 80. Dou't ba old,weak,worn-out, all in, exhausted. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Often needed after 40 -r by..body old,: run.• 'down because lacking iron; increases vim, vigor, vitality. Thousands feel, full of pep, years younger. Quit beim oid.'Get'Ostrex today. "Get -acquainted'.'• size costs little. Or start with big popular "Economy" size 'and save 751t. At ah druggists. . • A little, Angel. for 'His, choir,. To' nuke the better land more !fair, A little bud among His flowers, To beautify His garden there. —Wm. M. Buckingham. Some driversare quite sats .fied to park within " easy•°walk- ing distance of the curb. a 1SHIP ;COLLECT TO • .Our Registered Warehouse WESTON, ONTARIO .. Reliable Gradin g. • Direct Settlement ° Obtain sacks and twine • without .charge from N. H.''HEDLEY LUCHNOW .• / or by writi>, ' to •• CANADIAN CO.OPERATIVE. WOOL ;GROWERS LIMITED 21.7' ,Bay Street,- Toronto. Canada • That great Coke taste puts 'em at their sparkling best --Youngsters, '.too, go fors that extra sparkle, that extra zest that puts than at their sparkling. best.' For young and old alike,when company • withanada • s !'soon to rer+sfcr ..'y. ice -cord soca-oa' calls..15e sure �dtr re rcacy . ' Authoriied aotller of Cocietelo under centred With Coen.Cela Lld: °'Coke'' 1s a registered Mode -Mork, GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS 5 Kingston, St.,• Phone No. 489 • 4 ••• • 4, • •V t, • • et • IS •14 ti 11, F+• ,...a: +---.1111/ ter: