HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-05-09, Page 8ab, ,43Yi p v;3 is ti, Ex s�. 4. jt1 • 1 Ie SC1,"' 49 t%gip 34! lr P OE .EIGHT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SPRING TIRE SALE plus your recappable tire CAVALIER. 6.00 - 16 ,15 6.7.0 - 15; Bi cwall ' . ,r. ��: Mo ors :, .•, Mb,,1.t.Ofl1.e . 'and• Monareh Dealer .-: .-l,'horie .40, �>iucknuw .Ford : .. • WHITECHURCK Litt - le Ronald. • Henderson, youngest. son of . Mr. and, 'Mrs., Robt. Henderson, had' his ,:face cut while . playing in . the.: barn at home. He was taken to Wing - barn Hospital where several stitches • were taken to close the. cut: • Mr: , and ; Mrs. Jahn Hayes ' 'of • Detroit• .spent the week-endWith relatives here •and. visited Mrs. • Mary Jane. Tiffin who' is a,, pat, ient in Wingham. Hospital suf- ifewing from ' a ,broken hip: when' she fell at the. home of her' son, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin: Mr --and Mrs. Caan_'_Simmons lans'lor: the -annual• •spr-in -meet-.. •and Nancy- of "London spent the•of the Deanery of Bruce to week -end, with her parents, .Mr: • be held 'in. Lucknow on 'Tuesday, .and Mrs. •Chas.Martin. May, 22nd:, , There are, 'ten par.- 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith ' of ishes -with twenty-five 'congrega- Toronto __ _spent:., the . week -end tions in_ the Deanery. of. Bruce, ious projects. Those taking. part with her' . parents, Mr` and Mrs._ The':: local parish °. which will; were Beatrice, Barbara, Norma, Russp Play ell. Cha man. la host to the Deanery includes Betty, Alice and Donna Halden- Mr, .and Mrs: Bert . Moggash; the congregations. of St...Peters, by,: Joyce Hedley; E1da Wall and ' and Ldrrie mov- LucknoW; St. Pauls, 'Ripley; ,St., Sharon'Hodgil s.. Mrs. P. A. Mur- „ Paul • ray, who : presided for the • pro-' KINLOUGli Mr, Ncible Guest of Kincardine has been spending awhile with Mr, and Mrs . Wesley Guest.. Mr. Guest has not been enjoying good health the past few months.. Mrs., Jack Hewitt, who attend- ed. the, Wedgwood demonstration. in. the . town .hall,,. LucknoW, Spon= cored. by Wm. `"Schmid, .was the lucky winner of one of . the six door :.prizes.; j Mrs. Norman Nicholson, • David .'told women .are better drivers, so let.. us ;show that we'are. Never open: your' . car door to step out on the traffic side. The speaker told •ofcases she had been an formed of .where women ' were, up for impairet "driving Doesn't it r�i,ale, us• wonder what our wo rmen ; a' : e coming"ta Traffic :lights, and. directional' signals are' for our safety, observe same. A good r !their splendid skit. ,Mrs. Harvey Houston gave a very fine paper. on "Wha t our women 'drivers' should know" .She stated, Let's first keep rer,'nmdng ourselves of on Friday evening With Mr. and. «, „ courtesy : Sunday visitors with family. the three (� s , care, with Mr, and Speed kills. Mrs. Mac ._ane and con -Mien sense.. SP .We •all are' aware that a. reason- Mrs.. Harvey Hodgins , and Glen and Kenneth and., Mrs. Margaret able speed in fine weather might. Jerome- were Mr. and 1VIrs. prove: disastrous on slippery paveinents.. , Never le a the Streabel, Mount: Clements, Mich., scene of skin n C1dent. ReportscoanYuac= Mr,rt- hand/ • ,esy in par ,g Mrs.: Frank •Elliott of , De- ident to office at •oYi6ee: 'We ,are :.girls,. and/11\11.s. James y p troit, •Mr: Si Mrs. Arnold Thomp_ son and family:, of Wingham., . Mr, and Mrs. Geo. ' Monk, and dawgh- tars' 'of” Goderich, Mr. and Mrs., Gordon McKinnon of Lansing, Rev. . and Mrs. Harry La Fortune of. Col lingWood,,. • • _.._. WDONESDAY, .MAX 9th, 1955: dine were Sunday visitors: ,with • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wall.. 1Mr.: and Mrs. Wilfred Congra,m•. and family of Wingharn. Visited and `Caroline,: Mrs Mac Nichol son, John and • Diane of 'Maar— ton, visited Thursday at Bert Nicho.lson's.' • 'Mrs. Charles Bonnett accom- panied other mernber's or her - family to Seaforth where they. .attended the ' tuner°al of a .rela- e r. • and Mrs, Don' 1VIcCosh, Susie are moving' .to the Emer- son house. • a1VLAiRrR�Ili1D Mrs. Malbel Leg - gat of Wingham and Mr. George Jacques . of Preston , were mar- ried quietly in the Presbyterian church -here. on Saturday, . May 5th, Rev. Caswell ,officiated, The couple • will live •in Preston,' Mrs. 