HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-25, Page 11. ' b WEDNF DAZ,::. IS,, 85th,, 195Q: TtiEZUC• .,::. QWSENTP[EI;, 141.1 K,NQW, QNTARIQ Waterloo \Cattle I3r€edin.g.Associatjon 'l here. Better. Bulls Are Used IMPORTANTNOTICE' ri a . Calls, for e• _. - • , service will b •taken 7:30 to g �,• each day.from: Week clays,•gip A*IVI. . _ Y , as well as' Sundays for . the months of: • MAY, • . :JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and ' fIBMfR,Dur ng ihpe summer, mont _,s , the number of •service3. we have to,perforin are gielitly increased. This. 'will technician) to get'. started earlier in: -the.. --day. ' a er >�er in the d3 'We � find that �calls' ` _....; ,are: normally receivee lie' • the: summer, therefore Y � d garlter during we believe this, will be no hardship to anyone; , With our increase in volume of business, it hits' come necessary to `put acjditional li • 'has'. be. nes into sortie of our • of f><ces. This .required changes esin some of our tele hon •' "� `- pP e numbers. The foilow><n g .' tele hone numbers . 'are now . in effects. ' CLINTON,, phone Hunter 2-3441 PALMERSTON, phone 498 TARA,.. phone 138R2 GUELPH, phone .;237 ARTHUR, phone115 ' :KINCARMMtE �"h . ons11$::(I .. WATERLOO and KITCHENER,• Sherwood 2-8397 FORMOSA, 2 phones: ` Walkerton 887W2 or Mildmay . • : .. dmay :1.30R12: N • WEDDING BELLS , O'BRIEN—S1NNETT A wedding ceremony of inter- est to ' the . Kingsbridge district Was performed on Saturday,' Apr. 7th at ' 10 a,m, in: St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Icings- .bridge, by 'Rev, Fr. H. Van Vynckt, assisted, by Rev.' Edwin Garvey, C,S,B , . of Windsor, The church was •decoinated with '•daf- fodils, tulips, Easter lilies and hydrangea., The. +bride,• Marie Patricia Sin nett; is a daughter of Mrs,' Nora Sinnett •of 'Detroit and the late Edward Sennett .and the groom, Joseph Francis O'Brien of ^ Day- ton, Ohio, is a 'son .of . Mr.'; and. Mrs Joseph. "O'Brien . 'of • Ldbari- .Given in marriage .by Mr. 1-41-- lie Caird, of Milwaukee, the bride, carrying .a nosegay' of yellow roses, wore ,a" floor length gown' of chantilly lace' over sat- in, and net, Queen: Ann neckline, tfirigertip veil of tulle caught' to a matching lace cap outlined with seed pearls • Her 'bridesmaid was her sister, Shannon Sinnet of.Detroit; and I wore a ballerina ' length gown "of i orchid cry$taIlette with ` tiny rriatchin.g. flowered hat and car--. ried a basket of white carnations and mums'. Mary Rose Trierweil- er of Detroit,and niece, of• the bride, was flower. girl wearing.a Jar g blue. -n o, °clx:ess .- • p nniv skirt--aria-crinol,ene-. 'and .match-. ing flowers in her. hair. She car- ried • a tiny basket of white ` car- nations and- mums. . PAGE ELEVEN, Mr. ria Hastings of Dayton, Ohio, vas groomsman and the' ushers were James ,and Dennis Sinnett and John Doherty. Mr. Peter Lierman Was .organist and the choir sang the Easter. Mass. Mr. Raymond Dalton sang 'the' solos, "Panis °Angelecus" - and. "Bring Flowers of the Fairest", . • The dinner was •served in the Parish Hall and a reception was held at the 'home 'of the bride's Iaunt, Mrs, . J. O'Neil, for guests from, :Connecticut,, Bad Axe, ' New Jersey Da o vt n, Washington and;, Tillsontburg :as. well ..as. the sur.. rounding' .dtstr ict. DUNGANNQN • The Easter . Thankoffering of Erskine Presbyterian Church W.M.S, • was held . at the Manse in Lucknow last Thursday after-.. xoon.,Mrs. •Rblat..,Mc1>llister .pre- sided.: Mrs. Herb • Sttdthers 'offer- ed prayer after a .. psalm 'was read:. Mrs. 1V1cAllister took the topic, ' `'The Ressurrectro n Gibs - .pe ". Mrs. Arthur: Stewart' and Mrs: Herb Stothers sang a duet. The Glad Tlidings 'prayer : was give, Iby .Mrs. Oliver. • A' minute of silent, prayer was observed in Memory of a .valued menvber; Mrs J IJ. Reid, The roll call was answered by : 1.8 members, Guest speaker was. Miss Mary MacLeod of Lucknow,_ . Mrs. M. lL-lListPr,.-=MM.F-1-a Mrs. W. Wilson sang "a trio. Mrs Stothers elosed with pryer. Mrs Wallace 1VIc•Clean s.erved refresh- ments 0•," 1 .y. t id WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs: Scott Patterson- and att . erson: and farnily of Detroit, spent the week -end, with lMr. , Ken , Ratter-• • soti. • ffr.::and ;Mrs. Cecil Falconer 'have purchased': the 'property : of the• ' ' late .Mr.. Johr. Simplon of Whitecburc:j. Mr. '•Gordon Fisher is at plea- 'ent employed , at. Clarkson. • • The Easter. • Thankoffering meeting of the Whitechurch :Un- ited Church W.M.S. was held in the church'. on' Friday evening; April 20th. at 8.00 o'cldck, hav ing :.as. their "•guests'the W.M.S. ladies 'of Brick,' Don n.. . ybrook, St. :Helens ' and. Whitechurch Presby- terian churches. The ` meeting was. in' .chai•ge of.' Mrs. Jas: Fab. coner; the president. The .meet lag opened with, a . call' to, wor- ship,-. the hymn..: "0 Master let me .walk with. Thee'. was' sung.' The scrilptue was 'read: by Mfrs' Milan Moore.. Mrs. E. .Scholtz'. react a,poPm.• Mrs. rannes Falcon`. :ex . led in '. rrayer:. ''_.;iss Claire •Chamney:'sar.g, a •solo: Mrs. Al bert McQuillir gave a 'reading.,, • Mrs. H Jefferson•' sang .'a.'sol'o.. 1 A 'prayer., was• given ' by:'Mrs ...J: . J. Beecroft. 'Miss Caroline � . '� x Wel- ood of Wingham showed cher pictures. on her recent trip to Trinidad, which everyone : 'en- joyed. Mrs: 'Rice of St.' Helens sang •a' solo The hymn, "Take up,;. Thy Cross"' w:as sung.. Rev; Mr '.; Watt closed ' .the ' 'meeting l with prayer,' after which a soc- ial 'half hour was spent. • Mr. and ' :Mrs.Or.ville Mitchell, Gordon and • Eleanor of Toronto spent the -week=end with Mr•8„ Mrs. William Henry , and other friends. `: • r -j f v: BERING B!l1LDlNG 36' x 26'--936 sq. ' ft."•. IHERVS THE "filacDONALDr.. 'THE MOST POPULAR OF ALL THE MANY. d 'e PREFABRICATED 'HOMES : This home ' is styled • in the popular Ranch House design. It has well-planned` large rooms, beautiful picture windows, sweeping horizontal lines and nd provisiorr-_for, p fO#ure:.breeze- and garage my C-AI~4 IA prefuisrc�tlon met o s can ' give • these features plus amazing speed' of erection ands• n„• matched economy. With Low,, Monthly Payments AVAILABLE UNDER VARIOUS PURCHASE . PLANS AS;; .LOW AS. . PENtAFLE C ' '1 -COAT HOUSE, `PAIN' ;.. MOORE'SHC3U PAIN ,_.w_: PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL Balance on ecnvenient m 00, ° DOWN age plan V• . 96 MAIN ST. N. c"..T'"92 CH, .. 1 752•l .. T Canada's Largest Manufacturer of Prefabricated Homes •