HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-05-16, Page 17. rl`siZIM`. Wirklie ,ONI iMINIi�T
N DAY, MAY 23rd, 1956
n' that
1 limited,
1 and 'will often ,include
Your •shelter,or even
•you, if
you're eaught in; an open field.
You will usually' 'be safe in
a modern home, as aerials,
of ' present-day build-
ings are excellent conductors,
which Will ground a strike, The
. most • dangerous spot in your
house is 'in the bath tub or show-
er, so postpone- your bath until
the storm is over, Leave the
dishes ins the sink too; and don't
handle .any • electrical appliances.
. , . the ironing can wait. Lights
on: is safe enough,: though!.
Don't. •use the. telephone .
the article ' ,was 'emphatic about
-this.' . • •. • .
Don't lean against a radiator,.
or• stand in front.
of a fireplace
: Naw, .if you are caught it a
storm outside '. . - if :
, y o' u are ; a,
farmer, :hurrying to.:.get in a loo
of hay (before the storm conies
.get rid of that pitchfork as soon
asthe storm arrives. Many a
farmer has •diedwalking to the
!barn with P. pitchfork on . his
• Don't continue to ' plow while
a storm' is inpro ress. Take shel-
teror..return to the barn.'
If you, are a livestock farmer
and are worried about ;the way
your cattle• • oi. sheep ;'cluster' un,
, .How `dependent we are on
what we now consider the nec-
•'-essiti s . of life! We have spent
.most of the evening in enforced
idleness,: because' of hydro fail -
'tire due. to a :. severe electrical
storm. No lights; no radio, nor
..record-player' ,, we , couldn't
even. have' • a bup ' 'of coffee.. It
was. delightfully refreshing:' for
awhilej4.,nothimg to 'do but • talk;;
ands I did appreciate .a conversa-
tion-"-'carried--on .without a -back
ground..of radio or :record play-'
er. `, ,don't suppose any.,:' family
spends 'much time, just sitting,
talking. Where the lights came on-
. to dim the candlelight, John ex-'
claimed. ruefully, "Ah; heck".
John had gone out 'smelt fish -
ink with another John. to.. a,
'friehds, "over .the river"; and I
was just. !beginning to .picture
them drowned,' pr at least, soak-
ed to the , skin,`, or , perhaps ell-'
• ectrocuted, • •when'. " the.`brie
phoned to say the ,boys were
:there and would' stay .until the
storm eased a bit. , 1' expect she.
will tlae glad when smelt season
is over , the ideal spot- for
• smelt; fishing 4.s: out at the foot
of the bank .behind. their house
There. is a twelve-year • old" in
the !family,' and, he has . many
,friends . •, • . they do' appreciate •
his mother's . hot chocolate! Just
the same I'm sure she • is:. not
sorry the:. season :is short!
The storm was brewing when
the !boys left, arid I warned th'eri
carefully' • (bout: 'being u in the
watei;, if a, storm came up. It' so..
happened that• had recently
come across. (thi . ides' -house_ '
cleaning again) an a jcle. from
themeteorological Bureau ` at
• : Trenton, .,on lightning; and so ' T
,had an ',authority to.. quote, be
sides my own motherly'`fussiness.:
Since the season of . electrical
•starins is upon us, it might , be.
• a good idea , to pans ' on some of
the warnings in this article. You
know there are .people who .are -&•
terrified in •a storm, who would•.
!be glad ." to hide in 'a dark , room,
or "under a feather bed, if they.
had ' one. And there are people
whoa love' a, storm, :who Sit ..:at• a
window` enchanted; But even for
- those who are ' fascinated there
are certain precautions :tis wise.
to take: -
Oii.the authority of the .' met-
eorologist '
If you live, in a 'city,'the. Bang-
- -er is •practically . nil,, as tall sur-
rounding (buildings • will. :attract
.. most flashes. Statistics show that
only one-tenth' of lightning -cas-
ualtiles-:occur- in,cities-and Ao•wns.
In' villages or in 'the countr`y:;
the danger is much greater: as
the numiber. " of tall objects is
We • are the only •,manufac,
tsexs in this part -of Ontario- -
of 'high class monuments
who import granite from th:e.._,
91d Cojuntiirf in' the rough by
the carload and process from
the rough • to the ,finished'
• monument. No middleman.
When choosing •a. monument
Come and see one of the
largest.selections in Ontario.
g tahlished-over-sixtyyears ,
Writ kkor phone Walkerton
• and reverse charges.
der the tall pine in .the pasture
did you know that you Can
equip. trees with lightning rods
,'Tis said that in the better land
your angels ever.watch, and
wait, '
'To welcome each one as they
The wear
y traveller at the gate'.
A. sweet wee girl passed through
that gate,,,
To 'join a little Angel' Band,
She wears .a crown of life .today,.
Safe,► :in a brighter (better. land.
We •ften• wonder •at •'Cod's :Pan
p. ,
And why He calls the .young and
fair; •'' ' •• •
•:He knows :(best, He, - needs new
r. flowers , p.
To transplant in :' Illsgarde .
there... g
and afford prbtettion for you
stock. ,
• To . the fisherman, get off the
water. Many lightning strokes
hit the water and fou' may • be
the ' highest object,'... the vicin-
ity. 'Don't swim a storm ' . . •
if ` i charge hits the water you
would be electrocutes ,. . thous-
ands of fish die by this' method
A golf' club raised above your
head is a sort of lightning rod
: many golfers . have been kill-'
fed b•y li•ghtning. •
• Tall . trees in. "the' open•' are not.
shelters. tern
;.._: . .... .. Pine; trees :�re..par-.
titularly dangerous because of
their.!, ' deep roots,' f,: you take ; yet
fuge• in a 'small ' shack or . barn,,
don't• lean against the Wall. Stand
in the 'middle of . it. Small trees
in. fa wood area,, or a clump of
treees• in a valley or 'ravine are
fairly safe shelters.
"-An automobile, is.:safe place
in, a thunderstorm;
If • you are caught.. out • 'in
g an
open field and can't find shelter,
lie flat on the ground, • You %nay
get muddy, but you'll likely sur -
vi 'e.
Old? Get� ,Pep Vim
Feel 'full of Vigor; Years Younger'
IUEN,WOMEN of 40, 50, 80. Dou't ba
old,weak,worn-out, all
in, exhausted. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets.
Often needed after 40 -r by..body old,: run.•
'down because lacking iron; increases vim,
vigor, vitality. Thousands feel, full of pep,
years younger. Quit beim oid.'Get'Ostrex
today. "Get -acquainted'.'• size costs little. Or
start with big popular "Economy" size 'and
save 751t. At ah druggists. .
A little, Angel. for 'His, choir,.
To' nuke the better land more
A little bud among His flowers,
To beautify His garden there.
—Wm. M. Buckingham.
Some driversare quite sats
.fied to park within " easy•°walk-
ing distance of the curb.
.Our Registered Warehouse
Reliable Gradin
• Direct Settlement °
Obtain sacks and twine
• without .charge from
or by writi>, ' to ••
21.7' ,Bay Street,- Toronto. Canada
That great Coke taste puts 'em at their sparkling best --Youngsters, '.too, go fors that extra
sparkle, that extra zest that puts than at their sparkling. best.' For young and old alike,when company
• s !'soon to rer+sfcr ..'y. ice -cord soca-oa'
calls..15e sure �dtr re rcacy .
' Authoriied aotller of Cocietelo under centred With Coen.Cela Lld:
°'Coke'' 1s a registered Mode -Mork,
5 Kingston, St.,• Phone No. 489
4 •••
,...a: +---.1111/ ter: