HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-05-16, Page 14t E2 1Tkkts ts lY♦) lrl y., et waao rq� • EAGE:F'OUR . Op sse afRaINWallg THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ON'T'ARIO' !OR SALE -7 weaned pigs.. Gor- don Johnstone, R: • "7, Lucknow, phone Dungannon 82-r-12.• FOR. SALE,Astral refrigerator, With table, used only a`year. Ap- ply at _Sentinel Office. • .FOR SALE 12 pigs, ' weaned.. 'Robert K. Reid, R..6; Lucknow, 10 -.41: A ,. FEMALE HELP WANTED Secretary capable of handling .complete _set of: books, for a large organization, with' knowledge of typing." Shorthand desirable. Full employee ;benefits, Reply in own handwriting stating age, educa- tion, . exlperience and salary de- sired 1o, •Box 10, Lucknow.. WANTED• FOR ,SALE. --X1951 Y4 -ton Fargo , D,EIALERS WANTED 'for supply- . and'* Mode -1 C. Allis.°Cha hners, big consumers with" line of hquse- '• ' ..... tractor,. 6 years old, both in' ex- hold necessities. You can er'sily: cellent condition. Mrs. Lloyd earn from $50 to $755 weekly. • • MacDonald, Lochalsh, phone Rip-' FLEX, Dept. 4. Station ley 12_28, Montreal. . • BABY CHICKS .Kitchener Big -4 Hatchery has for immediate delivery chicks. D:ayold, ' started. Also pullets,• cockerels. They will book your broiler orders for. later delivery. We strongly advise • immediate action' in ordering. Standard breeds, crosses; 'hyrbrids. Frill in- formation, agent= • LucxNow CoLOPERATIVE FOR `'. SALE - , Goodison . steel thresher machine 25x42, 10 foot feeder, grain thrower, only threshed 200 ' acres, will sacrifice. Henry Paul,Nashville,. Ontario. HOUSE FOR.RENT -- five miles -west of Lucknow,' hydro, Modern conveniences, 2 acres 'of land if desired. Apply at Sentinel . 'Office. or to •.Harvey Kilpatrick. LOST pair f., man's hor'ued rim glasses, in gray 'case ion°S•aturday_ night. in Lucknow.. • Leave, at . The Sentinel Office or contact Fred 'Johnstone, ' .phone • Dungannon 7Q -r-4. •. FOR SALE combination• Sun,- shine' baby walker and. go-cart, chrome handles and parcel car- rier. Mrs Cyril. Brown, phone 74 Lucknow. ,FOR SALE - Ayrshire ` cow, to calve about middle 'of June;.. one : electriclawn mower with' .100 ft. • of 'cord, • ,and ,ane •push mower; • two tires. S. Chislett, phone 179, Lucknow FOR . SALE: -Wood or coal -burn- ing ,cook =:stove, --with. reservoir and warming closet, in good con- dition, 'cheap"for. quick Sale. Mrs David. , . Hackett, .Phone 14-w, Lucknow: 1 03; r • 1. isr r, 1 COATING EVENTS HACKETT ANNIVERSARY. • • *Anniversary services will be held at Hackett United ' Church. on Sunday, May . 27th at 11 a.m. and 7,39 p.m. Guest speaker will be a .Rev. MacLeod of • Kippen.. Special music, • PLAY ' AT WHITECHURCf "Mr. 'Bean from Lima", a a'= act farcicalamity ;by Wroxeter CommunitY Club,. Will bepre- sented in. Whitechurch Commun- ity Hall; Friday, May . 25th at. 8.30, •spons`ored by Whitechurch': Library -Board. Adults , 50c,'. child- ren 25c..,' 92nd ANNIVERSARY''SERVICES, 'ChalmerS: Presbyterian Church TECHTJRCH, DN. • MAY 27th t 11 a.m. and '7,30 p.m. : .Guest Minister: • Rev. W. McClean of ' LucknoW. • You •are Welcome! PARLIAMENT ,HILL REPORT Andy Robinson, Federal, mem- ber of_ Parliament for. Bruce, will give his '.. seventh report from Parliament • Hill of this , Third Session, of the 22nd Parliament over Radio Station CKNX on Sunday,' May '27th at 10;15 a.m. 'and over CFOS, Owen Sound, on LUCKNOW INDUSTRIES Tuesday, ' May 29th at 7.00 p.m: • UnWe wish to , p • (�C,anada), Lucknowy. Industries reciaton '•to the it will make application . to The host of friends for Heno u'ra(b1e Tghe Secretary of State of Canada for leave to sur- render' the Charter .of , the Com_- pany: .. Dated'. this 7th.:day orf May,:.. A.D.; .1'956. ; • • and Mrs. Gordon , Johnstone, John J. Wintermeyer, .Secret _NOTICE TO CREDITORS R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. Barrister, Etc. • Wingham and Lucknow IN L,UCKNOW ' ' Each Monday . and Wednesday Located in. the Municipal Office 'Phone Wingham Office • 48. .. Residence 97 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME` • d. -'Phone 76 Day or Night :Ambulance .:Service . VSE OF FUNERAL HOME At. No ' Extra Cost Moderate' Prices Established 1894. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant West Street ,WEDNE&. AY, MAY 23rd, ' 1956 Insure With The CU LROSS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.. for., *• Reasgnable rates, • sound pro- • tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims., ' FARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent R.R. 3,,.-• Tees'water 'P'hone:. Teeswater 57-r-41 F.. '_....ARMSTRONG OPTOMETIUSHT OODERIC • FOR APPi:ixNTiVIENT . • 'Phone 1100‘ Y ' For Appointment 'or .Information See Wm. A.. Schmid,. 'Phone' 10-w, Lucknow -INSURANCE. FIRE, :WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE . `° ' AND LIFE To Protect,. Your Jack,. Insure. With Jack .Today. TED is ,' L�TI Under The Companies, Act, 1934, CARD ex ress Our sincere Limited �h reby gives:no'tice, that thanks and .app all the, kind thoughts ' and • deeds, :floral trib- utes' and, •messages of sympathy extended' -to us'at.the.time.'of.o'ur bereavement..: . • • • Mrs. John T. Blake and Mr. HOUSE FOR , SALE -modern 8- room.:brick . house on Havelock St. Oil.. furnace, .hardwood floors. Apply to Dr. T. B. Cleland,Luck now.: .SEED FOR . SALE -=•we• carry a full 'line of clovers, grasses' and timothy seeds., We ,ha e,. pasture •• mixtures for every type of soil. Harvey . Hagedorn, phone 71-24, Ripley:... '• . LAWN MOWERS r c 1�lr Repaired. ,& sharpened. Power _mowers a 'specialty.: For .:prompt, andffi i_ent service, see or call: W. RICE;-�'St' t.:2, `L cknow `Phone 211-r-3.1• SURGE MILKERS • More farmers • switch ,.to Surge.. milkers: Low down payments, easy . terms, • satisfaction and set.- . price. guaranteed., 'C'ontact Lovell - McGuire, $urge . dealer, .' phone 593, Wingham. ary:• ALL PERSONS having' claims ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION : against . the : estate of , JOSEPH . For artificial insemination in- /AGNEW, late of :the Village of: formation or sertvice from' all Lucknow in the County of ,Bruce, breeds of cattle, phone' ' the Retired Village Clerk, . who died. Waterloo • Cattle :Breeding •. As on or about the •nineteenth day sociation-at: Clinton,' HU 2-3441 of:March, A.D. 1956, are notified: Kincardine "460 between 7.30 and ; 9.30 a.rn. 'We ' have .all breeds available -=-' top quality at' low cost. PAPER HANGING & 'PAINTINd O_. ave :time and ' :temper ---Call Jim Farrish, ; Carlow 2013; for prompt 'courteous 'service. TEACHERS WANTED - The Ashfield Township School Area Boarth requires Protestant teachers for rural, schools. ' Dut- ies to commence 'in September., Applications 'to ipe in by ' May` -28th, 1956.. • R': T. 'Kilpatrick, 'Sec;-Treas.,. R. 7; Lucknow. MEAT. FOR '`SALE . • , .. Good ' beef for, sale 'by .the quarter. Beef killed' under. lic- ,ense ,from the ' Department of Health. Choice Hereford' year- lings. Custom butchering, a spec- iality - Raynard Ackert, Holyrood phone;-24,--30;--Ripley to 'send to -the- undersigrie&..on, or ' before .,the ninth day or June, A.D. :1956, full particulars of their ; claims 'in' writing.: Immed- AG"N EWSr AGENCY lately •' after the ,said ; ninth .day of June, the 'assets . '.of the • said. testator ' will • b' e• distributed amongst ` 'the parties .entitled :thereto, ' halting: regard only ' to claims . of which •the 'executors'. shall then; , have: notice DATED this eighteenth day .of May, A.D.. 1956. Crawford & ' Hetherington Wingharn, Ontario • Solicitors for the Executors. ,TE14:DERS KINLOSS TOWNSHIP • TEACHER .WANTEDTENDERS WANTED . 'xo_testant teacher for USS. Tei der -s No. will, be -received by 7 Kincardine anti. Greenock. anytime . . the undersigned anyte up to' Duties to . start in ,September. '' 2.00. 'o'clock in- the afternoon of: State qualificati ns _and . salary. to June . 4, 1956, for the.' construction Mrs.''Mary McC ell; sec.-treas.,S' "Wraith Municipal :Drain" No. 7,of the W � p . Kincardine and consisting. .of: .1,000 feet ` of open Greenock. • drain, and also, for the .construe - ton •of the "Taylor-Tiffin-Scotti Municipal','Drain", .consisting of 500 feet of tile thain, .and 10,700 feet ofopen drain.. 'These, drains are quite close to each other,' and• tenderers Must be prepared to do both fobs Plans,' profiles..ai U specifica- tions may be seen at . the Clerk's office, •or the Engineer's Office, 1Vlr James , A. Howes,, Listowel, Ontario. ; "TWolk to be completed not later than October .1,, .1956.:Tend- ers to be accompanied by...certi- fied cheque for 10 'percent of tender.' The: lowest ,or any, • ten- der not necessarily accepted. J. R. LANE, Clerk; R,R. 2, Holyrood; Ontario: ®DERIiC:II,' ONTARIO'.