HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-05-16, Page 13WEDNA'Y, MAX 23rd, .1,956
Hacketts W.M.S.. meeting was
'held at the home of Mrs. Dynes
Campbell on May --15th .and .was
marked as .the Grandmothers'
• '1—fleeting. Mrs: Bert Alton presid-
ed and opened with, prayer.
• After the opening exercises.
Herald ,reports were given by
Mrs, Chris Young and • Mrs.
Dynes Campbell. A,, reading was.
given by Mrs. Bert •Alton. Mrs.
George Henry reported as card
secretary and the businessof the
bale was discussed.. '
The grandmothers were Wel-
cornedand gave interesting in-.
cidents _ of Aheir.'Tseh.00l_.days_ and.
the •schools they attended.
.►� •�5, ,...�1�.,� ,,..,� �w�t�.. �1..N ►n�.<: n of . a.
..The presentato life, mem-
._.r= bersliip was oMade•
to Mrs. Cxri•
„, .1Ner+misko. a i�
0h+rww1�.4,. 1�..,
► . .,p,.o..rn q..i ...m��'.,
South I�r�n�a�s `.
Pie:sbyte.rjar� Chu:r:c
wishes, to thank all those
whose .attendance made. the Services of '
. their 1.00th Anniversary
• such a success.
Worship each. Stuiday, 1:15 p.m. All •are weleome.
Rev. Norman :'Caswell, B.AMinister,
! 'Campbell mpbell and. also a plant' from,LU. ,LUCKNOW caleneral
the Cradle. Roll of4"Ha_.
cketts ,Chirch.
Mrs. Campbell made a
MtnIster •
Rev, ,A. Meikle john,
• B,:A.,•
10:00 a.m.: Church School.
dc •
11.00 'a.ni . Rural Life Sun -
.day • Service. ,
7.00 p.m.: The Parable of the
•Presb:. ter!an arc
Rev.. Wallace•• McCleaf,, •
• � Minister . '� .• !•
SUNDAY, MAY 27th '
1.. m � 1;
.0.00 a, .� Sunday ' Schoo_.
1,t Y
1100., •a.m.: 'Bev. N. ' Caswell •of
Whitecburcit • i
3.00 p.m.: Dungan nn. i
7.00- p.m.: Evening Service l' ` i
, • withdrawn in ' favor of : '
Ripley Centennial:
•Mr: and Mrs. Charles Steward
spent last week 'in London with
their farn'ily: a
Mr. Will Lees " of Ferndale,.
Mich.; isvisiting with • his sister,
Miss Jean Lees, ''� .
Mrs. Burt Roach is a patient
in .'Victoria Hospital, Where She
underwent surgery on her hand.
Mr, , and. Mrs. Ken Pickett,.
Nancy and Larry of ' Clinton were
holiday , guests of Mr:. ail& Mrs,,
Jim , Haekett 'of the . R.C,M.P.
at Ottawa . was a ,week -end Visi-
tor with ' '.his .parents, Mr:' an
Mrs. Wilfred ;Hackett. •
• Mr. A. K. Farnell of ' Toront
visited last week .with Mr. an
Mrs. Wm. 'McGill and Miss Esthe
fitting reply .of . thanks.
At the •close ,of the sheeting
a'• successful plant ,bazaar was
;held ,and •a dainty lunch was
served. .bjr the hostesses,' Mrs.
Dynes' Campbell- and, Mrs: Wal-
ter Alton, •
The address follows::
Dear Mrs. Campbell,
It is• with• great pleasure we.
welcome you back, to our ' Mis-
sionary., Society, especially. today
when we : are gathered -together
o do k€iraor. fto. the: =Grandrnotl-`
We would like to 'take 'this
d opportunity of expre ssing to you
our appreciation • of .. your .{work
. wihrle you were among 42s. You
Semi=Annual Tailored -to -Measure
20 percent off
• .
ee Extra:Pan;ts °or Sk _.,.-
><rtat regular prices.
Sale continues `. #o' Saturday, June' 2nd
Ladies'` • and' Men's Wear. . Fashion Millinery
Henderson, ,Mary *ABM.
Highland •
• Susan Cleland, . Mary .Finlay-
son, .. Donna Corrin, Kathleen
Dalton, Jean Drennan, Joan Mac-
_Kenzie; ..Florence • MacLennan,
_H,aTbaz',a . U1 ,
acsK:enzie, ; ..Mary.
Walden, : Beverley MacKenzie,
Jean McDonald,'' -Marilyn Hen-
derson', son .Karen
Wasney, Joanne
Conley, Mary •Allyn, Betty . Bell,
Sandra Brooks, Jane , Finlayson,°
haveserved our . W.M..S. well, as.:Dianne Jamieson, Barbara Fin-
d •president •at different times' and Jayson, Carolyn Forster,.'Margar-
Mr. • and: Mrs. • .H. J Farrel
spent, the week -end- with • Mr
and Mrs. Wm; McGill: and their
sister, Muss; Esther McGill: :
Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey, Robb at-
tended' the, graduation;` of Miss
Anna Robb on -Wednesday even -
ng in .London. • '
Mr. and .' a
Mrs.. Ron 'Rothwell
and Rosemary and ,Mrs. William
Golloher ° of :Norwood w e.r. `e
week=end visitors with Mr: and
Mrs. E. J. Thom.' .
•in many other, ways as• well. et 1VIacLennan,
So We: ask you to" accept this Finlay MacLennan.•
:I certificate which entitles you to
a life •membership in the Wo-
men's. Missionary' Society of the • D SUNDER TRUCK Turner of Culross, who prede-
United Church of Canada. HOOD ceased him in'.1914. In:' 1922 he
On. 'behalf of the: younger. •
Last week's visitors with Mrs.
• •'Wm.. Bushell were Mr: andWMrs.
Dave' Wardrop of .White :Mouth,
Manitolba; Mrs. John Baker .. and
Verne of Port Elgin; Mr. and
Mrs..J. J,. Bushell,, Mr. and Mrs,
Morley Bushell and' children and .
Mrs.,J. W. :Colwell, all of Kin- ,
• lough; Mrs.•' Don`' MoCosh . and
Mrs. Currie. Colwell:
Visiting' 'at. the. ',home of Mr.
and Mrs: Win, ' Moore: of Lucknow
'over thg:�nolday--aveek-;end-•-were-
Mrs. U1 nont ' Moore and daugh-
ters, Misses Alice, 'Agnes, ,Shir-
lei, .Joyce and Pauline of. Wrox-
•. eter; Mr: and Mrs. Frank VaIad.
•of Guelph; :.Mr. Thos. _Moore_ of_
Wroxeter; Mr, and- -Mrs. , Fred
Keleher of. Guelph;- Mr.and. Mrs.
R, J. Yuill 'arid son James, Bnyrs-
sets; Mrs. -Eva Moore. of ' Guelph;
Miss Winnie Stewart of : `Lon-
don • and Mr, ,and ,Mrs •Jack. 'Wil-
•son of . Stratford spent the .'week=
end with . the girls' parents, Mr..
and Mrs. Philip Stewart.
Mary Anna IvlacIntyre was
home from St: Joseph's . Hospital,
Loindon, for the Centennial An-
niversary services :on' Sunday of
South Kinloss Churdh.
• Mr. and .Mrs.. J. • Luxton and
-M -ands Mrs --ii:. Brumby- an -d
daughter Edith : of Toronto . were
week -.end ,guests of Mir.. and Mgrs:
Harvey Webster.: .
Mr: and ' Mrs... John ' Ross of:
fiayiu°ga spent the�week-end•T ere.
Mr. Ross, a former public. school
rinci�pal• here, is'completing his
There passed away at his home
on the 10th Concession o'f'.. Kin
loss Township, on Sunday, • May •
- �-; JbsEph-: Hanna,- .in � ka;
Deceased (was born in "Kinluss.
June ` .
there his entire lilfetime; with•:
the exception of'twelve years' in
Kincardine :folloviting the.death.
his father.. '
in 1874. He was .a
anion Mole member a the United Church, '.
, .
A black cat's nine, Iives ran
'out on,Saturdayas it met
un a unusua eircuinstanees. -
Mrs..Herb ' cQuillin . was
and :for a number of years a
member • 'Of the; ' Independent
Order of Foresters.