'Gordon 'Sm'all ' of Toronto is visiting, her sister; Mrs.. Dune; MacGregor, this past' week. PLAN FOR .DEANERY RALL,BERE THIS' MONTH • On Thursday evening, : •May' 3rd, the ' ladies of the four con- gregations of St. Peter's Parish;. Met at ` the Rectory to make �.a Mary and Dick.of Purple Grove',driver's eyes are .on thetheroadspeed a and Mrs.,J.. W. Colwell visited all • ti�rnes, _ 0' alLerve: : Sunday' with Misses.. Ed"na and limit' always, Over the 50 miles May Boyle. • per hour speed you are not driv- • Mr. and Mrs, Norman Erb of ing, yeti. are aiming.:She ended Salem visited with Mi.,*.and Mrs. her' talk with. an • appropriate Charles' Bonnett. poem. The speaker was: thanked. Mr. Ralph Haldenby. of Clark- by Mrs. P. A Murray. The mot son•'saent` the week -end .with bis to Our life's. highway, was, rap - parents, Mr. and Mrs:. Wm E. Haldenby. ' ert., Use serenity in human not-. Mrs Jim Smith presided , at ure in Judging., others, reckless the May meeting of the Holyrood and, careless ,words about a •W.I. which was held in the driend tarnishes. ,Let us not lack. hall. xxst e werersW:...Sam—,comp,assion„..ci-:..•give hasty ,. ud...g Farmer and :Mrs, :Ed : Thompso'i nient dor, �rt -really `tennds to Te-', An invitationfrom the Lrucknow veal .an, undesirableness.in ,our- W.1;', ur-W:I: • to attend their meeting in selves.. Try to focus on people's the Recreation' Centre, June 8th, virtues, not on their .faults- Miss was`'accepted The June :meeting Sandra • 'Percy '•favored t'.with a 'Will be held ;: one week earlier solo "Old •New Brunswick Moon andwill be on .May' 31st at Mrs: Miss $arbara •-Murray of the Richard' Elliott's • home. Mrs. I "Holyrood Sleepy ''Time' 'Gals Frank . Thompson reported o'i', gave a splendid display on My the district directors, . Meeting 1'bedroom'' as k'see it now:; ith held• at• the home • of Mrs.; Cliff Lher :miniature bedroom. sonicely Hewitt; Bervie, Delegates were and prettily furnished showed i chosen to attend the District an- how;' color ' and matching` furnish'- nual meeting June .4th in Tiver- sings , made.Such' an • attractive ton; Mrs: Jim 'Smith, Mrs Tom lI room../Dainty. refreshments were Hodgins, Miss : May Boyle, • Mrs: served and a social time enjoy. • Lyman Sutton, Mrs, Ed' Thomp- . ed:' Son. Mrs. Roy Graham read from. ' :Mrs. John Stroeder and infant the Federated .News, Tentative son returned home •from Walker- plans .were tohave. our W::'L. ton hospital. P .• .. •branch represented' at' the• ban Mr; . and Mrs; Rex Stewart of quet at MacDonald' Hall;' Guelph, Millarton visited Sunday 'even - :ably !given by Mrs:.,Raynard Ack OId? Get Pep, Vim ,Feel Full .of Vigor; Years You-nger ENWOMEN o►do,e50wornDontbe out, all 1 t 1 in, exhausted. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets .Often needed after 40 — by body..,o1d, run- down b€'cause lacking iron; increases vim, • vigor, vitality: Thousands ;`eel full of pep, years younger, Quit being old. Get Ostrex today. Get-acquannted'•.size 'costs little.;Or' start with big popular "Economy" size and save 750. At an druggists. on' dune .19th when Mrs. Berry, ing With .Mr, arid Mrs. Bert Nich- A�C.W.W. president from Au- olson and family. tralia, now on :a.: world tour, . will on I Sunday afternoon' there be the guest speaker,M .rs.; Frank ,was a• service: of dedication' at Maulden .reported , on "' the Gar- den Club: The roll ' call was very piano which was installed; in the interesting. as -members related church' to 'replace the organ interesting highways, they had which has served`for many years travelled. Thank yous were re- in the worship service:: ceived from members who .had : , .,Mrs, Bert Nicholson, Allan, -been : remembered. A • skit, "Cot- Evelyn • and ` Karen ''visited 'Sun- to un .' ton' accessories '. for the Club day. afternoon.'with Mr. and Mrs _girl's bedoom" _was given by the Clayton . ,Nicholson and family, Westford Bedrrodrn Belles. This Ripley:' was well presented and "clearly ;Mr, and Mrs.' Alan Williams 'showed' the ` good that •the 4-H `,daughter , of Wingham called : on Club girls. receive from the tear- .friends here Sunday: Mrs. Alice 'Thompson & Keith and Mrs:. W. Lavelle returned' -to Kirkland Lake after visiting. with Mr;' and , Mrs.. Harvey Hod- ,gins od-,gins •and family here... • . ' the. Presbyterian, church: for the -. ham last week and Pauls;: Dungannon, ^ arid. Christ ed to . Wing and Mrs.. 'Jack Mitchell arid' Church, Porn Albert. ' , gram, :• commended' the ,girls • on • Mr, .�— • •''• • •.• • •' •. •• •,-• •• •'•'•.'e) •.• ••,'•. •;•. 3 for a three 'or • 14 !0 four year term• • 0 HEAD► ,OFFICE -=- LONDON, ONTARIO District Representative*E 14. AG,NEW, LUCKNOW • • . • • • • • • • 14e iii6a MONUMENTS 0 SK!LTCNI: MEMORIALS WALKERTOM o We are the only manufac= turers in this part of :Ontario of high class monuments vviio import granite fre n'the Old' Country in the rough by the carload and process from the .rough-' to ' the finished monument. No . middlleinan.. When ' Choosing' a monument come and see (t le of the largest selections ini Ontario.; Established over sixty years. " • Write or -phone Walkerton 8' 'and reverse charges. SKELTON- MEMORIALS *ALKERTON Marks 83rd, Birthday Mrs:. Catherine' Hewitt' of Kin loss was guest 'of. honor on Sun- day ,at. a dinner' at the .home of Mr. • • and Mrs. George Graham, it being the • occasion of her 83rd birthday (on Tuesday, Maly Spring flowers added to : the beauty, of • the dining 'room. Twenty-four: members _• '_of. her family, were present to enboy the happy occasion. Mrs. Hewitt en- joys splendid ;health,:'`: takes .;a' keen • interest in the• community, enjoys reading and • radio . pro- grams and ' has. crochetinras her hobby: In regent years 'she cam-` 1 -plated , ^a - -beautiful crocheter) table • cloth and three bedspreads, To this dear .lady: the commun itY extends heartiest congratula- tions. 3; There were fourA,tgenerations lireaent,' Mrs. Hewitt; her daugh- ter, Mrs. Albert Young (Kelso),; Mrs. Young's . daughter Ml's; D. Campbell- =--Dean--.Ydurigiw ,and her son• PaUl, Douglas Campbell, who this week also celebrates his birthday; • - Mr Darold Percy anti fall ily and Mr Bruce Orr• sent Stip-. day with Mr'. and , Mrs. W. Lapp and family at Wingham, Mr: and. Mrs.. Lorne 'Wall .and. John of Lucknow,• Mr. and. Mrs, Sack Schumacher .and Helen' of Cuirass and .Mr. Don obertson -an i •R an-- a . ..b`f-`far, 'i:ili rr�i .•.. ... HEARING ;AID con be Worn in a woman's hair, or clipped "to' a necktie •, Superb In Odty and Sensitivity; • Operates for Only About 104. a Week • New Oimi-Sire Earphone. tO•poy Moneli•tack " iynrnntes • EME,RrSON5 DRUG STORE. Phone .45,' oderich' , it • SHIP COLLECT .TQ,Our 'Registered Warehouse No, 1 WESTON, ONTARIO •; • Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Obtain saes: without charge' f"oro !-I H:EDLE — LIJCKNOW or by writing 7' r ANADIA i CO•••OPERATPVi% • • WOOL GROWERS:' LIMITED 21,7 Bay Street, Toronto. Canada • Se