__ Telephones 343J' = 343W • • STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE .1.NSURANC:E' Investigate. Before. Investing REUBEN WILSON ' • • •R.R. '3 Goderich -Phone 80=x•-8 Dungannon LEGION . MEETING . • The regular' .monthly meeting of :the Lucknow Branch , of the Canadian Legion will' be held in 'the • Legion ,Hall;• • Tuesday, May 29th at 8.15 ,porn. Your attendance is' requested:... - TENDERS o instal an TENDERS wanted t . l �F]hTiD e _ - oil burner in S.S.No. 4, Huron. eave--estimate•--math--Gorge" S..] Emmerson, secretary, R: 3, Ripley, ,' FINANCING A CAR? .before May ,30th, 1956: ' ' 3 , .. • _ Before .you buy ask' about,our _ Low Cost• Financing Service with• • CARD,.OF THAN complete Insurance . Coverage; J. , •:»' " ' A. McDonagh, Insurance Agent, .1 would like to thank every •phone Dungannon 61'-5.; one who.. sent carets, flowers and fruit and those'Who.came to•visit „ ;r I. k � . .r. ' FARMERS! °� • me • in the'lospital and since See the Stan Hoist Loader be- came home, fore buying any .loader. Fax hog ' ' 1Vtrs. Archie Nicholson. ' t - feeders. ' 1-Iay balers and eleva- r f • ,.Mors. _•All_ _farm _equipment_w • Idea Distributors, Goderich, Ont..;. phone Carlow 2821.' iM I• REST HOME ACCOMODATION W-AocbmoaUon -a v a ale -at Carruth'er's Convalescent' Home. Horne -cooked meals, modern con- veniences, warm. `Registered nurs ing .available if required •in ease of sickness. Apply to Elliott Car- . ruthers, R. 3, Holyrood, phone Mr. and Mrs. Harvey gram. wts"h•, to sincerely thank` friends and relatives for cards and remembrances ;received at the time of the birth ..of their ittre -daughter; .$.masa-S`u�an.• CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE MEMBER OF Ontario ' Insurance Agents' Association. GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 20 . Years ,Ago Telephones: ' p Business 39 Residence' 138 T boNAG R.R.3, Lucknow; Ont. 'Phone ' 61-5, ,Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWI L•i - NTATIu IN, LUCK'NqW • ,Every Wednesday. :and Saturday," Afternoon, Office in' the Joynt Block.• Telephone: Office 135 , Resi ence 314 G. ALAN: WI LLIAMS Optometrist: Office on Patrick St., just off the ' Main St: in WINGHAM • Examination Professional � '�ye E � , • Optical Services' .. Evenings by.appointment. 'Phone: Office •770; Res. 291 McLENNAN and. MacKENZIE rUNEIAL- SERVICE ' Services conducted accord- ing to ,'your wishes at 'your, .Home, your Church,' 'or at. • our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge... AMBULANCE :SERVICE, Phone `.181,'Locknow,, Day or. Night TED CO'LLYER- Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in'' Electrical Wiring and Repairs AGENT FOR ' SPARTON TX. nand.:.. All Electrical Appliances Phone 46-r-25, Lucknow The:fainily of the 'late Mr. Jos. eph Hanna wish to' express their sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for their kindness, and sympathy ,during their recent be- 27-16 Ripley, . reaveinent: CanNow Accept / TOWN RESIDENTS & •COMERCIAL• TRUCKS as weld as the farm Business. For information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNO, Phone Dungannon' .70-r-10W JOHN': McMlfl pme,.RIPLEY, ' Phone 20-r-23 CO-OIP , PROPANE. O ANI•:; GAS and-1'PLIANCE5 : • for arm home and in dustry LIJCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. Phone .Luleknow. .11 • Kenneth J. MacKenzie, R.O. Optometrist ,; ..._,' . - ELONT.; LTSTO�V , at the .former Wrona Jewelery..' store..Ripley,10 a.m... to 9:, p.m., • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6th and every Second Wednesday. " Eyes examined =Glasses fitted • For' .appointment •'phone .11,oy MacKenzie, 96'-24, Ripley. HA•M •WING 'MEMOR•IAL •SHOP We Have Been' Memorial.' Craftsmen for' Thirty -Seven "-rear's..-Alwas Using THE BEST GRANITE$ ong nth.., Expert .Designing and • Workmanshap.= -. Prices Most Reasonable :,Cemetery Lettering a, Specialty R. A. SPOTTON 'Phone 256, Wingharn, Ontario INSURANCE' NSU �:. o--.-0nerative Life InsuranCO Co -Operative Automobile insurance Mercantile. & Farm Fire ----Insurance_ Economical and Reliable. See T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW .'Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon•