HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-05-16, Page 1•
$2:50 At Year In Advance --$1.00 Extra. To U.S.A.
Three former ministers. of
South Kinloss Presbyterian
Church will return • this ,week
end to, participate in special
vices - to mark the Centennial an
p versar"y of the • congregation.
They are ,Reir. Jt L.• Burgess, Rev;
G; M. Young and Rev.'. G., S.'
• Baulch
-__.iSe v1 es-.:.wi1LL...'be Jie . at�:11•.00
a.m. and 7;30 'p.m.- 'Bev. Batilch•.
s will preach:, in, the morning • and.-:
. Rev. Burgess in...the evening,
Guest . soloist at both 'services
will be Mr W. F , Thornpson of
Toronto. . • •
On Monday 'evening there will
• be a historical and 'social meet-
ing `•at• the church with 'Rev:..
David Lane as guest speaker: . .
A historical illustrated booklet:.
• has been, ..printed ' that will be
available on this 'occasion. ' •
Log Church ,Built Century Ago
Many of the early settlerso ho•
brayed the•. privations of.; the
Queen's Bush, were Gaelic -speak -s,
�s iirg ' Presbyterians These first
,settlers were ;sought nut by. ,pion_
eer :''minsters who-fo11(wed . the
:blaze through the bush tobring-
4, them': the gospel in their log
shanties. But : these God-fearing
folk were not satisfied without
a place of.worship and wider fel-
It was , in1856—one hundred,
years,' ago—that the first log
church was built beyond the Sec«•
and Concession' on :the east side
• of what' is now; the Lucknow.-
• Bolyrood County road. T h e
church was at first floorless :with
logs4serving as seats: These ' were
• • later hewed on . the :top side and
' . suppor. ed -by peg •legs ,driven in
to . auger 'holes; This prunitive
church was known as• Murdoch
MacKenzie'schurch due to the
." prominent' `part: he splayed in its
erection: '
It was • only seven years . later
—in • 1863 -that . the first, "Big
Church" Was built on the pres-
ent site, and which prevented
the building Of a tavern on that
:spot. The contract was • for $950
with the congregation` to put up.
the frame.; Rev. Adam MacKay
of Teeswater . held . services .every
second Sunday until 1867 When
Rev. •'John McNabb ' was''•ordained.
:And inducted as the first :resident
minister. •
-was-during-the .rni•nfstry=--of-
ltev. Duncan Cameron that • The
:Manse. was ; built in 1873, the
trick. for its construction having
(been teammed from Kincardine by
men. of ',the congregation. —
In 1888 Rev. T. A." MacLennan
•commenced a •25 -year pastorate
that .terminated in • 1913, a, Year
after the present brick church
had been completed and dedicat-
ed. A. P:, Stewart was ..,the archi-
` tea' ' of , the new church.. • Jarres
Fisher, his son William 'arid John
(Continued on, Page .2)
BUILT 1.911-12
Mrs. Archie' Nicholson, the for-
mer Birdie Reed, suffered a sev-
ereback ,injury When 'struck by.
a . tree on their Glamis district
arm on Thursday.
•Mr, and . Mrs. Nicholson have
• bee ,_...e.
n farming ,near Glarrnrs s7nce
selling their store at Belfast. •
Mrs, Nicholson ;was in the or
...chard at the time of the mish'ap,
'where Work Vas in p:
root out progress to;
an old apple tree. Rath
.er• thanbeing uprooted;the' tree
'broke offabove'. the' .ground, ,and
name .crashing down It narrowly
It le Public Scho'
p _ y of--Board-.has •
engaged Mrs. Roy .MacKenzie of
Ripley to succeed Miss Jane
Johhstorie, who • resigned after
two years.at Ripley,' to -accept
an, appointment' on the . Lucknow
staff as successor to Mrs, Roy
" Mrs. MacKenzie has been tea-
aching at: Virdun, and was prev-
iously .at Lochalsh.;;,
There is encouraging improve-
ment lit the condition '.of Mrs,.
Eldon Lowery, of , Lurgan . who.
was critically 'ill "the ,latter , part
of the week, Mrs. Lowery is the
former . Alma: Carruthers, dau-•,
ghter Of Mrs. John Carruthers
of'• town
Mrs. 'Lowery . Underwent a
:Major operation: in London some,
five••weeks ••ago, and had return-
ed home' when ;complications de
veloped She was taken to Wing -
ham Hospital themiddle of last
week and later inp the week was
removed by ambulance • to St.
Joseph's iIHospital, London. ' Her
condition . was critical ' from a
corribination of :phlebitis, pleur-
isy and pneumonia.. ' By Tuesday
her condition was much improv-
Jim Boyle of Holyrood' has
purchased • the' village residence
'of Wm, Schznid, and , will obtain
possession in '.early summer
- T)ouglas will then move to the
Modern apartm t which is, be-•
ing. completed, . above .• his `new'
jewellery store
• shower of . gifts, messages,
and cards, brought greetings and
best wishesto. Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ard ' Webster as they : celebrated
their golden 'wedding •anniversary,
at.: the week -end..
Scores ".of.' we1i-wishera: took
advantage of open house to call
arid ` extend felicitations ' to the
bride and groom of . fifty; years
ago, who have; spirit all' their
Married life in' Lucknow. '•Mrs.
Webster :,'Was , formerly Annie
Gibes. of . Galt,' "arid • "Dick" is a
descendant of; one :of this .com-
munity's earliest :families, and
has• spent this lifetime here.
Mr, and Mrs, Webster have a
family. of 'four -sons • and .. three
daughters,. There are seven
grandchildren • .and` among the
floral decorations was'a• beauti-
ful bouquet of . golden Mums
'from the grandchildren.
Messages .;and gifts were re-
ceived 'from government; . mem=.
Jeers including_Prime.-Minister .St.
Laurent, the.' Hon. George Drew,
Premier Frost •of Ontario, ' Andy,;
Robinson, M.P., •'and John ' W.
Hanna; M.P.P. •
Pouring tea were Mrs. W. G.
Andrew,. Mrs.' • James .Webstter,
Miss Ada; Webster, Mrs. Fred
Fuller, Mrs.. R. ; H. Thempson,
Misses Olive and ..Flora, Webster,
Mrs. Thomas Anderson...
Assisting with • the'serving.
were, Miss 'Fiera Andrew, Eliza.-
beth, Nancy: and Judy Webster,
Mrs. Margaret : MacDonald, Mrs.,
Alex MacNay, Mrs. Annie
Approximately three hours was
all the Kitchener Silo Company
needed to, erect a nevv'• cement
block silo -on' the farm ',of Glen
Walden:last "week. • •
While' the cement block' strict
ure ',is riot the first4 of its kind
in this , part' of t'he' country, we.
understand •that there are a very
limited . number in" use
in this
immediate area•.
Glen . had inspected a' ntunber
of silos .Of this type in . the Kit-
chener area before making his
decision,.`'and• reports that most
of the• men he `• spoke too were
well satisfied with the cement:
block structure. While a com-
paratively new 'business in. Can=`
add,these silos have been' in
:use .in the United , States for •a
numlber of. years.
The silo is' erected- `on •a` (base
20 inches wide, and• about three
feet deem • which had been pour-
ed about a month befere. •
The lower. rows 'of blocks are
Of a smaller type, with 3Q inch-
iiag "terlo. is g nro . eing.
used for the majority, of the silo, ,
'The thickness of ,the . silo, • wall
is about 3 inches.; ,Each block •
weighs 80••pounds, with about: 620
pieces being' used for the entire
Glen•-apurch sed. the 12• by 35
foot silo tggh Allan Petrie oi,„.
.Dungannon; who is the local
The' two company men,• along;
with Glen. 'Walden;. Ron Mc-.:
Knight and Allan Petrie,' had . a
cement block' - hoisted and into
place every 11 'seconds: 'according
to onlookers.. who did the~;tiro
ing. Steel rods are ,tied around
the silo, so as 'every block is in
contact, ' ncl the silo is plastered
inside and out.
Knox Presbyterian • Church,.
Ripley, has; plans . well?. in hand
for the' .;celebrating .of the one
hundredth anniversary of ,Pres-
byterianism in that:Huron Tovn-
ship community:
The Centennial services will. be
held ' morning and evening on
Sunday, May 27th, with.Rev. J:'
Reynolds Esler of Brantford; and
-a former -pastor;:-conduct=ing
morning service.' In the evening, '..
Rev:, A.. Ross MacKay;:..aa native'
son, now .of • St. Cuthbert's Pres-
byterian -Church, . Montreal, will,
be the minister: -
.Dedication This' Sunday.