In .1899 • he married Nellie
members '' of. the ', Cradle Rolle
was • .married to Margaret Mai
eolith (nee. Purvis),- ;of the 10th
which you served as' secretary• r , death Concession, 'Kinloss; who passed.
for many years, : we offer you. d 1- -away:in - _ -
this small token with our . a r - Mr M away in 1950: ,A brother : Jur�cs� _' ;_
pp ec and a sister. Martha predeceased
iation and thanks. • -- . startingrout--on--the .marl' delivery: • Wim, while, one sister Mrs
Signed' :'on behalf of Hackett route,, when •she noticed 'the ' 1Vlary
Wall of the 14th • Concession of , • .
W.M.S and Cradle Roll: truck'' heating up just north ,.of Culross, survives.. • .
the:.Villag g; Also surviving are a•
. Lucknow District High School.
auditorium wasfilled' to capacity
on both Friday and Saturday ev=
,enings of .last " week . When 'the
students of the Lucknow Danc-
ing School.".presented-`-thein--sec
ond• .annual dance recital..
The .dancing school has as its.
teacher Miss Amy Johnstn
Owen Sound; one time champion
'dancer in the ,Highland class.
Mrs. H. R..; Alln''' has worked
with Miss Johnston- as. her .ac-.
companist, 'Master' ' of ceremonies
was Ray Specht, husband .ofMiss
Johnston, who • still . uses ' her
maiden •nan'ie in her •dancing as.. -
Upon investigator, son.. and.
a deadcat was discovered under three • daughters, Mrs.' Morle
the. hood, ,•and it 'was ,with :sorne y
Bell .(Edna) of Corrie; Mrs. Mor --
difficulty that. W. 'G. Reed as ell Bell (Irene) and Mr's: Gordon.
sisted Mrs ,, McQtlillin in, extrr- McKee (Martha), both'of Toronto' '
eating the. animal ,from under and .Ernie athome; there are 11
the fan. Mail dehvery ran about grandchildren : and' . ten : 'great:.'
an hour behind.schedule due" to
the incident Remains rested at' the late res-
It is 'believed that.: when • the idence, +with .:the funeral being
_truck was sitting at the Post Of- held ifrorn the W "G Church Fun
fifth term'. asprincipal at Cay- sociations. • ' .•
uga. • 'Special guest artists perform
r. Bili Simple of Windsor; Mr.. , •
and Mrs, Oliver , Stugler, Guelph; A:. M. Nicholson, ' M.P., ca
Mrs..Wan. 1V1oore of Galt and Mr. up from :Ottawa . 'to spend t
Harvey.'Adams of Galt and had a
very pleasant holiday... with flash
camera and • a ,recording-macihine.
time ing were Billy Gilmore, Rae Mac,.-
he Kay, Stuart White and Bill Mc -
week -end' with ,Mrs., Archie Mae -
Pherson of the 48th .Highlanders,
Intyre ,and family and attended. Canadian champion .pipers guar
tette, who thrilled. the crowd;
the Centennial :Services ' in South
Kinloss ,Church,
.with' their piping and `.dancing;
Reasonable estimates reglreserit-
ing projections on --the .basis -.-of
figures for. the ' ten-year -eriod
en in9�3;rnttirate•
ber of alcoholics per 100,000 o •
ul Pp
ation-20 years and, :over—in
• certain '.
n. '
D�ta `
rt counties, to' be.•
as follow's': -• , ...
, Middlesex'`31'60.adsults per 1 0 000.
York 2610 ., . . " ' , 6„
Carleton 2540 ' f: /f •
Wentworth` 2255. ' " 9 'f
'ronteaace 1705 ,f0, ff
?ssex 1680 : �, 9) _ ,,
Huron • 750 •,' ,i - ,,.
Darlene MacMullen, 8 -year-old
Dr. Anna Nicholson Wright, of acrobatic dancer from:. Owen
Saskatedrr,--'Who is :temporarily—Amt aund; ,Siheil 'MacKi Tien,.. Gail
Chicago, I11., spent the week -end" Richards; Alan Jackson and Jane
at her, former home, , 2nd Con.y .Gardiner" highland. and: . top
Kinloss,. and -was --present at the danders.from Owen Sound; Jack
Centennial Service in. South Kin- MacRae, guest vocalist., of Amber -
ley. Miss`Jn'linstoii also danc .
for the' audiences, on both nights. •
Members °of the dancing 'school
taking part were;.
Ballet and Tats . , •r _
Donna Corrin •. Barbara gain-
eron, Janfce ' Brooms,, . 'ay • Hogan,
Brenda Humphrey, Jane' Joynt,
Helen. Johnstone, '.1VLary Finlay-
son, Sharpri. Mowbray, Mary
Murdie, Joan 1V. Cac.KenzierBeveri-
ley MacDonald, Joyce Walker,
e • Karen Wasney, : Paid Button,
a Brian reenaWay, Wendy ` C ac-
of Kenzie,, Helen Courtney, Janice
Case, Myrna • • Griffiths; Lana
Hodgkins, Wanda Hunter, Paddy•
O'Connor, Diane Vasseila, Lynda,
Button, Lis :Conley; Lyn Cause,.
Janet rinlayson, Sharon Lowry,
"Helen McNair, Georgia • Jean
Smith, Patricia Thompson,Trudy
Thomson, Judy Webster, Nancy
Webster, Pat Welsh, Evan A.g-
losS Ciiirrc •
' ; rn ' r �e 'd etow
Mr, •W J. 1'a n Rr
ya . g
Mr, .and Mr's. Glen Parney and
'family , of Thames'ville and I r;
and Mrs..Lloyd Brien and fain-
ily of Ridgetown were week -end
visitors with Mr and Mrs. Lorne
Those who visited at the home
of.. Mr. and i1:rs.. Leonards Mac-
Innes and :attended South Kin
_ ' loss Centennial on Sunday wer
these" es 1 i es are based on 'Mrs. Percy Crosier and S'and`y
the scientific • Les
developed. • and Mrs; . John, 'MacDougall
Y r. Jelhinik, formerly Direct-'
Of of the Yale School of ,Alco-
- )1olicStudies and now connected
with the •
World Health Orga-W
Huron County, under ;the Can-'
jaa Temperance Act, has no legal
quer outlets. All the others
. listed above have legal liquor,
fice while the . mail' •' was 'being eral Hor e; Teeswat'er -on Wed--
•:a dog may .haves; chased nesday at; .2.30-" p.m. Rev. ':Fred
the.. cat n.et the• t.__-r-u_etr__and :the -I -Starke ieiat-ed. In-terdnent-was--'
in Teeswater,Cemetery:. .
Pallbearers • were six grand-,
soils, Maic and !Harold ,Bell, Nor-
man and. Allan. McKee;.' Douglas
and. Do d" 3e11 _ lower ;:.bearers.
feline leaped onto' the pan and
made its way 'under the hood,
crouching at .:the ' (front :.of the
motor.: When • the engine was
started- -a—bio r-fi o i'-tf fan` is
:believed -Jo. have killed the cat,
and stopped the fan's operation
causing •the.truck to heat. •
were Jack. :Ross; Stewart • iVfac-
Donald, Don ; Donaldson, :..Jiro.
Wilson, `Moriel and Grant • Wa1L.
Brantford; Mi, and Mrs. Martin
(Jr.)' MaeInne , ''Dar'iene Butch,.
and- Debbie of 'Detroit; Mr. and
Mrs: John. D. Ross, Cayuga; Mr.
and Mrs. Mattie Maclnnes, Corin
and Clifford, Detroit; Mrand
Mrs. Roy Maclnnes, Patsy,. John
and Carolyn of Toronto and Mr.
and Mrs, Peter Campbell of St.
THE BEST :,,BUYS.. IN .. .
Wo -are 'exclusive ,dealers. for "the net
by the Makers.. of Famous Duo=The
• Dao -Trim "vacuum gleans'' your lawn leaving it with
a velvety swept up look r no : more raking as ex-
clttsrve..• wind, tunnel, action chops grass clippings
and' leaves extra. fine .:. no more trimming chores, -
.euts''right ud" to.' all ;borders .• .; . reversible handle,•!.'.,
no more `jiT?' turns ., , safe, easy starting .. . corn-/ •1ti
' pletewith leaf • mulcher..
We Also Handle The
ell :Known Line of .MatwelllViowers
• rlcut' Jr. Swirlcut Sr., Reel Cut .
Considered Oneof the Best Line of Mowers 1VI tde
Oster & ac , inn
on '1
Plumbing Heating, Wiring, Eavetroughhig .— 'Phone. '50
., � .. - .,t�.tlbt�lisp.:lRa!+��:etsy � �•��k
, M . 10Ltel s y:.1,,.wrwuforo..o;,.n.....a+
. •