[Members of Knox congrega-
tions have been ,energetically; ,en-
thusiastio about 'their centennial
anniversary:„. For' some time a
program of church. 'renovation
has been: carried out.that includ_
ed ,papering, painting,`, the install-
ing. of a centre . aisle and ass�ci-
ated rearrangement of the seat-'
' K I L PAT R I C KS ARE, Struthers,; Mrs. Howard ..Rabin Eng. An openings and - -dedication.
son, Mrs. • Chas. Webster, Mrs. service will be conducted this
LEAVING TOWN Harvey Webster, Mrs. Wm: Bolt Sunday afternoon at 230 b' _the' -.:
Mx. and Mrs, John Kilpatrick
arernoving from the Tillage ''to
Norwich,. • and '•plan to , :leave on
Thursday ne3it. •
Joiwich is near, Brantford. and
Jack has been. there • •far about
'a -month Where •h:e is in, charge of
the- parts department of an im-
plement firm.
Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick moved
to Lucknow from Ashfield twen-
ty years ago,. when Jack entered
the •iirnplement business.
The . Kilpatrick family have
•hee'n valued members of" the
s •
d� ando the United
striking f
sVill-community tri'` 'theco
htrees an
m of y
Mr u
g S.. N1choIsoi A n
ori 'the hP
adr••--�u'd--•-state-k 'het -age are-'e-•fall-ir-g•,••before•t1i,P "�;'oncls- G";hur ,their de.arture' is
er. I•t was at first th'ougnt.
'she might have . suffered a brok-
err back.While this. is not the
case,_:she did---suffere.- a .sev ;e.
lack injury, incltidin`
me 1; torn 'liga-
ts, that will confine her to
for a time
Mrs.. Nichols . ,.
Vin on was taken to
ghnz Hoapital and on Mon-
day, vas permitted to
h�,,:,• a be taken
man's axe", cr • its `modern day generally regretted., Marilyn • is..
w. Some the • only member of the _family.
cotlnter�art the chair!, sa •
twentytrees showinsvarious de. now at. hon '.. She is .a student
T. •stri• . • S, •
gree ,{af decay" -were. spotted. --b -at uckno .�T)1 ct R� Qo1
the Council for felling, and since `Keith is employed at Silverwoods
the operation commenced about in Hamilton, Noreen has .just
another. ten , are likely• to, be completed a •four-year course • at
dropped - Jack ,Irwin• is the saw Western and is presently '' em
,operator. With. the tree cutting
being. a municipal project the
*ployed , in Toronto, and Gladys is
a student ntirse at Victoria Hes-
e, where she` i b drf s d ill go to: the town hall. pital.
M or, . J. R. MacDonald.
Mrs, Mary` We'bs'ter. ,- past Rev.
Expressive :of :.the' good wishes
of ' many friends • was the poem
p d by Miss- Dean McLeod.
on behalf of the neighbors on
the hill-: •
TolMr.' and 'Mrs. Webster;
On:M y ._ , •i
May .the.. -ninth in.--nineteen-
Yon*. were just "newlyweds",
And now, : just think,:it's fifty
(Continued ,,on Page 10). '
Mansfield Store: at Holyrood
has been • re -opened. for business,-
fbIowing. the dire that . gutted
the building back in .early -D .:
g aiy e
cember: • .
The garage wasu`but little dapl-
a"ged .and : a new cement block
structure was build adjoining it 1
to, serve as a store and living
quarters, .
A new, type interlocking cern,
gent block was used. 'in restoring•
the building.
Compile` History •
Invitations have ' been sent out
to. several hundred former resi-
.dents, and those who have ties
with tile• congregation, and quite
a home -coming: is anticipated ac-
cording_ to:=re.:..lies' received ' •
p by' ,
Hamilton. MacKinnon,' convener
of the invitation committee.
Ari, outstanding task has been
achieved • by the historical com-
mittee- in compiling an • accurate
,and ' comp4ete history .of Presby- : •
terianism 'beer, the century. This
is being produced .in book •form,.
and is;well illustrated with
�pxcttires dating: - back; :to the first
Settled minister of Iuron, church,'
Rev. Alexander . Grant,. who, 'be-
came the resident minister in
1865. First recor.d . of•..ihe�.congre-
gation date back to February
856. These books will be avail-
able 'at anniversary 'time.
The , centennial • • celebration
will conclude 'with a congrega
tional supper and: social hour on
Mcmday,' May 28th, 1,-
11` •